InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Winter Hearts ❯ Reliving Pain ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
*Disclaimer: Not mine!!!*

A/N: Hey for those of you who are wondering, the necklace works like the collar did, with a few additives. So if Naraku tries to take her off the castle grounds, Kagome is going to be in a lot of pain. So there ya go for those who were curious. Anyway, be warned, torture, violence and some sexual details will be in here. Don’t worry no lemons or rape if that’s what you are thinking. Hey muse! Thanks for the help on my last chapter too! I totally forgot to thank you. *pats muse on head* Such a good muse.

Naraku stealthily made his way towards the sobbing Kagome. Before she could sense him, a cold hand wrapped itself around her mouth to prevent her scream. She was already trembling in fear and the smell was pleasing to Naraku.

“Ku, ku, ku. No warm welcome miko? I only came back to see how you were, and it seems that you are too comfortable with the lord here. I thought I could maybe liven things up a bit, you know for old times sake.” Naraku growled into her ear.

He began to pull Kagome with him, towards the woods from which he came. She kicked and tried to fight with all her will to get away from him, when suddenly she fell limp in his arms after a horrendous scream that even his tightly clamped hand over her mouth could not completely muffle. Naraku stared down at the girl as he unceremoniously threw her on the ground. He noticed she wore a necklace that was now glowing a fierce red inside a peculiar jewel.

As he bent down to get a closer look at it, Kagome awoke and was about to scream but was cut off by intense pain in her throat. Naraku had taken her outside the border of Sesshoumaru’s lands and the necklace had taken effect by making her feel as though she was pierced by a hundred tiny needle points on her neck. Naraku only stared at her with his evil eyes, curious of why she didn’t yell for help, and even more curious as to why the jewel glowed even brighter than before.

“Tell me miko, what is this upon your neck?” Naraku asked her cautiously.

Kagome could not answer him right away, every time she tried to swallow or raise her voice to scream there was pain. She managed to whisper out a hoarse broken sentence though.

“Necklace, pain…leave…Sesshoumaru, bastard.” Kagome nearly passed out again. She had to try and find a way to get back within the boundaries, only then did she stand a chance against this half man, half monster.

“Ah, I believe I understand miko. Oh how great this is. You are caused pain by the one who took you in. I wonder, how often did he cause you pain? I can still see the remains of cuts and bruises on your face. No matter. I will just finish what he started.” Naraku spoke, and grabbed Kagome by her arm, and threw her hard against a tree. He used his speed and strength to quickly bring her arms above her head and tie her hands together onto a low hanging branch so she could not escape.

Kagome wanted to struggle, to fight against him. She could feel her miko powers building up inside of her to be released, but when they did the pain was so immense she cried out and slumped backwards against the tree behind her.

“Ku, ku, ku. I should have to thank Sesshoumaru when I am done here. It seems that necklace of yours doesn’t just control where you go, my little miko. Now, lets see here. Where to start? Ahh yes, I wanted you to relive your past. Kanna come here.” Naraku chuckled, as his offspring appeared out of the woodworks with her dangerous mirror.

“Take a look into this mirror Kagome, take a look at your friends.” Naraku forced Kagome’s head up to stare into the mirror, she tried to close her eyes, but they shot back open when Naraku brought a claw roughly down her side, ripping the kimono open on one side and leaving a line of blood in its path.

Kagome stared into the mirror in front of her, all the while praying for darkness to overcome her. She noticed as the mirror started swirling, she saw her friends, all of them. It was the day of their battle, they day they died. Kagome watched in horror as she relived their deaths one by one. She went to close her eyes again, but this time Naraku wrenched her up by her hair painfully.

“Not yet miko. Only a little longer and then the fun really begins.” Naraku spoke cruelly.

Kagome stared once again into the mirror to see Inuyasha, when he protected her and how he died for her. She began to cry at seeing this, she loved him and had just betrayed him. Now Naraku made her relive the pain of losing him again. The mirror flashed a bright white and a new picture was born, one of Inuyasha’s face, staring at her.

