InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wonderfully Imperfect ❯ Prologue I ( Chapter -1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha or its characters. And I don't make any profit from this story. The only thing I get is extreme satisfaction.
Hey! If you are reading this, it means you're interested in my story. And I would be more grateful if you would continue reading and eventually review. I apologize in advance for any mistakes in spelling or in grammar that I could possibly commit in my chapters. I would also like to let you know that if the words, scenes, or the plot of this story are, in one way or another, similar to yours or any of those that you have already read, it was purely a coincidence. Review guys!!!
And oh, by the way, I posted an unfinished older version of this story, the same title and author. I decided to make some changes. Major changes. So if you are one of those fellows who have read it before, and if I am not bothering your time, please read it again. I assure you that the changes were necessary and were for the betterment of this fan fiction.
This is the edited Prologue I. Thanks to my wonderful beta reader, luckylyra827. My credits to you!
this prologue mainly shows how Inuyasha and Kagome's parents met. It is important, trust me. So please go and read.:) Arigato!
Los Angeles, California
"You know what, dad? Fine! I'll go that stupid party!"
Before her father could answer at her insolent tone, she flipped close her phone and gripped it until she was sure her knuckles were white. She stared outside the window of the moving limousine and saw the faces of the ordinary people leading an ordinary life- unlike hers. Damn. Because, hell, ordinary people don't dine with a princess or other monarch leaders; and act like a goddamn statue during dinner. But because of her father's insistence that she attend, she was going to have to postpone her vacation in Japan to attend the party in Long Island.
It may be an authentic fact that Hiroyuki L. Ashizawa is one of the most prominent and successful businessmen but that certainly did not make him the "Father of the Year," Kaori thought. Being his only daughter was nothing but a curse.
She sighed as the chauffer opened her side of the door. A group of photographers started taking pictures of her as she stepped out of the limousine. Kaori smiled for a second and walked towards the entrance of the hotel which the party will be held. Tonight's party was hosted by her celebrity friend, so her attendance is a must or else her phone would ring endlessly in the morning until she'd gone deaf.
She sighed again, eyeing all the gorgeous people of the show business, waving back to the people who acknowledged her presence. She couldn't decide if they are worse than those serious-looking, business-talking people she has started disliking the moment she was born simply because they interact with her father. Her eyes wandered through the rest of the place. Each table was adorned with a center piece of orchids and set with fine delft china.
Finding her name on a place card, she walked head held high to the assigned table where a few people were seated. She hoped she wouldn't be obliged to talk to any one of them. But, dear God, she caught a glimpse of a man who is clearly one of God's finest creations.
She saw one of his movies before and in spite of the all that seemed sentimental and mushy to her, she'd been able to catch a bit of the fascination he held for the audience. He'd been very much a woman's man, strong and vital in his adventure pictures, and women too, were clearly susceptible to his special charms. He appeared tall and lean- perhaps the best word was lanky- yet possessed a natural grace of movement that was very appealing. The cameras love him. His eyes said more than any lines they gave him and a crease in one cheek brought an interesting twist to his smile. He had a special way of walking off with his back to the camera and then pause to look over his shoulder, almost mischievously, as though some secret existed between him and the audience. And now that she is looking at him in person, he didn't seem to be as tough as he appeared on screen, which is a positive thing for her. Of course the looks were there, have mercy on her, but he did not carry an air of arrogance like he appeared on TV.
She took a deep breath to calm her nerves and then walked ahead.

"I shouldn't have listened to you," he said, sipping his glass of wine. "God, I hate these parties."
Jake Burns, his friend for almost ten years, chuckled.
"You're here now, man, so stop complaining and smile, for God's sake!" He reprimanded then he eyed the few reporters across their table.
Jake, his manager, was the real blessing, or a nuisance, depending on his mood.
And as of this moment, his mood was black. It wasn't everyday that he is given a few hours of free time, and hell, he had to spend it by attending a party because if not, his name would be in tabloids, accused of womanizing elsewhere. He scowled. He was beginning to get weary just by looking at almost the same people every-freaking-day.
