InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Windows on the West ❯ The True Meaning of Protection ( Chapter 37 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
The True Meaning of Protection

Disclaimer:  I do not own the characters of Inuyasha.


Kagome smiled up at her alpha, a happy lightness in her step as they neared the village where all her friends now resided.  Inuyasha had finally tracked them down in their isolation, because he wanted her to be there for his wedding – the wedding that would take place that very day just at sunset.

And she couldn't be happier for him and Kimi – her joy for them was obvious, and, had she but known it, was the only reason Sesshoumaru was allowing her to attend.  Because it was clear that she had no jealousy or hurt over his half-brother being with another, it allowed him to know that her feelings were definitely not still bound up in the boy as more than a friend, or brother.  

Still, he had made it clear that he himself would not be attending – he would leave the pack in her care as alpha, with Jaken as backup.  He had someplace to be... and someone to confront.

While curious about who that could be, Kagome had taken it in stride, and was perfectly content to watch over the children while he was gone.  When they finally came to a halt, she spoke before he could turn and leave.

“When will you return, Sesshoumaru-sama?”  Kagome asked.

“I will return no later than this evening, miko,”  he replied, cutting a glance at his brother's snort and rolled eyes.

“Keh!  Still the same old Sesshoumaru,”  Inuyasha muttered, arms folded over his chest and nose in the air.

Kagome just shook her head.  “Then I'll need to pick a campsite, I suppose.  Any preferences?”

Ignoring his brother's antics, he met her gaze gently.  “Yes.  Return to the clearing near the well.  The campsite should still be easy to prepare, since we were settled there for so long, and it has only been a few months.”

With a nod, she smiled once more, knowing he was preparing to leave.  “Okay.  Then we'll see you this evening.  Return safely, Sesshoumaru-sama,”  she said softly, something in her tone catching his attention.  He stared at her, hoping to catch a clue as to what it was, but the moment was lost when Inuyasha broke in.  

“Fine, go, leave already, Sesshoumaru.  Kagome'll be fine – I'd never let anything happen to her.”

That caused a reaction, as the elder inu turned a narrow-eyed glare on his brother.  “Perhaps, Inuyasha – at least, not now that the dirt miko is gone, ne?”

Inuyasha blanched at that, and Kagome frowned.  “Don't worry about that, it was a long time ago.  And besides... I'm not the helpless little girl I used to be. We'll be fine.”

“Hn.”  He turned his gaze once more on Kagome, and then after a moment, he stepped away, and turning, gathered his light around him, then shot away, gone between one breath and the next.  She stared after him almost wistfully for a moment, and then turned with a sigh and smiled at the rest of the group.  

“So... why don't we go set up camp while Inuyasha goes to get ready for his wedding?”  she asked, clapping her hands together as Rin and Shippo nodded excitedly.  

Inuyasha shot her a look, blushing at her words as Shippo laughed at him, before he turned away and headed for the village, a grumbled “Feh” hovering in the air behind him.  Kagome chuckled and turned away, leading her little pack to the path to the well quite cheerily.  


When Sesshoumaru returned, later that evening as he'd said he would, he found a village in an uproar, despite the feast going on – and a wedding that had been barely finished before it had been interrupted.

He also found a very upset miko – one who was trying very hard to keep her emotions under control and soothe and calm the rest of their little pack.

It seemed that a particular dragon youkai had been passing very close to the village when he'd sensed Kagome – and her power.  This dragon was very bitter and full of hatred towards miko, and had immediately attacked, wanting to do nothing more than destroy what he considered a threat – Kagome.

In the immediate chaos that his attack had engendered, Kagome had done exactly what she had sworn to do – protect her pack.  But she had been unable to completely destroy the youkai – because she felt sorry for him.  

“Why do you pity this dragon that attacked you and wanted your death?”  he asked her, after pulling her away to speak to her in some form of calm atmosphere.

She sighed, looking very uncomfortable, and tilted her head towards the ground.  “Because... I could feel his emotions raging in his youki.  He's grieving – something happened, something caused by a miko, and it's unbalanced him.  I... just couldn't...”  she trailed off, and then a tear slipped down her cheek.  “But, I know I have to kill him, because he'll come back.  He won't stop until he kills me – and he won't care who else he kills to do it.”

At that statement, Sesshoumaru froze.  Yes, under normal circumstances, he would definitely agree that she needed to finish her opponent off, and would have taken her to task for not doing so to begin with.  If she had been youkai, he probably would have disciplined her.  But she wasn't... and with her soft heart, it was inevitable that this had happened in the way that it had.

She had even kept Inuyasha from tracking the dragon down and finishing him, but now, had admitted that she knew that he would have to be finished off, or they risked the lives of their pack.

But he knew in that moment, looking into her grief-stricken eyes, that he would not force her to do this thing.  Instead, he would do it for her.  Because if she were to do what she thought had to be done, it would harm her heart... and he never wanted to have that happen.  

“Do you have something to protect, Sesshoumaru?”

His father's infamous last words... and it was just now coming to him, what they'd truly meant.  Protection didn't stop at just her body.  If he wanted her to remain as she was, he would have to protect her heart, and soul, as well.

It was a duty... but not an onerous one, he decided, and so he reached up and wiped her tear away with his finger.  As her eyes widened in surprise, he said,  “This one is alpha, Kagome.  As alpha, it is my duty to take care of you in all ways.  To do this thing would damage you-”  he touched his hand gently to her heart,  “-here.  I would be remiss as alpha if I allowed such a thing to happen.  Go back to the village, and join the feast that is still going on - I will track this dragon and take care of this matter myself.”

Eyes shocked at his manner stared into his own – but he did not see any sign of rejection of his touch.  It appeared that she welcomed it, if her hand coming up to tentatively lay over his on her chest meant anything.

It gave him hope that her heart was not beyond his grasp.  

But now was not the time to think on such a thing, instead, it was time to go track down and destroy the one who had attacked his pack.  He would never allow a danger to them to live.

With a little push, he sent Kagome back towards the village, and when she reached the outskirts of it, he turned his head and began to track the youkai's scent.

He growled a little as his eyes hazed red.

While Kagome might have a problem killing the dragon, he, Sesshoumaru, would not.

She was his to protect, and he was pleased that it was so.

Killing those that attempted to harm her was part of that – a part he would, truthfully, enjoy.  Capable of love he may be, as he'd found out, but he was still a predator, and one who did not like others trying to destroy what was his.  



A/N:  See?  He's learning... and as for his mysterious visit?  Don't worry, it's explained in the next chapter.  Now, I don't want people thinking that now this story is going to start moving faster.  As in, Sesshoumaru's gonna go all dominant dog and just jump Kagome and get it over with.  Nope.  I don't see him that way – he would be the type to take his time to do things right, even courting.  So... things like this chapter happen.  Where she is beginning to see something new in his manner to her.  

Besides... if I all of a sudden made it so fast, the story would be over.  I'm not ready for that.


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