InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Windows on the West ❯ The Heart of the West ( Chapter 48 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
The Heart of the West 48

Disclaimer:  I do not own the characters of Inuyasha.


It had been a little over a week since they had left the shrine where his father's spirit rested, and Sesshoumaru was patiently waiting for some answer from his father on the question he had asked him.

That didn't, however, mean that he was doing nothing to find his answers on his own - after escorting his brother and his wife back to their village, he had turned towards the West once more, and headed for the enchanted glade that lay at the heart of his lands.

It was there that his best chance for answers lay – at least, in this realm.

This was a journey that had great meaning for him – in more ways than one.  Every male heir of his line always made a journey to the center of the West when the time came to take a mate – she had to be introduced to the living manifestation of the Western Lands, the great tree youkai, Bokuseno.

It was another thing his father had instilled in him, besides courtship rites – his sacred duty to the Western Lands.  They, the silver inuyoukai, were the guardians of a secret that none save his house knew any longer – the lands were living beneath their feet, and in the heart of those lands, their consciousness dwelt.  Bokuseno was not simply a magnolia youkai – he was literally the face and voice of the Western lands of Japan.

As his mate-to-be, Kagome would now be entrusted with the secret he protected, as well.  

Until Rin, until Kagome, the only thing he'd ever been interested in protecting had been his inheritance – his lands.  And he had, viciously.  He always would.  But his horizons had now broadened, and he knew that Bokuseno would be pleased about that.  Bokuseno would also be pleased to meet Kagome, and see exactly who it was that he had chosen to protect.

He was very aware that the fact that she was human wouldn't disturb the old tree at all, and while that had made him think Bokuseno a fool at one time, at least in that matter, that was no longer the case.

For if such a thing made one a fool, then he would gladly be a fool.


Kagome was extremely curious.

Since they'd left Inuyasha and Kimi in the village, Sesshoumaru had been solemn, his behavior indicating that the journey they were now on was very important to him.  But he hadn't said a word to her or anyone else about it, and so she could only speculate endlessly, until he finally chose to tell her – if he ever chose to tell her.

She hoped he would – she wanted to know the things that were important to him, because she wanted to know him.  He was a very contained individual, and it took proximity and time to get to know him.  It wasn't like most people, where conversation would gain a person insight into another; no, instead, observation was the key with the daiyoukai.  

Kagome, as a very empathetic person, was naturally very observant about those around her, and their states of mind.  That was why she was so keenly aware that something of importance to Sesshoumaru was happening – he had an air of repressed excitement that was very telling, especially coming from someone who was normally so calm and stoic.  Oh, not that it was easily noticeable – most people wouldn't realize there was any difference.  But she had been with him for some time now, and just like Rin, had learned to read his moods.

At this time, he was very definitely excited, in a muted kind of way, about something.

When they came to a halt about mid-day in a clearing that had a very dense western edge, and an odd feel to it, Kagome at first thought nothing of it, believing that they were stopping for a small break, and a quick lunch.

She was only partially correct, as she found out as soon as the meal was complete, when Sesshoumaru addressed her with a formal air.

“This Sesshoumaru requests your presence, Kagome.  Will you walk with this one?”  he asked.  

Eyes a little wide, Kagome nodded, and fell into step just behind and to his side.  She was a bit concerned when he led her straight to the dense western edge of the glade – the place the odd feelings she'd been receiving since entering the clearing were coming from.  But she trusted him, and the feeling of the area, though odd, and filled with a strange energy, didn't seem threatening, so she chose not to say anything, simply keeping in step with him.

As they neared one portion of the thicket, it almost seemed to move aside on its own, and Kagome stared at it sharply, her attention caught.  Sure enough, as she passed through, it rustled, and her backwards glance caught the movement as it closed behind her.

“Um, Sesshoumaru?  Is it normal for the plants around here to move on their own?”  she asked, her voice and eyes uneasy.

He responded to her worry.  “There is no need for concern.  It is normal here.  You will understand why shortly.”

Brow furrowed, she stared at his back, taking note of an odd pink luminescence that he seemed to be gaining as they walked along a barely noticeable path through the extremely thick vegetation.