He waved his hand carelessly with a turn in his head, clearly irritated. "Just look around and tell me something interesting. There is no--"
He stopped. As the dinner was announced, a woman stood not a good 3 meters away from him. She turned heads as she passed and no wonder she was the most beautiful creature the sexy hunk actor, Kenji Higurashi had ever seen. Tall, slender, with shoulder-length black hair, she seemed to float gracefully between the tables. And this woman, this drop-dead gorgeous woman, is walking straight forward to their table with a look of boredom and irritation he also had.
Their gazes met and he could have sworn the temperature in the room spiked up. He swallowed nervously and tried to loosen up his tie.
Jesus H. Christ.
Adolph, a man he just barely met few minutes ago hopped up to greet her, kissing her on both cheeks.
"My dear, I was afraid you decided not to appear tonight."
She lowered herself gracefully on her chair beside him. He noticed that she didn't even offer him a glance and he frowned.
"Sudden change of plans." Her voice. God, that voice.
He couldn't help but notice that he was staring at her rudely, but it couldn't be helped. He had to look, had to hear what she would say. Although he thought he heard resentment in her voice as he stared at the flawless, bare shoulders, his eyes inadvertently following her long, milky-white neck to a cloud of blue chiffon draped over her full breasts. He felt Jake kick his foot under the table. As if feeling his gaze, Kaori finally looked at him with misty brown eyes, raising a brow and picked up his place card.
"Higurashi." He corrected, looking at his misspelled surname before offering her a sexy smile which she returned and Kenji's breath was caught in his throat. He glanced around to compose himself and his gaze fell upon her name in the place card.
"You're Kaori Ashizawa."
"How clever of you."
Jake shot him a look that he couldn't quite comprehend while clearing his throat.
"Are you an actress?" he pressed on, wanting as much information as he could from her because if she were one, he should have heard of her before.
"Oh, no!" she answered.
All throughout the dinner, she was speaking to Adolph, asking him about his family. He didn't learn anything interesting about her because Adolph did all the talking while she nodded politely. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the majordomo whispering to Adolph, who then immediately got up.
Kaori turned, "Leaving me already?"
"Yes, my darling. My wife is alone at home," he answered wryly. "But don't forget---Saturday evening at our house."
Kenji saw her face grew tight. "I can't. I have to be in Long Island."
"Too bad. We'll miss you," Adolph kissed her cheek once again and nodded at Kenji and to the other men in their table.
"Enjoy the rest of the evening," he finally said to all the occupants in their table and finally left.
As Kaori sipped her wine, Kenji tried to resume their conversation.
"Do you live in Long Island?" he asked, fishing for more information.
"Sometimes." Her answer was as simple as that. Then she suddenly rose. "Excuse me. I have to find the hostess."
He looked at her retreating figure before turning to Jake, only to him staring incredulously at him. Knowing fully well what is running in his mind, he ignored him and instead asked a question.
"Jake, who is this Kaori Ashizawa I'm sitting next to?" His friend's brows met.
"You don't know who she is?"
"Well, I know she's beautiful- I like her," he admitted easily, trying to keep his voice down. Jake chuckled.
"Figures. Kenj, you should know that she's the daughter of H.L Ashizawa."
"H.L Ashizawa?"
"One of the richest men in the world of business."
"Oh. Would that be a problem?"
"If you know him, you know it would."
Kenji looked around for the subject of their conversation but she was nowhere in sight. People were beginning to leave and went retrieve their coats and the thought that she might probably left made him a little disappointed. Then after a moment, he felt a tug on his sleeve. The woman of his thoughts smiled at him.

Kenji hurried down to the florist and selected a bouquet of white lilies to be sent to Kaori.
'Call me before they wilt. Kenji Higurashi.'
