InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wonderfully Imperfect ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or its characters. And I don't make any profit from this story. The only thing I get is extreme satisfaction.
(If the words, scenes, or the plot of this story are, in one way or another, similar to yours or any of those that you have already read, it was purely a coincidence. )

Hi everyone! I hope you like this first chapter!!

Inu_Yokai: Hello, dear. I have to say I’ve missed you. Hah. I hope you like this new story. Well, it’s not so totally new. And yes, the puppy that Yash and his parents found was one and the same. Have fun. This chapter is for you ‘coz you have not abandoned me. Lol. Mwah!

Chapter 1

A hand with blood-red fingernails reached out from a narrow niche in the hall and dug into Inuyasha’s muscular thigh.
“Inuyasha…” she implored.
What the hell?
“Kikyou! What are you doing here?” He instinctively glanced down the hall where the fund-raising party hosted by his mother was taking place and hoped to the Gods no one would come their way.
“I want you,” Kikyou gasped, her mouth hungrily seeking his while her hand reached down, trying to coax an erection.
“For God’s sake, stop! Your fiancé is here.”
“Don’t worry, Onigumo is too busy charming other women. It’s just you and me. Now I want you to touch me.” She pressed her breast against his chest. Inuyasha held her shoulders and pulled her away.
“We can’t do this anymore.”
“Why, Inuyasha, you didn’t have any objections weeks ago.”
He narrowed his eyes dangerously. “That was before I learned you are actually committed. Engaged, as a matter of fact. You know my rules.”
Kikyou didn’t answer.
“Please, Kikyou, leave before anyone sees us.”
She gave him a quick kiss. “Well if you changed your mind, you know where to find me.”
For a moment, Inuyasha’s eyes followed her figure. She was seductive even now as she hurried down the hall. It bothered him that she was acting so recklessly, especially now he has no plans whatsoever to be with her, in any aspect. He didn’t want any misconceptions. She took more risks than an ambitious businessman. If her fiancé would find out about their little gatherings, he’d kill them both.
Inuyasha shook his head and resumed his snail-walking. It wasn’t at all unusual that they would meet in an event such as this because her father was also a businessman but how would he become peaceful if every single time Kikyou would remind him of their time together? It wasn’t as if they were in love with each other, but as he remembered the feel of her body against his muscular features, he shuddered.
He remembered walking in on Kikyou’s apartment to see her wrapped in a towel. A slow smile carved in his handsome face.
“I’ve been waiting for you,” she said huskily and she let the towel drop. He swallowed as his eyes tracked downward. He paced forward predatorily, closing rapidly in on her. His hand reached over her shoulder, and he bent to ravage her mouth. A soft moan escaped him. She was an addiction. One he could never get enough of. She only had to touch him and he went up into flames.
Her mouth traveled down the jawline to his neck, and her fingers traveled down the part of his body most eager for her touch.
He released her bra, and she gasped when his fingers found her highly sensitized nipples---
Inuyasha stooped when he felt a woman’s petite body bumped heavily against his back followed by her shrill “Oh.” He turned his head to see his sister shrink further into the shadows. At twenty-one, Sango was the baby of the Takahashi clan, and four years younger than he. Inuyasha was especially fond of her, whom he'd formed a special attachment to from the day his mother had brought her home from the hospital and he'd first peered into her bassinet.
“Sango, what are you doing all the way over here?”
She bit her lower lip. “Hiding.”
He grinned and asked even as he knew the answer. “From whom?”
He let out a low chuckle. He and Sango were the only two siblings left who were single and unattached, sharing the same sentiment about not getting married soon. Their mother Izayoi was determined to see her children marry off. Their father was no exception. Luckily for Sessh, her mother started her mission after he got married to Rin. Come to think of it, Sessh was probably the eye-opener as to why his mother was so eager to have them married. Sessh has a wonderful marriage that their mother wanted her remaining unmarried children to follow the path Sesshoumaru has taken.
Marriage. Pfft.
Their beloved mother was using these kinds of gathering to ‘expose’ him and Sango (this was the term she actually used) to some respectable people and not in some bars or clubs she has so frowned upon.
It isn’t as if they need these exposés. They just hated the look on her face when they tell her they wouldn’t come. Their mother would just nod and the next thing they knew, they were standing beside her at the entrance of wherever it is.
“I can’t stand it,” he heard his sister groused, “She introduced me to Hiten. She must have forgotten we got acquainted a year ago.”
Inuyasha grunted. He disliked the man.
“Well, if it makes you any better, she gave me a list of probable brides.”
Sango’s mouth fell before answering, “She did not!”
“She did. And what’s the worst of it, she plans to update it every week.”
She giggled. “I’m afraid I might receive a list of my mine anytime soon.”
Inuyasha sighed. “But we love her, don’t we?”
“Yeah, we do.”
And after a moment, almost an after thought, she asked with a horrified look. “Oh, God. Do you think Mom’s sick? Or Dad?”
Inuyasha turned his head to her. “Of course not! Why’d you ask?”
“Well it’s just that she and Dad’s so eager to have grandchildren. Why would they rush us if one of them is dyi--”
He interrupted with a dismissal wave of his hand. “Do not even try to finish that sentence. They would tell us something like that, if it should ever come.”
“God forbid. But if they’re not sick, then what could the reason be?”
Inuyasha gently grabbed his sister’s elbow and slowly, they made their way to the room full of people.
“What do you say to ‘temporary insanity’?” he asked playfully.
Sango smacked his shoulder. “Mother is actively normal.”
“Well, it has to be. There is no other explanation. She was a perfectly reasonable mother before we reached marriageable age.”
Sango laughed.
“What is so terrifying that had you two hiding?” interrupted by an instantly recognizable voice.
Sango stepped forward to welcome her in an embrace. “Rin.”
Inuyasha leaned quickly to kiss her cheek. “I saw Sango skulking--”
Sango snorted. “I am hiding from Mom. No, let me correct that. I am hiding from Hiten.”
Rin laughed. “Oh, I understand. Hiten is–is--” she faltered, thinking whether to continue with her adjectives.
“Hiten is more of an ape than a human.” Sesshoumaru quipped from behind.
Rin eyes widened, turning around while the other two were laughing. “Sesshy! You didn’t have to be so blunt!”
“You were taking too long.”
Rin huffed but did not retort.
Inuyasha crossed his arms. “How nice of you to grace us with your presence.”
“You guys are unfair, you know,” Sango confirmed.
Unlike him and Sango, Sessh and Rin is not obliged to attend their mom’s parties. It was probably the only perk of settling down. Since they have already been blessed with twins, a boy named Nicholas and a perky girl they call Kichi, almost all their time have been devoted to their children. If not for work, Inuyasha wouldn’t even see Sesshoumaru at all. It amused him to see a different side of his brother.
“We were rather busy,” Sessh explained.
Inuyasha raised a skeptical brow. Their positions in their father’s company are profound but not to the point of reaching overtime hours, except for some inevitable sessions.
“Why is that?” he challenged.
Grinning devilishly, he answered, “We are busy attempting to produce another set of babies. And I have to say we are getting good at it.” He chuckled then turned to his wife. “Am I right, love?”
Rin smacked his abdomen and walked over to Sango’s side and pointed at Sesshy. “He is not my husband.”
“He’s shameless.” Inuyasha agreed.
The man just shrugged. “What can I do? I love babies. And,” he referred to his siblings, “you know your lives would be much easier if you two would just get married.”
Inuyasha groaned. “You sound like Mother.”
“Hey, I love Mom.”
Sango pouted. “Yeah, yeah. You two make it sound like staying single is the greatest mistake one could ever make.”
Sesshoumaru laughed. “It’s not that. She just knows that she and Dad are not getting younger by the end of the day. She wanted to have grandchildren with each of her children before she reached 60.”
“Oh,” Sango gasped. “So that’s why.”
“Well, we could always give her grandchildren without getting married.” Inuyasha suggested.
Sango yanked his ear playfully. “Mom would kill you.”
“Or if she failed, Dad would skin you alive,” Rin helped.
One of their employees came to whisper something to Sesshoumaru.
“Yash, Dad wants to see us in his office. Pronto.”
He turned to his wife and kissed her lips. “This won’t take too long.”
