InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wonderfully Imperfect ❯ Chapter 9

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or its characters. And I don't make any profit from this story. The only thing I get is extreme satisfaction.
(If the words, scenes, or the plot of this story are, in one way or another, similar to yours or any of those that you have already read, it was purely a coincidence.)
I'm sorry for being terribly slow on my chapters. Anyway, here it is. Thank you for waiting! :)
Shaelyn-Bobaelyn: I'd be very glad if you would be my beta reader.
drkvampress161: Thanks so much for the review! It meant a lot to me. I have a new beta reader…XD
Chapter 9
Inuyasha lay on his back, his head pillowed on his crossed forearms. He and Kagome were now in his room where their second round of vigorous exercise took place. He was staring up at room's plain white ceiling, thinking why the hell today, Wednesday, should even come. He knew
Inuyasha willed his body to perfect stillness so as not to wake Kagome. If she came fully awake, he had a funny feeling that she'd immediately retreat back to her own tough façade and throw him accusations he has heard before.
Inuyasha's instinct told him that she is usually not a woman who gives in to wild and untamed desires without thinking. And their love-making, (he prefers to call it that way instead of mere sex, or one night stand) was obviously instantaneous to a fault, and she would probably punish herself for taking such pleasure.
But she had been powerless to stop.
Hell, so was he. But the honest thing about all of it is that he doesn't regret a thing. Unfortunately, he couldn't say the same for Kagome.
She stirred and it took a second before she said, "You're not asleep."
"Hmmph." He wondered how well she read minds.
"If you were asleep, your breathing wouldn't be so obvious," she explained.
"If I'm breathing hard, it's your fault," he said with more of a growl than he'd intended.
Her hand slid to the center of his chest, where she plucked lightly at his hair.
He did move, finally. He came closer, ducking his head so that he could rest his forehead on hers. When he forced her legs even farther apart, she complied with a sharp gasp, squeezing her eyes closed when he slid his hand beneath her bottom. He cupped her fully, pressing the heel of his palm into her sex, which was waiting and ready.
His breathing came raw and ragged and hot on her face.
She whimpered then, and he wedged one long, thick finger along the entire length of her, his thumb circling her clit, his fingertips probing and rubbing and …oh, oh, oh.
Three seconds and she was done.
She cried out the way she'd wanted to, verbally letting go and spilling everything she felt. He continued to work her, rubbing and pressing and squeezing in and out and ruthlessly around until she shuddered from a pleasure that reached close to being pain.
Inuyasha reached out to ran his fingers across her cheeks down to the hollow of her neck.
Feeling helplessly dazed, she scolds, "Stop that.”
Inuyasha managed a grin. “Stop what, exactly?”
“Stop making me tingly, and warm, and—oh, you know, just stop it!”
Inuyasha only chuckled. "You know you love it."
God, but she did. "Yeah, but a girl can take only so much intensity before she goes blind."
"Hmm,” was only his reply for his tongue has already begun its lazy slide from her ear to her neck.
She shuddered.
"You're perfect," he whispered, his large hands moving urgently over her body, one settling on her waist and the other moving up toward the gentle swell of her breast. "Right here, right now, in this moment, in this place, you're perfect."
Kagome stiffened.
She doesn't want Inuyasha Takahashi sweet. She would prefer him arrogant and domineering but not this.
There is too much… intimacy. Too much.. ..romance.
It made her uneasy.
But before she could even think to pull away, he grabbed hold of her hand. “Spend the rest of your vacation with me."
Kagome knew what he meant. That she going to have to reside at his suite for the remainder of her stay. An uncomfortable feeling rushed through Kagome, and she forcefully shoved him away.
“I need to go.” When Kagome moved out of the bed, Inuyasha began to feel cold, his body, his bed, and his whole being. He watched as Kagome began looking for her clothes then cursed under her breath when she must have remembered she left it in the living room.
Seeing her struggle so hard with her emotions, he took pity and silently thought that maybe he has to let her go. But Kagome stopped her search, turned around and look at him. Right in his eyes.
