InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wonderfully Imperfect ❯ Chapter 6

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or its characters. And I don't make any profit from this story. The only thing I get is extreme satisfaction.
(If the words, scenes, or the plot of this story are, in one way or another, similar to yours or any of those that you have already read, it was purely a coincidence.)
I am so excited! It's nearly our finals week and then we can have that summer vacation. Oh but I remember I have summer classes to take.
I'm happy, nevertheless, `cause the free time will give me more time to work on my fan fiction because the units I have to take are lesser.
I still have along, long way to go in finishing this fan fiction. Promise you'll support me all the way?
Chapter 6
Kagome was reading book. It was a good book, really, but she was not having a good time. She just woke up from an unintended nap, and had heard the laughter from some hilariously happy people. The sun is at its peak but was still there was no sign of Inuyasha.
He kissed her..
Seriously kissed her..
Damn, okay yes, he's a good kisser; at least she thinks he is. But that does not mean he's not a bad liar. He just probably wanted her safely closeted in the room so she couldn't discover what dark deeds he makes in the glaring light of day.
Hmph, cannibals?
Damn, he thought he could just do something like that and walk away?
Oh, no. She's not going to wait for him like a dog waiting to be fed.
So Kagome was walking on the sand; the sun warming her up. It felt wonderful. After a few hours waiting for Inuyasha, she got bored and here she is, having a good time. As she walked, she passed by a group of children in a contest of the best sandcastle. She thought it was cute. It already afternoon and when she reached the compact sand at the edge of the tide, she removed her beach sandals. Around her were families, sprawled on towels and children splashing in the water.
A male jogger appeared, moving quickly towards her with a dog by his side. The dog looked tired, she thought. The tongue was hanging out too far. She diverted her look and saw a small collection of seashells. She picked up one and turned it over her hands a few times.
A kid shouted. She didn't realize he was talking to her until he came to her side.
“That's mine.” He stated.
“What?” she turned, confused.
The kid eyed the seashells.
“Oh, I'm sorry. Here you go.” She handed him the seashell, a little frustrated. They were really cute.
“I could look some for you if you really want them.” He suggested, now smiling.
“No, that's okay,” she answered, returning the smile.
“Teddy.” A man's voice interrupted them. His voice was so deep and pleasant she could practically beg him to sing a song.
Kagome looked up at the man who caught his attention a while ago- the man with the dog.
“I'm sorry. My son is a bit chatty. I hope he didn't bother you.”
American, she thought, hearing of his accent.
“No, not at all. Isn't that a good thing? He's sociable.” The kid was now playing with the dog.
“That's what I'm afraid of sometimes, he talks to strangers.”
Strangers, she thought. If this man thought talking to strangers wasn't a good thing how much more staying with them?
“That's not entirely a good thing?” she asked.
He shrugged.
“Well, you're talking to me and I'm totally a stranger.”
He smiled lightly and offered his hand.
“Not anymore. I'm Rob Connor.”
She smiled, pleased that she actually made an acquaintance here.
“Kagome Higurashi. Nice to meet you.”
“Same here. And this is my son, Theodore. I call him Teddy….”
Hours later, Inuyasha was feeling very irritable.
He tapped his foot against the floor. Inuyasha felt like an overprotective father, waiting for Kagome like this but whatever he felt for her is everything but paternal.
He paced in his room, alert on any signs of her arrival. Damn. He specifically told her to wait for him. He couldn't describe the feeling when he arrived at an empty room.
It was nearly midnight, and he knew that she couldn't be found in any of the nearby bars because she did mention that she wasn't fond of drinking.
After an agonizing hour, there was still no sign of her.
Kagome enjoyed the rest of the day. Her energy was exhausted but it was all worth it.
Rob and Teddy were as relaxed and happy as she is. They spent all afternoon snorkeling and diving. And of course, there was food. Kagome learned that Rob was divorced and this was only the time he cold spend with his child. It pained Kagome when he saw how hurt and frustrated Rob was at the arrangement he and his ex-wife had. It was like seeing how his father must have felt when she was taken away from him.
Teddy had fallen asleep so Rob bid her goodbye. Kagome was a little tired but she doesn't want to return to the hotel yet. So she walked around and explored the place. The entire tour of the resort takes about 45 minutes and when Kagome was done, she had a created a vivid map of the whole place in her mind. She learned where other restaurants were located, other bars and of other places that a tourist might be interested about. It could be useful in the future.
Kagome decided to call it a day and began to walk—
“Well, well, well. What `ave we `ir?”
Kagome's heart sank. A dirty, and from the looks of it, drunken man were closing in on her.
"Wot's yer price, love?"
She took a step backward.
"I'm so sorry. I'm afraid you have the wrong idea," Kagome said, her words coming out terribly rushed.
"Come on now, lovey dove," the he said, reaching out and grabbing her arm. "We just want to `ave a good time. Be good."
Kagome let out a surprised scream. The man's hand was biting into her skin. "No, no," she said, panic beginning to set in. "I'm not that kind of—" She didn't bother to finish the sentence; he didn't seem to be paying attention.
