InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wolf of mine ❯ Skinny Dipping?!? ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do in fact own Koga now! NOT! But I do own a Koga keychain!
Smiling at Kagome, as she slightly squealed when the water hit he feet, Koga suddenly got an idea.
“Hey why don't we go swimming?”
“Because we didn't bring any swimsuits, and we wouldn't be able to swim in our clothes, silly” laughed Kagome as she felt the sand squish between her toes.
Smirking at her he laughed, “who said anything about us wearing clothes?”
Startled for a second she looked at him. “You mean skinny-dipping?”
All of the sudden a mental picture of Koga Swimming with not a thing on popped into her head, and she shook it away her face beet red.
As he watched her face become red he smiled slightly to himself.
“Not really we could keep our underclothes on you know.” He said amused, as he watched her shake her head.
“Well I don't know..”
“Come on it would be fun, and besides there isn't anyone here but you and me anyway.” He pleaded giving her big sad puppy eyes.
Sighing she finally consented, “all right but turn your head while I strip ok?”
With a quick shake of his head he turned around.
As she got undressed Kagome mentally slapped her self, `why did he give me the puppy eyes? Now he knows I'm a big softy and besides I am having enough problems with Koga dressed, but now he's going to be only in his underwear, and on top of that he's going to see me half naked as well!'
After silently thanking her mom for buying her the dark blue bra and panty set she said to Koga, “ok you can turn around now.”
He turned around to face her wearing only the black boxers that they had bought on the shopping trip, and as soon as he saw her and indescribable emotion flickered across his face.
Kagome would have given anything, at that moment to be able to read Koga's mind.
`She looks amazing, so beautiful, I wish I could kiss her' He thought as he looked at her.
Tapping him lightly on the shoulder, she laughed. “Your it! Catch me if you can!” she yelled over her shoulder as she took off for the water.
Smirking, he took off at a slow run, (for him) and in about three seconds caught up to her. Tapping her lightly on the back he told her “Now your it come and get me.” As he took off at an even slower pace, but still to fast for her to catch up with.
“Hey slow down Wolfboy! I don't have jewel shards remember?” she laughed as she ran towards.
Slowing down just a bit more, he waited until she had almost caught up to him and then he sped up, staying just out of her reach.
This game went on for a while, until Koga finally turned to let Kagome catch up to him, only to have Kagome trip over a piece of driftwood half buried in the sand, and fall right into him knocking them both over.
With an “Oof!” they landed, and lay there sprawled for a few seconds, until they could regain their breath again.
Kagome blushing suddenly realized what it would look like to someone who was passing by. She lifted her head up from were it had landed on his chest, her face just inches away from his, and looked into his Blue eyes, that had just the slightest flickering of emotion flashing across them.
But just what emotion she couldn't tell, until he closed the gap between the two of them to touch his lips lightly to hers.
Closing her eyes, she melted into the warmth and gentleness of the kiss.
She felt his hands sliding up her back to tangle in her hair, almost as if he was trying to hold her in place so that this moment could go on forever, almost like he wanted to reassure himself that this was real and not a dream, that he really was holding the woman that he loved with all his very being, and finally kissing her, and that wonders of all wonders she was kissing him back.
Panting, they finally broke the kiss, (Although much to soon to suit Koga) so that they could breathe.
Her face red, Kagome looked at the equally red face wolf Demon, and said ever so softly “Wow.”
“Yeah.” Was all that Koga could say at the moment, as short of breath as he was.
Ok and because of writer's block on how to continue on with this, im leaving it there. Thanks to every one that waited with baited breath for my next chapter. (I never did get the whole baited breath thing; I mean is it from people eating worms? Lol sorry my brain works in weird ways when it's this late) here you go I hope you all like it.
Oh and thanks to: