InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Winter Hearts ❯ Forsaken Dreams ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
*Disclaimer: Not mine!!!*

A/N: For those of you wondering. Sesshy didn’t realize that Kagome wasn’t with Kouga because he was too enraged as well as harboring doubts about her. Oh and for my fan AsianEyes, Happy birthday!!!! *muse wraps scarredbride in bow.* So yeah, here we go with the next chappie. Enjoy! Oh music while writing this chapter: Metallica - Fade to Black, Stabbing Westward - You Complete Me, Stabbing Westward - Waking up Beside You, and Christina Aguilera - Reflections.

Sesshoumaru was still seething as he walked into the chamber which Kouga was using. Noticing the wolf youkai staring out the window, Sesshoumaru quickly came up behind him and was about to swing his poison filled nails, when Kouga dodged his blow with unimaginable speed.

“Oi! Sesshoumaru what’s with the greeting?” Kouga asked, a small bit of fear in his eyes.

“You bastard! You just couldn’t keep your hands off what was mine. Ever since you came here all you have done was seek her out, and now you have gotten her. What did you two plan? To have me kill Naraku and then maybe me so she would be free? Tell me now before I take my pleasure in killing you.” Sesshoumaru raged with red in his eyes.

“What are you talking about? I assume you are speaking of Kagome with the way you are acting. No other woman than her could get you so upset.” Kouga saw even though the taiyoukai was almost insanely mad, he was also in pain, he could even smell a very faint trace of tears coming from him.

“Of course I am speaking of that bitch! What other woman is it that you covet so? I saw you. Don’t deny it, I can smell her all over you, and I could smell you all over her before I threw that whore out.” Sesshoumaru lunged at the wolf youkai again, but still his speed was fast enough to escape.

“You what?! You saw us doing what exactly?” Kouga jumped again as Sesshoumaru swung at him.

“You and her. In that damn mirror, I saw you two rutting on my bed, OUR bed. Tell me did you enjoy her? I only took her twice after all, and I will admit she was so sweet that second time. She really had me going, making me think she was starting to care and all that stood in the way was that dead hanyou. But no, it wasn’t him, it was you!” Sesshoumaru stopped attacking and looked at Kouga with a death glare.

“Mirror? Taking her on your bed? Sesshoumaru I admit, I comforted Kagome tonight, but it only went so far as to hug her and kiss her forehead goodnight. You baka. She was crying tonight because of you, of how you made her feel unwanted like a piece of property you could get bored with. You were breaking her damn heart! You normally have an even head on your shoulders Sesshoumaru. You do not recklessly go into things head first without all the facts. I am telling you to listen now and listen carefully. Do you smell anything upon me that would indicate Kagome and I fucking?” Kouga seethed back at Sesshoumaru. It was one thing to attack him but for him to attack Kagome was wrong. She was in love with this inuyoukai and he didn’t even know it or trust her. Sesshoumaru didn’t deserve her love if this was how he would be, always questioning her.

Sesshoumaru growled at Kouga but took a minute to let his words sink in. No one dare call him a baka, yet at the moment Kouga was right. He sniffed the air and all he could smell was Kouga’s scent and Kagome’s tears mingled, no scent of arousal anywhere. He was a baka. He should have known not to trust any of Naraku’s offspring.

“Kagome.” Was all Sesshoumaru could say as he rushed out the door, following her scent into the woods. Kouga was behind him, but he didn’t care, he needed to find Kagome and bring her back to him.

Sesshoumaru stopped abruptly when her scent stopped, and his nose was assaulted by none other than Naraku. It was a trap, the whole thing a trap. He had lost Kagome to their worse enemy, all because he could not trust her, all because he refused to give into the feelings of his love for her. He admitted it now, he loved her, loved her more than he could imagine. His heart and soul felt like bursting at the self admission, but now he was too late, he told her he didn’t want her, threw her out. Now she was gone and she was once again alone.

“Naraku!” Sesshoumaru growled out, slashing at the tree in front of him, causing the icicles to fall to the ground silently, shattering like crystal tears into the cold, moonlit night.

Coming up behind him, Kouga could feel the pain and rage radiating off Sesshoumaru. Naraku had taken Kagome from him once again, but this time he did not know where they were. Naraku had covered his scent after taking Kagome. Placing a hand on the lord’s shoulder, Sesshoumaru turned and looked at him with such apathy.

“I lost her, but damn it I will get her back. At dawn gather the rest of the lords, we will attack Naraku as soon as we can form a plan.” Sesshoumaru spoke with eerie command, turning, walking back into the castle to the room where Kagome’s scent surrounded him. He stood in the middle of their bedroom, trying to focus on their bond but he felt nothing. She was alive he could tell but there were no emotions, almost like she was nothing but an empty shell. No fear, or pain, just nothingness.

He laid down on their bed, breathing in the heavenly scent of her, closing his eyes and dreaming, remembering her small smile when she was out in the garden. The look in her eyes while they made love, and even the courage and anger flaring from her earlier tonight when she proudly announced she was needed in the defeat of Naraku. He wished she still had the necklace, he wanted to tell her. Tell her he wanted her, he needed her.