The two walked to the exit of the hall and Inuyasha eyed his surroundings. Their corporation, Tashio International, was the largest hotel chain company in the world but they have not acquired the prestige without any hard work on their part. His father and Uncle Kevin worked furiously hard to achieve what they have today. They have also established more hotels in other countries that made them all the more popular to the celebrities, royalty and some of the world’s wealthiest people.
And as he surveyed around, he saw a little bit of the product of their work. Hotel Splendido rested in the heart of the city and is also his mother’s favorite hotel. She actually helped with the interior design of the place and she was particularly proud for it.
He entered their father’s office which was located in the second floor, Sesshoumaru behind him. He saw his Uncle signing some documents and greeted him. His father finished a call and turned to them.
“Sessh, Yash, take your seats.” His father ordered.
“What’s up, Dad?” He asked when he saw Sesshoumaru frowned. It is not his father’s hobby to let work intervene in their private life. Especially now that their Mom is having a fund-raising party.
“Nothing much. There are just documents that need your signatures on a contract that’s due by 7:30 a.m.” he explained.
“Yes, it’s for the additional restaurant in the Macau hotel,” their Uncle explained.
Sesshoumaru took the documents handed by his Uncle and began reading the papers.
“I was beginning to think there are some serious matters we need to attend to.”
His father smiled. “Actually, there is that thing.”
Inuyasha waited.
“Your presence is requested in Amanpulo.”
He eyed his father suspiciously. “Dad, are you sure they specifically asked for me?”
“No. But you are the only unmarried gentlemen in the family.”
“What has that have to so with this?”
“A lot,” he said. “We have to be with our wives.”
Kevin and Sesshoumaru chuckled.
Inuyasha groaned. He hated traveling out of the country. Some may find it odd, but he finds great comfort in staying in his country. It made him somehow more at ease because he knew the people, the culture and their lifestyle. He groaned again because there was no way he was going to say no to his father.
An hour later, the men returned to the hall to see the Takahashi women seated together in table. Uncle Kevin had already left because his aunt was pregnant and he wanted to go home immediately.
“Reginald Hollis.” He heard her Mother say as they approached the table. Inuyasha smirked. He looked over at Sango who looked like she was going to swoon. Inuyasha turned his head to see his brother and father grinning. Sessh looked at his wife who was holding a piece of paper that Inuyasha knew as ‘The List’.
Sango shook her head immediately. “He’s an undeveloped little twerp. Spoiled endlessly by his parents.”
Across the table, Rin made a show of scratching him off the paper.
“Okay then, what about Charlie McKinley?” Izayoi tried.
Inuyasha scowled. “There’s rumor that he abused his first wife,” he said, finally joining their conversation.
“Brad Vington?”
“He’s an ass,” Sesshy said.
Rin sighed and quickly crossed him off.
“Gareth Moose?”
“I don’t like him, or his surname” their father said. Izayoi frowned before she continued.
“Miroku Houshi.”
"I have to met him yet, Mom." Sango commented.
"Why does that name sound familiar to me?" asked Tashio loudly.
“He’s Inuyasha’s friend. They studied together in Harvard.”
Yash frowned. “Mom, why did you include him in the list?”
Izayoi answered. “I saw his picture in a magazine. I didn’t know you two were still friends.”
“He’s too handsome and charming,” Sesshy muttered.
“Oh, this is ridiculous!” Sango exclaimed.
"Sango Takahashi, I don't–"
"–like my tone, I know." She grinned. "But you love me."
Izayoi smiled warmly and wrapped an arm around Sango’s shoulder. "I do, heaven help me. You and Yash would take ten years out of my life. "
Inuyasha gave his mother a quick peck on the cheek. "It's the curse of motherhood. You're required to love us even when we annoy you."
Izayoi just sighed. "I hope that someday you have children–"
"–just like us, I know." Inuyasha smiled. His mother could be overly inquisitive, and his father a bit brooding but theirs had been a warm marriage, filled with love, laughter, and children.
"I'm happy to follow in your footsteps when it comes to marriage and children, Mother, just so long as I don't have to provide them with a list.”

