InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Winter Hearts ❯ Loving Rejection ( Chapter 19 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
*Disclaimer: Not mine!!!*

A/N: Ugh, I hate being sick again. Stupid weather. Alright well Kagome made her choice, lets see what happens. Stabbing Westward - You Complete Me, Inuyasha - Aika(sad song) and Faith Hill - I love you.

“Sesshoumaru…” Kagome whispered.

Turning his head slightly to acknowledge her, he took in the breathtaking sight. Ever since the battle Kagome’s appearance changed slightly. She had beautifully deep purple eyes, her hair a darker black then he believed possible, her lips fuller and darker, more irresistible than before. Yes, her appearance changed slightly, but she was still Kagome. Full of life, strength and forgiveness. Coming out of his daydream he finally responded to her.

“What is it that brings you out? You should be resting.” He bit out quietly.

Slowly walking up to him she placed a nervous hand upon his shoulder. Closing her eyes she prayed for the strength of all this. Prayed he did not refuse her.

“I reconsidered your offer earlier.” Kagome nervously spoke.

“Oh? What has brought on this change?” Sesshoumaru queried.

“A dream….no, a vision more or less. I … I want to stay with you. If you will have me.” Kagome lowered her head shyly, waiting for his answer and possibly rejection.

“Why? Why do you wish to stay now?” The taiyoukai spoke softly into the night.

“I… because I wish to. I care for you. You made me who I am now.” Stated Kagome proudly.

Suddenly in his arms, he gripped her so tightly it hurt. Gazing up at him with a confused expression, she saw so many emotions flicker though his eyes. He did not hesitate to hide them this time. He wanted her to know all his feelings before pushing her away.

“ Do not play with me Kagome. You and I both know what I did to you. No one is that forgiving, no one can forget such things. You will even bear scars for the rest of your life because of me. Despite how much I want you, go back to your hanyou. He at least never shamed you as I have.” Sesshoumaru regarded her quickly before pushing away from her and leaping off into the night, leaving a hurt Kagome behind.

“I want to stay because I love you and I forgave you long ago Sesshoumaru. When you were prepared to die for a mere human. I forgave you.” Kagome whispered into the vacant night.


‘Didn’t she understand?’ He hurt her, raped her. He regretted it more than anything now, but he could not change the past. He had thought long and hard after she refused him in their bedroom earlier. Before she had come upon him, he decided the hanyou would be the best thing for her. The hanyou loved her, and would protect her always. They could be happy together and he… well he would go on.


Running back to the room she now shared with Sango, Kagome grabbed a pillow and cried into it fiercely. He had refused her, had felt she could never truly forgive him. Why was it when one trial in her life was over another always began?

“Kagome-chan?” Sango whispered from across the room.

Apparently Kagome didn’t even notice the taijiya sleeping and woke her up. Sighing Kagome wiped her face of tears and stared at her friend.

“Sango-chan. I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you were in here already.” Kagome apologized.

“It’s okay. Why don’t you tell me what is wrong Kagome-chan. I never hear you cry without a reason. Did Inuyasha upset you again?” Sango questioned in a soothing voice.

“Ha! I wish it was as simple as Inuyasha this time. Sadly, its far more complicated, HE is far more complicated.” Kagome sighed again.

“I take it we are speaking of Sesshoumaru then. Did he try to hurt you? Tell me what he did and we will find him.” Sango sat up ready to defend her sister-like friend.

“No! Sango. Oh my, you don’t understand. I.. He.. He refused me. I told him I wanted to stay with him and he told me to go back to Inuyasha.” Kagome heard Sango’s gasp.

“I see. I take it a lot happened between you two. Kagome, he did a lot of horrible things to you. Are you sure he is what you want? I mean Inuyasha loves you dearly and I know you love him.” Sango tried to reason.

“Hai Sango. I know.” Kagome stated.

“Kagome-chan, do you love Sesshoumaru?” Sango asked quietly.

“Hai.” Kagome answered simply before bowing her head.

“Then find him and make him understand Kagome. It is time you got what you want in life. Besides, if after all you had been through you still want to be with him, I believe you are the strongest and most forgiving of us all. If anyone was meant to be with him, it was you. Now go on, get out of here.” Sango walked over to hug Kagome before shoving her out the room.


Deciding against going out into the late night searching for him, Kagome made her way to their bedroom. If there was one thing that would get his attention, it would be her waiting for him, in his bed. To make it a little more interesting and appealing, Kagome divest herself of clothing and curled up under the thick furs, breathing in Sesshoumaru’s dominant scent of pine and fresh rain. Just like him, strong yet beautiful.

Snuggling further into the pillows, she became relaxed and drifted off to sleep, dreaming of their day in the garden, of the kisses they shared and how he fought so valiantly for her.


Sesshoumaru walked silently into his bedroom, hesitating before the door because he knew from this moment he would walk into an empty room for the rest of his life. Yet as he opened it, the scent of jasmine assaulted his delicate nose and the small lump curled under his furs brought a rare smile to his face.

Striding to the bed he gazed down at the sleeping woman. She was so peaceful looking, and so small compared to his bed. He pushed down the covers slightly intent on waking her up and demanding she leave, when he noticed she wore nothing beneath. Carefully he withdrew the cover down to her hips and studied her body. The creamy white and silkiness of her skin that begged to be touched by his hands.

