InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ With You ❯ Chapter 5

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

             The breeze blew through the air with a small force, that pulled at the loose ends of Kagome’s dark hair, pushing it into her face and tangling it around her neck. She simply pushed in from her eyes once again to watch as her son had a race down the small hill with his new friend, Rin. They were both sure to have plenty of grass stains on their elbows and knees, since their races consisted of rolling down the hills at top speed. But they were children, and to try to keep them impeccably clean was quite impossible. Beside her, with her knees tucked under her arms, Sango was laughing as the two children collided at the bottom of the hill, both giggling wildly.

“They really do get along so well,” Sango observed. Kagome nodded in agreement.

“I should hope Rin’s mother won’t mind those grass stains, they’re hard to get out,” Kagome replied. Sango snorted at that.

“Those are Rin’s play clothes, I made sure to tell my Aunt that she was going to get dirty today,” Sango told her. Kagome smiled, and sat back on her palms.

“You would make such a good mother, have you two thought at all about having children?”

“Um, no, well I mean,” Sango sighed, and turned to smile at Kagome. “You see I know that Miroku wants children, lots of them, but I’m not too sure I’m ready yet, you know?”

“I know, a baby is really a big responsibility, but I stand by what I said earlier. I truly think you would make a wonderful mother Sango” Sango blushed and chuckled lightly.

“Thanks Kagome”

     &nbs p;      “So you’ve got another bundle of joy on the way?” Miroku chuckled. Inuyasha smiled broadly, nodding.

“Yup, I’m ready though, and so is Shinrai,” He replied. Miroku leaned back in his seat and sighed, his gaze drifting outside the window.

“Sango isn’t ready yet, but I want to start my family while I’m still young,” Miroku confessed. Inuyasha snorted.

“You aren’t that old”

“I am on the verge of thirty, you being a year young have one more year to worry, but I on the other hand am quickly approaching that dreadful number, and I would like to have at least one child before I’m an old man,” He complained.

“Thirty isn’t old, forty is old, and sixty is even older. You’ve got time, don’t rush,” Inuyasha replied. Miroku rolled his eyes and let out another hearty sigh.

“Yes, well unlike you, I have goals for my life. And one of them is to have a son before I am thirty,” Miroku replied.

“Then I hope you’re first three kids are girls”

       ;      Rin plopped down on the grass beside the young woman that was her friends mother. Her wide brown eyes studied her carefully, taking in her form as she waited for Shinrai and Sango to return from getting their lunches.

“Shinrai told me that you have a baby in your tummy, is it true?” She asked after a moment. Kagome smiled at the question, glancing at the girl beside her.

“Yes, it’s true,” She replied. Rin grinned at that and reached out to rest one of her grass stained palms against the flat of Kagome’s tummy.

“Can the baby hear me when I talk to it? Can it feel me?” She asked, curiously. Kagome chuckled.

“I’m sure the baby will hear you, and know your close,” She replied. Rin giggled, leaning closer.

“Shinrai is a very nice boy, my names Rin. I’m sure you’ll like him lot’s and you’re lucky he’s going to be your brother,” Rin prattled on, rubbing her hand in a circle. Kagome laughed to herself as Rin continued to talk to her stomach, telling the baby about her day, and about her mother. She talked the whole time until Sango and Shinrai came back, carrying a tray with hotdogs and soda.

“What were you doing Rin?” SHinrai asked, taking a seat on the other side of his mother. Rin smiled at him, reaching out to pat his mothers tummy again.

“I was talking to the baby, she’s a very good listener,” She told him. Shinrai looked up at his mother, his head cocked to the side.

“Can the baby really hear you when you talk to him?” He asked. Kagome opened her mouth to answer, but RIn beat her to it.

“She sure can, I’ve been talking to her this whole time” She told him. Shinrai glanced down at his mothers stomach, his eyes screwed up as he contemplated this new idea.

“Mama, are you sure?” He asked again, looking up. Kagome simply nodded. SHinrai leaned closer to her lap, and sighed.

“Well, hi baby. Um, how are you?” He said. Kagome laughed and reached out to brush his bangs from his eyes.

“Why don’t we eat our lunch, and you can talk to the baby later,” She told him. Shinrai nodded, and started on his lunch, his eyes ever so often drifting back to his mothers stomach. The baby though was quickly forgotten after they started a game of tag. The two five years olds running and rolling down the hills.

“You know I’m not to sure I would of told him that,” Sango said after a while. Kagome glanced at her, an eyebrow raised. “Because now he’s going to be constantly talking to your stomach”

“Don’t be silly, I’m sure he won’t” Kagome said waving her hand. Sango merely rolled her eyes, and the two of them went back to watching the children play.