InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Winter Hearts ❯ Slave ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
*Disclaimer: Not mine!!!*

A/N: Warning not for the younger crowds. Violence/language/abuse/torture/rape/lemony

Kagome could not sleep the rest of the night. She had over a million thoughts about what Sesshoumaru was going to do to her. She was completely terrified of the taiyoukai, and knew she had to find a way out of here. If only she knew where ‘here’ was.

The winter sun started drifting into her solitary window, causing the room to light up and become slightly warmer. ‘How am I supposed to sleep anyway? He left me in my bloodied clothes and with only a small blanket. I will never survive until I can get something more suitable for this weather.’ Apparently her prayers must have been answered because Jaken soon came into her room and told her she needed to bathe so that her scent would not offend Sesshoumaru any longer.

Kagome was escorted to an indoor hot spring down the hall of her room, it felt so heavenly to remove the torn up garments, and relax just slightly. She knew she would never be able to escape because Jaken was right outside the door waiting for her to finish up. She picked up what looked like a used kimono and dressed, mindful of all her bruises and cuts. ‘Oh well, at least its clean.’

Upon exiting the room, Jaken was no longer there, instead it was the formidable Sesshoumaru. Kagome started to feel her heart race when she stared wide eyed at him. ‘How can someone with the face of heaven be so cruel?’ It was in that moment he grabbed her and pushed her against the wall fiercely.

“Why do you take so long? You were told to clean and dress, that is all. Not to relax. Come, I have a ‘gift’ for you.” He started walking away expecting her to follow, when Kagome did not, he grabbed her wrist digging his nails into her pale skin. “NOW!”

“Y..yes Sesshoumaru-sama.” Kagome gritted her teeth from the pain. She could feel a little bit of the poison dripping into her wound caused by his nails. When he brought her into another room that did not belong to her, she began shake with a little apprehension. ‘Wait..a gift?’ She thought suddenly remembering what he said.

“Come. I wish to bestow you with my ‘gift’ bitch.” Sesshoumaru turned to grab something out of a black metal box. When he turned Kagome saw it was a metal slave collar. He started to come towards her to put it on, and she turned to run. ‘Good, I like to chase my prey.’ With a sinister smile he took off after her, knocking her down with a single blow to her back. She landed on the floor with a loud smack, cracking her lip open on the hard stone. Wrenching her face up by her hair, Kagome screamed while he put the slave collar around her and locked it. With that done Sesshoumaru, picked up his screaming and bleeding bundle and turned her around slapping her in the face, causing another cut to form on her lip.

“Shut the fuck up! Its just a collar you stupid human, you shouldn’t scream over something so trivial.” He growled.

“Oh gods help me! Inuyasha please help me!” Kagome screamed out from such fear and pain.

With another resounding slap in her face Sesshoumaru threw her to the ground, ripping the back of her kimono, and laughed as he took one of his poison filled nails down the length of her back. Kagome screamed out from the burning pain and was on the verge of passing out. Before she did however she heard him growl at her.

“I told you never to mention that bastard’s name you stupid girl. Jaken!” Sesshoumaru bellowed. His servant scurried to his master and saw the girl.

“Yes, Sesshoumaru-sama, how may this lowly Jaken serve you?” Jaken questioned.

“Bring her another outfit. Treat those small wounds as well, I don’t want her dying of infection before I am through with her. Oh and Jaken? Bring me a chain that I can hook to the slave collar. I will have this girl subservient before the night is over.” With that said Sesshoumaru picked up Kagome striding down the hall, when he reached her room he threw her onto the bed she had occupied earlier and left.


Coming back from her unconscious state Kagome winced as she felt someone taking a cool cloth against her back. She heard Jaken mumbling to himself about stupid humans and how Sesshoumaru made him take care of them. Feeling this could be her only opportunity to escape Kagome turned suddenly, despite the pain it caused and knocked Jaken off of her. He jumped up about the yell for his master when Kagome kicked him in the stomach and broke the water basin over his head knocking him out. She quickly looked around making sure the coast was clear and took off out the door and down the winding corridors trying to find a way out. ‘I would rather die out in the woods than stay here with that sinister monster!’

As Kagome ran she finally found a door that went outside, she ran into the woods as fast as her legs would carry her. Suddenly she felt a burning sensation around her neck, the further she went into the woods, the more intense it got until she collapsed onto the ground grabbing at the collar. The metal was burning hot against her skin and fingers.

“It’s so damn hot! What is this thing?” Kagome whispered as she grabbed clumps of snow pushing it against her throat trying to make the burning stop. She didn’t realize that he was behind her until she heard a branch snap. It was too late, he had found her and the look in his eyes had a tint of red.

Grabbing her by her throat Sesshoumaru dug his nails into her, she screamed from the burning from the collar and the pain of his nails in her throat. He only smiled at her as he smelled the fear radiating off her. In his current state it became such an intoxication, he couldn’t help but feel aroused.

