InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Winter Hearts ❯ Rainy Days ( Chapter 23 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
*Disclaimer: Not mine!!!*

A/N: YAY I found my muse again!!!!! Alright people here we go.. Starting to get to the end…

Sesshoumaru woke up the next morning with Kagome still within his arms. Kissing her cheek gently, he stood and dressed. It was time for him to find Inuyasha and bring him back to the family so his mate would be happy. Looking over one more time at his beautiful wife, he stalked out of the room quietly so not to wake her and left instructions with Jaken for while he was gone.


“Inuyasha?” Kikyo spoke softly.

“Yeah?” Inuyasha responded without looking up from his small carving of a dog he had been working on.

“Can we go traveling? Maybe that will help give me more memories if we go to places I have been before.” Kikyo asked hesitantly. She loved Inuyasha very much, but had no time alone with him between her ‘sister’ and him trying to help her regain her memories. She wanted to tell the hanyou exactly how she felt. Although he knew she held a fondness for him, she doubted he knew she loved him.

“Feh. I had people I needed to visit anyway, so fine.” Inuyasha tried to say in his gruffest voice. He stared at her for a moment, before acting as if he was impatient. “Well? Get your things, and lets head out now.”

“Really? Oh thank you!” Kikyo said cheerfully, she ran up and hugged him. Before he could react though, she quickly sped off to gather what items she might need.


There they were in the woods still after three days. The journey started off very well, Kikyo loved spending this time with Inuyasha. She learned so much about his family and this woman Kagome. On the second day though it began to rain. It was actually more of a downpour.

They had no shelter, and were soaked to the bone. Finally the rain had let up enough that Inuyasha could see a small cave in the distance. He knew Kikyo was tired and cold. He grabbed her small parcel of things, and hoisted her upon his shoulders, much like he had with Kagome so many times. Racing towards the cave, he could feel Kikyo’s wet body shifting on his back. Her shapely breasts and legs rubbing him. Shaking his head from such thoughts, he continued to run, reaching his destination.

Placing her on the cool but dry ground, he turned to her handing her his haori. “Stay here while I try and find some wood and food. Unfortunately all the timber is probably so wet it won’t catch anyway. I will be back, stay warm Kikyo.” She nodded slowly and tightened his haori around her before he took off into the rain once again.

She was so cold, and tired. All she wanted to do was sleep, but sleep was a bad idea right now. If she closed her eyes and went to the blissful place, she may never wake up again. “Inuyasha, hurry back.” She whispered into the darkening crevice in the rocks.


Sesshoumaru had been walking for days, taking his time actually as he took in the beauty of the world now that Naraku’s presence was gone. He kept having dreams at night of his beloved Kagome, waiting for him to return home. However, when it began to rain in tremendous force, his mood slowly dissipated to compliment the weather.

It was all Inuyasha’s fault he was out here to begin with. If the pup wasn’t so impudent to begin with, his mate never would have reacted like this. He would never have left the comfort of his home, mate and children.

The rain made him chilled, and made his lovely smooth hair into a tangled mess that would take days to fix. He prided himself on his appearance of being regal, unlike Inuyasha, who he swore rarely bathed. If that pup was going to become part of the family again, not only would he be taught what his rightful duties were, but also a lesson in hygiene. How Kagome dealt with it all those years was beyond him. She was an overly clean person herself, more so than he was.

Shaking himself like the dog he was for the fifth time in an hour, Sesshoumaru decided to take a break amongst a shelter of trees. It was not immune to the attack of raindrops but was significantly drier than anywhere close. He actually prayed to Kami that the weather would lighten up. He did not want to see his brother looking like he was, because being the smart mouth he was, Inuyasha would definitely take advantage of the situation. Then, Sesshoumaru knew he would definitely kill the pup for his disrespect.

Curling under the trees, he closed his eyes and thought of home. Thought of the unborn pup growing quickly in Kagome’s belly. Of Rin and Shippo running after Jaken, torturing his poor servant. He thought of Kagome with her arms spread out to embrace him so tightly to her bosom as though he was her life. He smiled at those thoughts and drifted to sleep.


Inuyasha returned with only a few berries and roots that were edible. Kikyo he noticed was slumped against the cave wall shivering. Dropping all of the items he had found, he rushed to her side. “What’s wrong Kikyo?” Inuyasha said breathlessly.

“Cold… so cold.” She spoke softly. Her lips were tinged with a light blue. She was going through hypothermia which Kagome explained to him.

Once before he had tried to push the group and Sango became sick and had signs of it. Kagome he remember, said the best way to cure that is to get the person warm. Luckily they had found a village nearby to stay at and nursed her slowly back to health.

