InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Winter Hearts ❯ A secret revealed ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
*Disclaimer: Not mine!!!*

A/N: Okay for those who are wondering, I haven’t a clue how long this story will be. I am kind of stuck on what I want to do at the end. There will be a lemon in the next chappie and Naraku will appear. YAY! Oh and I found my muse! *scolds muse* Bad Faye..bad for running away! See what happens, people attack you with salmons! (media if anyone wants to see that comment..hehe)

After having a completely boring day, Kagome awaited for Sesshoumaru to return from his patrol of his lands for tonight. She had eaten a light breakfast and lunch today along with a decent dinner. Sesshoumaru was to be out until late tonight and Jaken told her she was to dine without him tonight.

She was also outfitted in a deep green kimono with small sakura blossoms stitched on the sleeves today after her bath. To say she was surprised at the luxurious fabric would be an understatement, Kagome expected another used gown like the last time she was clothed. Not only did she receive the kimono, she also had gotten a small nightdress. Even though the nightdress was a near see through cream fabric, it was still better than being naked at all times, and provided some warmth. Kagome was wearing the nightdress brushing her hair before she was going to sleep.

That was the way she was when he returned. Sitting at the vanity brushing her hair until it crackled. She turned to face him, unsmiling, but still without hatred or anger towards him. Walking over to her, he took the brush from her hands and continued the action for her. She looked at him in the mirror.

“What are you doing Sesshoumaru?” Kagome questioned.

“I am merely brushing your hair slave. It is one of the beauties you possess.” He smiled a genuine smile as Kagome relaxed slightly under the massaging pressure of the brush stroking lightly through her hair.

“Why are you being so nice to me?” Kagome stiffened when she realized she spoke her thoughts aloud.

“You have taken my fancy. Leave it at that. Either make the best of this, or we could always return to what things were before. Is that what you wish? For me to be violent and just take and never give?” Sesshoumaru quirked an eyebrow at her, awaiting for Kagome’s response. Kagome only shook her head no and relaxed once again in the chair.

“You said if I behave I may go outside tomorrow? Did you really mean that?” Kagome asked.

“I said I will see how you conduct yourself tonight. If you follow my every word, you will be allowed outside for an hour.” Sesshoumaru looked at Kagome when he saw her eyes fill with despair.

“I… I can not do what you ask of me Sesshoumaru-sama. I am willing to behave and listen to you, and…and allow you to touch me. Yet. I can not bring myself to respond to you as you want. Please. I may be a slave to you, but please… I can not willingly be your bedmate.” Kagome awaited the harsh retort in her pleading.

“I will not force myself on you again Kagome. We will experiment tonight is all. I am not a patient man, and not a very kind one, but even though I did take you roughly that first night, I promise not to do it again. There is nothing to be gained from an unwilling lover.” Sesshoumaru stated.

“Sesshoumaru? You called me Kagome. Not slave, wench, bitch. Thank you.” Kagome was in a confusing turmoil inside. First the dream she had about him, and now it was as if, he was acting like he wanted to be more than just her abductor. He acted as though he really wanted her as a friend and more. Kagome knew she could not trust him completely, not after all that he did. Something was just not right. Yet he did call her by her given name. The last person who did that was Inuyasha, and he was cruel and seemed uncaring when they first met. ‘Maybe….’

“It is time for bed.” Sesshoumaru said distantly to tell her the discussion was now over.

Standing up and stretching her legs slightly, Kagome made her way to the large bed. She was slightly fearful of what he wanted to do, but he did say he would not take her again unwillingly. She lay down as she watched Sesshoumaru discard his clothing. ‘He really is an attractive man. Too bad he was so cold. Damnit Kagome, stop thinking of him like that. He is horrible!’ She argued with herself.

Sesshoumaru sat down on the bed next to Kagome, he noticed she was staring at him as he disrobed a few moments ago and several emotions crossed her face until she looked away. He was contemplating what to do with her tonight, he had given his word that he would not take her against her will again, but that did not mean he could not touch her, and try to seduce her. He wanted her to be willing, and he always got what he wanted in the end.

