InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Winter Hearts ❯ Insolent ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
*Disclaimer: Not mine!!!*

A/N: Warning not for the younger crowds. Violence/language/abuse

Kagome awoke to someone touching her all over. ‘Gods but I hurt!’ She had thought the other night had been nothing but a bad dream. She glanced up to see if it was Inuyasha taking care of her wounds. All she remembered was that horrible dream and then amber eyes and silver hair picking her up. Opening her eyes she glance around a simple room, she was laying on top of a small, yet comfortable bed.

“Leave it to Miroku to find the best house.” she mumbled.

“I do not believe you are with Miroku as you called him.” Said a cold and chilling voice. It was then Kagome stared up at the person who was treating her wounds. Amber eyes and silver hair. Yet this was not Inuyasha, it was the cruel eyes of none other than Sesshoumaru. Suddenly all her memories came flooding back to her in an instant. The pain was just too much physically and emotionally. She had lost everything, all her friends, and family. Now she was here in the mercy of a cold blooded taiyoukai. A single tear fell down her cheek as she began to mourn the loss of everyone she had come to know and love dearly.

“Stop crying wench. There is nothing you can do but accept what has befallen your comrades.” Sesshoumaru growled when he could smell the salty scent of her tears forming.

“Let me die Sesshoumaru. Kill me please, I want to be with my friends.” Kagome whispered. She knew she was in no position to ask anything from this youkai, but she figured he would kill her off eventually, might as well make the pain stop sooner than later.

“You will not get off that easily wench. I have saved your miserable life, at least show me some gratitude for now. Yet don’t worry, you will die….someday. That is, when your usefulness has run out for me.” Sesshoumaru could smell the fear radiating off her body. He smiled inwardly to himself. ‘Good she should fear me. I want nothing but fear from this woman.’

“Thank you for your gratitude Sesshoumaru, but I fear it was all in vain. I do not wish to be here in this world. Please whatever it is you planned, you must know they are all dead. You can have Tetsugia now, Inuyasha can not wield it any longer.” Kagome choked on her sob when she said Inuyasha’s name. Her love, was gone, her friends were gone. Suddenly a fierce slap brought an all new sense of pain to her face.

“I thought I told you to stop your fucking crying bitch!” Sesshoumaru growled into her ear. “You will listen to me, or you will be punished.”

Kagome bit her lip to keep from crying out. Suddenly he got up and left, leaving her alone to her thoughts and memories. Somehow either from the pain or just plain exhaustion she fell asleep in the quiet room.


“Kagome? Kagome?” Inuyasha’s voice called her.

“Inuyasha? Oh Inuyasha! Where am I? Have I died and come to be with you?” Kagome whispered.

“No Kagome. One thing though, is you must live. Promise me you will live.” Inuyasha walked over from the darkness in her dream. “Kagome. You have to defeat Naraku. Your purpose in life is not fulfilled yet. Things will be hard, and things will be painful, but above all else you must survive and prevent Naraku from completing the Shikon no Tama. Promise me this Kagome?”

“Oh Inuyasha, I just want to be with you and our friends. Please. It’s too hard to do this alone.” Kagome cried into her dream.

“Kagome, you will never be alone. I will be here in your dreams whenever you wish me to be. We were bound by time to be together and although that time was shortened, I will always be here when you need me. I must go Kagome, and you must awaken. I love you. Promise me you will live and be strong?” Inuyasha took a hold of her in a tight embrace.

“I…for you Inuyasha. I promise, I love you.” Kagome whispered unbeknownst in her sleep before she awoke.
<end dream>

Sesshoumaru was shocked and enraged. ‘Why is this pathetic woman still dreaming of his brother?’ For some reason when she whispered Inuyasha’s name and those three human words his youkai blood raged to come forth. Sesshoumaru would not tolerate her dreaming of him. She should be shaking with nightmares of what was to come by his hands. Roughly taking Kagome by the shoulders, he shook her fully awake.

“Wake up bitch. Your wounds are healing, but you need to eat something. I will not have you dying anytime soon from starvation.” Kagome opened her eyes wide in fear when the taiyoukai shook her so hard her teeth chattered.

All Kagome could do was wince from sitting up, but she did not make a sound. She didn’t want Sesshoumaru giving her any other reason to think she was weak at this point. She had remembered her dream in full detail. She had given Inuyasha her promise, she would live, and she would find a way to destroy Naraku and fulfill her quest until the end. Grabbing the small tray he had set in front of her, she eyed the food cautiously, afraid he might try to poison her unexpectedly.

“Eat it. There is nothing wrong with this food. If I wanted to kill you now, I would only have to flick my wrist to destroy your fragile life.” To make his point Sesshoumaru dragged one of his poisoned claws down her arm. Kagome cried out in pain no matter how she tried to hold it in.

“You son of a bitch! What have I ever done to you to deserve that? Do you think I do not know you could kill me?” Kagome felt a rage inside her as it burst out. It was short lived however when the tray she had been holding was carefully removed to a small table beside her, and she was quickly grabbed by her throat and slammed hard against the cold wall behind her.

“You will not speak to me again in that insolent manner! If you so much as speak any words other than, ‘Yes Sesshoumaru-sama, or No Sesshoumaru-sama, or Please Sesshoumaru-sama. I swear I will make you mute but cutting out that pretty little tongue of yours.” Digging his claws into her neck causing small drops of blood to appear on her neck he threw her onto the bed. Licking his nails clean of her blood he smirked. “Do you understand now wench?”

“Y…yes.. Sesshoumaru-sama.” Kagome hoarsely spoke. Her throat felt raw, her body felt like it was going to shatter any minute.

“Good, now eat. We have a lot of things to cover starting tomorrow night. Be prepared wench. Oh, and before I forget. Any time I hear you speak out that disgusting hanyou’s name in your sleep I will scar your back with my poison for being so insolent. I will control you and even your dreams by the time I am done with you.” Gracefully Sesshoumaru got up and left. Remembering the taste of her blood on his lips made him fill with satisfaction. Her scent mixed with fear, and just the taste of her. This was going to be more pleasurable than he imagined.

Man Sesshy can be such a complete and utter sadist. GOD how I love him! Anyway, more bad things are coming for Kagome. It will be a few chapters before Sesshy starts to well… not hurt her. So if you don’t like this story, don’t read it. Like I said before it is a dark fic for a reason.