"My husband is probably looking for me at this moment," she lied, using a louder tone of voice.
He actually tore his eyes off her breasts for a moment and looked up. He blinked, then shook his head.
Kagome sucked in her breath. He obviously had no ethics concerning the sanctity of marriage. Finally, out of desperation, she burst out, "My husband owns this place! If you touch even just a single strand of hair on my head, he'll have you killed. I swear he will."
That gave the horrible man a pause. "Takahashi?"
She could only nod.
"I think you're making it up," he commented. “I heard he's a bachelor.”
He yanked her closer to him with a movement surprisingly fast for someone considered drunk. Kagome tried not to gag at his foul breath. Then she changed her mind and with a perfect imitation of what she did to Inuyasha, she pressed her body against his and raised her knee. But the man must have anticipated the move and he raised his arm to strike her.
Kagome screamed in pain.
“I told you to be good to me.” The man opened his mouth to kiss her, needing to shut her up, but not before they were interrupted by a voice that Kagome knew all too well.
"I wouldn't try it, if I were you.” Inuyasha's voice was low and deadly. He sounded calm, too calm. "I don't like it when people touch my wife."
The man froze.
"Inuyasha," Kagome said in a shaky voice, for once desperately glad to see him.
Inuyasha's gaze zeroed in on the welt on Kagome's cheek. “Did he strike you?"
She nodded, mesmerized by the barely leashed fury in him.
"I see," he said and turned back to the man who was apparently too shocked to move. "That was a mistake."
A gun was resting on Inuyasha's side and the man's eyes bugged out. It was clear he was terrified.
Inuyasha just shrugged and in a split of a second, WHAM! His fist connected with the drunkard's eye socket. The man went tumbling to the ground.
Kagome's mouth fell open in shock, at the same time pleased that he didn't use his gun.
Inuyasha stared at her. "Did he hurt you?"
"Did he- No, well, yes, just a little bit." Her hand went to her cheek.
THUNK. Inuyasha kicked him in the ribs. He looked back at her. "That's for hurting my wife."
And just for the fun of it, he kicked him again in the hip.
“Inuyasha.” Kagome said, not knowing what she should say. He might kill the man, from the looks of it.
"Get up,” he ordered, his attention was back at the villain. “I'm going to start counting. If you aren't out of my sight by the time I get to ten, I'm going to shoot you. And I will aim it at your heart.” 
The man started to run before he even got to two. He counted all the way to ten, anyway. Kagome watched quite unable to take her eyes off Inuyasha.
When he was finished, he whirled around. “Let's go," he bit off.
Kagome begin to get scared. He didn't have to be so angry at her.
They rode the elevator and they reached the door of their suite, which had clearly been flung open in haste. Inuyasha practically dragged her through the doorway and slammed the door shut. He let go of her, and Kagome took advantage of this opportunity to run to her room. "I'll just be going to bed," she said quickly.
"Not so fast." Inuyasha's hand closed around her upper arm and he reeled her back in. "Do you really think I'm going to allow you to spend the rest of the night without talking about what happened?"
She blinked. "Well, yes. I was hoping--"
He smiled, but it was a dangerous sort of smile. "Wrong."
She thought her knees might give out. "Wrong?" 
"Did I mention how much I enjoyed hearing you refer to me as your husband?" he asked in a deceptively lazy voice.
Then sudden;y Kagome recognized that tone. It meant he was furious and keeping it all inside. . If she had been in a calmer and more reasonable frame of mind, she probably would have kept her mouth shut and done nothing to provoke his temper. But she was sufficiently concerned for her own welfare and virtue, so she snapped, "It's the last time you will ever hear it."
"Pity, that."
"Inuyasha," she said in what she hoped was a gentling tone. "I know it was a mistake not to obey you . . ."
He laughed at that. Laughed! Kagome was not amused.
He said. "Allow me to tell you a story."
"Please, I need to go sleep."
He ignored her. "I was waiting for you. For hours. And imagine my distress when I looked out of the window, only to hear your screams." 
Kagome's cheeks flamed.
She couldn't think of anything to say. Well, that was not entirely true. She thought of several hundred things to say, but half of them were inappropriate and half were downright dangerous to her well-being.
"I have never run so fast in my life, did you know that?"
She didn't respond.
His hands descended upon her shoulders in a blindingly fast movement. "I was running, Kagome. I was running. I was running as if it were to save my own life. Except I wasn't." He leaned forward, his eyes glittering furiously. "I was desperate to save yours."
Kagome fought against a choking feeling in the back of her throat. How had her life descended to this? She was dangerously close to tears, but she refused to cry in front of this man. He had broken her heart twice, pestered her for a week, and now he'd abducted her. Surely she was allowed a small measure of pride. "I want to go back to my own bed," she said, her voice small.
There was a long silence. "I want you here," he finally said.
Author's Note: Oh, it's done.. Haha. Please tell me what you think!