Laying down finally, he turned to Kagome and reached for her. When she stiffened slightly he sighed and looked at her. This whole being kind thing was new to him and he did not really know how to approach her.

“What is wrong? I told you I would not take you unwillingly and this Sesshoumaru does not lie.” He said quietly.

“I’m sorry Sesshoumaru-sama. You must understand my situation and confusion. You were so horrible to me at first and in less than a day you completely changed. Forgive my apprehension of you.” Kagome sighed, but moved closer to him.

“Relax Kagome.” Sesshoumaru spoke softly into her ear as he began to rub small light circles on her back. He wanted nothing but to kiss her senseless and allow his animalistic urges take over, but he knew tonight would be different. Tonight he would just touch her, and see how she acted. Then in her dreams he would do the same, perhaps more if she allowed it.

Kagome relaxed as he commanded but was still afraid of what he wanted. She knew he wanted to touch her, but in what ways? The small massaging could not be all he had in mind. She breathed deeply as she felt him work the knots in her back out. She began to close her eyes when she felt his hot breath hovering near her ear. She snapped her eyes open when traced the lobe with his tongue gently. She tried not to react, tried to keep herself from pulling away, but she could not. Trying to move away from him slightly, he nipped her ear and gently growled while tightening his embrace around her hips.

“Do you deny me this wench? I thought you wanted to go outside tomorrow?” He growled low into her ear.

“Forgive me Sesshoumaru-sama.” Kagome knew she had lost. She did want to go outside, she was sick of being in this room all day and all night. She needed the fresh crisp winter air or she would die.

Continuing he turned her to face him, tipping her face up with his finger under her chin, he bent down to claim her lips tenderly. Kagome felt a brief moment of withdraw hit her until he pushed only slightly harder, and she melted into the warmth of it.

Sesshoumaru teased her lips with his tongue as she opened her mouth enough to allow him entrance. She tasted so very sweet he felt as if he was drowning as his tongue clashed with hers and she timidly kissed him back. He released her from his grasp to stare at her in the eyes. Her eyes were wide and somewhat confused at what happened. Neither of them expected her to actually kiss him back.

“I… I’m sorry. I…” Sesshoumaru silenced her with another kiss. This time slightly deeper and more forceful but not so much to scare her away. He relished this moment, the fact she had willing given him something of herself. Something that was not brought on by drinking or fear, something that was solely meant for him and him alone. Breaking the kiss again, he only smiled slightly before he whispered to her.

“There is nothing to be sorry for Kagome. This is all I want from you for now. Can you give me this at least?”

Kagome thought seriously on it for a moment. She was shocked she had responded to him, shocked that she enjoyed it. If all he wanted were kisses for him to remain this way towards her she was more than willing.

“Yes.” Kagome whispered very softly before bringing his lips back to hers to show she truly meant it.

For about half an hour all they did was explore one another’s mouths before Sesshoumaru put a stop to it. He could not take much more of her aroused scent and taste of her mouth. He knew he could go further with her if he wished, but he was content with kisses for tonight. Wrapping his arms around her, he closed his eyes to sleep when she relaxed against him breathing softly in her own sleep. He would enter her dreams again tonight and try again to seduce her mentally.


Kagome’s dream was in a small garden covered with a light layer of snow. She saw Inuyasha standing not far away staring off into the distance. Walking over she said his name before he turned to her with what looked like hurt in his eyes.

“Kagome.” Was all he said.

“What’s wrong Inuyasha? Is something happening I should know about?” Kagome wondered. Every time she had a dream with him in, he had a welcoming embrace and told her how she was needed to defeat Naraku while she cried into his arms about the horrible things Sesshoumaru did to her. He told her that he saw everything he did, and even gave her possible ways to make her situation better. ‘Oh no. He knew.’

“Kagome. I saw. It hurt. Answer me. Did you do it because you wanted to improve your situation, or because you wanted it?” Inuyasha stared at her accusingly.

