InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Within You ❯ Your Eyes Can Be So Cruel ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I love the only Inuyasha related thing I own. My cute little chibi inu key-chain which lives out its happy life on my iPod making fashion statements everywhere (Ha! Take that Parris Hilton! You want something hot? Then look at my iPod cuz it's so cute and knows how to accessorize.)

Within You_By: lil6ter

Your Eyes Can Be So Cruel*

Chapter Six

It was the stares that he been his undoing in the beginning.

Pity in onlookers gazes as he walked through the halls.

Then, it had been the whispers.

Whispers about Kaede. Whispers about Kagome. Whispers about himself and his stupidity. Hatred had joined soon after.

Then, the mocking had come in conjunction with the physical brutality.

He could handle three or four men on his own, thanks to his training when he was in the program, but six or seven? That's when it had become too many, and it showed. He had walked around with bruises and cuts on his body: a physical representation of what the Kingdom really thought of him.

Inuyasha knew that he could hide the marks. He still had the salve that Kagome had given him, but he saw no point in it. Using the salve would hurt worse than the endless punches and kicks he received on a near daily basis. Even if he did use the salve, the bruises would just be replaced soon after with more.

If this were not enough, even when he slept his situation seemed to plague his dreams.

The beatings.

The whispers.

His proposal.

Despite everything, however, what really killed him was KagomeÉor rather, Kagome and Koga.

She had said no to him, yet, she said yes to Koga.


He knew Kagome. Despite what she had said to him that day, he knew that this was not what she wanted. Koga was the epitome of what she never wanted in her life. He wasexactlythe kind of person she had dreaded getting married to, yet there she was, walking around with his ring on her finger.

That is what really made him sick.

He would never forget the day he found out about their engagement. He had heard whispers about it in the halls through the maids, but he refused to believe it. They made up storied about things all the time.

No, he had told himself that he would believe it when he had seen it, and when there was an official announcement.

He had been taking a break from being in the stables, and decided to take a walk through the garden. He did not know why he had chosen the garden. It was filled with memories of he and Kagome as children, teens, and adults.

He sat down on one of the stone benches and started thinking more about his last visit with Kagome.

She had to be lying to him. That was the only explanation for how she had behaved. He refused to believe that she would truly want to be apart from him like that after everything. Besides, when he had kissed her that last time, he had been able to see the real truth. She had kissed him back with a passion that rivaled his own for her. He could feel her love for him through the same lips that had told him the exact opposite. She needed him just as much as he needed her, and he needed Kagome like air.

With out it, he would die, just like he would die without her.

He had been contemplating Kagome for the last twenty or so minutes when he heard something that had set his senses on high alert. He was not sure what it was, but he trusted his instincts with his life.

Something was there.

He got up from the bench and started looking around.

Then, he saw them. Kagome on the arm of Koga.

He had ducked behind a bush, despite his better judgment, so that he could spy on them and see what they were going to do. Normally, he would not have even considered something. If it were anyone else, he would have kept to himselfÉbut this was not a normal situation, and this was not just anyone.

This was Kagome.

He watched them as they walked, almost silently through the garden.

If he were to take their actions at face value, then he would be led to believe that they were a couple who were very much so in love.

He did not, however.

He looked past the facade that Kagome had chosen to put on, and saw that she hated being with Koga in that moment. He could see that it was making her sick, holding onto his arm. She wanted to be as far away from him as possible.
It was then, when he was looking at the way she held him, that he saw it.

Her ring.

It was perched smugly on her ring finger on her left hand. It was almost as smug as its owner.

The bastard.

He had everything he wanted now. He had Kagome, power, the Kingdom, and he was next in line to the throne.

It made him sick that the maids were right.

What made him sicker, however, was the knowledge that Kagome was going to spend the rest of her life with this chubby, red faced, pig! Did her father truly want his daughter to be miserable? To not have a decent future? To not have a good, caring husband? To not have someone want to wed her for the power that was sure to come with it?

He was so sick to his stomach that he almost succumbed to the vile that was rising up his throat and vomit, but he somehow managed to get a hold of himself and left the garden.

For once, Inuyasha felt that the familiar walls of the stable would offer him the stability that he needed right now. He needed something secluded, yet warm right now.

