InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Will You Miss Me? ❯ Breakfast time& First Day ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter4 Breakfast Time
Sango and kagome made their way down to a table full of food.Kagome almost died she hadn't eatin in days.But she knew it was rude to eat with her master,she had to wait til after he was done. So she stood there looking at her feet while Miroku,Inuyasha and Intasho ate breakfast.Sango had left into the kitchen with Kaede the cook.Kagome stood there deep in thought, thinking about last night with her and Inuyasha and started to blush just by thinking about it.Inuyasha had looked up and saw her going into thought himself.
What could she be thinking it has to be good if shes blushing.Shes so beautiful her hair in a ponytail with a bow.That Kimono is kinda short, but i can see her legs their the color of cream their long and firm.
At that time Kagome had came back to reality and looked at inuyasha and to find him staring at her with a big smile plastered on his face smothered with drowl.Kagome started to blush even more and she was redder than ever.
Miroku being the perv he was had looked at the too and started to smile. Miroku was a lech thinking kagome was standing right next to her chair, he had an idea. Kagome had felt something sneak up her leg and going toward her special spot. Inuyasha had snapped out of the trance kagome put on him and noticed a weird look on kagomes face and seen mirokus hand up her kimono.
"Miroku"Inuyasha sreamed ïm gonna kill you"Inuyasha got up and ran after miroku cause miroku took off running.
"Sango"kagome called into the kitchen
"oh can i come in?"
"Sure come in"
"Where is master miroku and lord inuyasha?"
"Ah!"I have no clue"
"oh well"
Kagome and sango ate and went to do their daily chores.Kagome went to tend to the garden while sango tended to the house work.
With Kagome
"Ah its a wonderful day"Kagome said to herself but little did she know inuyasha was watching her up in a tree. Kagome had bent down to smell a flower when her ass was facing inuyasha and he fell out of the tree with a thump.Kagome turned aroung and saw inuyasha laying on the ground. She ran to him.
"Master inuyasha" she yelled "Are you alright, did you fall out of the tree?"
"Ah NO! I was checking the soil!" he said quickly
"oh ok I was just making sure you were ok" she said
"Im ok i guess"he said
"What are you doing out here anyway master? "
"Oh so i have to have a reason to go outside into my own garden!"he yelled
"Well sorry i was just asking"she snickered
He walked away acting like he was going back to the castle and when she turned he jumped back into the tree. And watched her the rest of the day.When she left he still stayed there and watched the moon.The thing he liked about the tree the most was it had a view right into kagomes room. tonight she had left the window open and he was able to watch her sleep for a while.