InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Winter Hearts ❯ Naked Dinner ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
*Disclaimer: Not mine!!!*

A/N: FAYE!!!!! UPDATE YOUR STORY or I won’t update another chappie until you do!!!!

Kagome had finished bathing and dried off in a small towel that was laid out. Sesshoumaru had put on a new robe that a servant brought earlier. While he was donning his garment, Kagome could not help but look at his perfect unmarred beauty. ‘Looks that kill.’ She thought. Finally getting enough nerve Kagome asked Sesshoumaru where her clothing was.

“You, my slave, have no clothes until I deem fit. I enjoy the freedom of gazing at your body at this present time. Now, lets go eat. I have ordered dinner, if you behave perhaps you may get more than a few scraps. Honestly I think your thin body could do with more meat around the midsection, and maybe a little ‘exercise’ to tone it up.” Sesshoumaru smirked as Kagome raised her face indignantly at the comment that she was too small.

“If you find my body lacking, Sesshoumaru-sama, why gaze at it?” She retorted back.

Suddenly he was right beside her, gazing into her eyes. He took his clawed hand and grabbed one of her breasts lightly, so not to cause her pain since her breasts were so sensitive.

“I gaze at it because you are rounded in all the right areas, but I feel you need a little more meat to your bones. I prefer my women a little more muscled. Other than that, you are, for a human, adequate enough.” Sesshoumaru smirked.

“You are a bastard Sesshoumaru-sama.” Kagome whispered under her breath.

“Come slave, enough talk. We have company tonight and I need you to serve me. Do not be troublesome or I will punish you in front of them.” With that said he swept from the room and heading to the dining hall.


Kagome felt herself blush slightly when she walked into the enormous dining hall as servants were still putting out select dishes of fruits, meats and vegetables. The smell of the food was intoxicating, she was so hungry at this point. She however was mortified when she realized that she would be serving her ‘master’ in front of another youkai completely naked. She prayed to the gods that he would not humiliate her too much, or she would not be able to control her temper. Yet she knew that she would have to be on her best behavior to receive anything more than a few scraps.

“Wench! Stand by my chair, our guest arrives momentarily. Remember you will behave or I will not hesitate to punish you. All that will be required for now is you to serve my guest and I.” Sesshoumaru could not help but laugh as a blush crept all over Kagome’s nude body and stand by the chair stiff as a statue.

Standing completely still, running the same phrase over and over in her head not to lose her temper. Kagome’s thought process was completely lost as the guest arrived in the dining room. Her eyes became large and her mouth dropped open while she was in shock over the guest.

“Kouga-kun!? What are you doing here?” Was all Kagome could say, as Kouga stared in her direction, mouth hanging wide open, while staring at Kagome’s nude form. Kagome quickly dropped to her knees to try and cover herself. It was then Kouga stared at the lord in anger.

“What is the meaning of this Sesshoumaru? Why is MY woman here and why for Kami’s sake is she naked?” Kouga burst out.

“Prince Kouga, I believe you are mistaken about her being your woman. Slave! Stand up, I did not tell you to kneel.” Sesshoumaru bellowed to Kagome. Kagome stood up slowly, knowing she could be beaten in front of Kouga and he would most likely die trying to defend her. ‘This is not good. Why oh why did it have to be Kouga at dinner?’

“As you can see Kouga, this wench bares the mark of a slave.” As for emphasis, he stood behind Kagome and grabbed her breast that had the still fresh scar of ‘S’ carved into it. Kagome could not help but stare down at the floor when Kouga gazed at the marking and formed his mouth into a tight line.

“I see Sesshoumaru. Forgive me, you are correct about her not being my woman. My woman would never submit herself to such humiliation without a fight. MY woman would never be so subservient and stare at the floor in defeat. Please, Sesshoumaru-sama, let us eat so I may present my business and leave.” Kouga said quietly. He knew that from Kagome bearing the mark of a slave by a taiyoukai, there was naught he could do for her. He was also depressed over the fact she did not seem the fiery spirit he had come to know and love over the years. Kouga realized with a small sigh that the rumors were also true about Inuyasha and his friends, he should have been there to protect Kagome. Now she was under the care of a man who had tried to kill her several times. If only he could take her back. Perhaps Sesshoumaru would be willing to trade something for her, after all it was in the rights of a master to sell his slave. ‘After dinner. There is much to be said until then.’ He thought.

“Rightly so Kouga. Please take a seat while my slave serves us. Wench! Pour his drink and place whatever foods Kouga wants on his plate. When you are done with him, come and feed me.” Sesshoumaru said with satisfaction. Now that he knew Kouga and this wench knew one another, he would bring her to her knees in front of him, to add to her humiliation.

