InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Winter Hearts ❯ The Heart of Naraku ( Chapter 17 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
*Disclaimer: Not mine!!!*

A/N: I found my muse!! YAY! Okay well here is the next chapter already. Ayashi no Ceres - Scarlet, Ayashi no Ceres - Ending song, and Ayashi no Ceres - When Goddess Sings your Melody for this chapter.

Last Chapter: The wind picked up around her whipping her hair around her face, her body lifted off the ground slightly, power emanating from her enough that Naraku took a step back in fear. She screamed out almost painfully into the sky before lowering her head and eyes widening and staring straight at him. They had changed into a deep purple color, as if she was possessed.

“Naraku. It‘s time.” The transformed Kagome’s voice spoke out calmly.


As the wind died down around them, Kagome landed softly to her feet, the snow barely crunching beneath her. She made her way towards Naraku, her eyes never once leaving his. He only grinned at her, and suddenly began to laugh.

“You think your powers will be a match against me? I hold inside of me the completed Shikon no Tama. No power in this world can stand up to me now. Foolish bitch!” Naraku yelled at her in an attempt to hide his own doubt.

He made a jump for her, intent on bringing her to the ground. Kagome merely held out her hand towards him, a pinkish glow beginning to radiate off of it, without warning she shot an energy burst of her miko powers straight at him. Naraku barely missed the purifying ball as it shot behind him, he turned to follow it and watched as the glow radiated upon part of the battlefield below completely purifying anything it touched. Friend or foe, it was gone.

“Naraku!” Kagome screamed out again.

“Baka! You killed even the people trying to help you! What do you mean to gain by this sudden need to destroy?” Naraku questioned.

“When you are dead Naraku. All those who lost their lives because of you or trying to fight against you will be brought back with Shikon no Tama.” Kagome stated simply.

“Pathetic woman, you still think you can kill me? You will die slowly by my hands!” Naraku yelled out.

He made a move for her again, but this time when she tried to defend herself he caught her by her arms. Thinking he had her this time, he brought his one hand up about to make the last and final blow to all that stood in his way. Suddenly he felt arms wrapped around him, warm lips pressed to his.

Strangely he let his hand fall to his side, all need for killing her forgotten as he placed his arms around the miko, tightening the embrace between them. He closed his eyes, forcing the kiss deeper and more passionately, as warmth surrounded him. When he meant to back away, Kagome only pressed harder against him as if trying to consume him with her presence. He opened his eyes to stare down at the small, powerful woman kissing him, causing such strange warmth to fill him and saw her purple eyes staring straight at him, her eyes filled with unshed tears.

Unknown to him, there was a large pink glow surrounding them, growing larger and larger by the second. Engulfing and purifying anything in its path that was brought forth or created by him. They were alone on the hilltop, in complete silence. Any who survived below took the scene before them in awe, as if two lovers were embracing desperately one last time.

Naraku tried to back away from the woman in front of him again when he felt a sharp pain in his chest. It was sudden and intense, enough to make him drop to his knees while still wrapped in each other’s arms. ‘What is happening?’ He thought to himself. Kagome would not release him, it felt as if their kiss went on forever, when in reality it was only a few moments. Naraku felt his eyes closing once again as she shifted her mouth slightly away from him.

“It is time Naraku. I will set you free with the one emotion you have never felt before. Love.” Kagome whispered before placing her lips to his once again, putting forth all the love she had inside her heart and soul. Showing him everyone in her life he had hurt, and had taken away from her. He would know love before his death.

An image flashed in his mind, his chest twinges again. ‘What was that?’ He thought, his eyes still closed. There was another one, and another. Images started flashing in his mind quickly, and he felt something. It was painful, happy, warming, fearful. So many emotions flowing through him at once, he couldn’t control it. He felt himself struggle in his mind as he felt his cold heart melting slowly. ‘What is this feeling? Why can’t I control this feeling?’ He whispered to himself. The images slowed down in his head and he saw a few he immediately recognized. ‘Inuyasha? The taijaya? The monk? Why are they in my mind and why do I feel such loss over them?’

Kagome stared at Naraku while she put forth all her memories of her friends and people whom she loved. She saw he was feeling it, feeling her heart for all it was worth. Feeling what it was like to love and lose those you loved. Tears started falling from her, and as they did, Naraku opened his own eyes, as a single tear fell from him.

Kagome slightly backed away from their embrace and placed a hand upon his heart, shutting her eyes she pushed all her purifying strength into her hand and thrust it into his chest. Naraku’s heart was beating within her hand and she crushed it within her palm, purifying it. Pulling her hand out quickly while Naraku stared at her, mouth agape in shock. Black tears bled from him freely as he fell backwards upon the snow covered ground, his breathing slowing down to nothingness.

“Sayounara Naraku.” Kagome whispered into the echoing space around them.

She leaned over him, and plucked the completed Shikon no Tama from his chest, above the hole where his heart once was. The jewel which was completely black instantly purified with her touch and Naraku’s body faded into dust, scattering across the gentle breeze.