She shifted in her sleep to lay from a fetal position to sprawled on her back. Leaving her body full and completely open to her. Sesshoumaru wanted nothing but to touch and taste her at this moment, but in the back of his mind the nagging doubt was still there that she would be unhappy with him. For if he took her, she would be his forever, he would never let her go for anyone.

An small sigh escaped her beautifully full lips, and the name that came out before she rubbed her eyes sleepily was his. His heart felt like it was full again, he felt happy that the name she whispered so lovingly was his own and not Inuyasha. Bending down slightly he tossed all his previous doubts to the wind. ‘She is my woman and will always be mine.’ With that thought, he claimed her lips in a searing kiss, making his thought into a vow for the rest of his life.

Kagome woke up fully when she felt Sesshoumaru’s lips upon hers. Apparently her plan had worked, as she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him down lightly on top of her so they could deepen their intimate embrace. She pressed her body into his, while their tongues danced together like lovers to a beautiful melody. She broke their kiss when she ran short of breath, but only for a moment before reaching for him again.

She untwined her hands from around his neck and brought one slowly down his back, her nails leaving small trails behind it, while the other snaked down his side to cup his buttocks. He shuddered at the sensation and growled in his throat at her. Lifting his head he saw her playful smile, and he frowned. He wanted to continue this but she had to know what would happen from here. Even though he wanted her and she seemed to want him, he had to make it perfectly clear to her that this would be for life, that any regrets that came later could not be changed ever.

“What is wrong? Did I do something to upset you?” Kagome asked suddenly when she saw the troubled frown on his face and the same emotion reflect in his eyes.

“No. We must stop and talk Kagome. Before further things happen you need to know. I will not let you go after this, you will be my mate and mother of our pups. There is nothing that will change it, any regrets or doubts you could have after this, will be there always. You can not leave me and I can not leave you. Do you understand what I am saying to you?” Sesshoumaru spoke slowly and seriously to her.

“Yes. I told you earlier Sesshoumaru. I want to be with you. Please, I want to be your mate and mother of your children. Yet, would you want me for life? I am nothing but a ningen, and our children would be hanyou. You hate Inuyasha because he is hanyou, would you hate your own children then?” Kagome whispered her worries to him.

“I would hate nothing that came from your body, Kagome. I realize our time will be short, but I promise to make them the happiest in your life, unless you would like us to find a way to prolong your life?” Sesshoumaru asked.

“I am not sure Sesshoumaru. I am just happy right now you would not hate our pups because of them being hanyou. I want children, lots of children but I was so afraid. I was ready to give up that dream if you would not want them. I care for you that much.” Kagome’s voice wavered with emotion.

“I love you Kagome.” Sesshoumaru cupped her cheek and leaned down to kiss the single tear of happiness that fell away.

“I love you Sesshoumaru.” Kagome whispered back to him.

Pushing her back against the bed once again, Sesshoumaru stood and removed all his clothing. Kagome’s audible gasp could be heard by him. He chuckled slightly when he saw her blush and hand raise to cover her mouth before anymore sounds of fascination could be uttered. Sesshoumaru returned to the bed and lay next to her, his need was evident already but he did not want to take her until she felt ready.

Running a clawed hand down her body gently, he felt her shiver beneath his touch. He saw her nipples begin to harden and did not suppress his urges as he bent to suckle one at a time. Kagome’s small moan was barely audible as he nipped gently with his fangs upon each delectable nipple at a time. Her body arched towards his and he reached his hand slowly down to between her legs, she was already wet and on fire for him as he played with her bud. He flicked it a few times earning a gasp and sharp intake of breath, removing his hand he slowly licked down her body in a languid tempo, he growled slightly when he noticed the scar that Naraku had left, but continued his venturing until he reached her mound and tasted her.

Wriggling from his teasing Kagome gripped his head and tried to push him further into her, spreading her legs wider to allow for better access. She could feel his tongue thrusting gently in and out of her as a familiar spiral build into the pit of her stomach awaiting release. With his hands gripping her waist to hold her still, she tumbled over the edge as she felt his mouth suck upon her bud again and his nails gently digging into her sides causing a pleasurable pain.

Tasting all of her sweetness, Sesshoumaru slid up her body and settle on top of her, he gently, with much control, pushed himself inside her tight and hot body. Starting with a slow rhythm she whimpered to him, silently begging for a faster and harder pace. When she grasped his head and brought him down for a deep kiss, he felt his control slipping and his animalistic urges give way slightly. He thrust into her harder and faster and felt her body clenching around him in an orgasm. Kagome moaned loudly into the room, and he silenced her with his lips.

Breaking away from her before he lost complete control he flipped her unto her stomach and assisted her to her knees as he pressed into her from behind. He thrusted into her and Kagome screamed into the pillows from this new position. He pressed deeper into her than before, and she had to grip the bed frame at the hardness of his pushing. Kagome felt herself release once again over his throbbing member, and heard him growl appreciatively before bringing his mouth to her neck, and biting into it. His shot his hot seed deep into her womb and Kagome came again at the feel of his tongue licking away her blood and his own shuddering release inside of her.

They collapsed together, breathing heavily. After a few minutes Sesshoumaru moved to the side slightly and brought his exhausted and sleeping mate into his arms, nuzzling his head into her neck, breathing in her scent of dying arousal, jasmine, and now something else. He smiled to himself before kissing her neck once again where her new mark was, and relaxed against her, drifting into a peaceful slumber for the first time in days.


Yay! A lemon… I wonder what the new scent was hmmm?? Anyway, till the next chapter. I will try and have it out by Thanksgiving. I hope you enjoyed this one.