InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Work in progress ❯ Heated Discussions ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 3: Heated Discussions
Inuyasha growled and forced back the young girl with his demonic strength. Rin's wooden sandals scraped against the gravel and she slide back crouching and using her left hand on the ground for balance. The dog demon chuckled darkly at her.
“If you really do know me, then you would know that you don't stand a chance against my Tetsusaiga,” he snorted. Rin's eyes peered up at him followed by a giggle from her lips.
“Oh, believe me, Inuyasha, I know very well,” she mused with a hard pull of her left hand the fang suddenly angled downward and defused its demonic aura. Inuyasha almost lost his grip of his sword as it was almost yanked out of his claws.
“What?” his eyes widened and furrowed as he studied the Tetsusaiga's rusty blade, finally noticing a coil of silverfish string entangled around it controlled by the girl's fingers. He let out a frustrating growl and tried to pull his blade upward and fuse it again but with no avail. “What did you…?”
“Rosary string,” she began to explain as she kept a firm hold on the string's control on the sword. “A special kind , of course, no matter how much demonic power you push into it, the blade will still remain purified. Oh, and don't try to cut it with your claws unless you want to be purified as well.”
“Keh…” at that moment, Inuyasha knew she was some sort of priestess to be using purifying powers. “It don't matter, I'll just finish you off right now.” He said as he let his left hand off the handle and flexed his claws. Rin's eyebrows furrowed in puzzlement to study his next advancement. Then dashed towards her, claws ready.
“See if you get through this!” he bellowed and leaped up to attack.
“Baka, you sure haven't changed in technique…” she murmured and threw her katana down while edging backwards. As soon as his claws were in range, she swiftly grasped his wrist with her right and used her left hand to lightly poke him on the joints of his shoulders and abdomen extracting some of her ki into his body. Even though she temporarily paralyzed his arm and torso moments, she failed to recon that he was still fleeting down over her.
“Ah!” she yelped as his fall knocked her back into the stream landing both of them in the water with her on her back and Inuyasha on top of her, between her legs, his face directly against her abdomen and his arms over her thighs. Rin was dumbfounded for a moment just staring up at the sky. She felt like his fall hit the wind out of her.
Rin grumbled and propped herself up on her elbows feeling some ache in her back and especially in her bottom. She couldn't move, the weight on top of her was almost crushing. That's when she realized the position the two of them were in.
`Oh…. My…. Gawd… H-he… he's on top of me…' she thought to herself as her face burned crimson. She started to squeal and wiggle under his weight in an extreme panic totally forgetting that because of her powers he wasn't able to get up. She pushed his head up and back with her hands against his forehead. His expression showed a lazy look that told, `You've got to be kidding me…'
“Get off!” she squealed and kicked.
“I can't, stupid!” he growled in annoyance. Mizu just sat there dumbly watching them until a sound of brushing caught in his ear and turned to see a familiar face.
“INUYASHA!!!!??” Kagome gasped loudly in surprise. All attention was now turned to an extremely angry priestess across the way.
“Wait! Kagome! It's not what it looks like! I can't move! She has some kind of spell on me!” he yelped with immense fear in his eyes.
“I BET SHE DOES!!!” She screamed. Rin's eyes lit up and she lifted an arm to wave happily at her.
“Oi! Kagome-sama! Long time no see! It's me, Rin!” she exclaimed as she finally kicked the demon off and face first in the water to gargle. She crawled out of the stream and got up to greet the older priestess.
After a moment, it finally registered into Kagome's mind. “Oh!” she pointed at Rin and excitedly exclaimed. “You're all grown up!” Rin proudly stood with her hands on her hips.
“That's right! I just finished my priestess training and decided to pay you a visit,” She turned to Inuyasha who was being dragged out of the stream by Mizu to keep him from drowning. “I see you have you're hands full as always.”
“Even more so now,” Kagome said. “I'm the head priestess now since Kaede-sama passed away a couple of years ago, may she rest peacefully. And I have kids now, too.”
Rin's eyes widened slightly and gasped, she looked at Inuyasha's form on the ground before turning back to Kagome. “You mean…”
“Yep!” Kagome smiled. “Inuyasha and I tied the knot soon after Naraku was defeated. We haven't seen you since then.”
“Um…” a grumble rang from below. “Not to interrupt your little girl talk, but do you mind…”
“Huh?” Rin blinked for a second in wonderment. “Oh, yeah! Sorry about that! Haha!” The young girl rolled the demon over on his back and quickly extracted more ki into him to release the spell. With a groan of relief, Inuyasha sat up and sheathed his sword.
“So you're Sesshomaru's wench. Wouldn't it have been easier to just tell me that?” he grumbled once again rolling his stiff shoulders.
“Where's the fun in that?” the girl asked. “I was itching for some action anyways and I knew you wouldn't hesitate.” She let out a giggle as the hanyou glared at her.
“Oh, by the way, lunch is ready,” Kagome announced. “I came to tell you.”
“Great, I'm starving,” Inuyasha replied while shaking the water out of his hair.
“You are welcome to join us, Rin-chan,” the older priestess offered.
“That'll be wonderful, thank you!” Rin bowed in respect before joining the couple in their journey to the village.