He wrote, underlining the `i' in his surname. He hoped she would call him, considering the fun they had for the past weeks. She had a good time, he was sure of it and he couldn't help but notice how happy she was to finally be with someone she wasn't quite related with. It gave her a sense of freedom and she enjoyed every moment of it. He learned that she was an only child. Her mother had died when she was in her early childhood. And at that time, her father's business was at its highest peak and she was completely forgotten. He tried to make her laugh, hating her occasional-far away looks.
It was heaven every time she smiled.
Kenji reminisced every moment of it while entering the building he has been going to for the past five years. He was born and raised in Japan, but when her mother remarried, he flew in to California, trying to find his luck. Apparently, it was a good decision because show business gave him a name and fortune.
"I can't get her out of my mind," he confided to Jake, ignoring his friend's chatter regarding his schedule for the day. Jake was the first American who became his friend, and for whatever it is worth, Jake was the reason why he is in such a wonderful state right now.
"You better try," he heard his friend answered, "because H.L Ashizawa won't let you near her. He's a one mean son of a bitch."
"What do you mean?" he asked, taking a sip of his coffee.
Jake scratched his neatly trimmed beard and over to him.
"Kenj, everybody knows the story. His own father was in the hospital, dying. He turned over the family's fortune to him-but you'll never believe what happened- his father miraculously survived. But did he give the money back? No. The old man died of a broken heart, abandoned without a penny."
Kenji frowned. From Kaori's stories, that sounded like something he would do. He shifted uncomfortably in his chair, having a good imagination of how Kaori must have suffered from him. Not necessarily physical abuse, but he learned he was a domineering man who neglected his obligations as a father but made a goddamn good job being a businessman.
He shrugged. "Well. I'm not interested in H.L." He said, thinking of the petite woman with long, black hair and hazel eyes. His lips twitched into a warm smile.

Tokyo, Japan
When someone stood up to call the church to worship, Izayoi Watanabe looked at her watch and saw it was 10:00 am. Good, she thought. They were actually starting on time for a change. Before Deacon Thomas passed away, he started devotion like clockwork, but ever since Deacon Paul took responsibility, they've been starting anywhere between ten to fifteen minutes late, which didn't make sense but who was she to complain. She sat beside her brother-in-law Kevin, and on his right was her older sister, Caroline. They were raised in a Christian family although almost the whole of Japan believes in traditional religious services.
The choir walked in two by two and spread throughout the choir stand. The pastor and three other deacons faced the congregation. The first deacon read a scripture from St. John, the second spoke a meditation thought and the third led the congregation in a prayer. Then the choir sang the words of each verse at a normal speed, but when the congregation joined in, the singing came out in a sort of dragged-out way. She flinched. They were a bit out of pitch which is a little ironic because, really, it's church.
"Trust fully in His promise," she heard a little boy sang out in a perfect pitch,
"Why worry, worry, worry, worry, worry,--when you pray?" he continued. A tidal wave of deep chuckles swept though the congregation.

InuTashio Takahashi let a sigh of relief as Sesshoumaru, aged three, sat down on the pew where they were seated. The little boy, with his unruly silvery, white hair hung loose over his shoulder, glanced up to him, looking as pleased as a peacock, his giant smile revealed a missing tooth. Inu's heart warmed to the boy, despite his loud singing that caught the attention of the congregation.
The child is a headache personified.
Pastor Dan took his text, and preached the first part. He asked for a couple of Amen's after benediction.
Inu looked around and gasped when Sesshy stood up. The worst is yet to come.
"I want everybody to pray that God will give me a mommy," his son said in a heart-tugging, grown-up way. Inu took a deep gulp and stared shocked, at his three year old son- the child who just made the blunt request. Giggles rippled across the sanctuary. He felt the hair on the back of his neck rising. Was every eye on him and Sesshy?
With a quick look around the mostly elderly congregation, he noted everyone was staring in their direction. He hoped they weren't offended, whatsoever. Then his gaze focused upon a woman seated on the front pew. She was smiling.
"I want everybody to pray real hard," Sesshy stood on tiptoes, clutching the pew in front of him, looking earnestly at Pastor Dan behind the pulpit. Inu stretched his long legs out.