_____________________________________________________ ________

Kagome Higurashi walked down the hall that leads to her grandfather’s office which, after his death, had been transformed to as her personal office. She stood in the middle of the room and scanned the paintings hanged on the wall. She looked up into H.L’s eyes and trembled lightly. The artist painted H.L like a stone statue, completely without expression, except maybe for his eyes, which seemed to bore through Kagome like two steel drills. He had the same stern, cold look the last time she saw him alive. And now as the old man stare at her form his portrait, he reminded her of the burden she was forced to carry.
Hiroyuki L. Ashizawa-whose sole reason for existence is the accumulation of money would have never approved of Souten Hitachi, a young doctor who lived in stark poverty, caring for the people that the entire world had forsaken. But if truth be told, she had done so many things after his death that the old man wouldn’t agree of. For one thing, his will specified that she take her college degree in Harvard University but she refused and instead had enrolled in Princeton. During her last year in her undergrad, she met Souten when they conducted a lecture at their school with his friend Yuko. Souten spoke with intensity and looked straight at her through the crowd. His mere presence brought peace to her life. And after that day, he became her champion and she directed all the money she could pry from the trustees to his foundation. Before he came into her life, she left the trustees to run the Ashizawa Empire. Now with Souten’s help, she could give away money to the people poor and disadvantaged.
A loud cough startled her. She turned from the painting to see the trustees in the doorway. Their job, as stated in her grandfather’s will, was to head up H.L’s multifaceted corporation, Ashizawa Corporation, until she reached the age of twenty-six or got married, assuming, of course, that the probable groom met certain criteria. Even form his grave, H.L reached out to thwart any fortune hunters.
“Good morning, Kagome.” Naraku Kajitani- she called him Uncle Naraku- ran the board of trustees of three members. He was H.L’s chief investment adviser for many years and he took all the corporate responsibilities from her shoulders. And except for these monthly meetings when she was needed to sign certain documents, they let her live her own humanitarian life.
“Good morning, everyone.” She returned and they began to seat in their respective places. This meeting was especially important to her. She needed their approval for the large money to be taken out of her funds. She sensed that Naraku was getting a little suspicious about the amount of money going out for this cause.
“Sorry we’re late. The client could not be ignored.” Naraku explained, shifting his body in the delicate antique chair.
“No problem, Uncle.”
“You look lovely, dear,” complimented Kagura Kentchi, a widow who looked lovely herself. She maintained a wonderful body and her lovely face hid her true age. She happens to be Kagome's favorite among his father's early partners who served as his long-time assistant on international investments. Kagura always took her side when charitable conditions were debated- sometimes to the irritation of Naraku, who hated being contradicted on anything.
Akira Fuchigami, a small, energetic man was also one of the trio who lets Naraku run the show. He always agrees to whatever Naraku wanted to implement. Kagome suspected he got his seat on the board because he never opposed with what Naraku has to say.
Kagome took a deep breath- a four inch stack of papers was awaiting he signature. She hastily signed without reading the headings but she knew they were mergers, acquisitions, and proxy statements. She wanted no part of any of them but H.L will’s forbade her granting a power of attorney to anyone. What did her grandfather wanted? To create a female replica of himself?
“Thank you, Kagura. But I have to compliment you as well.”
The other woman laughed and opened her planner. “Your annual vacation is coming up, dear. Have you decided where to go?”
“No, I don’t think I would leave for a vacation this time.”
She mentioned her vacation to Souten and invited him to come with her but he refused the invitation with regret. She understood because the man was busy and instead, she decided not to pursue the vacation.
“Oh, I just asked so I can arrange the company’s jet plane.”
“No,” Kagome waved her hand. “I’d stay here.” She answered, looking at Naraku if he might react. He didn’t.
“Oh, then it’s settled.” She marked something in her planner.
When she was finished with the last document, she looked up. “I hope you have read my proposal to transfer funds to the Hitachi Foundation.”
“Yes, I must admit, with a great deal of skepticism,” said Naraku. Kagome could hear his displeasure from the tone of his voice. “Please tell me you are not serious, my dear.”
Kagome could honestly feel butterflies starting to gracefully dance inside her stomach. She hated challenging Naraku but there was no other way of getting the money she has promised to Souten.
“I'm very much serious, Uncle Naraku.” She hoped her voice didn't show a hint of nervousness. “I cannot think of a better way to pay tribute to my grandfather’s memory than a children's hospital in his name.”