(Inuyasha in the mirror)

“How could you do this Kagome? You left us all to die. You did nothing! Now look at you. You are a whore to my brother! I loved you Kagome, and this is how you repay us? Repay me? By fucking our enemy, my brother? Do you think he cares for you? You are just a dirty toy. I hate you Kagome, I loathe you.” Inuyasha growled out fiercely.

(End Inuyasha in the mirror)

“Inuyasha!” Kagome managed to scream out.

The image in the mirror faded and Kagome felt her heart tearing into a million pieces. She knew what she saw was not real, but inside that was how she felt. She felt that would truly be the way Inuyasha would see her, as a whore. She wanted to give up, she felt herself crawling into a little corner of her soul, trying to hide from the shame, only to be brought back with a resounding slap to the face.

“Wake up bitch! You are not going to leave a hollow shell for me to play with.” Naraku screamed at her. He took his claws over her body, ripping her remaining clothes to shred, leaving claw marks bleeding everywhere. He painfully grabbed one of her nipples and pinched it until it bruised.

Kagome cried out hoarsely, the pain caused by his fingers and the feel of the necklace made it so no matter what she did, it would hurt. Tears fell from her eyes freely, she tried to kick Naraku, but he only managed to catch her leg within his claws, digging into it painfully. She wanted to be free, needed someone to help her, but there was no one. They were all gone, dead. She was alone.

Naraku continued to make small wounds upon her body, there was small blood drops everywhere upon the snow. Every time she felt as if she would faint, he would smack her or punch her to wake her back up. He would laugh and taunt her, tell her that there was no one coming to get her, that everyone she cared for died because of her. That Sesshoumaru did not care if she lived or died, he had gotten what he wanted from her.

At that Kagome drowned out the pain in sudden thought. ‘Sesshoumaru. Oh gods, please. Let him realize I am gone, even if he doesn’t care, he will still want his possession back.’

“What’s this miko? A branding from your lover, or should I say master? I wonder if he would share you.” He traced the scar on her breast with his bloodied nail.

“SESSHOUMARU!!!!!!!!” Kagome screamed with all her might despite the pain.

“Ku, ku, ku. He won’t come for you. You are just a toy, remember?” Naraku chuckled.


Sesshoumaru was in the dojo destroying things. After all that had happened between them, she still thought of that damn hanyou. He didn’t understand why he was so torn about this, after all she was just his slave. He did not care about her like that, he should be happy she even complied and gave herself to him at all. In between thoughts, his heart suddenly felt as though it was getting ripped into shreds. In his mind her heard Kagome. Heard her cry for help.

Running out into the garden he sensed she was not there, but he did sense another presence. ‘Naraku!’ Sesshoumaru’s heart quickened as he followed the hanyou’s dirty scent. He could smell fear coming from Kagome, fear and blood. He had taken her outside of the castle lands, which meant she was in pain not only from Naraku but from the necklace he placed upon her.

He arrived upon a horrifying scene. Kagome was trembling from the cold, and from her loss of blood. She had tears falling down her cheeks, scratches and bruises all upon her semi nude body. Naraku was about to slap her again when he could tell the taiyoukai was behind him.

“Naraku!” Sesshoumaru said low. He put his hand upon Tokijin ready to release the sword if necessary. He took a small step towards Naraku to intimidate him. Yet Naraku only shook his head. He swung up behind the half conscious Kagome and held his claws at her throat.

“One more step Sesshoumaru and your precious toy is dead. I am not done playing with her yet. Would you care to join me, or just watch?” Naraku glared at the inuyoukai in front of him. He noticed Sesshoumaru tensed at the sight of Kagome lifting her head trying to shake her head no. Naraku allowed one of his claws to “Slip” and cut into her tender flesh, blood oozing down her throat unto her breasts. Naraku brought his hand up to cup her and slowly massaged the blood into her skin, relishing the taste of fear coming from this miko, and the smell of hatred radiating off of Sesshoumaru. Kagome let out a scream as she felt Naraku once again dig into her breast.

“Tell me Sesshoumaru, did she scream like this for you?” Naraku taunted the youkai in front of him.

“Release her Naraku! Or I will kill you where you stand!” Sesshoumaru could feel the blood lust rising into his eyes. After seeing such debauchery displayed upon Kagome he wanted nothing but to tear that bastard to shreds and grind his heel into his heart, if that monster even had one.

