InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Winter Hearts ❯ Joining Pt.2 ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
*Disclaimer: Not mine!!!*

A/N: Here is the start of the battle…. Pt 2 of the Joining, a lot of thoughts ahead, not too much detail. LOL… where is my muse when I need her?? Anyone see her around? Anyway, music for this….Angel Sanctuary - Lost, Inuyasha - Every Heart, Inuyasha - Kagome & Inuyasha song, Sarah McLachlan - In the Arms of an Angel, and Ayashi no Ceres - Scarlet. Enjoy….

Naraku stared down at what would be the soon to be battlefield. Kagome was pulled against his side, his arm wrapped tightly around her in case she tried in anyway to escape him. He was trying to gauge her reaction but all she did was remain passive, staring at the frozen floor beneath her feet.

He did not hesitate to attack, why should he? Looking over and nodding at Kagura, she used her fan releasing gale strength winds. Causing snow to fly everywhere before Naraku sent several thousand minor youkai after any inhabitants below.

Apparently they sensed his presence before hand yet could not tell from where because of his barrier hiding him from their sight. All the youkai lords and their fighting companions were prepared. Slicing and tearing into any youkai that came towards them, black and red blood spewed across the field as they tried to push their way forth to the hilltop where Naraku had made his barrier fall so his personal presence was known so that Kouga and Sesshoumaru would notice Kagome standing beside him almost intimately . Any youkai lord or soldier that had died, Kagura had taken over their deceased bodies to use against them.

Naraku wasn’t interested in anyone but Sesshoumaru and Kouga. He needed those last two shards. He had already taken the one from that weak boy Kohaku, leaving his young body crumpled upon the ground earlier. As for Sesshoumaru, he just wanted to have fun with the taiyoukai and his precious miko. To see what they would do for each other if either of their lives were threatened. Smirking he looked down at the silent miko once again that was in his arms. He gently placed a kiss on top of her head and she tried to jerk from his embrace then.

“Don’t touch me! I WILL kill you Naraku. I promise that upon the graves of all those you killed!” Kagome spit at him, fire in her eyes finally.

“Hmm, apparently now that we are here, you have decided to awaken from your impassive state. You are mistaken though miko, you will not kill me. That collar will not permit you to release your miko powers, therefore you can not purify me in any sense. Unless somehow you have become stronger overnight than any enchantment?” Naraku raised an eyebrow at her in question. He could sense something was different about her, but only assumed it was her anger and need to destroy him coming forth stronger.

Kagome lowered her head once again. It would be no good for him to know so soon how right he was. She could easily break this pathetic collar off her since she joined with Midoriko, but she needed to control herself, control the urge to destroy him now. ‘Control your anger Kagome. It is not time, we need to wait or all will be lost.’ Midoriko’s voice spoke inside of her mind catching Kagome off guard.

‘You are still with me? How is that possible?’ Kagome thought back.

‘I am part of you now. As is Inuyasha, or have you forgotten him as well? We are all your strength. You will need us all, the love you have for your friends, Inuyasha and for someone else who is still alive. Patience Kagome. The time will arrive soon.’ Midoriko spoke to Kagome from within.

‘Inuyasha? He is here with me? I thought he hated me, I thought he left me. He has not come to see me anymore.’ Kagome closed her eyes to prevent any signs of inner turmoil from showing to Naraku who was still commanding his small battle below while holding her by the leash attached to her collar.

‘He was always here Kagome. He was forced to leave so that you could fulfill your destiny, so that your emotions for him would not get into the way. But, he was always here with you throughout everything. He loves you Kagome and knew he had to lose you in order for you to succeed.’ Midoriko whispered.

Kagome’s eyes opened and widened suddenly at the thought of Inuyasha giving her up, just so she could continue. With renewed purpose she lifted her head proudly, calming herself, forcing herself to watch the carnage below with courage. It was not time yet, but she would not cower while the people below fought to live, fought to destroy Naraku’s ugly darkness, fought for her. No one’s death would be in vain anymore, she would win, she would fulfill her destiny and use the purified Shikon no Tama to bring all those good souls that died from Naraku back.

‘That is what your purpose is here Kagome. Always was and always will be. A few things may have changed through the course of time, but you were born to destroy Naraku, born to purify the Shikon no Tama and use it for absolute good so it can be laid to rest and never used again in this world.’ Midoriko spoke out with pride.

Kagome had finally understood everything, why everything was as it is. She had only lost all those she loved temporarily, it was enough to give her the strength she would need, enough to make her understand how formidable a force love and sadness were when combined.

Kagome braced herself in the chilled wind while it whipped her long ebony tresses around her as if embracing her. Glancing up at Naraku she felt sadness for him come into her heart. ‘What must it be like never to truly love? Only to hate and want to destroy?’ She thought to herself, expecting Midoriko to answer her in kind. No answer was forthcoming though, it was if Kagome was meant to ponder that question deeply inside herself.

Naraku turned to her suddenly sensing another change in her. She was no longer staring at the ground in defeat but courageously watching everything going on around her. The one thing that escaped her vision though was Sesshoumaru and Kouga running through the massacre towards them, towards her.


“Kouga, there! Up on the hill!” Sesshoumaru growled out.

“I see them. Don’t worry Sesshoumaru, I will get her back for you.” Kouga stated arrogantly before using his Shikon shards to assist in his speed.

“Damnit Kouga, do not get caught! All he needs is those last two shards! Just get Kagome and get away from him as fast as possible.” Sesshoumaru yelled from a small distance behind him. Although he was almost the same pace as Kouga, the Shikon shards gave the wolf prince an advantage. ‘Pathetic, to use those shards for personal gain.’ Sesshoumaru thought as he followed the cloud of dust and snow.

