InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Winter Hearts ❯ Bedroom Intrusions ( Chapter 20 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
*Disclaimer: Not mine!!!*

A/N: Sorry this took so long, just so much going on around here.

Waking up the next morning, Kagome smiled from the warmth she felt coming from behind her. Sesshoumaru had his arms wrapped tightly about her waist and his head nestled into her neck, he was even snoring very softly. With that Kagome giggled, she never expected him to snore, but it was adorable.

Taking in a deep breath of morning air, Kagome shifted slightly to try and wake him up, when Sesshoumaru opened his eyes he growled at her softly in warning that she was not to leave the bed yet. Kagome leaned down to kiss her mate’s lips gently, but he had other plans as he pushed more fiercely against her and allowed his hands to start wandering over her body anew.

“Again?” Kagome whispered.

“If you always look this way in the morning then, yes.” Sesshoumaru growled with mock impatience as he continued his ministrations from before causing Kagome to wriggle in pleasure beneath him.


“Sango, Damnit, where is she?! She was supposed to be resting!” Inuyasha was going off on his friends.

“Inuyasha, calm down I am sure she is fine. She needed to discuss something with Sesshoumaru when I saw her last.” Sango tried placating her hanyou friend.

Suddenly Sango gasped as she realized what she had said. Yet it was too late, Inuyasha was already storming down the halls in a fast pace to his brother’s room. Sango tried to run after him, but he was moving too quickly even for her.

“Oh no, not good.” Sango muttered under her breath as she ran even faster to try and catch Inuyasha before he reached his brother’s room.


“Mmm, Sesshou-kun. We need to get up, we have already been here for an hour and I am sure the others are awake and I still must discuss things with Inuyasha. Please….” Kagome pleaded even though her body cried to stay in bed with her lover.

“Very well, get dressed, it would be good to get some breakfast anyway before dealing with that half-breed.” Sesshoumaru spat out impatiently.

“Sesshoumaru! How dare you call him that, honestly! I can’t believe you. Our children will be hanyou remember?” Kagome yelled daringly at him.

“Kagome, no matter what as I have told you, I will love out pups because they come from you. You can not expect me to change overnight my feelings for my half brother. Now, I do not wish to argue over something so trivial as you are in no condition to either.” He waved his hand to gesture the subject closed.

Mumbling obscenities about brothers and troublesome mates, Kagome stood up in all her naked glory to prepare for today’s stressful events to come. It was then, the door burst open as she shrieked and dove to the bed for cover because of her nakedness. When she looked up from beneath the covers, there with a shocked face that was slowly beginning to contort to anger was Inuyasha.

“Sesshoumaru! What have you done? I swear if you took her and….” Inuyasha never finished his comment as a resounding punch landed to his jaw from an irate youkai.

“One! Little brother, I did not take her and do anything she did not want done. Two! You will NEVER come into this room unannounced as such again, and THREE and lastly. Kagome is MY mate now, and you will do well to remember it. Now leave so we may dress and get something to eat.” Sesshoumaru raged with reddish tinted eyes at his brother.

When Inuyasha began to process all the things that were said after being punched his ears flattened against his head. Sadness was written all over his face as he stared past Sesshoumaru to the now ashamed Kagome. Her head was lowered and would not stare up at him while she clutch the blanket to her naked form tightly.

“Kagome, is this true?” Inuyasha spoke out hoarsely although he already knew the answer by the smell and mark he saw upon her skin.

“Yes. Inuyasha, please, let us discuss this later. Please.” Kagome choked out, holding back her tears.

This was not how she wanted this, she wanted to sit down with him and discuss things. To let him know she loved him, but was not in love with him. Now from this all, she might not even be his friend, and that hurt deeply more than anything in her life. She wanted to be a happy family in the end, and for him to be happy for her as well after time.

“Fine Kagome. I will not be here though until I can sort things out. Yet when I come back, we will discuss this.” Inuyasha spoke with barely contained resentment before storming off through the halls, leaving a shocked Sango standing in the doorway, an angry youkai to contend with, and a crying bundle upon a bed.

“Kagome.” Sango tried to rush in and was stopped by an arm barring the doorway.

“Leave us for now. You may come to her later.” Sesshoumaru shut the door in Sango’s face, before turning to his love.

“Sesshoumaru, this is horrible. I am such a horrible person. What am I to do? I didn’t want to hurt him like this…” Kagome cried out hysterically, before curling into a ball again.

Walking over to the armoire, he picked out a luscious night robe for her. He wrapped her tiny body in it with ease, before sitting her down on his lap. Smoothing her hair out with clawed hands and rubbing calming circles on her back to try and settle her nerves. It would do no good for her to be in such a stressful predicament in her condition. He need to tell her, maybe then she would calm down and forget about the hanyou and his brash ways.

“Kagome, koi. You must calm down, there is nothing we can do but allow Inuyasha to cool his temper. He acts very irrationally and it would do no good for our pup if you continue to dwell and berate yourself.” He sighed when he felt her stiffen.

“Our what? You mean that I.. That we…” Kagome wiped the tears from her eyes, hiccupping slightly when she heard what he said.

“Yes. By the time the end of spring is here, we will have a pup. I thought perhaps it was last night it had happened, yet thinking about it, your scent would not be noticeable for a few days to a week. You became pregnant when we had our interlude in the garden, koi.” Sesshoumaru smiled when she blushed slightly.

“I am happy Sesshoumaru. I just wish we could all be happy. Yet on better subjects, can you imagine our child asking where it was conceived?” Kagome laughed slightly, now that she knew she was carrying his pup it helped alleviate some of her sorrow.

“All we need say is, the gardens are such a beautiful place in winter. Allow the pup to figure it out for itself. Now that everything is out of the way, let us go eat Kagome. Or do you still feel poorly? I know you exterminator friend is itching to see you, she is still outside the door after I shut it on her.” Sesshoumaru sat up and glared at the door menacingly.

“Oh, Sango! That’s right, you shut the door in her face, that was rude Sesshou-kun.” Kagome reprimanded him slightly with a thin index finger pushing into his chest.

A rumbling laughter emanated from him when he saw this small human trying to give him a lecture. She was one of a kind that was for sure and she was his now, until time took them apart. Sesshoumaru grabbed the insulting finger and placed a gentle kiss upon it, making her forget anything that just happened with his simple tender gesture.

“Hurry and dress, by the time you finally leave this room it will be noon. I will meet you in the dining hall so that Sango…am I correct? And you may talk.” Sesshoumaru looked at her as she nodded in agreement on him remembering her friend’s name.

Walking out the door, Sango rushed in and hugged Kagome fiercely. She had heard a little of the conversation from the other side and congratulated her friend over and over as she got dressed. Walking down the hall the two women chatted about children and how motherhood would be, and if Kagome wanted a boy or girl.

Other than the surprise intrusion with Inuyasha, everything was as it should be. Kagome had her friends, her adopted son, a baby on the way and Sesshoumaru. ‘If only Inuyasha would be okay with it all.’ Kagome thought as Sango began rambling off baby names.

OMG.. Is this a chapter??? Yes.. Yes.. I believe it is. Although not very good or long. Okay well, I will try and get the next chapter out soon. I think the next one will be based on Inuyasha and his small traveling while trying to calm down after seeing Kagome all naked and stuff with his brother.