Kagome was in a dark cell, Naraku had spent the last half an hour trying to get a response out of her, but there was nothing. No tears, no screams, nothing. All the pain was gone, she just wished he would stop playing around and kill her already. Impatience, one of the few feelings she had left.

Naraku had gotten sick of her, and had her thrown in the damp room for the night, trying anything to make her realize her uncomfortable conditions, but all it did was compliment her soul. The darkness, the emptiness, the silence. Kagome closed her eyes, although inside she felt as though she was slowly dying, her physical self still needed rest. Praying she would drift off into an uneventful slumber, Kagome thought of only one thing before she slipped into the dream world. ‘Why did you not want me, Sesshoumaru?’

<Kagome’s Dream>

Everything was empty, there was nothing in her dreams. She just stood in what some would consider a void, waiting for her body to wake up. Kagome stood there for what seemed like years before feeling a faint presence behind her. She turned suddenly and saw the color coming from the darkest recesses of her mind. There standing in front of her was Sesshoumaru. He looked pained, and looked as though he was searching. For what though was a mystery. He looked up and saw her, reached out for her, mouthing her name, but no actual voice came forth. It was as if she was too far away to hear him, to touch him. What did it matter anyway, he was just a figment of her imagination, a dream. Kagome turned her back to him, trying to ignore the images she seen behind her.

<Sesshoumaru’s Dream>

He was walking in the darkest of nights for what seemed like forever, suddenly there she was, standing in what looked to be a nothingness surrounding her. He reached out for her, called her name, but she did not hear him. She only looked at him with empty eyes and turned her back to him.

“Kagome. Please Kagome hear me!” Sesshoumaru screamed. He ran towards her image, but he was getting no closer. Everything seemed frozen in place, like there was something separating them. ‘Damnit, I will not be separated from her again!’

Sesshoumaru ran some more, pushing forth all the hope and love he had in finding her. He wanted nothing but to tell her, to hold her again, to let her know she wasn’t alone. The emptiness he could see around her was killing his Kagome, he could see it. She just stood there staring off into darkness.

“Kagome!” He screamed out again, this time she only shook her head and walked off towards the darkness. He was getting closer it seemed, but not fast enough, the closer he got to her, the further she walked. Sesshoumaru pushed on with all his speed and strength it seemed until he finally reached her.

He grabbed her shoulder gently, trying to turn her around, but she shook him away. She would not even turn to look at him, but why? He was here in a dream with her, without the help of the necklace, shouldn’t that mean something to her? Yet she didn’t know the necklace allowed him into her dreams, he had never told her, to Kagome this was just another imagination of her mind. He had to get through to her, had to let her know he was actually there with her, because he wanted her.

“Kagome. Please, Kagome. Look at me. I am sorry.” Sesshoumaru pleaded with her.

<Kagome and Sesshoumaru’s Dream>

Kagome only looked over at him, a deep sadness in her eyes, but no tears would come forth. She was sick of crying, sick of feeling. She noticed the look on his face, the look of worry and regret. She felt nothing though, and turned her back to him again. ‘Let him say what he wants and just wake up Kagome. This isn’t real and its just what you wish would happen.’

Sesshoumaru saw the look in her before she turned from him. She had forsaken him. Did not feel anything for him. It took all of Sesshoumaru’s pride and deep hidden feelings to say his next words.

“Why have you forsaken me, I made a mistake, don't allow your thoughts and heart to forsaken me, please. I love you.” Sesshoumaru said quietly to her.

Kagome tensed at the words, this was not real, could not be real. Sesshoumaru would never love her, he did not want her. Even told her so before carelessly throwing her out into the cold and into Naraku’s hands. Staring straight ahead of her, she took another step towards the darkness that looked so inviting.

“Leave. I am alone. Always will be alone. Goodbye Sesshoumaru.” Kagome took again another step, before the dream world felt as though it was shaking.

“Kagome.” Sesshoumaru reached out for her, but she wasn’t there, she was off in the distance again. Out of his reach, he could not bring her back to him. He had somehow killed her soul, made her get sucked into the black hole that was in front of her now dragging her in, inch by agonizing inch, with him watching, unable to save her, to take her back and make her complete again.


Sesshoumaru awoke to a tearing pain in his heart. She told him goodbye in the dream, after he confessed his love for her. He had used her, abused her, and done so many horrible things to her. Yet out of them all, the one thing that destroyed her in the end was the simple words he spoke out of anger and hurt. ‘I do not want you. Leave.’ He remembered saying them. That was it, those few words, brought his and her worlds crumbling down around them. Making them victims in different ways. He learned to love another, and Kagome’s loving soul, became empty and emotionless, just as he was before Rin, before her.

Rising from the bed in a melancholy mood, Sesshoumaru knew he had to get Kagome back from Naraku. Even though she might just be a shell of her former self, he loved her and would do whatever was in his power to bring her back. Walking out the room he made his way into the meeting room where all the youkai from the previous night were gathered.