Sesshomaru's courters were a mess. Clothing, boxes, scrolls, and more were scattered everywhere. The great lord demon was kneeled down in the middle of his closet searching for a particular item. He sensed his personal assistant, Jaken, enter the room. The green toad looked at the mess questioningly but kept to himself. Now at times he grew a bit smarter about how he addresses his lord.
“Jaken, have you seen Tenseiga?” the demon asked.
“I'm sorry, Sesshomaru-sama. I haven't seen it in years.” Jaken replied. “Didn't you tell me that you placed it somewhere for safe keeping when the war was just starting?”
At that comment, Sesshomaru's memory struck him. Yes, he did leave it somewhere for another day. Since Rin wasn't in his care anymore, he didn't feel a need to wield it. Plus if the enemy ever got a chance to steal his father's fang, he would feel dishonored as the succeeding Inu Taiyoukai. With this, the lord stood from his floor, placed his shoes on and headed for the door.
“Thank you, Jaken.” He said that rather rarely to his servants, but he was immensely appreciative for the memory jog. Jaken's eye sparkled and awed at this new light, but his daydream was ruined with his master's next comment.
“Have this room cleaned up for when I return.” He said as he paused at the doorway. “I'm leaving the grounds… Oh, were you going to tell me something?”
“Oh, yes!” Jaken said as he recalled why he came into his lord's courters. “I sent a scout to retrieve the girl as you requested, but… she wasn't there. He said that she left on her own and he wasn't able to track her. The scent that was given him wasn't any good.” Jaken started trembling as his bad news rained its effect on his master. Sesshomaru's body tensed and his eyes burned with anger as his lips pursed.
“This Sesshomaru is not pleased,” he growled. “Don't expect a hasty return, I will retrieve her myself.” And he was gone in a flash.
`If anything happened to her,' Jaken thought. `I'll be killed for sure!'
“Ah! This is heaven!” Rin stretched back against a rock as her naked body replenishes in the steamy water. “I haven't used an onsen in forever. The shrine only had baths and I wasn't allowed out of the city gates while the demon war was going on.”
“That's a drag,” Kagome replied while relaxing back against her own comfy rock. “If I were you I'd sneak out to find the nearest hot spring.”
“I did that once and my sensei caught me,” she said with a giggle. “She sure made her point when she made me cut unions in the kitchen for three days straight. It took me hours to stop crying afterwards, my eyes stung so badly.”
“Ah, I see. You must have been on lockdown the whole time there huh?” the demon hunter guessed as she finished hanging her discarded clothes on a branch to join the two ladies. Rin's eyes followed her graceful stature as Sango dipped slowly in the hot water and sighed against the heat. The young priestess hasn't really seen anyone fully naked before. First Kagome and now Sango… A blush crept up on her cheeks. Both of them were beautiful even after the changes of pregnancy and age, every curve and crevice was lovely.
“Rin?” Kagome called and caught her attention. “I know this might be a delicate subject but I was wondering about… your relationship with Sesshomaru.” The young woman's face heated up immediately and hugged her arms closer around her body when Kagome started to wade over to her side of the hot spring.
“R-relationship?” she choked out the echo when Kagome's face was inches from hers to study her every expression.
“Hai, how do you feel about him?” Kagome's lips began to curve upward and lifted the young woman's chin.
“I…. I'm not sure,” Rin replied slowly. “I haven't seen him in over five years…” Her cheeks were still pink and her whole body quaked with the older priestess's deep, dark gaze. `Is… she going to kiss me?' her inner question was answered when Kagome started to lean in. `What… the… hell…'
“Kagome,” Sango interrupted her best friend's advance just before their lips could make contact. “Stop teasing the poor girl, she looks like she's about to have a heart attack.”
The older priestess pulled away and laughed. “She's so cute and innocent though it's darling!” Both older women laughed and Kagome returned to her original spot. “Gomen, Rin. I was just having a little fun with you. The reason I asked you about Sesshomaru is because if you've had contact with him recently I have something to give him. But I suppose I'm just going to have to wait until he comes for it… I still can't believe he asked me to watch over it. He seems to be more trusting these days.”
“What? Are you serious?” Rin asked rather excitedly. “Does he come here often?!”
“Well, no. He hasn't been here for a couple of years, but I wouldn't be surprised if he shows up soon now that the war is over. He comes to speak with Inuyasha on occasion. I have no idea what they talk about and, frankly, I don't want to know. Inuyasha always comes back really pissed off. A couple of times I had to stop them from killing each other.”
Rin's expression melted into sadness and her eyes studied the steamy surface of the water in front of her.
“Are you ok?” Sango asked with concern.
“Sesshomaru-sama…” her voice whispered. “He had no intention to come back for me… He's forgotten about me… and he's not going to recognize me now that I've changed so much… I hate him…”
“Don't come to those conclusions, Rin,” Sango requested. “All men are confusing like that. Demons are more difficult to read than humans. I really don't know how Kagome manages Inuyasha, and Sesshomaru is even more mysterious and unpredictable. So don't say those things, men are complicated.”
“Sango-chan is right!” Kagome exclaimed and hugged the demon slayer. “And that's why we women need to comfort each other. Come on, Sango; show her the thing you did to me when Inuyasha broke my bike!”
“What?!” Sango's face lit up brightly. “I'm not going to show her! Get off of me! What is with you today, horn dog!” Rin couldn't help but laugh as Sango struggled for freedom from Kagome's embrace.
`At least this place isn't boring…' she thought.