InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ With You ❯ Chapter 6

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

             Kagome had thought that maybe after the first week or two, Shinrai would have stopped trying to have conversations with the baby, but now that she was nearly four months along, and the bulge of her stomach was noticeable, it seemed Shinrai was talking to the baby more and more.

“Daddy told me he was going to take me to work with him tomorrow, it’ll be fun,” Shinrai commented, his little fingers flexing against the bugle of his mothers stomach, his head resting there too.

“Sweety, I think the baby might be sleeping right now, why don’t you let it rest, and you can talk to it later,” His mother told him. Shinrai lifted his head to meet his mothers gaze.

“How do you know that the baby is sleeping?” He asked. Kagome tried not to sigh in exasperation, as she slowly got to her feet her legs numb, after sitting for nearly two hours.

“Because, I do. Now, why don’t you go play in your room for a bit while I start dinner. Daddy will be home soon, and you and him can talk about tomorrow,” She told him. Shinrai nodded, and then scuttled off to his room, humming a song he’d learned in daycare early in the afternoon. The phone rang and Kagome shuffled to answer it, picking it up in the middle of the third ring.

“Hello?” She asked.

“Kagome? I’ve got a huge favor to ask of you,” Came a rushed reply. Kagome felt her mood taking a downfall at the words, recognizing in an instant the desperate voice as Amber’s.

“And what would that be?” She answered, making her way into the kitchen. Over the phone Amber huffed and clicked her teeth together, a nervous habit Kagome just never got used to.

“You see I have this important dinner thing with my parents tomorrow, they’re close friend’s with a client of mine, who’s case I’m on at the moment. And well this client is coming to dinner. And I know that your pregnant and that you have a busy life, but the caterer I hired just quit on me and I need someone who’s a good cook, and I just thought of you,” Here Amber paused for a breath finally. “So would you please, please come be my cook, just for tomorrow night?”

“Um,” Kagome sighed, glancing around the kitchen she stood in, her eyes finding a stack of dirty dishes, waiting to be washed. “I guess so, but I’ll need your help on what to make, and in the kitchen. And, you are going to own me for this, you understand?” She replied.

“Yes, yes, I swear I’ll babysit anytime you need a break! I promise” Amber gushed. Kagome laughed and then sat down at the kitchen counter, beginning to make a mental list of food she could prepare. She was thankful that Shinrai was going to work with Inuyasha, otherwise she’d have to take him with her the Amber’s house.

“Now, I’ll be over at five to start, and you’d better be in that kitchen ready for me,” Kagome said, then she sighed and bid Amber goodbye, before hanging up. Her shoulders slumped, and with a thump her dropped the phone to the table, in favor of reaching to rub at the ache starting in her lower back.

‘I need a back rub... or maybe just a nice bath,” Kagome glanced at the clock hanging over the stove. ‘Inuyasha will be home in a bit, so he can keep an eye on SHinrai while I do that’

             The world was truly against him today. Inuyasha looked over the paper work sitting in front of him once again. Nothing was adding up, and they were missing a few parts that had been ordered weeks before. He let out a sigh and then ruffled the paper into a pile before sticking them in a folder to leave on his desk. He could handle the rest of this matter tomorrow, but at the moment he needed to get home.

“Greg, I’m off. I’ll be in early tomorrow, with Shinrai to visit,” INuyasha said, when he ducked his head into his boss’s office. The older male glanced up, one eyerbow cocked on question.

“Why are you bringing your son again?” Greg asked. Inuyasha sighed.

“Daycare’s over for the year, so now Kag has no time to herself. I promised her I’d take him tomorrow so she could relax,” He responded. Greg chuckled, nodding at this.

“Aha, I see. Okay then I’ll see you and your son, tomorrow”

On his way to his car, Inuyasha found himself smiling at the thought of showing Shinrai where he worked. He was now partners with Greg in his successful car repair shop, his income far greater then what it had been, so now Kagome could afford to stay at home. Sure it was harder work dealing with paper work and such, but he still got to head into the pits ever so often, and that was enough to keep him happy.