Something in this place is resonating with his youki, she realized after a moment, watching in awe as he glowed a little brighter.  I can feel it... it's coming from all around us... and beneath us!  What is this place?

Just then, they broke through what she was beginning to realize was a protective barrier of vegetation surrounding an open area at its heart... and came to a stunned halt, looking around in awe.

Wonder painted openly on her face, Kagome turned in a circle, eyes darting everywhere as she took in her surroundings.

In every direction, fireflies ranged, their eerie green glow lighting the foliage and dancing in and out of the clusters of flowers and vining plants that covered every available surface of every tree along the edges of the dell she stood in.  All except the great tree in the very center of the area.  

And what a tree it was.  

Roots gnarled and thick and buried deeply in the earth it rested in, its sheer size was intimidating – even the Goshinboku in her era was nowhere near as huge as this tree.  It rivaled the Tree of Ages for size... and power.  Because that was very definitely a youkai aura coming from the tree, and it was massive.

With the aura radiating from the giant tree, she really wasn't all that surprised when the bark rippled, and a face appeared in it.  She watched, breath catching, as the being addressed Sesshoumaru – while watching her with bright, dark eyes.

“I see you have found her, Sesshoumaru,”  a steady, rumbling baritone said as dark eyes remained pinned interestedly to Kagome.

Sesshoumaru, who'd come to a halt and turned to watch Kagome's reaction to what she was seeing, frowned, turning back to face Bokuseno.  “Found her?”  he asked.  “Of what do you speak?”

“Do you mean to tell me you have never noticed?”  the tree queried, his gaze now trained firmly on Sesshoumaru.  “You never realized that she is in perfect resonance with you?”  He looked again at Kagome.  “Come here, child,”  he said in a gentle voice.  When she approached obediently, he said,  “Allow your miko ki to gather in your hands.”

Mystified but willing, Kagome did as asked, and they all three watched her hands begin to glow with a soft pink radiance.  She quickly took in the fact that both her powers, and Sesshoumaru's, were the exact same color – as though they were drawn from the same source, despite the fact that they were completely opposite in nature.

Staring raptly at her glowing hands, her brow furrowed as she took in the sight.  “But what does that mean?”  she asked, and though the question was spoken aloud, the other two in the clearing with her knew she was really speaking to herself.

Nevertheless, Bokuseno answered, knowing that the same question was on Sesshoumaru's mind.

“It is known as resonance, as I already stated.  What it means is that you two were created to match each other.  You will find that your power potential increases when you are together, making you much stronger together, than you are when you are apart.”  A smile stretched the aged bark of the tree's face.  “Not that each of you are not quite powerful on your own, of course.”

Letting her power fade back into her skin, Kagome asked,  “But surely our power would conflict with each other – or at least, cancel each other out!  I mean, youki and reiki aren't really supposed to be compatible.”

Sesshoumaru, who had taken in Bokuseno's words, disagreed.  “You should know better, Kagome.  After all, did you not several times combine the power of your hama no ya,* with Inuyasha's youki to attack and defeat opponents?”

Eyes widening, Kagome nodded.  “Yes!  I'd forgotten about that.”

Bokuseno chuckled.  “As effective as I'm sure that was, you will find that combining your power with Sesshoumaru's will be even more effective.  Not that I think either of you really need to combine your powers to take down an opponent – I believe you, Sesshoumaru, are powerful enough on your own to deal with anything that would threaten, as are you, young miko.  However, if there was ever a need...”

But he'd already lost Sesshoumaru, because something had occurred to the daiyoukai, and he was analyzing it most carefully.  After a silent moment, he set aside his idea for later discussion with Bokuseno, and instead began the rather belated introduction.

“Bokuseno, this is the one I have chosen.  She is my equal.  Her name is Kagome, and she is, as you have seen, a miko.  Will you accept her as my Lady?”

A hush fell over the glade, then, as the breeze within its confines died, and an almost oppressive heaviness entered the area.  Kagome could feel power gathering in the ground beneath her feet, and wide-eyed, looked down as a rush tingled up her legs and into her body.  Fingers of gentle power reached out and stroked her soul from the inside, and her breath caught in her throat – it was the most intimate thing she'd ever been through.