When he got back, he located one of the horse's brushes and started shakily grooming the very old Ash. Normally, this would be able to calm him. Normally, he would be able to lose himself in the process, but today, he could not. Not after what he had seen.

All he could think about was Kagome. It was like he had no control over his mind anymore, if he ever had any to begin with.

Kagome's sparkling eyes, her beautiful smile, her laughter, her kindnessÉeverything that he loved about her was now and forever out of his reach and given away to Koga.

He dropped the brush, his fingers unable to hold onto it.

Was this why she had scorned him? Because she had to wed Koga? She would never wed him of her own freewill. She had to have been forced.

He wished that she had told him and been honest with him when she had cast him out of her life. Then, maybe, they could have come up with a way together to get her out of this engagement to Koga.



There had to be a better, different alternative to her being with him.

He needed to sit down. Grooming was not helping him the way it normally did. He still felt sick, and he still could only focus on what had just happened.

He let his body fold in on itself when he sat down, slumping against his knees.

His life had turned into one giant joke.

"Come now, today would be a great day for a ride. The sun is shining, it is not too hot out, and there is not a cloud in the sky!"

Inuyasha did not need this on top of everything else.

"PleaseÉif there is a God, let them come back another dayÉ" he whispered.

"I am not so sureÉI only agreed to a stroll this afternoon, not a horse ride."

That was Kagome's voice.

He felt his heart start to beat faster at it. That was Kagome and Koga. They were the ones who wanted to go for a horse ride.

Koga did at any rate.

For some reason, Inuyasha had a sinking suspicion that the only reason the bastard wanted one with Kagome was to rub it into his face that he was with her.
"But Koga, I—"
"Ah ah! No buts. You will love it, trust me," he cooed as he pushed the door to the stable open.

His eyes were drawn to her like a moth to a flame.

She was beautiful, still. Not that this would ever really change, he conceded, but she looked miserable, nervous, and worried.

"Koga, please," she whispered.

"No. Inuyasha," Koga finally turned his attention to him. "I want you to ready two horses."

He could only numbly nod in reply as he stood up from his place to get the saddles and blankets. He could have sworn that he felt a pair of eyes on him as he put everything on the horses, but each time he looked over to Kagome, he saw her looking away from him either at Koga or the ground. She refused to meet his gaze.

"They are ready," he whispered when he was done.

"Kagome, my darling, come. I do not want to waist any more daylight."

Koga was being so fake he wanted to vomit. And punch him as he walked by, slamming his shoulder into Inuyasha's. Somehow, he had managed to find one of his bruises, and applying pressure to it like that was a less than favorable experience.

Inuyasha just grit his teeth and glared, rubbing his right shoulder with his hand as Kagome gently rest her hand upon the same shoulder. She looked at him apologetically as she gave him a light squeeze.

"Would you like help getting up, my Lady?" he whispered.

"YesÉthank you, Inuyasha."

He took her hand, leading her over to the horse that Koga had not chosen. It was her left hand.

He stared at her ring while she climbed atop her horse, and she could not help but notice where his attention was.

"It is a beautiful ring," he complimented after a moment, still not letting go of her hand. It was made up of about fifteen large diamonds, the largest being in the center, surrounded by just as many pearls on the outside of the oval.

He could have never given her something like that.

"Inuyasha, I—"

"ShÉsay nothing," he murmured as he rubbed her knuckles with her thumb. "I hope that you enjoy your ride, my Lady."

There was a finality in that sentence.

"Inuyasha, one dayÉone day I hope that I can tell you everything, butÉI cannot right now. Not for a long time. Please understand."

And he did.

That had been the last time he had seen her. She had been avoiding him ever since, and he had started making it a point to go to the local taverns at night.

Especially the night he heard the maids whispering in the halls about the up coming masquerade. It was to be their engagement party, no doubt.

That is when he snapped.

He refused to wait until later to get answers, and he refused to let Kagome marry that pig.

As he got ready that night, he slipped something into his pocket.


The orchestra was beautiful: the best in the land, though that was to be expected. They always had the best here. The best food, the best music, the best clothing, the best artwork: no one else could compare. The hum of the instruments warmed the air on the cool night, and added to the joyful feel of the party. The masquerade had been her father's idea. She thought that it would be a foolish one, asking for something terrible to happen. She had been all too right. Kagome had felt Inuyasha's presence the moment he entered the room.