‘It is done Kagome. He is gone, with the power of your love, and the miko powers I bestowed upon you.’ Midoriko spoke into her mind. ‘Now go, wish upon the Shikon no Tama. Bring back all those destroyed by him.’

Kagome wiped the tears from her eyes, stood to her feet and stared around her. There were so many lives lost today. She could tell by the filthy snow surrounding those who were still alive since her last blast of miko energy was directed only towards those Naraku had created or called forth to do his bidding. She looked around some more and noticed Kouga stirring slightly. Running over to him, she checked him over for more serious wounds, find none other than the one caused by Naraku she smiled at him.

“You have this thing for trying to rescue me all the time Kouga. Are you hurt anywhere else?” Kagome asked.

“No, but damn does my leg and head hurt. What has happened? Where is Naraku? Where is Sesshoumaru? I am sure he wouldn’t appreciate you….” Kouga was rambling to be cut short by a suddenly upset Kagome.

“Sesshoumaru! Oh my gods, I have to go see if he is okay!” Kagome got up running over to the still body of her new love.

She dropped to her knees next to him, placing her hand on his wrist and checking for the faintest feel of a pulse. ‘There! It’s faint, but its there!’ Kagome sagged with relief. Although he was hurt badly, he would not die, if he was meant to, it would have happened by now. She leaned down and gently placed a kiss upon the crescent moon on his forehead. Knowing that he was safe, she raised off her knees holding the Shikon no Tama close to her chest. She couldn’t help but glance over at Sesshoumaru. ‘If I wish upon this, Inuyasha will be back. I still love Inuyasha, but I also love Sesshoumaru. What should I do?’ She thought to herself.

“Baka Kagome. This is not the time. You want your friends and those innocent people back right? Just wish upon it already and get it done with.” Kagome berated herself.

“I call upon the Shikon no Tama to grant my heart’s greatest desire and that is to bring back all those who died by Naraku and his cause.” Kagome prayed to herself that something would not go wrong as the jewel glowed in her hands.

As it disappeared a lavender light surrounded everything quickly before fading. The Shikon no Tama was gone, the blood covered field was gone. There were youkai standing up, shaking themselves as if in disbelief of what had transpired. The others who were alive were just in a state of shock as they watched their comrades shaking themselves off of dirt and snow.

“Kagome?” She heard a familiar voice whisper behind her.

She didn’t want to turn her head, didn’t want to believe what was there could be a lie. She felt arms wrap tightly around her body, she looked down to see clawed hands covered by a red cloth. Tears and sobs began coming from her freely as she turned around in his arms, wrapping herself around him.

“Inuyasha!” She screamed out with love.

“Kagome, I have missed you.” He whispered into her ear.

“Oh Inuyasha!” She cried more into his haori.

“Shhh, shh, let us just stay like this a minute. I am sure the others will want to take you from me soon enough.” Inuyasha stared down at her tear streaked face.

“The..the others?” Kagome hiccupped.

“Yes baka. They are all back on the other side of here.” Inuyasha smiled at her.

“Inuyasha. I did it, we all did it. Everyone is really okay?” She whispered against him.

Inuyasha never got to answer the question when he felt a hand upon his shoulder. Shifting his head slightly to look at the hand upon his shoulder, he saw the claws and two magenta stripes on the wrist.

“Get off my woman, hanyou.” Sesshoumaru growled out.

Reluctantly he released Kagome from his embrace, she stared in shock at the looming figure behind Inuyasha. Sesshoumaru was leaning upon his sword, a red tint in his eyes and a low growl coming from him. Surprised to see him up so suddenly, Kagome launched herself into his arms.

“Sesshoumaru! Oh Sesshou-kun you are okay!” Kagome cried, and didn’t notice him wince as she placed her arms around him, hugging him tightly.

“Kagome. Gently koi. I’m still injured.” Sesshoumaru breathed in her scent, the rage of seeing Inuyasha holding her fading from him.

“Oh, gomen Sesshou-kun.” Kagome withdrew herself from him suddenly.

Sesshoumaru reached out to grab her wrist pulling her back to him. He gazed into her eyes unsure of what to say or do, but instinct lead his lips to hers. Shortly though, he heard a grunt and growl in front of them. Lifting his head he saw Inuyasha, and the angry but hurt look in his eyes. Sighing Sesshoumaru released Kagome. The hanyou was alive again, and Sesshoumaru knew he might lose Kagome forever this time. What he didn’t know was how he would handle the situation, because this time he would not force her to do anything, this time he would give her a choice.

“Come. Let us all go back to my castle and allow Kagome to be reacquainted with everyone and give her some rest. We will sort this out another day.” With that said Sesshoumaru turned slowly and began to walk towards the west to his soon to be filled home.


Uggghy, only a few more chappies and this story will be done… awwww… Anyway tell me what you think of it… lol….who will Kag choose? I mean after all Sesshy was pretty well mean to her at the beginning. Alright well till next time.