InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Windows on the West ❯ Branded with His Crest ( Chapter 42 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Branded With His Crest

Disclaimer:  I do not own the characters of Inuyasha.



Kagom e was jerked from her thoughts by Rin's sweet voice, and she glanced down at her and Shippo, who was walking at her side.  The two were pretty much inseparable, and she thought it was absolutely adorable.  Not that she would ever say anything, of course... she didn't want to embarrass the kids, after all.

“Yes, Rin?”  she asked.

“Do you know where we are going?”  came the question.  

She blinked.  “Why do you ask, Rin?”  she responded, curious.  Rin had never asked that before in all their time wandering around the countryside.  

“Well, normally, we just wander around, right?  But this time... Sesshoumaru-sama is different.  He is taking us someplace, not just anyplace,”  the little girl replied, and Shippo nodded in agreement.

“Yeah, Kagome.  And the only time we were going somewhere important, to that town, he told us.  This time he hasn't said anything.”

The miko couldn't help but look up to the front of the group at the graceful figure of the daiyoukai they all followed.  His beautiful silver hair that wasn't really quite silver, but was almost iridescent swaying from side to side with his stride hypnotized her for a moment, and she didn't come back to herself until she heard Shippo clear his throat.

“Oh!”  she said, blushing a little,  “I'm not sure.  But you're right, it seems he has somewhere specific in mind.  I suppose we'll see when we get there.”  Hoping to take their minds off their questions, Kagome instituted a game of I Spy, and let them go, then slipped into her own thoughts once more as her eyes gravitated back to Sesshoumaru.

I wonder where we're going, too.  It's pretty unusual for him to take us somewhere specific, and without saying anything.  But he's been really quiet since that night at the well – her eyes narrowed a little – except for that meeting with Kuranoske... but I didn't say anything that could make him upset that day..

Did I do or say something to upset him at the well?

A pang of unhappiness hit her heart at that thought, and she frowned, going back over their conversation from that night they spent sitting against the well.  I can't seem to think of anything... and he seemed content that night – not upset.  So...

She was so lost in her thoughts that she hadn't noticed Sesshoumaru come to a halt until she almost walked into him, and Rin grabbed her hand to stop her.  As he looked at her over his shoulder with a cocked brow, she flushed, lowering her head to stare at the ground in embarrassment.  

“Gomen, Sesshoumaru-sama,” she said softly,  “I wasn't paying attention.  It won't happen again.”

“There was no harm done, miko.  Even had you bumped into me, there would have been no harm, so your embarrassment is unnecessary.”  He gestured for her to step around him, and said,  “You wished to know where we were going.”  Pointing to the small valley that they were standing at the head of, he indicated the village that filled the lower end.  “This is our destination.  It is a village of youkai, rather than humans.”

Kagome gasped as her eyes widened, and she stared with fascination down into the medium-sized village.  “I didn't know there was such a thing!”  she said, her excitement visible in her expression, and he inclined his head.  

“Not many do, and almost none of those are humans, for obvious reasons.  This is a place none of you may speak of outside our pack, is that clear?”  he said sternly, and they all nodded solemnly.  “Good.  Then come.”  With that, he turned back and continued on, leading their small group to the edge of the village.

When they reached the outskirts, a large party of youkai intercepted them, bowing obsequiously to the Western Lord, all while eyeing those at his back.  After a few moments, one of the youkai, a hawk, stepped forward and spoke deferentially.

“Sesshoumaru-sama, it is an honor.  Is there something we can do for you?”  he asked, all while ignoring those with the daiyoukai.

The inu Lord watched him for a few moments, and then said,  “I have some purchases I wish to make.”

“Very well, my Lord, this way.”  He bowed again to Sesshoumaru, and then looked with suspicion on Kagome.  “But your... captive, may not enter the village,”  he said,  “she must stay here under guard.”

Every one of the youkai before Sesshoumaru suddenly cowered as his youki rose, his eyes flashing crimson for an instant.  “You are mistaken, hawk,”  he said icily.  “The miko is not my captive, she is the alpha female of my pack, and you are very close to losing your head for the insult to me and mine.”

Gasps came from the villagers as they stared in shocked disbelief at the daiyoukai.  The spokesman recovered first, and his manner changed completely.  He turned to Kagome and bowed deeply.  “I apologize, my lady!  We did not know of Sesshoumaru-sama's marriage!”

Instantly, Kagome blushed and stuttered, waving her hands at the male.  “Oh!  No, no... we aren't married...  Sesshoumaru-sama wouldn't marry a human!”  she got out, not daring to look at him.

“B-but... did he not say you are his alpha female?”  the hawk asked, bewildered.

Kagome finally gathered the courage to look at Sesshoumaru, confused.  “Why does he think that, you... that I... well, just because I'm the alpha female?  I don't understand.”

Sesshoumaru tilted his head as he answered.  “Usually, the alpha female of the pack is the mate of the alpha male.  It is not unheard of, however, that a situation such as ours is seen.”

Oh, Kagome thought.  I see.  Until he takes a wife... I'm the alpha only by default.  She pushed away the hurt  that thought engendered.  Looking back to the still confused villagers, she sighed.  “I suppose you could say I'm the alpha female by default, since I'm the only adult female in his pack.  I'm... simply holding the place until he chooses a fitting wife, that's all.”

The looks of confusion lifted from the villagers faces, but Sesshoumaru turned his head slightly and eyed her.

“You are mistaken, Kagome.  You are alpha female because I chose you to be.  And you will always be alpha female of my pack – that will not change, ever.”  With that stunning declaration, he turned back to the hawk.  “Do you still refuse my pack entrance?”  he asked dangerously, and the villagers shrank back, while their spokesman shook his head.