She looked at him with her lonely face that Inuyasha cringed at the sorrow he saw in her eyes. He doubted she even knew that it was there. But Inuyasha saw it and stirred something in him.
And it was when he realized what he should do.
Inuyasha stood up and when he reached her, he hugged her to him. “Don't go.” The word was uttered so sincerely and gentle she couldn't help but gasp.
“Stay with me.”
His fingers, warm and firm, curled around her own, and then he lifted her hand to his mouth, his gaze still holding hers, and kissed her knuckles. Just that small touch made her tummy lurch and places below it tighten. His tongue touched her skin, soft and damp, dipping briefly between her middle and ring finger and she felt the touch sizzle from her navel downward.
She almost groaned.
“Don't fight it,” he continued.
His thumb touched the side of her mouth, moved over her bottom lip and then ran beneath her chin, making her shudder, her breath catch. He tipped her face up, arching her neck and moving her closer to his talk strong body at the same time. "Open your mouth for me, baby."
She did, parting her lips on a breath. His mouth brushed over hers, light, sweet, his tongue just touching the edge of her teeth, coasting on the inside of her bottom lip. "Don't ever be afraid of me."
Kagome didn't respond. Who would, if they are the recipient of this kind of pleasure?
“I like holding you.” He picked her up, swinging her high against his chest with no sign of effort. “You don't weigh much more than a feather." He pulled her close enough to nuzzle her throat, her ear, to kiss her mouth long and deep before reluctantly putting her down on the bed and leaned over her.
“I want to touch you and not stop touching. I want—" he stopped and Kagome opened her eyes.
She frowned when she saw him staring down at her with gentleness that it made her want to cry. “What's wrong?”
Inuyasha looked at her thoughtfully, “I keep on talking about what I want that I have forgotten to ask the most important question of all.”
Kagome pursed her lips in confusion. “What is that?”
“Do you want me? Do you want this?”
Kagome remained immobile. And it was when she realized how easy it is to fall in love with him. Of all the people she has ever met, it was only he who asked of what she wants. Twice, exactly. The night when she was nearly raped and tonight. And the first time she declined, thinking that agreeing would be a bad thing.
And yes, they may have sex right now and he doesn't need to ask permission at all because they already had sex just a few hours but, goddamn, asking her was like the sweetest thing he'd ever done.
It felt wonderful that Kagome can only answer, “Yes, I want this,” she reached out to caress his face. “I want you.”
“I know.” He grinned, “But I'd rather hear it from you."
She no longer wanted to defy him. What was the point, when giving him pleasure would only heighten her own?
He wound her hair around his fist and tugged, drawing her neck, then pressed his lips against her throat. Her pulse pounded, her heart slamming against her chest. Whatever cool breeze she'd felt had evaporated under the assault of heat burning her from the inside out. He scorched a trail along her neck and jaw, then captured her mouth in a fiery kiss that exploded when he parted her lips and slid his tongue inside.
Slow and easy, velvety strokes along her tongue, he explored the inner recesses of her mouth like he had all day to do this.
“Do you like that, baby?” he asked hoarsely.
Kagome moaned and purred, “Don't make me talk.”
Inuyasha just laughed and didn't speak to her, just slid his cock inside her and stroked her, slowly, without words, making sweet, gentle love to her. He caressed her breasts, kissed the nape of her neck, his hands wandering everywhere on her body, finally settling at her clit.
It was slow and unhurried, as if he had all the time and patience in the world.
She didn't even think she could come again, and when she did, it was a surprise, her cries of completion a sweet surprise as she flew into a climax that left her shaking and near tears.
He didn't even come this time, just left his cock inside her and rocked against her for awhile, holding her, his cock finally softening until he stopped moving. Always holding her, touching her, kissing her. Inuyasha wrapped his arms around her body and hung on to her as if it meant his life. And during that time, that wonderfully imperfect moment, maybe it did.
Kagome quietly disentangled herself from Inuyasha's arms and eased out of the bed. She had been awake most of the time he was asleep and she wished that he wouldn't wake yet.