Yet there was no village here, or any way to make a fire. The next best thing he remember Kagome suggesting was body warmth, if they could not find a village. Gathering her in his arms, she was practically limp. Her clothes were still soaked through. He needed to remove them and quickly. “Kikyo, we have to take these wet clothes off okay? Just relax, I will take care of you. Nothing will happen to you while I am here.” He promised her.

Gently he removed his haori and laid it upon the cold ground. Placing Kikyo on top of it, he removed her clothing. A wet sheen was left upon her body from the water. She was lush and full figured, her black hair strewn about her causing an angelic affect. Rushing to get the small blanket she had wrapped in the oil skin package, he removed his own clothing quickly and laid next to her, covering them both in the now warm cocoon.

Her breathing had come back to its normal pace within a few minutes. Her body still cold to the touch though, Inuyasha laid upon his side and gathered her in a spooning position in front of him. Her buttocks rubbed gently against him causing a reaction in certain areas. ‘This is not the time for this boy. I am trying to help her not molest her.’ He berated himself for such carnal instincts.

The cave was deadly quiet with the exception of their even breathing and a few raindrops that persisted in. Kikyo’s and his body had warmed significantly, but it was still not enough for her. Inuyasha was at a loss of what to do. “Kikyo, tell me what I can do to help you. We need to get your body warmer.”

Turning her head slightly towards him she smiled. “There is one way to warm your body up naturally Inuyasha. Yet, I don’t think you would do it.”

“Of course, anything, just tell me!” Inuyasha practically screamed. He did not have time to play games, she could get sick and die because of this. That was something he would not let happen. He cared for her too much to lose her again.

“What do you think it is Inuyasha?” Kikyo said breathlessly as she rubbed herself against his hardened arousal in suggestion.

“Nani? Are you sure? I mean, you aren’t exactly up to the task right now. You are sick.” He said worriedly. His body wanted to for sure, but his mind screamed out that she wasn’t ready, that he wasn’t ready.

“Yes, unless you can think of another way.” Kikyo looked at him almost helplessly. Granted she was cold, and knew she needed to get warmer or else become sick and most likely fade away. Yet, she wanted this too, she needed to show him how much she loved him.

“I.. I don’t know of anything else to do. I’m sorry Kikyo that this happened. If we would have waited a few more days, or stopped at villages…” He tried to apologize, feeling this was all his fault for not being more careful with a human.

“It’s okay. I don’t mind. I love you Inuyasha. I wanted this before it became a necessary thing.” She reached up and cupped his face gently.

“ me?” He asked in shock. Yet before he could get any response, his mind took over and brought his lips to hers in a crashing kiss.

She turned her body towards his slowly, causing her breasts to push against his smooth chest. His body felt as though it was on fire, as her slightly chilled skin began to warm up. He swiftly reached his hand to between her legs, caressing the nub gently. She arched her hips into him, silently asking for more, as he felt the first sign of her arousal seep forth unto his finger as he slid them between her folds.

Moaning into his ear, he became more demanding in his assault. She wanted this from him, and he wanted to give it to her. More than anything, he wanted this too. His arousal was beginning to become pleasurably painful. He couldn’t give her the slow torturous loving she deserved. He was too impatient and she needed to get the body heat quickly. “I’m sorry I can’t wait any longer Kikyo. I’m sorry.” He whispered, kissing her eyes and nose as he straddled her body. Slowly he found her wet entrance and positioned himself. “I’m sorry but this will hurt, my love.” He pushed himself into her, tearing past her maiden barrier.

Kikyo cried out when she felt his length slide into her tight sheath. He kissed her tears from her, asking her to tell him when she was ready. Once the painful throbbing became more of a dull ache she nodded. He began moving in and out of her with sensual efficiency, causing fire to grow and spiral throughout her body to the pit of her stomach. As his pace quickened, so did their breathing when finally the spiral snapped and crashed through her body in deafening waves of pleasure and warmth.

Not long after Kikyo had her release, another one came as Inuyasha poured his essence deep within her, instinctually biting her vulnerable neck. Collapsing together in sweat, and deep breaths, Inuyasha turned and kissed the woman he had claimed as his new mate. She was safe now, and he was happy once again. He had found someone to fix the hole in his heart, someone to spend his life with. His first love, but also his new love. He laughed to himself as she yawned and snuggled up to him, closing her eyes she drifted off to sleep. He stared at her for some time, making sure she was going to be okay, before wrapping his arms around her in a possessive grasp and sleeping. This time no one was going to take the one he loved, she was his now and forever.


Hey guys, hope this update works for you for the time being. Wasn’t the greatest chapter, but at least its longer than the other ones I have put out lately. Anyway go take a peek at my other story Kajira and the joint story Amyfushigiyugi and I have put together called DeadlyDesires by TheHentaiSisters. They are both available on and Hope to see your reviews!