“Gentlemen…” He began as he closed the door behind him. Preparing for the battle which was coming sooner than anticipated.


Kagome’s body woke up with a start, someone was shaking her. It was Kagura. She was trying to wake her up for Naraku wanted to see her. Probably for more taunting or even torture. He had stuck her in shackles the previous night, ones that prevented her miko powers from coming forth and purifying him. It didn’t matter anyway, she wasn’t going to fight him. To fight him only meant giving him more pleasure in torturing her, and meant the longer she would be around as his play thing.

Reaching the desired room after following Kagura silently through the still and vacant hallways, Kagome looked upon Naraku’s smiling face. He beckoned Kagura to place her in the shackles again, Kagome did not complain, she even stood there completely at ease as though she was not in any danger while Kagura took one arm and one leg at a time forcing her into an uncomfortable spread eagle against the cold wall.

“Just kill me already. I am tired of this.” Kagome stated impatiently.

“In time. Right now you are in no position to ask favors of me. Besides, what if your lord did decide to come and get you, which I doubt. Where would be the fun in that?” Naraku snickered.

Bringing his hand lightly across her face, he traced her lips for a short moment. Grinning he grabbed Kagome’s tattered kimono and ripped it off her, allowing him full access to the now healed flesh beneath it. He stared at her, expecting her to fight or even blush from the indecent stare, but all she did was look straight ahead a vacant expression on her face.

“Respond to me!” Naraku growled out at her. She didn’t even flinch at the loudness of his voice.

Naraku was getting frustrated, last night he taunted her to get some kind of emotional response from her. She did not even hold the scent of tears once that whole half an hour. He brought Kanna in with the mirror showing her images of her friends again, of Inuyasha, and even of Sesshoumaru, but there was nothing. Sickened at the sight of her, he told Kagura to place her in one of his many cells allowing her to think of what transpired. Yet here she was, just as stoically expressed as she was the previous night.

“I wonder, are you fighting against the pain because Sesshoumaru is bonded to you? After all, he can feel what you feel, did you know that?” Naraku glared at her. For a fraction of a second, he saw her eyes change, but returned to the empty glazed look. He continued staring at her body, taking in the scar from his claws and noticing the scar that led from her outer hip and up her back. He again looked her over, tracing it, she flinched slightly from his touch. He thought he had her, something that would bring pain to her somewhere deep inside.

“"Hmm, looking at you, it seems that I was not the only one that enjoyed marring your beautiful flesh. For if you will look dear Kagome, you will always have a scar to remember me, and your Sesshoumaru that you so dearly cared for has left you two." Naraku sneered at her.

“Go to hell.” Kagome whispered with venom. She did not need to be reminded that she would always be scarred by him. Did not need to be reminded that Sesshoumaru was always a part of her inside and out.

“I will be in hell one day Kagome. Yet for now, its my turn to show you a living hell. Besides, its not fair that Sesshoumaru marked you twice and I only once.” Naraku grabbed her hip roughly with one hand, as he took the other and carved a small ‘N’ on her hipbone under and to the side of her navel.

“Now if any one looks upon your body, they will know I was here, and you will be reminded of it everyday you feel the raised flesh upon your hands.” Naraku laughed.

“Bastard.” Kagome spit into his face. She did not cry from the pain of what he did, she was filled with one of her few emotions. Anger.

Naraku wiped his face off and sneered at her before bringing his fist around, knocking Kagome into an unconscious bundle against the wall. Staring at her, he was disgusted, he thrived on torturing her because she reminded him a little of Kikyo and he was denied the pleasure of doing this to her when she was alive. Yet now, she was worse than the Kikyo made of dirt and bones. She was filled with a nothingness and anger. Nothing he could do would bring the results he wanted from her.

“Stupid bitch.” He said before walking away calling for Kagura to come and take her back to the cell.

<Kagome’s Dream>

“Kagome? Wake up Kagome.” A woman said in a gentle voice.

Kagome stared up at the unknown woman surrounded by a beautifully soft blue light. She took in her appearance and thought she looked vaguely familiar but could not place her. Curiously Kagome stared at the woman, she was dead, that must be it. Finally Naraku killed her.

“Who are you?” Kagome asked her.

“I, Kagome, am Midoriko. I have come to show you something. Show you why you must live and fight.” Midoriko spoke carefully and calmly.

Kagome only nodded waiting for the woman to go on. Midoriko did not speak though, only gestured to a blank space in front of her, and before Kagome’s eyes she saw every fear in her heart come to life. She felt every pain and heard every scream. She saw the future of her family if she did not defeat Naraku.

There is another chapter.. Reviews please!! Next chapter will be out soon. As you can tell we are getting closer and closer to the end of this story.. WAAAAHHHH!!! Sorry I am just so happy with the way this turned out. When I first started it, I hated this story, but now I am so into it.. YAY plus having such great fans makes it even better. Thanks for the support everyone!