The turn out of her events had shaken her badly. She has finally found someone who could convince her that living alone is unhealthy.
She turned her head to see him and reached out to touch his cheeks.
He is a good man, there's no doubt about that. And despite his playfulness, she knew he was a responsible, loving man. But she couldn't allow herself to appreciate those facts, simply because it would complicate her already-complicated life.
Kagome sighed and on silent feet, walked into her own room to change her clothes. She has already packed her suitcases earlier but now it seemed liked leaving was a wrong thing to do. She was going to have to unpack it afterwards. But right now, she needed some time to think.
Because she knew that wasn't just going to walk out on him without a word. So she scribbled a note.
She told him that she needed to explore the resort alone.
As she walked back to his room to leave the note, she was overcome by sadness. She looked back toward the bedroom where Inuyasha lay sleeping.
She missed him already. Confusion curled in her stomach, unsettling her, making a mess of her emotions. She turned around and walked out the door.
Inuyasha and Totousai were walking around the resort, waiting for the arrival of the chartered plane for the new batch of guests coming in. But Inuyasha's thoughts weren't into it.
He was annoyed as hell. Where did that wench go?
She just said that she wanted to think and explore the resort more. But when he peered into her room, he had seen her suitcases packed, and ready to go.
The woman had the nerve to leave him like it's a goddamn one night stand.
Okay, bullshit fine, maybe it is, maybe it is not, but the main problem is, where the hell is she?
He was torn, actually. Half of him wants her to stay. The other half wants to let her go and find herself, or whatever else she needs because he'd never do anything to hold her back.
But the night that she was cornered by a one, drunken man came to his memory and Inuyasha willed himself to calm down and slow down his heart, which, slammed heavily against his chest.
“How is Ms. Higurashi?” Totousai suddenly asked. “Such a pretty little thing, that one.”
Inuyasha turned to face him and growled, wondering if the old man could read through his mind.
“I'll say,” he replied muttered and offered nothing more.
Just as they were a few meters from the helipad, he studied his surroundings, looking for something not to his liking. Inuyasha turned around and noticed a slim body resting on a chair outside a bar and restaurant. A body wearing a tropical beach dress and shorts. Oversize dark glasses covered most of the woman's face, obscuring her identity.
“I've seen those legs somewhere,” he mumbled.
The woman turned her head towards him and Inuyasha clenched his fists into tiny balls when he immediately recognized her.
“Go ahead and meet up with the guests. I'll get back to you later.” He instructed the old man.
Totousai followed his line of gazed. “Children,” he muttered and shook his head, whether in amusement or disapproval, Yash couldn't be sure.
Inuyasha picked up his steps as he walked towards Kagome. As he got closer, he heard the throbbing beat of a sixties rock group from the inside of the B&R. A large glass of iced tea was set on the table within easy reach. Inuyasha felt a pang of rage at the picture of relaxation she portrayed while he worried his ass off, thinking of where she had been.
Kagome raised her head and saw him.
“Inuyasha?” she asked, concerned at the look she must have seen in his face.
“What the hell are you doing out here?” Inuyasha asked.
“I wrote you--”
“I don't give a damn about--” he hissed and stopped when a man in middle thirties appeared in the entrance of the restaurant, carrying a tray of two plates filled with fries and burgers. And it was obvious that he was coming towards their table.
And when the man saw Inuyasha, he looked at Kagome in confusion, and before he could ask, Inuyasha beat him into it. “Who the hell are you?” he said in an irritated voice.
Kagome stifled a groan. “Inuyasha,” she called out, a warning in her voice but otherwise smiled sweetly. Much too sweet. “This is Rob Connor. I met him yesterday and we went diving with his son. Rob, this is Inuyasha.”Rob laid out his hand for a handshake but Inuyasha ignored him and instead, “So that's why you were out late and nearly killed yourself,” he growled out.
At that, Rob's eyes widened and looked at Kagome. “What is he talking about? What happened to you?”
Kagome scoffed. “Nothing. He is just overreacting.”
