InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wishes Made and Dreams Come True ❯ Sango's Memories ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
~ Chapter 1 ~

Kagome walked slowly away from the tree that held the second love of her life who, ironically, had betrayed her just as the first had. She felt her chest tighten as the pang of heartache struck her, 'Am I doomed to always be this unlucky when it comes to love?' A lone tear made its way down her cheek, hastily she roughly wiped it from her face. 'No, I will not let this bring me down.' With determination in her eyes, she quickened her pace to the village.

"Kagome-chan!" Rin squealed as her mother, as well as mentor, came into view. Taking off into a run she threw herself into the woman, wraping her arms around her in a tight hug.

Kagome laughed as she felt herself fall backwards, child in arms, to the ground. "Hello, Rin." She said between giggles. "Did you behave for Sango-chan while I was gone?" She pulled back to look into the girl's eyes when the giggling above her came to an abrupt halt.

Rin hung her head in shame, her bangs hanging over her eyes. "Rin ran away from Sango-sama. She was being mean to Rin."

Kagome sighed in frustration, "Rin, what have I told you about running away from her? And what have I taught you about speaking like that?"

A tear made its way down the girl's cheek as she took in a deep breath to prepare herself for her punishment. "I'm sorry, Kagome-chan, I won't ever do it again. Sango-sama was trying to make me eat this gross looking green stuff, it smelt gross too." She wrinkled her little nose at the memory of the smell.

'Why does she have to be so cute? I can't stay mad at her when she acts like this.' Letting out another sigh she let a smile spread across her lips. "She did, did she?"

Rin nodded her head vigorously, "Um hmm."

Slowly Kagome pushed Rin off of her, placing her hands at the girl's sides she prepared to give Rin her punishment. "Well, you must be punished for running off like you did." She saw the tears come to the girl's eyes. "And I see this as a fitting punishment." Before she finished the statement she had begun tickling Rin.

Rin fell to the soft earth giggling and trying her best to squirm out of Kagome's grasp. Neither heard Sango approach above the laughter and the squeals.

Sango raised one eyebrow at the scene before her, keeping in the fit of giggles that wanted to escape her firm pressed mouth. She watched as Kagome slowed in her tickle fest and Rin let out a sigh of relief. "So this is where you ran off to." Sango crossed her arms and looked down at the girl, trying her hardest to look mad.

Rin looked up from her spot on the ground, "I'm sorry Sango-sama, I won't run away from you again."

Sango let the giggles she had been holding back come forth, scaring both Rin and Kagome. "You better not, do you know how worried I have been?" With that she joined Kagome on the ground next to Rin and began tickling the little girl.

Kagome sat up to catch her breath, what started out as tickling Rin turned to an all out tickling war between the three girls. Sango, being the victor, was still on the ground clutching her sides while fits of uncontrollable laughter erupted from her. Kagome turned to Rin, who was still on the ground breathing hard short breaths, "Rin, hun, why don't you go find Shippo and you two play for a while."

The look of confusion spread across the little girl's face, "Kagome-chan, what about my lessons?" The words were barely audible as she was still trying to catch her breath.

Kagome smiled lovingly at Rin, "We will put off your lessons untill tomorrow, right now I must speak to Sango." She watched the little girl run off into the village in search of her companion. As soon as she dissapeared from sight, Kagome turned her attention to Sango.

"You saw him again today didn't you Kagome-chan?" Sango asked, the contempt for whom she was talking about dripped off every word.

She lowered her head and looked to the ground, searching for some kind of comfort or distraction. Finding none she proceeded to twirl her hair around her finger. "Yes, Sango-chan, I did. I can't let him starve, you know that I can't be that mean."

Sango shook her head and placed a hand on her friend's shoulder. "Kagome, a creature like that deserves to die."

Kagome jerked her head up, shocked, and looked into her friend's eyes. She watched as Sango's eyes went from caring, loving eyes to ones of hatred and malice. "Sango, what has happened to you?" She pulled her body away from her friend's grasp.

