InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Winter Hearts ❯ Heart's Goodbye ( Chapter 18 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
*Disclaimer: Not mine!!!*

A/N: Okay this chapter takes place after Kagome meets up with all her friends again and she is getting ready to go to bed. Stabbing Westward - You Complete Me, Inuyasha - Aika(sad song) and Faith Hill - I love you.
Oh and some lime in the chapter.. Not much though.

“Goodnight everyone! I missed you so much and want to spend as much time as I can with you but I am just so tired.” Kagome apologized to her friends.

They had arrived at the castle right before dusk, but the whole way home everyone was congratulating her and telling her how much they missed her. Shippo was more than thrilled to be back with his adoptive mother. He was still alone in the world unfortunately because his father was not killed by Naraku but by the Thunder Brothers. Even though he was still very sad about this, he knew that his parents were happy where they were and approved of his choice of parent.

“Mama. Can I sleep with you tonight, it has been so long and I don’t want to be apart from you anymore.” Shippo flung himself into Kagome’s arms with pleading eyes.

“Oi! Kitsune, give her some time to herself.” Kouga walked over and picked the small kitsune up by the tail.

“Mama, mama! Please.” Shippo begged while trying to release himself from Kouga’s hold.

“Not tonight Shippo, please. I really need to rest and think of some things right now.” Kagome stated sadly, while she walked around the room hugging all of her friends goodnight.


All night Sesshoumaru had stood by silently watching all that had transpired between the revived friends. Inuyasha of course made no attempt to hide his love for Kagome, touching her, holding her hand whenever he could. Sesshoumaru would dig his nails into his palm every time the hanyou touched her, but he knew it was Kagome’s decision now. She would have to decide if she wanted to stay with his half brother or with him. Her sweet voice brought him out of his daze, she was apparently asking him a question.

“Hello? Sesshoumaru is anyone in there? I asked you twice now to come speak with me alone.” Kagome waved her hand in front of him, trying to bring him back from where ever his thoughts were.

Nodding his head that he heard her, he left the room with her following behind into the dark hallway. They walked together in silence to the room they had once shared. Opening the door and escorting her in, she turned to him with an embarrassed blush to her face.

“Sesshoumaru. I… I need to time to think about us, I don’t think it would be right for me to share a room with you tonight. If you wish I can gather my belongings and sleep with Sango tonight.” Kagome whispered to the once again emotionless lord in front of her.

“Do what you wish, Kagome. I will not stand in the way of any of your decisions from now on, you are released from your duty as my slave.” Sesshoumaru stated to her.

“Your slave? For Kami’s sake Sesshoumaru, are you still on that kick? What about what happened in the dream, what about what happened on the battlefield today? I swear sometimes you are worse than Inuyasha…” Kagome’s debate was cut short as a hand brought her tightly against him, his lips fiercely silencing any words she had.

Kagome struggled at first because the kiss was not very kind, but hard and angry. Slowly though he softened it, made it tender and put forth so much warmth that she felt herself tingle all the way down to her toes. Melting into his embrace she brought her arms around his neck and opened herself to him, losing herself to his mouth.

Breaking the kiss for a moment to breathe, Kagome felt Sesshoumaru’s hands travel up her sides, invoking fire everywhere his hands touched. He cupped her breast gently, using his thumb to harden the nipple beneath her kimono. Kagome let out a soft sigh and leaned her head back from him, allowing him more access with his hands. He leaned his head down and gently nipped at her neck, trailing his fangs across her collarbone and then repeating the process with his tongue. Leaving her breast he allowed his hand to travel downward towards her womanhood, massing her through the fabric of her clothing. He could smell her arousal, knew he could take her at this moment, but he wanted her permission.

“Stay with me tonight Kagome. Just one more night.” Sesshoumaru whispered in his deep voice.

Suddenly as though she was coming out of a trance, Kagome pushed back slightly. Her face was flush and her eyes held love and desire, but she shook her head in denial. Glancing up to him, she moved her face close to his to place a chaste kiss upon his lips.

“I, I can’t. I’m sorry Sesshoumaru. I will get my things and move to the guest room with Sango.” Kagome spoke softly to him, regret in her voice.

Releasing her from his hold completely he turned away from her and walked out the door, slamming it behind him. In the hallway you could hear his echoing growl, along with a resounding punch to what sounded like a fist connecting to the solid wall.

Kagome only shook her head in sadness. ‘How did things come to this?’ She wondered. Gathering her few items, she noticed the broken necklace he had placed on her so many nights ago on the table next to their bed. Grabbing it she placed it among her things as a reminder of what they had been through, and what they had overcome. She was still not sure who she would choose, but she wanted any reminder she could of him, because in her heart she loved him so dearly.


Walking out the room, Kagome came face to face with an angry looking Inuyasha. His eyes narrowed as he came closer to her, sniffing her it seemed. Grabbing her face with his hands he turned her from side to side as if inspecting her, to make sure she was unmarked and okay. Dropping his hands from her suddenly he sighed with relief and made to walk away, but Kagome grabbed his hand before he was out of reach.

“Inuyasha? What was that all about?” Kagome asked in confusion.

“I heard the door slam and followed your scent here. I wanted to make sure you were okay and that bastard didn’t hurt you.” He growled.