She had chosen to ignore him though. She needed to, for his own sake. She had mingled with the ladies of the court, and she had sipped her wine, waiting for the night to be over with, all the while wondering what he was thinking.

She should have kept a closer eye on Inuyasha throughout the evening instead of listening to the latest gossip. Or better yet, she should have never left the small group of women. Then he never would have trapped her from behind.

"My lady," he whispered into her ear, the tip of his dog mask gently grazing the edge of the shell.

"You should not be here," she whispered back. It was dangerous for him to be seen here with her, even if his face was concealed. People would know who it was, and word would get back to her fatherÉand if that happenedÉ

"I wanted to. I believe that we have a conversation to finish."

"I believe that we finished that conversation," she bit back, knowing exactly what he was talking about. "There is nothing more to be said."

"Ah, but you are quite mistaken."

"Please. . ."

"Sh. . ." he whispered, backing away from her and allowing her the freedom to move once more. "Listen to the music."

She did, and she smiled ever so softly. They were playing his song**. The song that he always played on his violin.

"Dance with me?"

"You know that I cannot. . .it would cause so much trouble. And what would people think? What would my father think?"

"I think that you are forgetting about the woman that once said that she cared naught of what others though. Please. . .dance with me this one last time."

She could see his eyes, the longing, the desperation. It was something that she had only seen once before, and it was not something that she wanted to ever see again.

"Why do you do this to yourself?"

"Dance with me, and I may tell you."

She looked away in thought before raising her hand, and placing it on his arm. Kagome prayed that she was doing the right thing. She did not want to loose him anymore than she already had. She did not want him to die.

Everyone in the room knew who she was, and everyone knew that this man was not her fiancŽ. She could feel their eyes on her as he led her to the center of the room. She silently damned him then, pleading him with her eyes to not do this.

"You have been avoiding me lately," he began after they had started to dance, her long dress swishing in what felt like the now silent room.

"I do not know what you mean."

"Ah. . .but you do. Tell me. . .why do you wish to continue this little farce of yours? First, you say you want nothing to do with me, then you come back to the stablesÉ"

"Why do you wish to continue to do this to yourself? You owe me that at the very least after last week."

"I owe you? My Dear, I think that it is the other way around. Why did you not tell me yourself?"

"It was not of importance."

"YourfiancŽwould not agree," he spat. "Why did you leave me to find out through word of mouth. . .through one of themaids?"

"You found out on your own when I saw you last. You saw the ring. And why did you have to tell me that. . .please. . .can you not just leave me alone?"

"Have I ever been able to?" he smiled ruefully.

"No. . .I suppose not, but now you must learn to."

"Perhaps. . .but first, first I have something for you."

"What is. . .please. . .do not do what I think—"

"After a week of solitude and being treated like a leper except to be mocked, at least let me do this."

"Please. . .I beg of you. . .please keep it. Save it for another."

"There is no other," he whispered as he reached into a pocket and pulled out the necklace she had feared most. His mother's necklace. The one thing of value that he owned, and she felt it being lowered around her neck like a heavy weight, just like she felt the whispers of the people around her. "I want you to have it. Even if there is someone else to take your heart from me," he murmured, raising his hand to gently cup her cheek and look into her eyes.

"I cannot keep this."

"Even if I beg you to?"

"Even," she swallowed, her throat suddenly becoming too dry, "even if you beg me to. You are a proud man. Do not become a foolish one. He will not let you get away with this unharmed."

"Your father or yourfiancŽ?"

"Both of them."

"Then if I am to die, I will die a foolish, love struck one," he whispered, pressing his lips to hers. She was lost in him, surrounded by him, and solely his until he pulled away from her and demanded, "Why must you hide from this? Why must you do as your father asks? I know that your words are not true when you say that you care nothing for me. I can see it in your eyes."

"You are mistaken," she breathed.

"You lie," he growled lowly. "Why must you lie to me? After everything, why must you stoop to that?"

"It issonice to see you again," a voice sneered from behind as a sharp blade was pressed to Inuyasha's throat. "Tell me. . .from what rock did you crawl out from under, and why do you soil my fiancŽ with your presence? Better yet, why did you come here tonight when you were clearlynotinvited?"

Inuyasha clenched his jaw and his fists, meeting Koga in the eyes.