“No, Sesshoumaru-sama, you may all enter, and welcome.”  With that, he disbursed the crowd, and Sesshoumaru moved forward stiffly, making sure his aura remained heavy in warning.  He would tolerate no disrespect, or threats, by word or by deed to his pack, nor his miko.

The message was received loud and clear by everyone in the vicinity – if they showed any impertinence, their village would disappear, and that settled the matter, not a single one saying a word out of place that day.

Totally embarrassed, Kagome couldn't bring herself to look at anyone, until Sesshoumaru came to a halt and caught her chin in his hand, bringing her gaze up to his firmly.  “You will not be submissive before anyone save this Sesshoumaru, Kagome.  Do not lower your gaze to anyone here.”  He held her gaze sternly for a moment until she nodded, and then he let her go.  “Now, come.  There are things this one desires to procure.”

He turned and walked off, and Kagome did as told, following him to wherever it was that he was taking her without any questions.  The children and Jaken and Ah-Uhn, as well, traipsed along behind her in rank and file, leaving no doubts in the minds of anyone in the village that she was, indeed, the alpha female of the Western Lord's pack.

It wasn't long before Sesshoumaru stopped in front of a certain shop.  “Jaken, you are responsible for Rin and the kit.  Do not disappoint me.”  To the croak of his retainer's assurances, he glanced at Kagome out of the corner of his eye, and motioned for her to precede him into the shop.

She did, looking around in awe at the room she stepped into.  There was silk draped over every surface in the room, walls included, and the colors were unlike anything she'd ever seen, even in her own time.  She wondered how the Feudal Era could produce anything like this... and then she caught sight of the female that entered from a room in the back, and understood.

She was a spider youkai, and she was spinning the cloth from her own silk... It's all so beautiful... but why are we here?  Does he need more clothing for himself or something for the children, maybe?

The female bowed to them both, and then addressed Sesshoumaru.  “My shop is honored by your presence, Sesshoumaru-sama.  How may I serve you?”  she asked, her voice airy and light.

He gestured to Kagome.  “The miko needs clothing like what she wears now – but with my crest patterned on the shoulders and sleeves of each one,”  he said curtly, and Kagome gasped.  

“But... Sesshoumaru-sama, why?  You just bought me all these clothes such a short while ago!”  

Her reaction was nothing to the surprise of the spider, however, though she was quick to hide it, and Kagome's eyes narrowed on her, suddenly wondering.  What's going on?  Obviously, his actions have some sort of meaning.  He bought me all those clothes before, but they didn't have to have his crest.  So why now?  What's changed?

“Sesshoumaru-sama?”  she said, her voice questioning.  He continued to look at the female spider youkai, but answered her unspoken question.  

“We will speak of the reasons for your wardrobe change at another time, miko, when we are able to speak privately.  Now is not the time.”  He addressed the spider when Kagome nodded,  “How long will it take you to provide what I need?”

“How many sets of clothing will you need in this style?”  she asked, gesturing to the clothing Kagome was currently attired in.

“Five sets should be enough for now,”  he decided after a moment.

“Then I will have them ready for you this afternoon, my Lord.  Any particular colors?”  she asked, her manner now professional.

“Choose only those that will suit her coloring.  I will leave the specifics to you,”  he said, though it was obvious in his tone that she had better not disappoint him.

The woman nodded and looked at Kagome.  “Will the honorable lady agree to stay here so that I may choose those best suited to her?”

After a glance at Sesshoumaru to see if it was okay, Kagome nodded.  “Uhm, sure, I don't mind.”

Sesshoumaru inclined his head in approval.  “This one has other things to procure, miko.  I will return here later to retrieve you.”  With that, he turned and left, and Kagome looked at the woman uncertainly.  

“Is there anything you want me to do?”  she asked slowly.

“No, Lady, just remain where you are, and I will bring the fabrics to you to see how they will look.  I will choose from that, and then begin to make the qipao and leggings from there,”  she responded cordially, and Kagome nodded agreeably.

In a whirlwind of colored silk, she watched in fascinated awe as the female worked her magic, and by the time her alpha returned, she was wearing one of her new outfits, his crest proudly displayed in the exact same position on shoulders and sleeves as his own clothing, though this particular qipao was in a sapphire blue – and the pattern was inverted, displayed in color on white, rather than white on color, as his was.

He studied her silently for several moments, his eyes sweeping over her with a strangely possessive and pleased expression in them that had her heart beating faster, and then he reached into his obi and pulled out a bag of coin, handing it to the proprietress of the shop.  

“This one is pleased with your work.  We will return here if new garments are needed.”
He turned on his heel and exited the shop, his,  “Come, miko,”  hovering in the air behind him.  Kagome hurried to follow, after thanking the youkai woman sweetly and receiving a bow in response.

Ah-Uhn was stationed right outside the door, and Jaken hurried inside the shop to retrieve the rest of the clothing.  Once he returned, the package was loaded swiftly onto the dragon along with several others, and then Sesshoumaru led the procession once more out of the village.

Every eye was plastered to them as they left, and Kagome once again wondered....

What the heck is going on?

She looked down at her clothing and then over at Jaken, who was stealing surreptitious glances at her, and narrowed her eyes.  

Wearing his crest means something, I just know it! But what...?

Sesshoumaru, walking regally ahead of them, was well aware of her curiosity, and smirked internally.  Just a little longer, miko... and then we will speak of why I branded your clothing with my crest, and many other things.

He could hardly wait.


A/N:  Dang that was a LONG one!  

Hope everyone enjoys it in all it's long glory...


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