“I am fine Inuyasha. Walk me to Sango’s room please, I am so tired and just want to sleep.” Kagome held onto his hand and began walking towards her new room with Sango.

Standing before the door, she turned to say goodnight to Inuyasha but was pressed up against the wall, his lips upon hers, pleading for entrance. Kagome closed her eyes and felt such gentleness coming from him, such tender caring. He did not touch her with wandering hands like Sesshoumaru had done, but simply held her hips and traced his tongue along her bottom lip. Opening her mouth to him, they explored one another, the sweetness of one another.

Kagome finally pushed him away from her, tears in her eyes and confusion before promptly crumpling to the ground in a dead faint. It had all been too much for her, the day’s events, meeting with her friends again, and the kisses between Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha. Her body just couldn’t handle it, she was exhausted mentally and physically.


“Kagome!” Inuyasha grabbed her before her head could hit the ground.

Lifting her in his arms, he kicked open the door and placed her upon one of the beds, brushing hair away from her face he gazed down at the woman he loved. The woman he may lose to none other than his brother. He had thought after smelling Sesshoumaru on her and the sounds from earlier his brother had done something to her. Yet in the end she was fine with it, a small hurt in her eyes. Wanting her to forget about his brother, he had kissed her. Trying to show her all the genuine love he held for her in that one simple kiss. It was too much for her though, she had fainted because of it all. What a baka he was not to consider how utterly drained she must be. Tucking her in, he glanced at her one last time before leaving.



“Inuyasha? Sesshoumaru?” Kagome whispered into the moonlit night.

They were in front of her, their back turned from her walking away. She reached her hand out, but she did not know which one to stop first. Afraid that one would walk away from her forever. She could not choose, did not want to choose. She allowed her hand to drop to her side, allowing one tear after another to fall from her onto the cold ground. She lowered her head in defeat, perhaps it would be better if she had neither of them and allowed them to go on with their lives without her.

“Kagome.” A familiar female whispered.

Turning to look behind her was Midoriko, she was glowing in the moonlight of her dream, a forlorn look upon her beautifully peaceful face. Walking towards her in question, Kagome noticed she was crying.

“What do you want Midoriko and why are you crying?” Kagome asked.

“I am crying Kagome because I am part of you now, I can feel your pain. You will need to choose Kagome. You can not play with their emotions any longer or you will lose them both. Look deep inside of you and think hard. Whose face did you see most often, who did you dream of, who did you call upon for strength at the end, and who gave you such strength of love to know how to defeat Naraku?” Midoriko just stared at Kagome with curious eyes.

“I… I thought of both of them. Except when Naraku hurt Sesshoumaru after he tried so hard to protect me. I saw Sesshoumaru. I screamed in my head that I could not lose him, knew he was everything to me. That is when you told me to release our power, to defeat Naraku.” Kagome’s eyes widened at the revelation.

She had not thought about her friends or Inuyasha once at that time. All her thoughts were directed on Sesshoumaru, how she could not lose him. He changed for her, tried to protect her, told her he was sorry and loved her before passing out. Inuyasha had died protecting her, knew he loved her, but he did not inflict as deep of an emotion in her as Sesshoumaru did when she watched him fall to his knees, refusing to be defeated.

She loved Inuyasha dearly, but she was in love with Sesshoumaru, with all her heart and her soul. Even separated he had come to her, much like Inuyasha did and reached out for her, tried to bring her back from the darkness that attempted once to swallow her. He had made her body into a woman, he had invoked such passionate emotions from her, kept his promises to her. Showed her what it was to love a man as a woman. They had gone through horrible things with each other, but in the end their hearts became one.

Inuyasha was her girlhood love, her first love. She would always love him, but not as she loved Sesshoumaru. She loved Sesshoumaru as the woman she was now, the woman she became because of him. She only held onto the guilt and love for Inuyasha from her past. She had her decision, it would break her heart and Inuyasha’s, but….

Turning back from Midoriko, she ran towards the one she wished to be with. Ran and placed her hand out to catch him by his arm. He turned to her, love showing freely in his eyes as she embraced him and laid her head upon his chest, crying.

“Sesshoumaru. I love you. Don’t leave me.” Kagome cried into her dream.

Glancing over she watched as Inuyasha walked out of sight into the moonlit night. Her past girlhood love for him, departing forever. Her mind, heart and soul made her decision finally, and she was able to let go. Let go of all that was holding her back from the man in front of her, the man she held in her arms.

“Goodbye, Inuyasha.” She whispered.

<end dream>


Waking up with a dizzy feeling, Kagome glanced around the dark room. Apparently she wasn’t asleep very long, but just enough to regain her strength. Standing up she walked out into the hallway, searching for either Inuyasha or Sesshoumaru.

She walked into the bedroom they had shared together, but he was not there, walking some more she came to the garden, full of freshly laid, glistening white snow. There in the midst of it all, stood the proud Sesshoumaru in all his glory, staring up into the moonlit sky, while its light surrounded him with an angelic glow.

“Sesshoumaru….” Kagome whispered breathlessly to the lord who already knew she was there.


Muwahahhaa.. Gotta leave a small cliffy, but I am sure you all know whats gonna happen. Anyway, next chapter will be out soon. Probably one or two more chappies till the end… how sad. Alright later everyone!