InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ With You ❯ Chapter 4

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


         &nbs p;  “Why’d you have to go and involve me in this? What am I suppose to tell him!” Inuyasha grumbled. “I’m not supposed to have the birds and bees talk with him til he’s at least sixteen”

“Oh come on it’s not that hard. We’ll just tell him that the baby comes from the mommy, and if he asks how it got there, we’ll simply tell him he’ll have to wait til he’s older to understand,” Kagome replied. Inuyasha snorted at that, and plopped down on the couch, his arms across his chest.

“Oh really. Well I think I’ll just tell him what my mother told me,” He said. Kagome raised an eyebrow at him.

“She told me that she swallowed a watermelon seed and it grew into a baby. I’ll tell yeah, I ain’t never ate a watermelon since”

“Honestly, you’re being such a child,” Kagome sighed. She perched on the edge of the couch, and tilted her head to the side as she studied her husband.

“I hope the baby has your eyes,” She said wistfully. Inuyasha snorted.

“Let’s hope it doesn’t have your temper,” He grunted back. Kagome glared at him before reaching over to knock on his head with her fist.

“I wouldn’t talk mister, you’re worse than I am”

“Keh, whatever”

     &n bsp;      Shinrai looked between his parents as they ate supper that night. They were both acting weird, glancing at each other, and making strange faces. He let out a sigh and glanced at his mother.

“Why do we have to wait nine months for the baby to come? You promised you’d tell me, remember Mama?” Shinrai asked. His father choked on his chicken, and as Kagome patted his back she smiled at Shinrai.

“Well, see the baby comes from inside me, and it takes nine months for the baby to be ready to come into this world. You came from my tummy as well, though you probably don’t remember,” Kagome explained.


“How did I get in your tummy? Why would babies come from there anyway?” He asked, his head tilted to the side as he pondered this. INuyasha glanced at Kagome, and gestured for her to continue.

“Well, you see...,” She stopped, and thought for a moment, “Um well, I swallowed and apple seed, and-,”

“Watermelon seed, a watermelon seed, can’t you get it right,” INuyasha interrupted. Kagome flushed darkly and glared at him.

“Anyways, never mind about all that, when you’re older Daddy is going to explain to you about everything,” Kagome told her son. INuyasha sputtered and glared.

“Why won’t you tell me now Daddy, why do I have to wait? Where do babies really come from?” Shinrai asked, his eyes wide with questions and wonder. Inuyasha sighed, rubbing at his temples.

“Look Shin, I’ll tell you when you’re older. To know the whole story you have to be sixteen, otherwise you ears’ll bleed” Kagome whacked her husband for that and then got up from her seat.

“Here, it’s bed time lets go get you ready, while Daddy cleans up dinner”

“Keh, I always get the dirty jobs,” Inuyasha grumbled.

      &n bsp;     Shinrai watched as his mother shuffled about, picking up a toy or two that he’d forgotten to put away. His small fingers curled into the fabric of the blanket strewn across his lap, the faded stitching depicted fairy tale stories, the blanket itself had been a gift from his grandmother for his first birthday.

“Mama?” He ventured. Kagome smiled at him, coming to sit on the edge of his bed, reaching out to pull the covers further up his form.

“Yes baby?” SHinrai scrunched his nose at that.

“I’m not a baby anymore,” He pouted. Kagome let out a sigh and nodded.

“You’re right, I’m sorry. What is it you wanted?”

“This new baby...” He stopped, then let out a sigh. “You won’t love it more then me, will you?”

Kagome laughed at that and laid a hand against his chubby cheek. He looked up at her, his wide blue eyes shining.

“You’re my first love, my first baby. I have love for you that can reach all the way to the sky and back, and there is still enough room in my heart for this new baby too. But I could never love one more then the other, but what’s most important is that I do love you, and that will never change. Okay?”

“You must have a really big heart Mama, to fit so much love in it” Shinrai replied. Kagome chuckled at that, and leaned forward to place a kiss on the top of his head.

“Love is limitless, so you just remember that. Now try to get some sleep, and this weekend we’ll go to the park with Sango and maybe Rin” Shinrai nodded snuggling down into his covers.

“I love you to the stars and back too Mama,” Shinrai told her. Kagome smiled kissing his cheeks before turning off his light and leaving his room. She left the door open enough to let a crack of light from the hall illuminate his sleeping face.