InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Winter Hearts ❯ Family Ties ( Chapter 22 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
*Disclaimer: Not mine!!!*

A/N: *crawls out from her lil‘ dark hole. Amy? LOL is that you who dragged my butt out here again?? Hehe, thanks to AmyFushigiYugi and BillySkater for bugging me!* Oh and songs.. Evanescence - Hello.

Staring out the window for the now countless time in the last two months, Kagome sighed. Inuyasha had never returned since that fateful day she had become Sesshoumaru’s mate. She knew there would be anger and sadness but never that he would stay away as long as he had. She was beginning to get worried about him, because after all they have been through she thought in the end the love and friendship they had held for one another would make him see the light, apparently it hadn’t, it had failed. She had failed.

“Kagome, please move away from the window, darling. You are still early in carrying our pup and this stress is not good for either of you. Do you want to become sick and lose our son?” Sesshoumaru barked out gently.

Every morning and every night, his Kagome would stare out that window, stare into the field praying her hanyou would come back to her and make them all one big happy family. Yet it would not be. Inuyasha had felt rejected and Sesshoumaru knew this. It was the same way his brother had acted those long, many years ago when he made him leave after his father’s death.

Turning from her ‘window’ Kagome’s eyes held hopelessness. Walking over to the bed they shared, Sesshoumaru grasped her hand softly and pulled her into his embrace. Taking his hand through her hair lovingly, trying to comfort her in any way he could. He saw in this last month even though she walked around with a smile and a laugh, it was always laced with a feeling of loss.

Sesshoumaru had even sent Kagome to her friends’ hut that was newly built nearby to spend the night. He had thought perhaps that would cheer her up. It had not. If anything, Sango felt she had sunk even further into a depression, with all of the memories of staying at the old hag’s hut, sharing a meal and a laugh together as friends.

“Sesshoumaru, do you think he will ever forgive us and come back? I just feel so incomplete without him here. I mean, I love you so much, but all I wanted was to be a family, something all of us lost and need again.” Kagome whispered into her mate’s chest.

“We have a family Kagome. We have your friends, Rin, Shippo, and now our pup. If that stupid brother of mine wishes to miss out on that, because of his pride being hurt, so be it.” Sesshoumaru stated with finality.

“Sesshoumaru! It is not his pride that was hurt. I broke his heart, WE broke his heart. He has done so much for me in the past and this was how I repaid him. Becoming yours and carrying your pup without any notice for him to prepare. I am such a horrible woman, no wonder he hates me!” Kagome began to cry silently.

Feeling her tears fall from her onto his bare skin, Sesshoumaru could not think of anyway to comfort his precious mate. He knew if she continued this way though, the pup and her could have problems. Yes, he wanted his son by this woman more than anything. Yet he did not want to lose her ever. She was his, the only woman to make him feel again. If only he could find that brother of his and drag him back for his family’s sake. That’s exactly what he would do. Having his mind made up, Sesshoumaru placed his chin upon Kagome’s head gently, rocking her back and forth as one would a child.

“I will find him and bring him back Kagome. For you. I love you that much. Please, relax my love and place your faith in me to make everything alright.” Sesshoumaru spoke almost inaudibly.

“I will always trust you. Arigato Sesshoumaru. That would make me most happy to try and see him again. To work things out with him.” Kagome pushed herself from him slightly enough to stare at him with tear filled, but once again hopeful eyes. She kissed her mate on his lips chastely before laying down exhausted emotionally and physically for the night.

“Goodnight love.” Kagome whispered into her pillow, snuggling in it for warmth.

Spooning her from behind, Sesshoumaru placed a protective hand around his mate’s sleeping form and gently cupped her slightly rounded stomach where his pup had been growing. Although human’s took nine months to have their children, and youkai three months, the mix would prove to be around six months for Kagome. He felt elated he would be a father, it was something he had never dreamed of. He had always though he and Inuyasha would be the last of the great dog youkai line. Yet here it was, even if only half-blooded, his heir.

“Goodnight my family.” He whispered to his mate and unborn child, before closing his eyes and allowing sleep to overcome him. Other than the stress with Inuyasha, he has slept better next to this woman than he had since before his mother passed on. He was happy for once, and that was enough to melt the ice around his heart and smile without the fear of being thought of as weak.


Inuyasha stared at the starlit sky once again wondering how Kagome was doing. He had meant to send word to her, but felt with the present company he had been keeping, it would be best he not send anything at all until the time was right. He turned to stare at the woman curled up behind him. A lot has changed in the last two months since he left and found Kikyo. Although she had not gained all her memory back, somehow it didn’t matter. She fell in love with the obnoxious hanyou all over, and remembered only some of the things of her life before the hate, before Naraku. Inuyasha would admit, he cared for the new Kikyo immensely, but he did not love her, at least not yet. He had been hurt too many times for him to give her his heart so quickly, plus there was still the lingering love of his Kagome.

Sighing he turned back to Kikyo and placed a kiss upon her brow before taking his position next to her against the wall. He had to go back to Kagome and let her know he had found Kikyo, he had to let her know he still loved her, and he had to face his haunting memories with his brother. This was a day he never believed would come, yet here it was, in such a cold winter. A day he would ask his brother to accept him back in the family, a day to become a Prince of the Western Lands as was his birthright. It wasn’t that he coveted the title, it was only he wanted to feel wanted and accepted, he wanted to be worth something other than a dirty half-breed.


Sorry so short.. I’m dead on my feet and I finally got a chappie out again. I apologize, there was just so much with the holidays and birthdays, and then my computer being an idiot. LOL then I lost the “groove” to write and when I did write, the chapters were worse than this one so I deleted them. Anyway, here I am rambling. I hope to update sooner for you. This story is almost over as you can tell. I probably could have wrapped it up in two chapters if I wouldn’t have been so tired tonight and decided to call it quits and sleep. Yay.. Anyway.. Later all, hope you enjoyed. J