"I came to challenge your right for her."

"InuyashaÉpleaseÉdo not do this," Kagome begged.

"No. I am not going to let him marry you. He does not deserve you."

By now, the entire party had gathered in a circle around them and the King was starting to push his way through to the three in the center.

"You think I do not deserve her? Need I remind you who here is a noble, and who is the stable boy."

"I was a noble once too. My blood is just as rich as yours."

"Once. Not anymore."

"Silence!" the King roared, ending he fighting between the two. "Boy," he snarled at Inuyasha. "What is the meaning of this?"

"Your Highness," Inuyasha began, bowing in respect. "I believe that your daughter's engagement to Koga is not a wise one. I have come here tonight to challenge his right to her, and to put an end to it."

"By challenging this, you do realize that you are mocking my judgment of who would be a suitable King for this country, and husband for my daughter. This could be considered treason if you continue this pursuit because you are going against me."

"I understand this, Your Highness, but I will not back down."

The King nodded and grimly raised his hand, summoning guards to come forth from their posts.

Kagome knew that if she were to have any chance of saving Inuyasha, she would need to do something.


"Father, I believe that he is right."

A collective gasp could be heard throughout the ballroom, followed by whispers.

"Kagome? What is the meaning of this?" her father gently demanded.

"I think that he has a point. You just said for yourself that he was questioning your decision on who would be the best ruler for the kingdom after your death. What has Koga done to prove that he is worthy? He is neither a scholar nor a politician nor a knight. He has no accomplishments to his name. Inuyasha on the other hand has at least had marginal training in all of those categories and has traveled and seen the world, which I believe would enhance his foreign politics. Still, this is also not the perfect match since he does not have any accomplishments to his name."

"What are you proposing, Kagome?"

"I propose a quest."

"What kind of quest?"

"I have not decided yet. Do you have any thoughts, Father?"

Kagome could see Koga snarling in anger at her interference.

She honestly did not care.

Her Father was silent for a few moments, clearly mulling something over.

"Kagome, tomorrow, I want for you to propose a quest in front of the court. If I do not like what you have selected, I will either change it, or I will dismiss it. If I dismiss it, Inuyasha will have commited treason and will be put to death. If I like it, both men will set out to complete it. You have until dawn."

"I understand, Father."


It had been an interesting series of events that had lead him up until this moment, standing before the court with Kagome, the love of his life, walking forward to plead their case to her father.

She was beautiful, as always, but there was a weariness to her as well. She looked tired with giant circles under her eyes, and she looked aged. Still, there was confidence and determination in her gaze as she approached, carrying something with her covered in cloth.

That was the Kagome he knew and loved. He wanted so badly to reach out and hold her, but he refrained, composing himself.

"My King, Ladies and Gentlemen of the court, I am sure that I need not remind you of why we are here today," Kagome began. "I have been asked to supply a fit quest for the men Koga and Inuyasha to embark on. The winner shall aptly receive my hand in marriage, and shall be the next King of our fair country. I have in my hand not just one scroll, but three."

At last, she revealed what it was she had brought with her and showed them to the court. Inuyasha felt his heart start to beat faster. He knew what those were.

"These scrolls might seem like ordinary scrolls with maps or maybe history imprinted on them, but they are much more. To a child, these scrolls are magic. Tome, these scrolls are magic. These scrolls have three legends on them: one legend a scroll. I did not come here today, however, to read everyone a bed time story like children."

The court chuckled at her, and Kagome started purring on the inside like a smug cat. She was winning them over.

"I like to think that we all know the legends that I brought with me. We might know them through different names, so I will be as direct as possible and briefly describe them.

The first is the Ring of Riches: the legend wherein the wearer of the ring receives endless riches if their heart is good and pure just by rubbing it.

The next is the Sisters of the Moon. This one is about three sisters of alabaster skin who only wish to be loved. It is said that a man, if his heart is pure and loving will receive a magical silken cloth, the likes of which have never been seen before. It shines like silver, and gives the owner magical powers when worn. We do not know what those powers are.