"Psst, Sesshy," he whispered, "Sit down." He tried to keep the irritation out of his voice. Fortunately, his son sat down playing with something. But later, he was throwing a paper airplane across several rows of empty pews. He groaned.
"This little boy wants a mommy." Pastor Dan said good-naturedly, from the pulpit, his face taking a serious look. "Never discount a little one's simple faith. Let us bow down our heads and call out to Him to grant this little one's need."
Then a deacon led the prayer. Inu tried to concentrate on the prayer but his mind wandered off several years ago, focused on his wife. His dead wife, whose life was caused by some greedy people robbing their mansion and had suffered from a gun shot. He felt something uncomfortable setting within his being, making him helpless. He understood that Sesshy needs a mother but he didn't want to settle for the least. He has to be in love and then from that, he would ponder if marriage would be next in line.
Someone pulled on his coat sleeve. "You can open your eyes, Dad," Sesshoumaru chirped in his loud, high pitched voice for all to hear. "The deacon said 'Amen' a long time ago."

When the church worship service ended, Izayoi made her way to the parking lot. She glanced over her shoulder to see Kevin and Caroline still standing in front of the church, waiting for someone. She changed direction and made her way towards them because every Sunday, they were usually having lunch together. She wondered if they have other unavoidable appointments and needs to cancel.
Just as she reached the last step, she saw them rushed forward to meet a man she recognized as the father of the little, funny man during the service.
"Good morning, Mr. Takahashi," she heard Kevin greet the man, shaking his hand.
"Kevin," the man returned.
"Please allow me to introduce my wife, Caroline," then he saw Izayoi, and added, "and her younger sister, Izayoi."
"Pleased to meet both of you." the man smiled lightly. The man's gaze focused on her a little longer.
"Ladies, this is Mr. InuTashio Takahashi."
"Oh," Caroline gasped out. Izayoi's mouth dropped a little but regained quickly. So this is the man Kevin had been mouthing for the last month. He has nothing but positive words for him that she wanted to cover her ears and roll her eyes. Mr. Takahashi owned the Tashio Corporation, one of the largest companies in Japan. He made the Japan branch his main office after his wife's death a year ago.
The four people turned their heads as a little boy yelled and dragged out his father's name.
"I'm here, buddy." InuTashio yelled back with a wave of his hand. It was then that she realized why Kevin liked him so much. As she studied him and his appearance, she noticed that he was wearing decent enough attire for the service and not some expensive suit she had seen Kevin wear. He also had a gentle expression in his face though the man wasn't at all smiling.
Sesshoumaru rushed to his father's side, carrying an elongated-shaped balloon that he must have purchased nearby the church exit. The little boy looked so cute, so innocent. Before she could stop herself, she reached out and stroked his silvery hair.
"Well, hello there, little one."
Little Sesshoumaru looked at her suspiciously, then after a split of a second, a wide, bright smile spread out across his face as the realization hit him.
"You-- you could be my mother," he suggested happily.

For the past months, Kaori had been living in pure heaven and life was better than ever. She and Kenji discovered so many things about each other. Some good, some bad but despite all the unwanted attributes, they had fallen in love all the more. She had moved in with and Kenji was astonished to know that she was a gourmet cook. When he came home from work, wonderful, exotic aromas would be emanating from the kitchen. She ordered fresh flowers, bought new lamps and rugs. It didn't even seem like the same house anymore. In the morning, he would wake up and turn to look at her fast asleep, her hair like a veil covering her angelic face. Often, coming home from the studio, he would walk in the door to hear her calling his name and then he would run upstairs to find her stretched out in the tub, eyes beckoning him from under hooded lids as she handed him the soap. He grinned. Nothing could probably ruin their perfect arrangement. Except, maybe, for one.
Later that night, he got a phone call from H.L Ashizawa himself.
The gruff voice said, "I'm completely against it. My daughter is impulsive. She doesn't know what she's doing. I won't have her marrying an actor."