Kagome slowly walked towards Kouga, her head still down so she would not have to stare him directly in the face. She knew that he was disappointed that she was not fighting, but what could she do? She had to eat! As she reached his side to pour Kouga’s drink, he put his hand on her arm and looked towards Sesshoumaru.

“Sesshoumaru, can we not have this lady clothed for modesty while she serves us?” Kouga questioned. It was not that he was disappointed in Kagome’s body, but he felt he should at least try and cut back her degradation.

“Why does a slave need clothes? Why does a slave need modesty?” Sesshoumaru responded raising his eyebrow slightly.

Kouga sighed and pointed to some of the several dishes in front of him. When Kagome was done serving him, she walked slowly back to Sesshoumaru who in turn, pointed out several dishes. As she finished his plate, he grabbed her by the waist and sat her on his lap. She wanted to jump out of his grasp, but stopped herself, knowing she would get punished for refusing to obey him.

“Feed me. Start with the meats, then the vegetables, and last the fruit. When I am done, you may partake in what’s left on my plate slave. Also you may have your own drink when I am not needing your services, or am speaking to Kouga.” Sesshoumaru allowed her to fill her cup with wine.

A few minutes past as Kagome fed Sesshoumaru small pieces of meat, before Kouga spoke up about why he was there.

“Sesshoumaru, I came to speak with you about Naraku. We have been having trouble in all the lands with sudden deaths, and it all had the stench of the dirty hanyou. It was also rumored that Naraku had killed your brother and his fellow companions. I can see now that, the latter fact is true. So here is my request, Lord Sesshoumaru, would you become an ally with I and several other lords in the destruction of Naraku?” Kouga hesitated asking this, but knew he had no choice. Several lords have already come together as allies to destroy this menace, but they needed someone stronger, they needed Sesshoumaru’s help.

“Kouga! Naraku does not have all the shards, I can help you find the rest and with Sesshoumaru and my help we could easily destroy him.” Kagome burst out. She had tried to keep her mouth shut the whole time when he first said Naraku’s name, but she needed this opportunity to try and fulfill her duty and promise to Inuyasha.

“Slave! You speak out of place. You will be punished. You will not be allowed to eat but two pieces of fruit this night. That should be enough to prevent you from speaking again when you were not addressed.” Sesshoumaru grabbed her arm brutally to get his point across. “As for an alliance, this Sesshoumaru, will think upon it. I will contact you when my decision is made.”

Kagome nearly cried from the realization that she would only be allowed two small pieces of fruit for dinner. She should not have spoken out, she should have bitten her tongue until Sesshoumaru and her were alone that night. At least then she would have had a full stomach. As time stretched on during dinner, Kagome drank her sweet flavored wine earnestly. The two youkai discussed Naraku occasionally and also what strategies and allies were already made. When Sesshoumaru was finished with his plate, he picked out two strawberries for her to eat. He held the one to her lips, making her eat it from his hand like an obedient pet. It was an extremely sweet and juicy fruit, and she craved the second one, despite how he made her beg him for it.

It had been about another hour or so since dinner started and Kagome began to feel slightly dizzy from the intoxicating drink. Her body felt warm and flush all over, and she felt almost happy. She could not help but stare at both men sitting in the room and make out their differences in appearance. Both were extremely handsome, but while Kouga was sweet and arrogant, Sesshoumaru was cold and indifferent.

It was then Jaken suddenly burst into the hall. "Sesshoumaru-sama, this lowly Jaken has urgent news about Rin. The human man who has been caring for her is waiting in the front hall.”

Setting Kagome away from him, Sesshoumaru quickly excused himself to find out why the man was there and what had happened to his at one time, ward. Kagome was startled at how fast he had left upon hearing news about Rin. ‘How can he care so much about one human and then treat another the way he treats me?’

Kouga stood up and walked over to Kagome, who was swaying slightly. He sat her down in a seat and stared at her with such love and sympathy.

“Kagome. I can’t stand how that bastard is treating you. You do know, if it wasn’t youkai law about slaves, I would take you away from here and all the pain he has caused you. Right?” Kagome nodded, understanding he could do nothing for her. Kouga stroked her still bruised cheek and raked his eyes over the rest of her body noticing the small cuts and bruises elsewhere.

As Kouga was stroking her cheek so lightly, Kagome could feel the warmth surrounding her body as her head swam. She opened her eyes to stare at Kouga and smiled at him. She took his hand from her face and kissed his fingers lightly. Surprised at the gesture Kouga took a small step back.

“Kagome? Are, are you alright?” Kouga noticed the blush on her nude body as she shook her head ‘yes’.

