InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Windows on the West ❯ Truth is a Harsh Mistress ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Truth is a Harsh Mistress

Disclaimer:  I do not own the characters of Inuyasha.


Once again, Sesshoumaru stood facing his half-brother, Kagome by his side, as the dead one stood by Inuyasha's.

They had stopped for the day in a small clearing, and were just getting comfortable, when the hanyou's pack stumbled on them, and within seconds, Kikyou stood with bow drawn, arrow pointed at Kagome.

Sesshoumaru would never allow that shot to leave the bow, however, and before anyone could even blink, he had disarmed her.  That led to the tense stand-off they were now in, though it was interesting to note that as soon as she had done what she had, the slayer and the monk, as well as the fire-cat, had abandoned Inuyasha's side, and moved to stand at Kagome's.  Inuyasha was dumbstruck at Kikyou's move, however...

He growled, interrupting the tense silence.  “What the fuck, Sango, Miroku?!”

Before they could say a word, Sesshoumaru spoke, his tones scathing, icy.  “They should be asking you that question, half-breed.”  Disgusted, he turned his deadly gaze on the clay woman at his side.  “Why do you still attempt this miko's death?”

Kikyou stared at him hatefully, though she knew better than to not answer – as long as he carried Tenseiga, he could end what was left of her life – at least until... “I wish for my soul to be returned to me.  Only then may I live again.”
Gasps were heard from everyone in both groups, even Inuyasha, though Sesshoumaru and Kagome were not surprised.

Kagome was surprised, however, by his next words.

“You are as much a fool dead, as you were alive.  You have your full soul already.  Kagome is not your reincarnation - she merely carried your soul with hers, because of the Shikon no Tama.”  The disgust in his eyes turned to icy amusement at her shocked look.  “And even were that not so, killing her would avail you nothing.  Her soul-”  he emphasized that with acid tones,  “-would merely move on to its next incarnation, not to a past one.  Second – you are dead, and even with more of a soul, would remain dead.  Did not Urasue return others to such an undead state?”

Raising shocked eyes from Kikyou, Kagome started.  “Hey!  That's right!  Remember that one girl, the one that was a potter, that Urasue reanimated?  And that guy?  They both had their full souls – and they were still clay!”

Eyes narrowing with hatred, Kikyou spat at Sesshoumaru,  “You lie!”

“This one has no need to lie.  Truth is better – she is a harsh mistress, and the distress she causes to you makes it all the sweeter for this Sesshoumaru.”  There was a dark enjoyment of her upset in his voice; it was clear to everyone there that he spoke the truth, and quite happily, too.

Inuyasha had been staring at her, aghast, from the moment she had spoken of her reasons for the attempt on Kagome, and it was clear to his brother, at least, that the truth was finally becoming clear to him.

Too little, too late, however – the miko traveled with him now.

“Kikyou,”  he said softly, a pained expression on his face.  “You... you really did try to kill Kagome that day... didn't you?”  It was truly a rhetorical question at this point, because it was obvious that she had.  He turned his gaze away from her, and looked at Kagome with regret written all over his face.  

“I'm so sorry... that I didn't believe you, I mean,”  he whispered.

Kikyou glared hatefully at him, but he ignored her, keeping his eyes on Kagome.  She gazed back at him sadly.

“I'm sorry you had to find out, Inuyasha.  I didn't want you to,”  she sighed.  She flushed as everyone's gazes fell on her.

Sesshoumaru was the one to speak.  “You preferred him not to know the truth?  Why?”

Kagome shook her head, then looked at the twilit sky.  “Because he loves Kikyou, even though she, as she is now, isn't really worthy of that love.  I didn't want him to be hurt again, any more than she already has.  He doesn't deserve it.”

I disagree with her about that, but I am not surprised to hear that answer.  As for her thoughts on the undead one, she is correct – she is worthy of nothing.