A voice echoed from within.  'Your heart is large, and open, and your soul warm and bright.  You are welcome here within my boundaries, miko Kagome.'

Her eyes fell closed.  'Who... are you, really?'  she asked the presence inside her soul with her.

'Very perceptive, young one.  I am the Western Lands of Japan.  I am what is all around you, even as you stand in my heart.  I am also the secret that the House of Taisho protects, and now that secret has been entrusted to you.  Never speak of it to anyone outside of Sesshoumaru – not even to his brother, or the children you care for.'

Stunned, Kagome could do little more than agree, with the wry thought that even should she try to tell someone, they would think her crazy, anyway.  And it wasn't like she didn't have her own secret that very few knew – her origins were just as strange as this secret.  The voice in her mind agreed, with noticeable amusement.

Just as suddenly as it had come, the presence and power withdrew, and Kagome wavered, her knees going a little weak.  Sesshoumaru caught her before she could fall, however, steadying her gently while looking to Bokuseno for an explanation.

“There is no need for concern.  She is fine.  But she carries a most powerful, large soul, and the sharing overwhelmed her for a moment only,”  the ancient tree soothed.  With a creaking of branches, Bokuseno answered the daiyoukai's previous ritualistic question.  “She is accepted as your Lady.  You have chosen better than any of your line in a thousand years, Sesshoumaru.”

The daiyoukai actually looked a bit surprised at that.  “Why do you say that?”  he asked.

“That is between her and I,”  the tree winked at a once more steady on her feet Kagome, and she smiled back tentatively.

“Hn,”  Sesshoumaru responded, a little annoyed that the tree had avoided his question.  Even now, she  still manages do things that puzzle me.  I do not think I will ever know all there is to know of her.

“If you wish, Kagome,”  he said,  “you may explore the glade.  I have something I wish to speak to Bokuseno about.”

Wondering if it was something to do with the courting, since he'd been so secretive about one certain part of it, she simply smiled at him, and moved away, making sure to get out of earshot before beginning to explore.

She didn't want to spoil the surprise, if that was indeed what it was.

“I can feel father's presence in the glade.  Has he told you of my question?”  he asked, as soon as Kagome was far enough away.

“Your desire to bind yourself completely to your miko is what you speak of?”  the old tree questioned back.

“Yes.  It has occurred to me that what I wish to have with her is the same thing I have with the Western Lands.  A binding.  I would have the same bond with the miko,”  he replied.

Branches rattling a bit in the breeze within the glade, Bokuseno pondered the question thoughtfully.  After a time, he said slowly,  “There are many ways to bind yourself to others, for various reasons,  Some are weak bonds, lasting only for a time... and some are a bit stronger.  But what you ask... there are only a very few ways that such a bond could be created – and all of them require blood.”

“So there are ways, then, to do what I wish,”  the daiyoukai said, satisfaction filling his voice.  

“There are.  But remember, you must create such a thing yourself – you cannot use a spell that another created.  You are planning a binding to be your courtship gift, are you not?”  At the daiyoukai's short nod, Bokuseno closed his eyes for a moment, thinking.

There was a silence between the two for a few minutes, and then Bokuseno said,  “Your father's words were this – the knowledge you need to create a binding spell lies in the Mountains of Fire – near the same place that lie the gates to the netherworld that you have already once passed through.”

Sesshoumaru's brow furrowed as he thought about that.  “How will I know exactly where?”

Eyes still closed,  Bokuseno answered.  “The feel of the place will tell you, Sesshoumaru.  There is not another place like it on the face of this earth.  But I give you warning.  Do not take your pack with you into that place.  Leave them on the outside.”  With that, the aged tree's face disappeared back into his bark, and he returned to his sleep.

With one last glance at the youkai tree, Sesshoumaru turned and strode off to find Kagome – it was time to leave.  His purpose here, both of them, had been achieved.  

Now it was time to follow through on his sire's information.

He was most eager to get started.


hama no ya=sacred arrows

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