"With all due respect, sir, I disagree. Your daughter is a great woman. Please do not insult her by saying otherwise."
The man in the other line cursed then answered with venom in his voice.
"Then I will have to destroy you."
The next night, they were married in Las Vegas.
H.L broke his silence in a letter from his lawyer, advising Kaori that he was taking legal steps to disinherit her.
This put Kaori in a tailspin. Kenji came home from photo shoots abroad and found her practically unconscious. She had obviously been drinking for days.
"Baby, please stop this," he gathered her in his arms. "We knew this would happen."
"He took everything away from me." She replied, trying to free herself from his embrace.
"I make enough money."
"It's not the money!" she exclaimed, shoving him off. "It's like, I never had a father."
She cried like a child.
Kenji has never felt so helpless.
"Everything is going to be fine," he said, kissing her hair.
Apparently, things only got worst. Ashizawa started buying out stocks of Stone Films, wanting to control Kenji's projects which later, there were none.
The life that was supposed to be in heaven became a nightmare. Kenji was jobless and Kaori was miserable. If wasn't for the money he had saved, they would be dead in hunger by now. But the worst was constant arguing between the two. They couldn't agree with something anymore, even what to eat for dinner. One day, when he got home from job hunting, he saw Kaori dressed in a neatly-pressed dress, her hair no longer in disarray, and she had make-up on her face. She hugged him to her and gave him a bright, welcoming smile that had him falling crazy for her.
Kenji didn't know what to say, how to start. She did, "I'm pregnant."

"Miss Izayoi, do you think we could have pizza tonight?," Sesshoumaru asked, as he plopped down the couch, a remote in his hand. His father had dropped him off her apartment to spend some time with her and would be picking him up after work.
Izayoi chuckled. The child just had lunch an hour ago and his thoughts were already wandering all the way to dinner.
"I suppose so, but let's wait for your dad and see if he got us something."
It has been months since she first met InuTashio and his son, Sesshoumaru, who, all of everything, pronounced to the whole world she would be his new mommy. It was awkward at first, really, who wouldn't feel that way? But as the days pass by, something might have caught Inu's interest, because he began asking her out, which she turned down again and again. It was only when Sesshoumaru asked her to go with them to the zoo that she accepted, and from that time, she couldn't remember a time she weren't with either of them. She looked at Sessh who was busy changing the channels, apparently having a hard time deciding what cartoon to watch.
The adorable child turned to look at her and said, "But I'm still hungry."
She laughed and leaned forward to kiss his nose.
"I think I have some ice cream left." She got up and checked her refrigerator and gave the child a scoop of ice cream. She watched as Sessh eat in a hurry.
"Slow down, honey, you'll make yourself sick," she advised.
Sessh looked up to her, his mouth bordering smudges of ice cream, and frowned. "It feels so good in my mouth."
She smiled and continue reading the book Inu purchased for her last week. A few minutes later, Sessh decided he'd like to settle with Spongebob and they spent the next hour laughing at the character's silliness until Sessh began to fall asleep in the couch.
She smiled warmly. Having a child like him wouldn't be so bad. In fact, it would be a blessing. Carefully, she carried him in her bedroom. Wrapping her arms around his small body, she joined him in his sleep.

When Inutashio rang the doorbell and no one answered, he knew his son and his woman were asleep. He was beginning to get used to the idea of finding his son under the care of Izayoi, and together they wait for his arrival. Soon, he thought.
He only needed Izayoi's 'yes' and tonight, he would ask for it. He took a deep breath to calm his nerves.
Wanting her to wake up without bothering Sessh, he leaned down and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. She didn't open her eyes but knew she was awake. He resisted the urge to laugh. Slowly, he lowered his head again and kissed her on the mouth, his tongue prying her lips open.
"Much better," she whispered as she opened her eyes.
He chuckled softly and opened his arms. "Come here."
"I wouldn't dare move," she protested as she looked at Sessh's sleeping form.