Sesshoumaru had to slice through some more of those annoying youkai with Toujikin but was caught short in the race for Kagome when Setsuna, or rather his corpse stood before him, controlled by Kagura now. This was not someone he could make short work with, but instead had to fight with an immense amount of strength before finally gaining the advantage. He stood above his once childhood friend, Toujikin poised at his throat. Before whispering to the lord.

“Forgive me.” With that he pierced him through, allowing his body and soul to be free from Kagura’s command. He was not one to care when killing someone before, but since Kagome he understood the importance of life a little more. ‘Kagome!’ He stopped in his musings when he felt her fear radiating suddenly. Staring up only feet away from him was Naraku, a tentacle pushed through one of an unconscious Kouga’s leg. He could only widen his eyes in brief fear as Naraku removed the last two shards from him and inserted them into his chest. Suddenly Naraku had a dark purple glow surrounding him while he turned to Kagome, laughing. Naraku raised a clawed hand towards her preparing to kill her off since she fulfilled his purpose. Rushing with more speed than he believed his battered body to have, Sesshoumaru ran in front of Kagome to push her aside.

“Kagome!!!!!” Sesshoumaru screamed, feeling Naraku’s claws tear into his back deeply.

Kagome hit the ground hard, while Sesshoumaru landed upon her. Blood streaking from wounds upon him, he smiled at her shocked face briefly before standing up facing Naraku once again. Toujikin in his hands, staggering towards him uncaring of the amount of pain and blood he was losing from Naraku‘s previous attack. Red completely filling his eyes as a hateful growl escaped his throat.

“Naraku. You bastard, how dare you try to kill her! How dare you take her from me! Come, lets end this now!” Sesshoumaru lunged towards Naraku fiercely.

Naraku with his newfound strength easily sidestepped the enraged taiyoukai. He whipped around behind Sesshoumaru, sending a powerful black blast at his back. Sesshoumaru dropped to the ground on one knee, using Toujikin to hold himself up. As Naraku walked towards him, a smile upon his face, he kicked Sesshoumaru to the ground hard when he noticed him trying to raise himself to his feet once again.

“Pathetic. The Great Sesshoumaru allowing such a human emotion bring him to his knees. You should be ashamed of yourself. I thought you were better than this.” Naraku mocked him.

“It is you who is pathetic Naraku! Using the Shikon no Tama to be whatever you wish because you were too weak to do it yourself!” Sesshoumaru growled out, pushing back enough to throw Naraku off balance temporarily. Swiftly he came to his feet again and turned to face his opponent.

“I, Naraku was never weak. It was that pathetic human Onigumo that was, at least until I destroyed his heart when I destroyed that bitch Kikyo. Love, what a weakness, even in the end it brought your impending death. Don‘t worry though, Kagome will follow your soul to hell soon enough after I am done with you.” Naraku sneered at the thought.

Sesshoumaru didn’t waste any words at this time and launched himself towards Naraku’s form. Managing to slice into his side with his sword. Naraku was briefly surprised that Sesshoumaru was able to strike him, but due to the power of Shikon no Tama his wound healed itself quickly. Sesshoumaru swung at him again, but Naraku managed to jump out of the way this time, landing straight in front of him, nose to nose. Reaching out to push him away, his breath caught as Naraku swiftly tore through his stomach with a clawed hand, in much the same way he had done with Inuyasha so long ago.

Blood spewing forth from Sesshoumaru’s mouth, Naraku withdrew his hand as he landed upon the cold ground, red pooling all around him. Sesshoumaru turned his head slightly, his vision coming in and out, he saw Kagome standing there, tears falling from her face. Reaching a hand up only to have it fall to the ground again from his loss of strength he realized he had failed Kagome, had not defeated Naraku and would lose her even if he did not die. With the rest of his strength he raised his head slightly and stared Kagome in the eyes before grounding out.

“Gomen Kagome. Aishiteru.” Sesshoumaru’s head fell to the ground in blessed unconsciousness but not before hearing Kagome scream out his name.


“Sesshoumaru! Kami, no Sesshoumaru!” Kagome rushed to his side, falling upon his barely breathing body.

“Aishiteru Sesshoumaru. I forgive you.” Kagome whispered, her heart filling with love, sadness and anger as she turned to see Naraku only standing above them to watch this display of what they called love.

‘Now Kagome. Take all these emotions and release our power now!’ Midoriko cried out into her mind.

Raising to her feet, Kagome stared at the amused Naraku. She could feel the tears falling down her face as he merely laughed at her pain, as he mocked everything that love and goodness stood for. A pink glow began to surround her, as she could feel the constraint of her collar breaking.

“Naraku. This time, I will destroy you. You have taken everything from me! Everything I loved!” Kagome screamed out.

The wind picked up around her whipping her hair around her face, her body lifted off the ground slightly, power emanating from her enough that Naraku took a step back in fear. She screamed out almost painfully into the sky before lowering her head and eyes widening and staring straight at him. They had changed into a deep purple color, as if she was possessed.

“Naraku. It‘s time.” The transformed Kagome’s voice spoke out calmly.


Ahhh, I am totally into this story again!!! Sorry I think this was so emotional for me… made me cry to write it, because I don’t like letting anything defeat my poor Sesshy. I apologize if anything is OOC, but… uggh I just had to do it this way. Alright well next chapter will be out very very very soon. See ya!