InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wolf of mine ❯ Food ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: ^sighs^ I do not own Inuyasha and company ok?? Happy now?
As they continued down the road, after the incident with the two thugs, Kagome grew silent, walking along deep in thought.
`Ok so sometimes he is an arrogant jerk, calling me names, but this is Inuyasha that were talking about right? And then there are other times that he can be so sweet, its times like that that I just want to hug him and tweak his ears until he turns blue in the face, but let's face it, I have a better chance of getting struck by lighting, and winning the lottery all in the same day then that happening.'
Sighing, Kagome shook her head.
`And then there is Koga, acting sweet and, looking damn sexy every time I turn around. I mean what did I do to deserve Koga, and Inuyasha in my life? Two wonderful guys in their own way, so what do I do?'
“Kikyo..” whispered Inuyasha looking into the meadow by the God tree.
She was standing in front of it with her back toward him, running her fingers over the indent in the tree, caused by her sealing him to the tree fifty years earlier.
As if she sensed that he was there, she quickly turned around to face him.
“What brings you here Inuyasha? Could it be that human girl that looks so much like me? I wonder some times why it is that you even travel with her at all, is it because she looks so much like me?” She said with a laugh
“That's not it at all! Kagome is herself, no one else!” he almost yelled at her.
“She is supposed to be my reincarnation, you know. So who is to say that that history won't repeat it's self and you end up pinned to a tree again, just like I did fifty years ago?”
“Kagome's not like that she would never…”
“That's what you thought about me as well remember Inuyasha? And were did you end up? Pinned to the god tree an Arrow sealing you in place, and you would still be there if not for that meddling girl.”
Growling low in his throat, Inuyasha fought the urge to rip Kikyo in half.
“Kagome is different than you are she would never, ever do that to me! She's not your Reincarnation, She's herself!”
As he got closer though, he could smell Naraku all over Kikyo, and not the usual dirt, clay, and death smell that she normally smelled like.
Growling he ripped his claws through her only to discover that Naraku was up to his old tricks again, sending out puppets, to torment him.
As they walked, Kagome spotted a grocery store on the corner.
“oh that reminds me, I better pick up groceries tonight or we don't eat.” She laughed.
With a look of horror, Koga almost dragged her over to the store.
`Well that's one thing they have in common, they both love to eat' she thought as she giggled.
As she was looking at some ramen, she realized that Koga was no were to be found, so sighing she started to look for him, only to find him at the meat department, with his face pressed against the glass, practically drooling over all the meat.
Hearing his name he jumped suddenly and turned to face her.
“Who is the one who hunts for all this meat? It has to be a lot of them because there is just so much of it.”
Pulling him into an aisle that nobody was in she said, “most people in my time don't hunt our food like you and your tribe does in your era. We raise cows, pigs and fish on places called farms. Then when they are old enough we kill them to make meat so that people can eat.”
Looking at her as if she had just sprouted two heads Koga thought about that for a second.
“You mean if my tribe would start “raising” the stuff that we like to eat like boar, then we wouldn't have to hunt in the winter?”
“Yes but it would take a lot of effort with feeding them and stuff like that.”
Koga deep in thought followed her around, as she went around picking up stuff for them both to eat.
Finally they rang out the groceries at the counter, and left, Koga carrying three large bags full of various things.
After getting home and taking care of the groceries, Kagome turned to Koga.
“So now what would you like to do? We've done all the necessary things like get you clothes, and food for the house so is there something that you want to do?”
Grinning at her with a wicked gleam in his eye, he scooped her up off of her feet, and took off running so fast that no one could see them, just a little tornado going down the street.
Ok and because I cannot think anymore right now this is were I am ending this chapter. Wow what can I say but THANKS!! For all the reviews I am getting 58 here on fanfiction and 9 on mediaminer thanks to: