InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Work in progress ❯ Old Encounters with a New Demon ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 2: Old Encounters with a New Demon
Rin bowed back to all the shrine residents who stood at the gate. Hatomi's eyes watered as she hugged her former apprentice and dearest friend. Rin embraced her back and bowed one last time in her farewell.
“Where are you venturing to first, Rin-sama?” Hatomi asked with bright smiling eyes.
“To the village of the God Tree; I'm friends with the priestesses there and will be able to learn more from them,” Rin announced as followed the concern looks on Hatomi and Yuichi.
“You know Lady Kagome, the priestess that fought with Naraku and made the Shikon no Tama whole again?” Yuichi asked. “How come you never told any of us that?! And how do you know her?”
Rin let out a giggle before responding, “I haven't told you many things, but I know Kagome-sama because she resides with Inuyasha, Lord Sesshomaru's brother. We've met a few times when I was young.”
“It seems that our little Rin has been aquatinted with Japan's most famous warriors,” The headmaster revealed as everyone followed with light chuckles. “It is no doubt that Rin will be a renowned miko soon. Farewell, Rin-sama, may the spirit of Takagami be with you always.”
After one more bow, Rin left the gates with her smiles as she tied her pack sling around her shoulders with Mizu following at her feet. As she left, Yuichi eyes followed the unique kitten until his view was shut off by the closing gates of the shrine. That cat was definitely not any regular cat.
As soon as she heard the gates behind her shut, Rin couldn't help but start to run for the city gates. Mizu surprisingly kept up at her fast speed rather easily and joined her in excitement. They both wanted to get out of the city and venture in the wild like she had done for years before coming to Takagami. They kept their speed even after they passed through the gates and down the road.
“Are we going to see my mother?” a child's voice rang down by Rin's ankles. Rin glanced down at her demon neko friend.
“That's right,” Rin beamed back. Mizu's eyes shimmered back right before his body was engulfed by his demonic blue flames and grew bigger. He was a panther pup but was still rather large in his true form.
“Hop on!” Mizu requested and Rin obliged by leaping up and mounting her panther friend. Mizu could probably only carry Rin's small frame and perhaps a small child given the fact that he still has a lot more growing to do before he became an adult. He waited for the miko to get a grip on his neck fur before sprinting through the woods at an amazing speed with light trials of blue fire leaving his paws, racing toward to their new journey together.
“Ah! Seriously! Why do we have to be the ones to do this? It's ridiculous!” Whined an adolescent demon as he stomped his foot on an abnormally large spider. The squishy liquid from the spider's body slimed all over his foot causing a shiver to erupt up his spine. He grimaced and bore his fangs while tossing his loose, short orange hair from side to side. He had pointed ears and green eyes with a fair face that looked about eighteen years old. The cave was gloomy and dark full of spider webs and skeletons to add to its eerie atmosphere.
“If we don't take care of these little ones, they'll feed on their mother's body and grow a lot bigger. Heh, you're not scared are you?” The other boy asked. He was younger with long ebony hair and pointed ears. He seemed to look like around twelve years old.
“Come on, don't start. You know how spiders creep me out. They've have ever since I was little,” the older demon replied.
“Oh, right… Naraku. I forgot sorry,” the boy sliced a few creepy-crawlies that tried to escape to the ceiling of the cave. The two boys continued there task but the flame haired demon was having a rather difficult time containing his fear of the dark, hairy bugs.
“ARG!!! I HATE CLEANING UP AFTER INUYASHA'S MESSES!!!!” He screamed as he blasted the entire cave with green flames that incinerated all of the inhabitants. He panted and huffed in a psychotic fashion.
“Uh…. You ok, Shippo?” the younger boy asked him with shocked, wide golden eyes. With no response, Shippo made a rather brisk walk to the exit followed by his comrade. When they met the daylight again, they encountered a fair woman in priestess attire. Her long hair was braided in two tails that fell over her chest and waist. She had dark, but wise eyes and wielded a well crafted bow. Her haori was white and hakamas blue.
“All done?” she rang with a bright smile. The young boy leaped up wrapped his arms around her waist with a huge grin.
“Yeah! It's was awesome, Mom! Shippo got scared and blasted them all with his foxfire!” he yelled followed by a hard laugh. “And I got seven of them!”
The priestess chuckled lightly. “I'm very proud of you, Tamaki-chan. Thank you for helping. You, too, Shippo-chan.” Shippo let out a frazzled sigh..
“Hey, Kagome, why do we always have to do this stuff? I mean Inuyasha always get to fight the good monsters and Tamaki and I are stuck with the puny ones.” Kagome just smiled and shook her head lightly.
“Come on, I made lunch for everyone,” She replied and lead the group back into the forest towards the village. “Inuyasha just doesn't want any of you to get hurt. You know he's not good as saying things like that to other people.”
“Heh, he has no problem being all mushy around you,” Shippo huffed as he followed close behind her.
“It's different between mates, Shippo. You'll understand soon enough when you find someone special,” Kagome explained. Shippo only replied with a heavy sigh and continued to follow in silence.
“Ah!” Rin sighed in relief as the refreshing, stream water cooled her heated face. The forests got humid at this time of year right when spring carries into summer. She felt sticky from all the sweat coaxing her body. When she reaches the village she was sure to take a nice soak in the hot spring there. Then….. Mizu was growling at something behind her.
Rin's eyes rose and met his… That same piercing, golden stare she knew for years before shot through her chest. She was frozen at the stream's edge her eyes wide and nothing moved but the droplets of water tracing down the contours of her face and finally dripping off her chin.
For a moment, her eyes only locked with his golden, stone glare until they traveled down to the markings on his cheeks. An evil smirk took place on his lips revealing a canine fang. She noticed that he was trembling; more from excitement than fear of course.
“I can sense it,” his dark voice rang. “Your aura is so…. Strange… and strong… and even familiar to me.” His right hand gripped the sword tied to his hakamas. “Just… who are you?”
Rin's lips smirked in amusement and she crouched forward in a hunch. “I'm disappointed,” she said as her arm angled up and behind her back to clutch and slightly unsheathed the katana strapped to her back. “To think you'd forget me… or perhaps my scent has really changed that dramatically over the years? So it is true? When a young girl blossoms into maturity… her scent completely changes?”
“Keh… So what of it? You are saying that you know me some how?” The demon asked. Rin flashed forward with amazing speed clashing her katana against his great sword fang that was drawn to the precise moment for defense. Their weapons were crossed and grinding against each other. Rin's grinning face was just inches from his.
“You've changed, too… Inuyasha…”