Finally, I have the scroll containing the legend of the Jewel of Four Souls. It is said that a priestess and demon were at war many years ago. She was a powerful priestess. The most powerful one the world has ever seen. It is said that they were lovers once, she and this demon, but she had been betrayed by him. He started a war against her, and she fought back ferociously. The two were evenly matched, however, and fought for seven days. It was on this last day, when the jewel was created. The priestess bound her spiritual energy to the demon, killing them both, but also giving them a new form in the shape of the jewel. This jewel is said to grant one wish and one wish only, so long as it is pure of heart.

These are children's tales. Folk lore. Legends that we all know by heart. Legends, and nothing more. That is what I had always thoughtÉ"

Kagome paused dramatically, letting the court whisper for a moment before raising her arm dramatically. The guards opened the great doors at her signal, and in walked six men, each man pushing a giant cart nearly overflowing with scrolls.

"I have here in each of those carts that these men are pushing proof of the existence of these legends. It is my belief that they are real. My proposal is this: I want Inuyasha and Koga to got out and bring back the ring, the cloth, and the jewel. The man who brings back the most objects I shall humbly wed, without complaint. There shall be no objections by anyone," she shot a sharp glance at both men for that. "They will have fought honorably and with dignity, and the shall accept the fate that one man is simply the better man.

If you like my proposal, My King, Ladies and Gentlemen of the Court, then I shall leave the rules and the guidelines up to you. I have given the task, but what regulations shall be instated? How long will they have? What help can they receive? This, I leave to you."

Her heart was racing after she had finished, looking at her father and silently begging him to approve her quests.

She needed him to.

She could not let him die.

Not like this.

Her father remained silent as the court started to murmur. Her father studied her, regarding her with a critical eye.

"PleaseÉ" she whispered, hardly moving her lips, but it seemed to be enough for the man. Her father raised his hand and motioned for his most trusted advisor to come forth.

He was a stout, round man with a whitened balding head and a sharply pointed mustache and beard. Myoga. They spoke is hushed whispers for several long moments before her father seemed to have come to a conclusion.

"Kagome, you have done well in presenting your case," he began giving her hope. "But, presentation aside, I cannot accept your three quests."

She felt herself die in that moment.

She had failed Inuyasha. She had stayed up all night, trying her best to come up with a suitable quest for them to under go. It had been Kaede's idea to use these legends as a basis for their quest. It had been better than nothing, and she had told her that there existed proof of each legends existence. She had told her to start working on a speech, and she would gather the proof. She told her that it would be ready for her, and that when the time would come, it would be waiting. Now, it did not matter. Nothing mattered, because her father and herfiancŽwere going to get their wish after all.

The man she loved was still going to die.

"NoÉ" she whispered, tears springing to hear eyes as she felt the air swooped out of her lungs like she had been punched in the stomach.

"I will, however, accept one of your quests."

She almost dropped to her knees at his words.


The King smiled kindly at his daughter's shaky response. "It simply does not make any sense to dedicate so much time and effort to three quests when one will be sufficient. It is my decision that both men should try and obtain the Jewel of Four Souls.

You shall have until the start of winter to produce the gem, and the quest shall start in two weeks. Each man shall maintain a detailed progress report, sending a messenger bird to me each week. We shall meet at a later date to discuss what I expect in this report. Both shall receive gold and travel accommodations, as well as team to help you in your expedition.

The quest will come to an end when you have brought the jewel to me, and have presented it accordingly. If neither man shall bring it back comeÉlet us say December 21st at noon, then neither man shall wed my daughter. I expect both of you to report to me tomorrow to discuss further details."

"Your Highness, this is maddening!" Koga erupted, his face the reddest anyone had ever seen it. "Do you honestly expect us to go chasing fairytales? To bring back some nonexistentÉrock?"

"I do."

"This ismadness! How will this proveanything?"

"It will show our understanding of how to maneuver different type of terrain, how we strategize, maintain our budget, work with other people, hold ourselves in battleÉdo you want me to continue Koga?"

He just snarled at Inuyasha's smug response, knowing that he had more experience in all of those categories.

"Do both of you accept?"

Inuyasha boldly looked into his King's eyes, surprising him with the shear determination and confidence he held in his gaze as his simply replied, "I do."

"That makes one," he smiled. "Koga? What of you? Will you accept, or shall this be a one man quest."

"I accept," he spat.

"I shall see you both tomorrow to further detail the expectations of your quest. The Court has been dismissed.

Koga was the first one to stomp out of the room, the rest of the court following soon after. Kagome and Inuyasha were the only ones to remain with her father and his advisor.