“Inuyasha, you know I love you. I was only doing what you told me to. I need to get him to allow me certain liberties so I can have his aide in defeating Naraku.” She stared down at the snowy ground guiltily.

“Did you want it Kagome?” He asked again with a small growl.

“Yes. I am sorry Inuyasha, but yes. I don’t know what came over me. I should hate him, but I don’t. I think only he is cruel because that is all he knew in his life. I… he… He reminded me of how you acted when we first met. You wanted to kill me for Shikon no Tama, you loved Kikyo and always threw it in my face how I was not as good as her. You… you would not call me by my name. I did not hate you for all you did.” Kagome explained.

“Damnit Kagome, I didn’t fucking rape you though! I didn’t beat you! How could you want it? How could you?” Inuyasha yelled before he lowered his voice asking himself the question.

“Don’t you think I know this! Don’t you think I am suffering here too? That I feel good about the fact that I love you with all my heart, and I am reminded of your every time I see Sesshoumaru’s amber eyes? Don’t you think I want to cry because I feel as though I am betraying you anytime I feel sympathy or more towards your own brother! Don’t be so selfish Inuyasha.” Kagome raged.

“Kagome, I am sorry. I just… I can’t take it. This is not what I wanted for either of us, but the fates decided this would be the best course. I just don’t know how I will ever deal with it.” Inuyasha broke down with a sob catching in his throat. Kagome ran over to him and held him in her arms, she felt tears falling from her eyes as she saw her love in such agony.

“I will not do it again Inuyasha. I will fight him, if only it means to stop your heartache. Please Inuyasha.” Kagome pleaded.

“You don’t understand. This is the way it is supposed to be. The way it HAS to be now.” Inuyasha argued more to himself than to her.

“What way? Inuyasha you are not making any sense. Please tell me.” Kagome was so confused by everything he was saying.

“Sesshoumaru… and… you… Kagome to defeat Naraku. You will need each other eventually, will need your…love…for each other. While I have to fucking watch it! You were mine Kagome, mine! That bastard Naraku took me from you and now Sesshoumaru will take you from me.” Inuyasha turned to her and kissed her before he ran off into the snowy distance disappearing.

Kagome just stared into the distance, confused and hurt by what happened. She did not love Sesshoumaru, she loved him. Kagome knew that she needed Sesshoumaru’s strength to help defeat Naraku, but love? She was so confused. She wanted to wake up, to go outside for as long as she could and just be free of everything and everyone. Things were just too confusing, too much to understand.

Sesshoumaru entered her dream, waiting for Inuyasha to leave. He knew his half brother’s soul came to her, for at one time they were bound to each other by fate. Sesshoumaru could only stare growling lowly in the dark area which he was cast in the dream as he watched the scene in front of him.

The things Kagome said, how he reminded her of his hanyou brother, the hurt in both of them. He was surprised to hear what his brother had said about love. Kagome was nothing more than a fond obsession. He may have some tender feelings, but it was not love. It did not go any further than what it did with Rin. He felt the need to protect Kagome, with an added feeling of lust for her. That was not love. He saw Inuyasha kiss Kagome before disappearing, and jealousy reared its head. He had made some progress with her, but after the whelp’s attitude things would be back to square one. There had to be some way to make Inuyasha disappear, some way to enter her dreams before he did.

Sesshoumaru knew tonight he would not make the moves he so desperately wanted. With that he could feel himself being to awaken and knew Kagome would wake shortly after him. He would let her go outside today as he promised but he had plans for her. He also knew he would have to visit KuroShi again and explain what was happening. Sesshoumaru had a lot of things to do, the first was to bring Kagome back to him, and the second was to rid her dreams of that damn hanyou.

Sorry it took so long to update. Had my son and he is a handful. Anyway I should have another chappie out soon. Also I am sorry for any confusion of what’s going on. I am trying to get Naraku and the main plot in here so I don’t want to drag the whole Sesshy/Kag thing out too much longer. Anyway, review and tell me what you think. Email me if you are confused and I will try to explain. Thanks!