The daiyoukai was interested to note a knowing chuckle coming from the monk, and as he turned his gaze on him, he took in the slayer's accompanying smile.  “You are not surprised at her answer, either.”  It was not a question.

Miroku shook his head.  “No... Kagome wants what she has always wanted-”  he glanced at Inuyasha, who flushed guiltily, almost looking like he wanted to cry,  “-Inuyasha's happiness.”

“She has always been this way,”  Sesshoumaru said, acknowledging her nature.

“Yes.  Kagome gives with her whole heart, holding nothing back.  Her love is unconditional.”  Sango nodded at Miroku's words.

Inuyasha, who was still looking pained, turned to Kikyou.  “Go, Kikyou.  Just... stay away.  I'll still avenge your death, but... I won't be following you anywhere.  The Kikyou I knew would never have done what you have obviously-”  he glanced at Kagome sorrowfully,  “-tried to do more than once.  I was a fool to ever doubt Kagome's words.”

Kikyou glared hatefully at the entire group, but the moment she tried to say something, Sesshoumaru cut her off.  “You were told to leave.  Do so.”  His words were stark, uncompromising; she knew if she didn't do as told, he would strike her down with no hesitation.

She turned on her heel and disappeared, her shinidamachu following behind faithfully.  Inuyasha refused to watch her leave.

Sango squealed happily into the thick silence, turning to hug Kagome.  “This means you can come back to us, Kagome-chan!”  she cried happily.

Her words fell like stones into the quiet; Kagome looked away uncomfortably, not really surprised that she didn't want to return to things as they had been, and hoping that the daiyoukai would not push her to go – after all, he had said they would continue to travel together permanently.  With a quick glance at a so-far silent Shippo as he and Rin clung to each others hands, it was apparent he felt the same.

“The miko and her kit will continue to travel with this Sesshoumaru.”

Inuyasha's eyes narrowed, but contrary to what Kagome thought he would do, he didn't immediately start yelling.  “Shouldn't that be her choice, Sesshoumaru?”  he asked, his voice hard.

The daiyoukai cocked a brow at his brother, then looked at Kagome.  “Miko?”

Kagome flushed almost guiltily, but said,  “I... I want to stay with Sesshoumaru-sama.”  At her friend's shocked looks, she elaborated.  “There's... some things that you guys don't know, and...”  she trailed off, not sure she really wanted to explain.

Sango jumped right in.  “Like what, Kagome-chan?  Is it Inuyasha?”  She glared over at the hanyou.  “Because of what happened before with Kikyou, you don't think you would be safe?”

“No, no, that's not it!  It's...”  she shrugged and glanced almost helplessly at Sesshoumaru.

“The miko is no longer bound to the life of a human.  She will live one like to my own,”  he said bluntly, ignoring the shocked gasps,  “And while she may not be concerned with her safety in Inuyasha's care, I do not hold such faith in the hanyou.  She will continue to travel with me,”  he once more reiterated.

“If I may,”  Miroku asked,  “How did such a thing come to pass?”

The inference was clear; they believed it was something that Sesshoumaru had done to Kagome.

“Guys, no!”  Kagome gasped, horrified.  “It's not his fault!  Remember Kaguya?”

At everyone's confused nods, she continued.  “When she took me after I was hit by that arrow-”  she carefully didn't look at Inuyasha as she said that, though she did note Sesshoumaru's aura flare in irritation,  “-she told me she wanted to swallow me like she had the real celestial maiden, because I was immune to the effects of time.  When I told Sesshoumaru-sama about that, he realized what we never did – I'm not going to age and die.  To confirm it, he took me to a wisewoman... and he was right.  I'm going to pretty much look the same a thousand years from now, as I do right this minute.”

Sesshoumaru wasn't really listening to her words; he knew what she was speaking of already.  He was, however, watching his brother very closely, and his hackles rose sharply when he noticed the instant interest in his eyes the moment he heard that Kagome's lifespan was drastically different to any human's.