The warmth of Kagome being removed from her hand brought her out of the daze she had been in. The look on Kagome's face brought tears to Sango's eyes. "I'm sorry Kagome-chan, I shoudn't have said that like I did. I just can't forgive him for what he did to you and Rin." 'And what he did to me.'

Kagome smiled but it did not reach her eyes, "Sango-chan, I forgive him, that is enough for me. I believe even his cold heart is capable of change and can love and even feel regret for what he has done." Kagome pulled her friend into a hug. "Please, Sango, give him another chance." With that, she stood and walked into the village.

Sango watched Kagome's retreating form, tears in her eyes. ' I am sorry, Kagome-chan, I wish I could. I..I..just can't, not after what he did.'


It had been two days after the final battle with Naraku. The night was alive with lightning as the worst storm I had ever seen drew closer. I had left my companions, my only comfort, right after the battle had finished. I had found my brother's lifeless body amongst the debris of youkai carcasses, dirt, and other objects that couldn't be made out.

Tears stung my eyes as I hoisted his lifeless body over my shoulder and left the battlegrounds without so much as a whispered good bye to my only friends. I trudged into the night, my steps coming slow and my breathing labored. I can feel the blood oozing out of the wound in my side. I keep pushing myself forward and feel the wound rip.

I feel my face contort in pain, my legs weaken, and then my knees give out. I hit the ground, my mouth open in a silent scream, and dirt cakes the back of my throat and mouth. Coughing and choking, I crawl to where Kohaku's body had landed. Gently I place my arms around his torso and legs, then lifted him with me as I stand. Slower than before, I start back off in the direction of my destination.

Lightning flashes as bright as day, at the same time thuder envelops me. I feel the first cold, large rain drop hit my face. Cursing my bad luck I feel the rain start to come in torrents. 'Just a little further.' I remind myself as my feet begin to slip on the now muddy ground. I felt myself lose my balance, quickly I throw my weight forward and correct myself.

After several close encounters with the wet, muddy earth I had almost given up, almost. After the last fall, I pushed myself one more time to get up and keep going. I was rewarded for my efforts when a short while later I entered the clearing. Lightning flashed and I saw his form pinned to the tree, his golden eyes reflected the light eerily.

I broke out into a run, stopping only when I had reached the tree. I laid Kohaku's body at the base of the tree, then I looked to the demon with hopefull eyes. With the moon hidden behind the angry storm clouds it was to dark for me to make out his face, but I could feel his eyes boring into my flesh.

"What is it you want, exterminator?" the cold and hateful voice came to me.

Lightning flashed again, lighting up his face. I could see the hatred in his eyes, the sound of me swallowing hard was covered up as thunder reverberated through the clearing. Choking down my fear, I stepped closer to him. "Please, Sesshoumaru-sama, I beg of you please bring my brother back to me."

I could hear him laughing a cold sadistic laugh, "And just what makes you think I can do that?"

I speak, but once again thunder comes and it drowns out my voice. I clear my throat and speak again, "I have heard of the sword you carry with you. The Tenseiga is said to be able to revive the dead. I ask you again, please bring my brother back to me."

I don't know how long I stood there staring into the dark, waiting, hoping his answer would be yes. But as more time passed I could feel the hope I once had start to slip through my fingers. I went to speak again, but once again the lightning illuminates his face revealing the look of malice it held, and my voice caught in my throat.

"Pitiful excuse for a youkai exterminator, I Sesshoumaru, will not be the only one to suffer. I deny your request to revive your brother. Now get out of my sight."

I felt my anger begin to rise within my body, pure hatred for the demon in front of me consumed every ounce of my being. 'How dare he deny me of something so important.' The last thing I remember before I blacked out is the sound of my fist connecting with his jaw and the sound of his laughter echoing through out the clearing.

~End of Flashback~

Sango absently wiped the tears from her face and stood, 'He will never change, Kagome. Please, don't let him fool you again.' Slowly she made her way back to the village.