Not wanting to wake up his son, he gently, carefully helped Izayoi eased out of bed. When she was within his reach, he hugged her to him and stroked her hair as he whispered, "Missed you, babe."
Izayoi draw out a sigh of contentment and held him closer. They stayed in that position for a long moment, savoring the feel of each other's body when Inu realized something and pulled back.
"I'm hungry."
Izayoi only rolled her eyes. "What is this obsession you and Sessh have with food?"
Before Inu could respond, Sessh stirred in the bed and stretched his arms. His eyesight must have failed him because he asked with a yawn, "Dad, is that you?"
Inu released Izayoi and sat at the edge of the bed. "It's me, son," he ruffled his hair. "Now get up and let's eat."
"What are we having?"
"I stopped by for some burgers and pizza."
"Oh, goodie." His son looked at Izayoi and smiled victoriously.
A few minutes later, the three were sitting in the living room. Inu watched with a smile as Izayoi took a slice of pizza for Sessh before taking hers. She wiped the excess hot sauce off the child's lips. When the three of them were together, he couldn't help but notice that she mostly attend to his son's needs first before his, a fact that made him even love her more. She would undoubtedly be a good mother.
"Dad?," he heard his son called out to him impatiently and tugged at his hand. The child glanced at Izayoi who was in the kitchen preparing dessert then leaned in to whisper, "Did you ask her yet?"
"No," he whispered back. "Not yet."
The disappointment on the child's face was obvious, something that caught Izayoi's eye when she returned.
"What's the matter?"
Inu began clearing out their mess, hoping that his son wouldn't spill the beans before he could even ask. Sessh looked at him, shook his head and returned to her.
"What's for dessert?"
Izayoi smiled. "Nothing fancy, just a chocolate cake. Why don't you to wait in the patio? I'll be with you soon."
When Izayoi opened the patio door, he found the men talking in low voices.
"Ready for dessert?"
"I do!" Sesshy answered with anticipation.
"Wash your hands first." His father instructed. When the child was gone, Inu pulled her into a tight embrace.
"Inu?" she asked, surprised because they decided, as much as possible, not to show any display of affection when Sesshy was around. He lifted her chin to meet his gaze and looked intently into her eyes. Then his mouth came towards her for a hungry kiss.
"I love you," he said between kisses.
She touched his cheek with her fingers. "You know I love you too."
The French door flew open. From her peripheral vision, she saw Sesshoumaru bounding outside. He ran up to them and sat on her chair but didn't say a single word. Unusual, she thought, for the little man to be so quiet.
And then Inu dropped on his knees in front of her. "My love," he said on his knees and clasped his hand in front of his chest. "Will you take us"-he gestured himself and Sesshy with his hand, "to have and to hold, from this day forward?"
Izayoi's eyes widened and she had to reach for the edge of the table to steady herself. Sesshy finally moved and hurled himself out of the chair, knocking it over. She reached over and righted it.
The child jumped on one foot and another. "Miss Izayoi, will you marry us?"
She laughed in happiness. Who wouldn't want to be a part of their lives forever?
"Yes, of course, I will."
Inu stood abruptly and nearly fell off balance. "Oh honey, you have no idea how happy I am to hear that." He hugged her against his body using one arm and used the other to gather Sesshy close to them.
They stayed like that for a full minute when Sesshy remembered the ring. And as Izayoi stared at the ring wrapped in her finger, she knew her life was forever changed.
"Now, can we have that chocolate cake now, Miss Izayoi?" then he cocked his head on the other side. "I mean, Mom."
His father chuckled.
A year later, InuTashio waited patiently, but paced nervously outside the delivery room. He was oblivious to the nurses speeding away, all his thoughts focused on his wife and his anticipated child. His hands are damp, heart pounding a little faster, and sweat breaking down his forehead despite the coolness of the room. Across him was his older son, sitting in a bench, a neglected toy in his small hands. Alternately swaying his feet, he looked at his father with troubled eyes, then walked to him.
"Daddy, is it over yet?"
Smiling, he scooped his son up and kissed his nose. It hasn't even started.