His eyes narrowed in suspicion.  So... you seem most interested to learn that the miko will live so long, Inuyasha.  Why is that, I wonder?  His thoughts all carried a sarcastic bent – he was almost positive he knew exactly what the hanyou found so interesting.  Before, you wanted the undead miko, and not Kagome, but now, her agelessness makes her the better choice as a mate?  As if I would allow such a dishonor.  

 No... he would never allow such a thing to come to pass.  He would have to keep a very close watch on his half-brother.  That meant, unfortunately... “You will all travel with this one.”  Keep your allies close, and your enemies even closer...

Dead silence met that statement for several long moments.  Then... “Sesshoumaru-sama... may I ask why you would deem such a thing necessary?”  Miroku asked delicately, while Inuyasha stared almost appraisingly at his brother.  “It is well known that you do not... care for the presence of humans.”

Sesshoumaru glanced at the monk quickly, then turned his gaze on Kagome, who was staring at him with a rather dubious expression.  “Sesshoumaru-sama,”  she said slowly,  “he's right.  I mean, you don't enjoy being around Inuyasha, and he doesn't like being around you.”  She stepped closer to him, almost forgetting the others in the clearing in her concern.  “I don't want you to do something that would bother you – I'd rather go with them alone than see that.”

As much as he still didn't understand the reason that she would have such concern for him, one who had wronged her several times, he wasn't surprised any longer at her obvious desire to not see him uncomfortable in any way.  

He held her gaze, considering her words.  After a moment, he said,  “The annoyance of being subjected to Inuyasha is of no concern, miko.  They will travel with us.  The battle with Naraku fast approaches – combining together is a sound tactical decision.”  He glanced at Inuyasha, golden eyes glittering coldly, then turned his eyes back to her.  “That, however, is not the most important reason.  This one does not trust him – he, and his association with the undead one make him a danger to you, and though he has turned from her for now, he inevitably acts a fool when in her presence.  His propensity for such foolishness will not be allowed to endanger you or any part of my pack.”

His statement was met with stunned silence by Sango and Miroku, and silent anger by Inuyasha.  Kagome, however, just smiled softly at him, not as surprised at his statement as she would have been mere weeks ago.  He was not nearly as cold as he made himself out to be, and she was truly honored that he would protect her in such a manner.

“Are you certain, Sesshoumaru-sama?”

“Aa.  This one does not say things he does not mean.”  He turned his head to look at Inuyasha, then.  “No harsh words, hanyou?  No yelling, or threats?”

Everyone turned to look at the oddly subdued Inuyasha, every single one of them wondering the same thing.  

 Inuyasha simply stared at his brother, an odd light in his eye, the distrust in his expression visible to all – but it was also clear that his brother's words had hit home.  He did act foolish when it came to Kikyou, he couldn't deny it... and so, as badly as he felt about what he'd done to Kagome by refusing to trust her, he decided to go along with his brother's plans – for now.

“Naw.  As much as we hate each other, Naraku would never expect us to team up against him like this – and anything that upsets that bastard's plans works for me.”  The hanyou shrugged.   “I guess I just hate him more than I hate you.  I can put up with your frozen ass for a little while.”

Kagome scowled at him.  “Inuyasha, language!  There are children here – I don't care if you hate your brother, if you hang around, then you'll keep a civil tongue in your head, or else.”

She nodded sharply as his ears flattened to his head, then looked at her other friends and clapped her hands together firmly.  “Well, I guess we'd better get camp set up, then, ne?”  With that, she began chivying everyone into tasks of one sort or another, the only bump coming when Inuyasha argued against her ordering him around.

“Inuyasha, she is the alpha female of this pack.  You will be silent, and do as she says.”  That was all Sesshoumaru said... but his brother stared at him in shocked disbelief.

He's naming her as his alpha female?  Surely he can't mean...

No.  That's absurd.  She's human, and he hates humans.  He's just messing with me...

Isn't he?


A/N:  Now I wonder what has Inuyasha's panties in an uproar, hmm?


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