InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Winter Hearts ❯ Recovering Arguments ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
*Disclaimer: Not mine!!!*

A/N: So yeah, Sesshy is getting a little possessive/caring of our dear Kagome. Meanwhile, Kagome from being injured is having well… interesting dreams. Hey muse!!! Oh and everyone.. Go read and review faegirl_16 ‘s story Claimed or I won’t update!! it’s a really good work in progress!!


“No, leave me alone Naraku! Help me Sesshoumaru!!” Kagome screamed into her dream.

Naraku was there again touching her, causing more pain. He was raping her mind with his images. His disgusting hands all over her body, his leering grin and taunting remarks. She was reliving what happened earlier but instead of Sesshoumaru being there to help her, he only stood to the side watching with morbid fascination. Sesshoumaru moved closer, and glanced at her with disgust.

“Did she scream like this for you Sesshoumaru?” Naraku asked.

“Yes. Let me join you Naraku. Let us hear this pathetic human scream from our touch.” Sesshoumaru stated with a dull tone.

“No.. no you were supposed to help me Sesshoumaru! Don’t do this, please, I trusted you!” Kagome cried into her sleep.

“Kagome….” Sesshoumaru spoke softly, suddenly a deep hurt in his eyes.

<End Dream>

Sesshoumaru was trying his best to wake Kagome up from her fitful dream. He heard her screaming, yelling Naraku and his name with fright. ‘What is happening in her dream to cause her to scream my name with such fear?’

“Kagome…. Please wake up. Hear me Kagome, I am here, I am not going to hurt you.” Sesshoumaru spoke softly. He was hurt that she seemed to recoil from his gentle touch to her face.

Kagome woke up with a start. When she saw Sesshoumaru’s face she tried to jump back from him, only to feel pain shooting through her entire body. He gently pushed down on her shoulders to prevent further movement. The look in his eyes was filled with pain, like she had hurt him somehow from being so scared. Kagome realized she had a nightmare, but the images were still fresh in her mind which is why she was so frightened of him.

“Don’t move, you have injuries that have not healed yet, my blood speeded up the healing process for you. There is only so much it can do, and it has only been six hours since I brought you back here.” Sesshoumaru refrained from saying Naraku’s name, he did not want Kagome remembering anything yet. He had been by her bed all day after he sent Jaken off with his message, but he would not allow her to know that. She did not need to know exactly how worried he was or she might use it against him, he cared for her but still did not trust her because after all, she was still in love with that hanyou.

“Your…your blood?” Kagome asked with shock. What had happened after she passed out?

“Yes. You were gravely injured and the only way to save your life was to mix my blood with yours. Yet in the process yours mixed with mine and I must say that was interesting, it tried to purify me. In the end, we are now bonded.” Sesshoumaru stated simply.

“I’m sorry Sesshoumaru-sama. I did not mean for things like this to happen.” Kagome apologized, she knew this taiyoukai would not want to be bonded for any reason.

Kagome knew from Miroku’s ranting when he was alive that bonding wasn’t mating in youkai standards, but it did make him responsible for her protection now. He would feel it in his mind if she was in danger or hurting. It gave her a warm feeling inside her chest that he would care enough to save her life and want to protect her. She allowed a small smile to grace her lips at those thoughts.

“Arigato Sesshoumaru.” Kagome whispered.

Sesshoumaru saw the small smile, and the trusting emotions play across her battered but still beautiful face. He had to do something, he could not allow her to trust him. He wasn’t ready for it, he didn’t need her, she was just another human ward. He had to try pushing her away slightly, to get her angry so she would not see the genuine concern in his eyes. It was there, no matter how he tried to mask it.

“It does not matter, you are a weak human after all, my blood is now yours out of convenience and has just made you live. I would not allow him to take what belonged to me.” Sesshoumaru told her stoically. His eyes may have betrayed him, but she seemed to fall into his trap.

“I am not weak! If it wasn’t for this necklace, I could have defended myself! I fought against him and other powerful youkai more times than I can count and I am still alive! I am sorry, oh mighty Sesshoumaru that you are bonded to such a weak pathetic human! I wish you had let me die, at least then I wouldn’t live with this guilt and pain of being alone. I thought you cared, but in the end, I am still just a possession. Far be it for someone to take something from you. You act just like a spoiled child Sesshoumaru! I am NOT a possession. I am alive and have feelings, and apparently I was wrong to give myself to you! I thought maybe somewhere under that cold indifference there was someone with a heart!” Kagome vented. Sesshoumaru had hurt her deeply with his indifference.

After all that had happened, the way he treated her so recently, she thought maybe he had changed. That she was no longer a possession to him, that he really cared what happened to her. She was wrong. Everything was so wrong. She had betrayed Inuyasha with his own brother, would have died from Naraku, and now she was hear having her heart broken all over again because she was foolish enough to think this inuyoukai cared somewhere deep down.

“Enough! I can not help you are foolish from human emotions. I told you before I do have a heart, but it is only an organ to show I am alive. Naraku will pay for what he did to you, be happy with that. You may not like being a possession, but that’s what you are. Or have you forgotten so soon that you are still my slave? Nothing has changed your position.” Sesshoumaru glared at her angrily. He wanted to push her away, to hurt her so she would not trust him, but he still would not tolerate being ridiculed and compared to a child. Anyone else he would have killed by now for such an insult.

“I may be your slave by marking Sesshoumaru, but you still do not own me and never will! You disgust me!” Kagome raged.

Sesshoumaru leaned over careful not to harm her, even though what he wanted to do was throttle her neck right now. He stared into her angry eyes, waiting for another retort. Since there was none forthcoming he spoke with calm patience.

“I already own you miko in more ways than one. As for your disgust with me, you did not seem too disgusted with me hours ago in the garden.” Sesshoumaru spoke cryptically. He stood up and started to walk from the room.

“I will have a servant bring you something to eat later. Rest for now. I have much to think upon and will not be back until late.” Sesshoumaru walked out before Kagome could respond.


Kagome sat there alone in pain both physically and emotionally. Sesshoumaru was right. She did not find him disgusting in the garden. She had enjoyed what they did although she felt guilty about Inuyasha. He was also right in another fact, he did own her. Kagome knew he would never let her go, that she was bonded to him, but a small secret spot of her also knew that she didn’t want to be let go and somehow he knew it too.

It scared her, for he caused her so much pain, but the feeling would not leave. She wanted this taiyoukai, wanted to be mastered by him, wanted to be cared for by him. Maybe she was just so lonely and desperate anymore, or maybe it was something more. Kagome was afraid. Afraid of all the sudden emotions and events in her life. Shaking her head of such ridiculous thoughts, Kagome laid back down praying for a peaceful sleep to claim her. She was so exhausted mentally and physically that she wanted to sleep and never wake up.

Sorry this chapter was really slow and short. I am still sick and well.. I was kind of having writers block because this was just a filler chapter. I needed to get the “recovery” stage over before I could continue with the good stuff. So yeah, I will try and get the next chapter out a lot sooner! I am sorry it took so long. Ja ne!