“I am fine Kouga. Just a little warm and dizzy is all. Here if you could help me up, I would like to go back to my room.” Kagome tried to stand up but her legs felt like water at that moment. Kouga rushed to her side as she fell into him against his chest. She giggled slightly at the situation and was then breathing in deeply the smell of the fresh forest air on his chest.

“Mm, Kouga. You smell good.” Kagome slurred slightly. She looked up at Kouga and smiled when he laughed at her drunkenness. Kagome leaned up towards his face a little more so that they were nose to nose. Kouga stopped laughing when Kagome pressed her lips to his in a soft kiss.

Pushing her back slightly, Kouga looked at her with passion filled eyes. He only dreamed every night of Kagome willingly kissing him, showing him some sort of affection other than friendship. He knew she was drunk and couldn’t take advantage of her like this.

“Look, Kagome. Why don’t we sit down and wait for Sesshoumaru. I realize he is a bastard, but I don’t think it would be wise for you to leave in your condition or without his permission.” Kouga tried to reason with her and push her back in a chair.

Kagome didn’t care at that point, her body felt like it was on fire and all she wanted to do was touch this kind man in front of her. She grabbed Kouga around his neck and pulled him in for another kiss, this time deeper and harder. Kouga felt her lips pressing harder against his and couldn’t help himself, he gently coaxed her mouth with his tongue to open as she sighed into him, allowing him the access he so wanted. He tasted deeply of her and put his arms around her to lift her into his embrace. It felt like they were in a world of their own until suddenly Kouga heard a bang and jumped back to see Sesshoumaru angrily staring at him and the naked Kagome still wrapped in his arms.

“Kouga, do you mind explaining to me why MY slave is in your arms, and apparently awaiting more than just a kiss?” Sesshoumaru spoke sarcastically. He was shocked beyond words when he first walked into the room and heard Kagome sigh and move into Kouga’s arms and kiss. He felt like tearing the wolf youkai in two because he had been given a response from her so easily, that he tried so hard to withdraw from her.

“Sesshoumaru, I apologize, but I will be honest. Lady Kagome here is quite flown through with wine, and I could not help but be tempted by her. It was not her fault I assure you. If I may be so bold to speak, I am quite taken by her and would ask if you would perhaps be willing to trade her for something of value?” Kouga asked hesitantly.

“First Kouga, she is not Lady anything, she is a slave. Second, you have nothing of value I want. Please relinquish her into my care now. I will show you she is naught but a slave, and anyone can get those kind of reactions from her. After all it is what I trained her for.” Sesshoumaru walked over to Kagome as Kouga unwrapped his arms from her body.

Sesshoumaru grabbed Kagome’s arm into a tight gripped and brought her back up against his chest. He put his arm around her waist and pushed her hair to the side with his other hand. Sesshoumaru then proceeded to take a long nail across her neck causing a thin line of blood to form. Grinning at Kouga’s shocked and angry form, Sesshoumaru leaned his head down sucking and licking the blood gently off of Kagome’s neck.

Kagome’s body felt like melting from the sensations. She could do nothing to stop the moan that came from her lips as she closed her eyes and fell back against Sesshoumaru. His lips gently licking the small wound from her neck sent more shivers down her body. When she heard a light growl coming not from her tormentor but from in front of her, she opened her eyes and saw a very pissed off Kouga. His fangs were showing as he tensed up like he was going to attack any moment. Kagome soon realized the reason for his anger was Sesshoumaru. ’Oh no, what did I do?’

Sesshoumaru was smirking at the wolf youkai’s outburst. He only wanted to show Kouga that Kagome was nothing but a slave and it did not matter who touched her, they would get the same response. Yet secretly he was relieved that she did not reject him. It infuriated him to no end that she would allow Kouga to touch her freely and in return touch him back, but he had to prove to himself that she was merely drunk and did not have a care in the world to who helped satisfy her more physical needs. Sesshoumaru pushed Kagome away from him slightly and took her arm as she came out of her lust filled daze and stared at Kouga.

“I trust you can find your way out. I have other more.. important things to attend to. Good night, Kouga.” Sesshoumaru dragged a somewhat reluctant Kagome with him as he left Kouga standing in the now vacant dining hall.

Sorry no Lemon in this chappie either! How evil was this chappie though? I have to admit I think I like it the best.. Oh and yeah.. FAYE you are now my official muse since you help me out so much when I get stuck in the middle of my stories. So everyone thank Faye for helping make this chappie possible!!! All she does is say like one or two words and I get an idea in my head, so.. THANK YOU FAYE! Ok I am done being crazy… till the next chappie.