The moment the last person had left the room, Inuyasha turned to the King. "Thank you, Your Highness. I know that I have disappointed you in the past, but I promise that I shall make you proud now. Thank you for giving me a second chance, and for everything you and yours have done for me in a past." He gave Kagome a sidelong glance, telling her that the last part was for her. "I do not know what I would have done without it."

"See to it that you take advantage of this,boy. Next time, my daughter will not be able to save you."

"I understandÉand I do not expect her to. All I need is this one chance."

The King studied him for a moment, taking him in.

"You may have never received the proper training, but you remind me more and more of your father. You become more like him as you get older. The way you act, not just the way you look. I think that you would have made him proud,boy."

"Thank you, Your Majesty," he grinned.

That was the highest compliment he could ever hope to receive.

"Inuyasha, would you mind giving my father and I a moment to ourselves? Please?"

"Not at all," he replied, his face softening as he brought his hand up to gently squeeze her shoulder. "I expect to see you later?"

"I still need to beat you for what you did."

All she heard was his laugh as he left.

"FatherÉthank you," she said after a moment. "You do not know how much this means to me."

"I think I have a general idea," he smirked.

She laughed softly.

"Either wayÉthank you Daddy."

"Do not thank me yet. He still has to complete the quest."

She nodded and gave him a giant hug, holding onto him for a few moments before letting go and leaving to let her father and Myoga discuss further plans about the quest.

"It does this old heart good to see a couple so in love as those two. You are doing the right thing."

"I hope so, Myoga. I really hope so."

Kagome saw Inuyasha leaning casually against a wall as she left the room.

"Everything went well?"

Her response was a solid slap across his left check, followed by her pounds and smacks to his upper body.

"You stupid, stupid, stupidÉboy!" She cried out in frustration. "Do you know what could have happened to you? You could havediedif I were not quick on my feet! Never, ever,ever, do something asÉasÉfoolishand asstupidas thiseveragain!"

She was near tears and trembling as the gravity of what had just happened finally settled in.

Inuyasha really almost was a dead man.

She had honestly almost lost him.
"Never again" she sobbed as she flung herself to him, gripping onto his shoulder and arm like it was the only thing keeping her alive and sane, not that this was a far stretch from the truth.

"Never again," he promised, hugging her back. "Never again."

He slid them down onto the floor as her sobs became worse and he felt her legs give out. He cradled her between his own long legs and rewrapped her in his arms, starting a gentle rocking to calm her as he started to whisper kind words and sweet nothings into the shell of her ear.

If someone were to walk by, all he had to do was glare at them and they would keep going, pretending that there was nothing to be seen.

As her sobs died down and finally stopped, he hooked a finger under her chin and made her look him in the eye.

"Hey," he whispered.

"Hey," she replied in kind, causing a light chuckle.

"I promise you, Kagome, I am not going anywhere. I am going to win this quest. I promise. We will get our happily ever after. I will not let him beat me. I swear," he confidently told her, interlocking their fingers together. If was her left hand, and he looked down hatefully at her ring.

"How about we get this piece of trash off of your finger, hm?" he joked, lifting her hand and taking her ring off. He gave it a condescending look before throwing it halfway down the hallway, making Kagome start to laugh.

"It was a beautiful ring, but you have no idea how glad I am to have that gone. I cannot even begin to tell you," she told him in between her giggles.

"No?" He smirked. "Then why not show me."

"OhÉI certainly plan to," she whispered, pulling his head down so she could reach his lips.

Their kiss was full of passion and love as they explored each other. Inuyasha was desperate and filled with the need to touch her and feel her and be with her after what had happened only one short week ago. They had been though so much together, and this was their way of re-solidifying their relationship as he took dominance over her, something that she was more that willing to give as her fingers started clawing his back and head.

"Well, isn't this just lovely," a voice sneered, causing the two to break apart far too early.

"Koga," Inuyasha growled.

"I would not get to comfortable, if I were you. You may have prolonged our engagement," he glared, studying the wedding ring Inuyasha had thrown down the hallway, "but you have not won."

"Perhaps, but it will not take much to beat you."

Kog growled and if it were not for the fact that Kagome clung to Inuyasha's shoulders, completely protecting him with her body, he would have gone after him.