"Patience, son. Soon, we'll see whether you have a brother, or a sister."
As if hearing his words, Izayoi yelled. "That hurts!"
Damnation, he cursed inwardly. It's enough torture not to be able do anything when your wife suffers every pain of child birth while the husband waits outside and stares at the same scenery for long hours. He tightened his hold of Sesshoumaru, controlling his nerves. Then he heard her gasp, followed by a screamed loud enough for the entire Japan to hear. "That's it!"
Holding his son close to him, he shoved his way into the doorway of the room as his wife screamed loudly with regularity. He couldn't ignore the anguished cry of his beloved wife. The medical professionals took one look at him and all their protest melted away.
He gently put Sessh down and cupped his wife's stressed out face, lovingly reassuring her everything would be alright.
"It hurts that bad?" He asked stupidly.
She could only nod.
"Remember, we're here sweetheart. You can do it. We love you. Very much."
Izayoi, with tears of pain and sweat evident across her face, appreciatively nodded.
She was breathing heavily and her sobbing uncontrollably didn't help a bit. The constant pain in the lower part of her body was making her feel dizzy and the scent of the hospital made her nauseous.
He adores her; everything about her. The way she perfectly fits against his strong, lean body; the way she smiles at him upon waking up; the way she desperately tries to bake cupcakes knowing fully well it wouldn't even taste half as good as the commercial ones; the annoyance in her voice when she screams his name the minute he's out of her sight; the way she looks at him with love and respect; the way she mothers Sesshoumaru and he knows she would also do the same to their new child. He loves her so much more than life itself. He has heard a lot of women losing their lives in exchange for their children, but please, God, not her. Not his wife, his Izayoi.
He studied every detail of her face and frowned. She looked so pale.
Izayoi grip hardly her husband's arm as she let out a long, agonizing scream, then followed by the deafening cry of their newborn baby. Inutashio's heart stopped.
"Oh, Mr. Takahashi, you have a boy." Their family doctor proudly announced, holding the baby carefully but enough for everyone to see. Sesshy walked to his side, and he hugged him to his chest. There were so much blood. The nurse took him to be cleaned. The world stopped for the parents. Izayoi continued crying, but now with tears of joy. She touched the baby when the nurse was done. InuTashio clasped his wife's hand, feeling contented and extremely happy for the worst is now over.
"You did great, honey. Thank you for giving me another son." He smiled down at her.
Izayoi cried, no sound, just a continuous flow of tears. She touched the newborn's cheeks with gentleness; warmth flooding through her veins.
"He looks just like you Sessh," she noticed, kissing the child's head. Sesshoumaru beamed proudly.
InuTashio leaned forward and gently kissed her lips while an arm wrapped securely around Sessh's shoulders.
"Well, what's her name, love?" he asked.
She tightened her hold to the child and then looked at him and Sesshoumaru.
"InuYasha," she said, caressing the child's pinkish cheeks. "His name is InuYasha."

On the other hand, a few months later, on the other side of the world, a shriek rang out along the hall and would probably shatter all the windows of the hospital. Kaori shook her head frantically trying to ease the pain tearing her body apart.
"Ma'am, we need you to push harder. Push with all your might." Dr. Theresa encouraged her. Is she serious? She has already surpassed her limitations! She couldn't take any more. But she nodded jerkily and grabbed hold of the sheets, needing something to squeeze when the pain overtook her body. Her head lolled from side to side as she tried to take deep breaths.
"I'm too tired," she moaned. "I can't do it anymore." Where is Kenji?
"Of course you can. Now, if you could push with a little more effort, it will be over quickly."
So with all her might, she pushed and pushed and pushed. And then it was all over. They had a girl. As the newborn was being cleaned, Kaori fell into a deep sleep and just finally drifted away.

Author's Note: There you go everyone. I want to apologize for the revisions I made but I'd like to believe I justified myself because the story is so much better than the other one. Please support me on this because I love writing and I hope you enjoyed the product of my labor. Hah. Read and Review! Thank you.