InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Winter Hearts ❯ Humiliation ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
*Disclaimer: Not mine!!!*

A/N: Sorry it took so long. Anyway for those of you who asked, Kagome never used her miko powers because if you recall she doesn’t know how to control them really, other than her purifying arrows. Also the only reason Inuyasha said that Sesshy would be a powerful ally is because, well Inuyasha is dead now. Sesshy happens to be the only person who could possibly protect her and help fight Naraku when the time comes. So there ya have it. Umm… this chappie will still have some mild violence, but it will start taming down since Sesshy is going to have his icy heart melt slowly. To the story!(sry for any OOCness but, its my story so thpp! )
(Lemony content)

Kagome began awakening slowly and for some strange reason she felt warm and content. The feeling was short lived however when she realized that she was snuggled up against a hard chest. Scrambling to her knees, she stared down at a chuckling Sesshoumaru.

“Did you not enjoy the warmth I gave you last night?” He chuckled darkly.

“Don’t touch me! Don’t ever touch me! I would rather have been left on the floor.” Kagome screeched. Sesshoumaru’s chuckling stopped when he looked at her angrily.

“Do NOT presume to tell me what to do wench. I will touch where ever and when ever I please. As for you sleeping on the floor, I will not have my new slave sick from the winter’s chill. From now on you will sleep in this bed with me, or you do not sleep at all. Is that understood wench!” He seethed at her.

Kagome just lowered her head in defeat. Either way she knew she would not win against this cold hearted youkai. Sesshoumaru reached up to bring her back down to the comfort of his bed, but she jerked at his touch. He knew he didn’t want to be as abusive to her as he had been the last few days, but she needed to be taught that to refuse him meant punishment. Grabbing her hair forcefully he dragged her down next to him. Kagome whimpered from the pain on her scalp and unconsciously raised her hand to feel if he had pulled any hair out from her head.

“Don’t worry I did remove any of that beautiful hair. Now, listen. You will stay in this room and rest today. Jaken will bring you food, and I will come back when I am finished with overseeing my lands to escort you to the hot spring to bathe. Do not attempt to escape or hurt my servant. I do not want to see any more of your skin marred for I do not like the way it makes you look. In order for that to happen you will learn to obey me. As I said last night, I will give you certain privileges if you listen to me. Now if you will excuse me.” Sesshoumaru said casually.

He stood up and dressed, not caring at all that Kagome was trying to burn a hole into his back with her anger. When he was fully clothed in his armor he turned and walked towards her. She shrank back on the bed, fear radiating off her body. He pulled her collar non too gently making her come nose to nose with her tormentor and now master. Kissing her gently on the lips her released her and left the room with out so much as a backwards glance.

Kagome collapsed onto the bed for a few minutes to gain her composure before she stood and walked to the full length mirror placed in the room. What she saw made her wince and tears threatened to flow. Her face was bruised and bloodied on one side, as were her lips. She had several bruises around her throat where the collar rested and finger marks on her arms. She noticed the small wounds and now branding on her breasts. When she glanced lower, the tears did fall because she could see with her own eyes the evidence of her lost innocence, there was blood mixed with his seed dried against her inner thigh. Small cuts and bruises were in several areas on her legs, and when she turned slightly she saw the long scar across her back.

She walked away from the mirror with disgust for herself. ‘How could I have let this happen? How could he have done this to me?’ She sat upon the bed, pulling the furs over her battered body hoping sleep would claim her. When it did she dreamt of the older and happier days with her friends and family, and wished she could be with them again.


Sesshoumaru returned to his castle with a less than happy attitude. All day long his dead brother’s wench plagued his mind. He had thought of her withering beneath him in pleasure, moaning his name softly, and asking for him to please her.

Earlier he had killed a lowly youkai that had traveled onto his lands in search of women he could smell the blood of since Naraku‘s attack only to be found by him. Sesshoumaru grinned looking down at his now bloodied claws. He remembered the pathetic animal begging for mercy and his life, that he was only hungry and could smell the blood of women. He had torn him into pieces right there, relishing the feel of skin tearing beneath his nails, and the smell of blood with his poison mixed together. Yet now that the blood lust has left, he needed a bath. First on his list was the wench, she could use a bath and help him bathe as well. Perhaps after that he could satisfy his other more primal need with her.


Kagome was so bored. All day she slept and ate a little food. She had even had Jaken bring her a small water basin with a wash cloth to try and rinse some of the disgusting lord’s essence away. Kagome knew when he came to take her for her bath, she would act pleased and forced it into her mind that she would do almost anything he asked of her. She was still naked as well with only a small blanket wrapped around her body to shield Jaken from it.

Perhaps she could play the “sweet slave” and ask for clothes. With that determination in her mind, she set to work a small plan in her head. Although it would be tedious to her, he had promised if she was agreeable that she would receive certain privileges and perhaps she could even speak to him about the importance of Naraku and her purpose in life. Her face had a slight smile on it for the first time in days. ‘Yes, if he wants me to play slave and whore, I will, if it means my freedom or even perhaps assistance against Naraku.’


Sesshoumaru walked into his room to see Kagome sitting in the bed as if she was patiently awaiting his return. He was in shock when she walked over to him and said sweetly and subtly.

“Welcome back Sesshoumaru-sama. May I help you with anything Sesshoumaru-sama?”

Eyeing Kagome curiously he wandered what game she was up to. Ever since he had known this woman she was never one to be meek and mild with her moods. Especially with someone who hurt her in anyway.

“You may come take your bath as was my word before I left. Do not play games with me either wench. I know you far too well, and know you are up to something.” With that said he led her from the room and proceeded to the hot spring.

As Kagome followed him into the hot spring she stood with her head bowed awaiting his permission to bathe. Sesshoumaru looked at her submissiveness and smirked. ‘I wonder how far this bitch will go?’ Reaching over to her he dragged her against his body and he could feel her tense up at the contact, her fear and heartbeat raising slightly.

“Not as immune as you thought you would be, are you wench? Bathe, the you may proceed to bathe me.” Sesshoumaru threw Kagome into the water with a loud splash, as she came up seething with anger.

“How dare you, you bastard! I am only doing what you asked of me.” She screamed at him.

Kagome ducked as far as she could under the water when he made a grab at her, but she wasn’t fast enough as he caught her hair and pulled her up and out to stand in front of him. He released her hair and stared at her with a barely controlled anger.

“I knew you would not be able to control yourself wench. Also, do not attempt to play with me, because you will get hurt. I do not want you complacent because you merely look to gain favors from me. Now, help me undress and we will bathe together.” When Kagome made no move to help undress the taiyoukai, he grabbed her shoulders aggressively.

“Help me undress now bitch or I will not hesitate to add more scars upon your body. Although it would displease me, to scar such flesh as yours anymore than it already is, I will if I must.” Sesshoumaru spoke to Kagome. She heard the threat and began to undress him quickly. When she was done, he beckoned her to grab the bathing supplies and enter the hot spring. When he turned his back to her she began to scrub his back harshly, before he turned and grabbed her hands.

“Gently, I do not want my back rubbed raw. Allow me to bathe you first to show you how it should be done.”

He plucked the wash cloth from her hands and turned her back to him. He began to gently wash away the blood and dirt from her back, noticing her tense each time he passed over the scar upon her back. Softly he traced the scar with his finger tips. ‘Such a pity she would not listen to me.’ Sesshoumaru frowned before he leaned down to kiss the wound gently.

Kagome jumped practically out of her skin when she felt Sesshoumaru’s warm lips on her back. ‘What is he doing?’ she thought. It was then he snaked his arms around her waist and pulled her against him. She tried to withdraw from him as she could feel his now hardened member against her backside.

“Please Sesshoumaru-sama.” Kagome whispered her small plea.

“Please what?” Sesshoumaru growled softly into her ear, before kissing her neck.

Kagome shivered from the small warmth she felt from his mouth upon her neck. ‘This is not what I want. He is not what I want!’ she screamed into her mind. Yet it was all lost when he licked the outer edge of her ear, and she forced down the small moan attempting to escape her lips. Sesshoumaru moved his hand up from her waist and gently played with her bruised nipples. She winced inwardly from the pain left behind from his abuse the previous night. It awoke her senses and she cried out again.

“Please! This is not what I want!” She felt him squeeze her hip with his other hand.

“Does it matter slave? I will take you again as I did last night if I must. Yet I would prefer you to be a little more, shall we say, agreeable?” He hissed.

“I hate you. I will never allow my mind and body to respond to you. You have no heart!” Kagome yelled.

“No, you are mistaken. I have a heart, it is just an organ to show I am alive though. As for your response. There are some things that your body responds to even if unwillingly, that your mind will not. That is what I want. I do not want your mind, yet. I just want your body.” He began anew kissing her neck, and mentally avoiding her breasts, for he knew they hurt her. Moving his hand down he began to play with the small nub between her legs, she tensed at first and tried to withdraw herself, but as he persisted, she left out a small moan from the heat he was causing her body to feel. He released her abruptly then, and turned to finish bathing.

“I have made my point. Finish bathing wench so we may eat and continue this lesson later.” Sesshoumaru teased, completely ignoring the fact she started crying from the humiliation.

Kagome was left speechless, and hurt. ‘He did this on purpose! How am I supposed to fight him, if my body responds to him? Oh, Inuyasha. I wish you were here to save me.’ She quickly went back to bathing herself as tears fell silently.

Hehe, sorry no actual lemon… I am bad. Maybe in the next chappie. Anyway, would ya look at this? Kagome’s body is responding to the man who has caused her all this pain. Also, Sesshy is acting a little…. Gentle shall we say? I don’t know what’s going on here, but I am sure confused. But hey I promise to work it all out for you so it’s a little less confusing.