"Just you wait, Inuyasha. You think you have won, but the really battle is only just beginning."


*Lyric to David Bowie's song Within You (http:/ www. youtube. com/watch? v=y1-l0UN CKJM)_
** Serenade, by Franz Schubert. (http:/ www. youtube. com/ watch? v=r BaLyPQ F-Fo )

I own neither song.

First, sorry for all the confusing updates within the last hour. Formatting. Issues. That is all.

Reasons why I didn't update for so long:

1: My computer died literally right after the question I posted as a chapter, ergo loosing the new chapter.

2: I spent all summer at my job saving up for it.

ÉYupÉ I think those are pretty good reasonsÉ

My old computer, Izzy, died on me almost a few days after I asked people about White Rose. I fortunately had a back up of my notes from schoolÉbut I was computerless for a loooong time. Thankfully, I got the summer job I REALLY REALLY REALLY wanted (Student Orientation Leader at my University), and I saved up all summer for my new baby, Lexi Grey my MacBook Pro. Love 3. I decided to go big or go home with this bad girl ;).

I got her not too long ago, but aside from setting her up, this is one of the first things I did.

I hope everyone can forgive me for my disappearing act. . . It was somewhat forced and unintentional.

I hope everyone liked this chapter! It took me a LONG time to decide to not cut this story short (as in wrap up in one or two chapters) and just kill off the other two quests. I still mentioned those quests though, since they were in the original plot. I love this storyÉbut I think I would have had a hard time juggling this, three organizations (one I'm on the exec board for), a part time Marketing job on campus, and 18 credit hours in the fall (since 10 of those are accounting and Spanish. Egads!) Don't forgetÉI'm a student to ya know!

Since I just finished this chapter, I am going to TRY and start on the next one within a day or twoÉbut that means I have no idea when it is gonna be up. Sorry :(. I knowÉ I slipped from my once every two weeks thing in HS. Life changesÉwhat can I say?

AnywaysÉthank you guys so much for all of your support with everything! I don't know what I am going to do yet with the whole White Rose situation. What I might do is just repost the original since honestlyÉaside from the first two chaptersÉnothing is going to be the same. There is just going to be a similar plot, but everything else is going to be VERY differentÉ still not sure though. You will know when I know :).

Again, thank you so much to everyone who has read and reviewed! It means the world to me in this crazy hectic life of mine :)

Now for the ARs!! (Please note that I will not respond to the ones regarding the ÒnewÓ story. Thank you everyone for your opinion!!!)

To: Kokoronagomu

BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! I literally started dying when I saw that. My best friend thought there was something wrong with meÉnot that that is unusual. Where on earth do you FIND these things?!?!? AnywaysÉthank you so much for the review / youtube clip, and I hope that you will enjoy the next chapter!!!

To: AmiFire Chopstixx

HahahahahahaÉwell, if it’s a rollercoaster, I’m glad you enjoyed the ride ;). If it makes you feel any better, I think I cried when I wrote this chapter. I hope that this next chapter was up to your expectationsÉbut if it wasn’t, my only defense is that I wrote it in 4 days 4 days, and I normally spend at least two to three weeks on a chapter (I like to make sure all the ruffled feathers are preened before it goes on display). Anyways, Thank you so much for the review, and I hope that you will enjoy the rest of the rollercoastery story!!

To: SplendentGoddess

I’m sorry :(. Most of Kagome’s thoughts went up in smoke with my old computer. I don’t honestly remember what most of them would be at this point since it was such a long time agoÉbut I still tried to help square everything away. Not only is this chapter completely new in content, but in form too. Nothing about this one is the same way as the old oneÉthough personally, I like that. The old one was borderline dragging it out. I feel like I needed to compromise my story line a bit so that it won’t be quite as drawn out, but hopefully it will be just as exciting as you were hoping it would be! I promise! I haven’t been procrastinatingÉ  I just simply been able to update. Thank you for your fantastic reviews, and I hope that you will enjoy the next chapter!!

To: MyckedFrankie

Ah!! Thank you! That has been a thorn in my side for yearsÉ and purpose and proposeÉ oh the English languageÉ why are you so complex?!? Better yet, why am I such a horrible speller?!???! HahahahaÉthank you though!! I’m glad you enjoyed the chapter, and I hope that you will keep reading!! Thank you so much for the review!!

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