“Very well Sesshoumaru, I will… release her.” Naraku dug his claws into Kagome’s throat, causing a mortal wound. Naraku laughed manically before a tremendous wind came upon Sesshoumaru, pushing him back far enough that he could not attack Naraku, as he made his escape on the large feather provided by Kagura.


Kagome could feel herself drifting away. She was so cold, and tired. Her mind and body screamed in pain, she felt herself drop to the cold ground, but could not move. She was drained of anything and everything.

“Kagome… Kagome?” She heard Sesshoumaru whisper to her, until everything faded into black.


“Kagome….Kagome?” Sesshoumaru heard her heart begin to slow, she was losing too much blood and fast, the snow around him wasn’t even white anymore, it looked as though someone had dumped a bottle of deep red wine upon it. He needed to save her and fast, there wasn’t any time to take her within the grounds again to stop the necklace from working. Grabbing Tensegia he withdrew the sword, but it did nothing. The sword would not save her.

“Damn you Tensegia. You worthless fang! What good are you if I cannot save the ones I care for?” Sesshoumaru threw the sword to the ground. Kagome was going to die, and he could do nothing to stop it.

KuroShi’s words came back to haunt him. ‘There are other reasons to perform a blood bond if you wish to keep her alive.’ That was it. That was what KuroShi meant. A way to perform a blood bond without mating was to share one’s life blood with another for the sake of healing. It was not often it was performed and that was why he did not remember it until now.

Quickly Sesshoumaru cut open his wrist deeply and placing it upon the wound on Kagome’s neck. He could feel their blood mingling together, could feel it in his veins as her miko blood tried to purify his. Her heartbeat was getting slightly stronger as the minutes ticked by silently, when Sesshoumaru removed his wrist from her wound, it was already trying to heal. The wound was not bleeding anymore, but was closing very slowly. It would still be there for days, but for now it was enough to stop her from bleeding to death.

Reaching down to pick Kagome’s cold and silent form up, he wrapped his fur boa around her, trying to instill some type of warmth into her body. He noticed the teardrop jewel no longer glared fiery red when she was in his arms. Sesshoumaru took off with his youkai speed towards his castle. Kagome still needed to be treated, for his youkai blood could only heal so much of her wounds by itself.


Inside the castle, Sesshoumaru placed Kagome upon their bed, yelling for Jaken to bring other servants to help him clean and treat her. After a short while, Kagome was cleaned of all her blood and Sesshoumaru glanced down at her battered body. Of all the things he may have done to her in the past, this was disgusting even to him. Her body was marred all over with cuts and bruises, the only part of her that was left untouched it seemed was the one side of her face. Sesshoumaru leaned down to push back the hair from that area and placed a small kiss upon it.

“I am sorry Kagome. I am sorry I allowed that monster to take you. Never again, because you are mine.” Sesshoumaru said into the silent room. Kagome moved slightly and left out a moan. Sesshoumaru would not invade her dreams tonight, she needed to rest, and he needed to prepare.

“Jaken!” Sesshoumaru screamed into the hallway.

“Yes, Sesshoumaru-sama!” Jaken said as he scurried to his master’s call.

“Send a message to Prince Kouga. Tell him, its time I, Lord Sesshoumaru of the Western Lands, accept his plead for help. Naraku will not go unpunished for this personal attack against me. Now go!” Sesshoumaru raged.

He wanted to kill Naraku now, to make him pay for all he did to Kagome. She was in pain as it was with him, and for Naraku to take her and do those things to her. Sesshoumaru punched the wall. He almost lost her, lost someone he cared about today, all because of him being jealous over her love for his brother. He should never have left her out in the garden alone.

“I will never leave her alone again.” Sesshoumaru whispered to himself.

Somehow, his slave, his Kagome, had wound herself into his heart, enough that he did not wish to see any harm come upon her again and he would kill those who dared to touch her while he still lived.

So what did you think? Poor Kagome, I don’t know why I keep beating her up. Anyway, look at Sesshy, he is all the evil-good guy now. Alright well time for me to get some sleep, I have a head cold and it sucks. Next chapter will be out soon! Ja ne!