InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wolf of mine ❯ Morning ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Wow five reviews in one day that's a lot! So I decided to work fast and get another chapter up
Disclaimer: do I have to do this again? Oh alright I don't own Inuyasha or the very sexy Koga ok?
Kagome woke up, slowly feeling warm, and content, she was all snuggling with something warm as well and even though it was kind of hard, it was so comfortable that she started drifting back off to sleep. Until she felt an arm draped over her waist in a very protective fashion.
Looking up rather suddenly she saw Koga smiling at her, his black hair messy from the night of sleeping on the couch armrest, having fallen out of his ponytail some time in the night.
Koga on the other hand had woken up about an hour earlier, not realizing were he was until he felt Kagome still curled up on his side. He had spent the rest of the time until she woke up looking at her as she slept, thinking how beautiful she really was, almost child-like in her sleep, as if she knew that nothing would happen when he was there to protect her.
“Sleep good?” he asked her blue eyes twinkling at her in amusement as she sat up rather suddenly when she realized, much to her embarrassment, who she was laying on.
“Koga I'm sorry I didn't mean to fall asleep on you honestly.” Said a very red in the face Kagome.
“It's ok Kagome it was actually pretty comfortable, so I didn't really mind.” He said as he watched the various emotions flying across her face at speeds that would rival him, when he was running his fastest. There was of course embarrassment, confusion, anger (at herself he hoped, she was scary when mad.), and something that he couldn't recognize.
`Man, I can't believe I fell asleep on him, but it felt good kind of. No I shouldn't think like that, I mean it's Koga were talking about, and I like Inuyasha don't I?'
Shaking her head Kagome got up and looked at Koga with a smile. “So what do you want for breakfast? We could eat the left over pizza if you want.”
“Sure that sounds great.” Raising his arms over his head to stretch them, after not moving all night he got up.
She got the box out of the fridge, bringing it out into the living room, she set it in front of Koga.
“Here you eat what you want but save me two pieces ok? I'm going to get a bath real quick, you wait down here and no peeking ok?”
“You wound me Kagome, I'm not like that monk you travel with I do have some honor.” Said a very amused Koga
“Sorry force of habit, I'll be down shortly, then you can go get one so that we can go get you some new clothes ok?”
Humming to herself as she walked upstairs, she smiled as she heard him scarfing down pizza.
Getting a pair of jeans and a tank top out of her closet she took them with her into the bathroom so that she could get dressed in there.
Knowing that her muscles were stiff and sore from the last couple of weeks of traveling and from sleeping in one spot and not moving at all last night Kagome pored in some bubble bath that smelled very lightly of roses to help her relax.
Sighing as she got in to the tub she sat there thinking about Koga.
`What am I going to do, I love Inuyasha don't I? But now I'm acting like that with Koga. What am I supposed to do? I wish mom was here so that I could talk to her.'
Laughing as she thought about what her mother's reaction would be to Koga considering the first thing she did to Inuyasha was grab his ears.
Ducking under the water she washed her hair, and then got out quickly drying off, she got dressed and walked downstairs hair still slightly damp.
As she went into the living room she had to laugh, because Buyo was lying on top of Koga as he was watching TV.
Glancing up at her as she came in he smiled at her.
“He overpowered me and forced me to let him lay there.”
Laughing she picked up her cat for a quick hug.
“The shower is all yours if you want to get a shower or a bath, to turn on the shower you pull the little knob on the top of the faucet on the bottom ok?”
Nodding he got up and took off upstairs not at top speed but enough to make the towel blow off her hair.
After a few minutes he came downstairs wearing only a dark blue towel around his waist.
“Kagome how do you shut off the water? The over head water-fall won't turn off.” He said as he came in.
Staring at him she started to blush before nodding and hurrying upstairs.
Looking after her with a slight smirk he put on the slightly wrinkled clothes from last night, even though he had slept in them.
`Wow he looked hot! Oh man I shouldn't be thinking like this should I?'
Ok that's were I'm going to leave it for now review if you like it and if you don't then don't read this lol.