“Stupid wench! When will you learn? You WILL obey me!” Sesshoumaru grabbed her red hot collar and began dragging her back towards the castle. She tried to pull away but the harder she tried the harder he jerked her until finally he got sick of her insolent attempts. He picked her up and went into his castle to a room eloquently attired. He threw her to the floor like she was nothing but a rag doll. He picked up the chain he acquired earlier before he sensed her trying to escape. Quickly he pushed her back onto the floor with his foot and flipped her onto her back with a swift kick. She yelped and tried to curl into a fetal position as Sesshoumaru attached the chain to her collar. Pulling her up with the chain he brought her face to his as he stared into her tear filled eyes wide with fear. He gently stroked her cheek, leaving a small line of blood from his nail. She winced but still stared at him before she had the nerve to speak.

“Wh..what are you going to do to me?” Her voice quivered.

“I am going to make you scream and beg me for mercy slave.” Sesshoumaru whispered into her ear. He felt her shudder at his words. Gripping the chain tighter he pulled her towards the large bed and hooked the chain to a ring in the post. He turned her to face him as he took his claws and shredded her kimono. When she stood in front of him naked, Kagome tried to cover herself but felt him grab her wrists away. He stood there staring at her as if he was assessing a piece of property before he bought it. With a smirk he pushed her backwards onto the bed and straddled her. Kagome tossed and bucked but she could not get him off her, she screamed into his ear causing him to back off from the high pitched sound. She then felt him grab her breast painfully and he hissed in her ear.

“If you try to scream like that again, I swear I will not kill you, but continue to beat you to the brink of death only to bring you back to life again with Tensegia. If you are good, I may not hurt you as much, and might even kill your miserable hide quicker so you can be with your pathetic friends you spoke so fondly of.” Red started to take over him when he could sense her heart stop for a second and then quicken even faster. He quickly divest himself of his clothing laying on top of her again. She could feel his arousal pushing against her stomach and she cried out for him to stop, that she would do anything.

“Anything hmm? Well, this could be quite interesting. Get on your knees now.” He growled at her. Yet she did obey him this time in fear of him taking her against her will. She was shaking so hard now, tears rolling freely down her bruised and bleeding cheeks. He leaned down cupping her breasts in both hands, weighing them before he bit her right nipple. She bit her lip to keep from screaming, she knew in the back of her mind that no matter what she was at the mercy of Sesshoumaru. She took her hands and tried to push him off of her, but he just bit harder, sinking his fangs into her sensitive tip.

Tasting the blood caused by his fangs he licked it off, before staring up at her. She tensed and became angry at him suddenly, lunging towards Sesshoumaru, slapping him in the face. It only made him laugh as he pushed her backwards to the bed and pushed her legs open. She struggled more and screamed, cursing him to the seven hells and back, he slapped her face back and leaned down to bite into her neck causing her to whimper. He chuckled again at her as she tried to scratch him with her pathetic nails, but when she finally caught hold of his hair and yanked he yelped out from the sudden pain. His eyes turning a deeper red, he dug his nails into her sides and thrust into her hard and unmercifully. Kagome screamed from the onslaught of pain between her legs as she felt him moving in and out of her.

“Scream bitch! Yell for your Inuyasha to save you now. He can’t though can he, because he is dead!” He leaned down kissing her lips in a punishing manner and she bit into him. Sesshoumaru pushed hard into her again, causing her to let go of his lip. She finally stopped struggling and cried knowing it was useless while he plunged into her harder and faster each time, he grabbed onto her right breast and suckled on it hard. Her body felt like it had been ripped in two when he finally spilled his seed inside of her and collapsed.

“I hate you! You disgust me!” She yelled at him. Pushing up to his elbows he just looked at her with a smirk on his face.

“Good. Yet I will get you to respond to me one day. You will obey me slave. As for your fight against me, you will be punished for that.” He sat up on top of her, and took his nail to the top of her breast carving an ‘S’ with his poisoned claw.

“This is so others will know you are my slave and can not be touched.” With that he got up off her and pushed her from the bed to the floor, naked and bleeding. He threw a fur down to her before he stood up and dressed once again.

“You will sleep here on the floor from now on slave, so that you may be available to me any time of the night. You can not escape me, so do not try. If you do I will only punish you more. For now though, I think using your body will be satisfying enough. Rest. I am not done with you tonight.” With those words said he turned to leave, before he leaned down in front of Kagome.

“You have pleased me somehow with your human body. Please me more often and be more agreeable and I may allow you certain liberties.” He took her chin roughly between his fingers and kissed her hard. Sesshoumaru walked out the door, leaving Kagome on the cold floor alone.

“Inuyasha, I want to die. I can’t keep my promise, not like this.” Kagome passed out from her lack of blood and exhaustion.

Ooohhh evil…. Anyway the next chapter will be out soon. Ja ne.