“In Iraq?” Akira interjected.
“Kagome, honey, don't you realize that there is a 90% possibility that it will be bombed before it is even completed?” Naraku reasoned out.
“I have to agree with Naraku.” Akira piped up.
Kagome could barely hear the men. Her stomach turned upside down. Kagura, being the mediator she has always been, cleared her throat.
“Gentlemen, please settle down. Don't you feel that Higurashi Charitable Foundation is of satisfactory magnitude to donate to other foundations----”
“In this country.” Akita interrupted.
“But shouldn’t we also be concerned about the welfare of the people in other countries?” Kagome asked.
“Dear, there are so many worthwhile causes all over the world and it’s a good thing that you are engaging yourself into these philanthropies. But I ask you, where do we stop? Please understand that we are not fighting you–”
“We're here to help you.” Akira finished. “This is why your father appointed us. To guide you, to give you a sound advice.”
“But I'm asking for it with a noble intention!” She continued, sounding a bit desperate. “What do you want me to do? Indulge myself into buying expensive dresses, jewelries, cars, houses----”
“Kagome, you know that your grandfather wanted you to have the best of everything and we wouldn’t dream of trying to put control on your personal matters. We’ve also heard some disturbing issues.”
“I've never known you to pay any attention to rumors.”
“Not when it concerns you.”
“What do you mean?”
Akira answered. “Your father was concerned that you not fall into the hands of a deceitful fortune hunter.”
Kagome stiffened. “Dr. Hitachi is not a fortune hunter!”
“Akira!” Naraku shot a stern glance at him. “You're out of the line.”
Then he returned to Patricia.
“We just want you to think very carefully.”
“But I want to share what I have with others---”
“Let’s be reasonable!” Naraku’s patience was reaching its limit. “You’ve donated large sums of money to the different foundations with varying causes- health, violence, hunger, animals, traffic---”
“Are you denying my request?” she broke in.
Akira leaned back, waiting for Naraku to speak. Kagura fidgeted with her pen.
“It hurts me to say no to you, my dear, but in this issue, I must.” Then his voice rose.
“All in favor of Miss Higurashi’s request for a million dollar contribution to the Hitachi Foundation signify by saying aye.” He said, sounding like a Senate roll call.
Kagura tried, “Gentlemen, I think we can grant it--”
Naraku regarded her with a sharp look. Akira kept a frozen smile on his face. There was dead silence in the room.
“All opposed?”
And in the end, Naraku and Akira won. The board of trustees always decides in majority.
Kagome wanted to burst into tears, but she mustered all her strength to rise with the little dignity she had left. “Thank you,” she said softly and left the room.

Souten was staying at a guest house since he would be flying back to Iraq in a couple of days. Kagome stood on his doorway, hesitating to knock for he might be sleeping. It was a bit a little bit before midnight and the frosty air hit her hard. She reached for his door. She was about to turn the knob when she heard a voice from inside.
“Come on, Souten!”
Who the hell?
“I'll be right out.” Souten’s voice indicated that he just got out from the bathroom.
She just stood there, her hand on the doorknob, not knowing what to do, or what not to do.
“Do you think they already granted her request to make the transfer?” There was that voice again, and she recognized it was his friend, Yuko.
“Oh my God,” she gasped. Has her Uncle Naraku been right all along? Is he only interested with her money?
“I sure hope so.” Then they both laughed.
Kagome retreated as if the doorknob were a snake and has just bitten her.
But backing away, she thought she had seen the worst. She could see through the window the silhouettes formed by the two men. Yuko approached Souten. He reached out for him, and their bodies slowly interlocked in a passionate embrace.
She was astonished, unable to breathe, talk, or move.
Then her eyes widened when Yuko's mouth descended on Souten’s in a hungry kiss.
“Oh my God,” she struggled for breath. “Oh no.”
A surge of nausea rose up inside her. She felt tension overpowering her body. Forcing her legs to get her out of the place, she staggered away to the shelter of a big tree. Gripping on to the trunk, she vomited into the grass.
She left for her vacation a week later.

Author’s Note: Please have mercy on me and tell me what you think. Haha. Review.