Kagome thought she heard the grinding of Inuyasha's teeth.
Rob busied himself on his seat and Kagome took the opportunity to hiss in Inuyasha's ear, “What the hell are you doing here?” to which Inuyasha replied with great ferocity, “I was looking for you.”
“Is there a problem?”
She looked up at Rob. “Oh no, everything's fine.” And then Kagome began munching on her fries. She talked to Rob about his work, just to relieve the tension between the three of them. Inuyasha remained quiet but studied the man intently.
“Kagome,” Rob said, leaning across the table and patting her hand with his. “Thank you for the gift you gave to Teddy.”
“Those fries are delicious,” Inuyasha declared loudly, reaching for one. “Excuse me, man, could you move your arm?” Rob instantly retrieved his hand, and Yash took a fries and popped it into his mouth. He smiled broadly. “Wonderful.”
Kagome waited through the exchange and then said to Rob, “I had a great time with the two of you. It's a shame you need to be back in San Francisco tomorrow.”
“As do I,” he said, “but work is work and his mother insisted that I return him immediately.” “You won't be here for the beach parties and events then, I'm afraid,” Inuyasha put in helpfully. “Great fun. You won't wish to miss it.” Kagome looked at him oddly. He sounded almost too jolly.
“I'm sure it is,” Rob replied. “But I can't stay for long.”
“Well, have a happy and safe trip then.” He smiled.
“Thank yyy---”
“Inuyasha?” Kagome interrupted.
“What, sweetheart?”
Annoyance flashed in her eyes but then said, “Didn't you tell me that you wanted to visit that souvenir shop we saw the other day?”
She waited for a reaction from him. There was none.
She widened her eyes dangerously. “Maybe we could visit it today? Right now?”
Inuyasha watched her with an air of amusement. “Of course,” he grinned, “I can't think of anything I would enjoy more.” Kagome opened her mouth to say something, then saw the uselessness and shut it. She was going to kill him. She was going to sneak into his bedroom and skin him alive.
Then Inuyasha abruptly stood up, “Nice meeting you,” he said to Rob and before Kagome could say anything, he dragged her away.
Ten minutes later, Inuyasha was still dragging her.
Kagome's wrist hurt but the man had clearly no intention of loosening his hold until they were back at the hotel. But she tried to be released, nonetheless, “Let me go!” she yelled as Inuyasha yanked her closer to his body. “Do you hear me??!”
Inuyasha raised one arm to ward off a blow to his face. "I'd have to be deaf not to."
Kagome could feel herself begin to shake. She remained quiet as they rode up the elevator, thankful that only the janitor was with them.
The elevator stopped and she let herself be taken away by him, thinking that once they reached their suite, he would let her go.
Once they were inside the room, she waited for the moment his grip would slacken.
Nothing happened.
Instead, when she raised her gaze to his, she felt like crawling under the sheets for there was anger written all over his face.
She remained still for what seemed like a very long time, her eyes locked on his, her wrist burning painfully where his powerful fingers held her motionless. Finally she did the one thing she'd sworn she would never do with this man.
She begged.
"Please," she whispered, "let me go."
He did, his hand releasing her with a startling abruptness. "I'm sorry," he said, sounding the slightest bit... surprised? He looked at his hand with wide eyes, disgust evident across his face.
No, that was impossible.
"I didn't mean to hurt you," he said tenderly.
"Didn't you?"
He gave his head a small shake. "No. To scare you, perhaps. But not to hurt you."
Kagome stepped backward on shaky legs. "Funny how I feel the opposite,” she answered with disdain.
Inuyasha sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “It wasn't my intention,” he said softly.
Kagome took another step back. She didn't have the energy to try to keep up with his abrupt changes of mood. "I'm going to my room."
"Go," he said affably, waving toward her door.
She began to edge away, walking slowly, afraid that if she took her eyes off him for one second he might pounce. "I'm going now," she said again, unnecessarily.
He nodded.
Kagome strode forward and closed her door with a bang.
Author's Note: I will definitely post another chapter next week so watch out for it..:)