InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Worst Nightmare ❯ Discoveries Pt III ( Chapter 14 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own the Inuyasha characters. I do own this plot line and the ocs.

Discoveries Pt III:

Bankotsu held Kagome in his arms watching her sleep for several minutes, before he adjusted to lie on his back. Even though she was fast asleep, he felt her snuggle against him and smiled.

Bankotsu stared at the ceiling and thought back to how miserable he had been since the night she shut him out of her life especially the long lonely nights he'd been haunted by her memories.

A vivid picture of the deep sadness and pain etched on her face the night she had come over and he had told her she was to stay out of his life, flashed through his mind. His gut tightened with guilt over causing her such a look.

He'd been seeing Meredith for a week by then and had decided since Kagome had betrayed him by becoming a cop; he'd stay with the blonde, because at least she wasn't afraid to party with him, and she'd never stab him in the back by becoming a cop.

He huffed. His hand stilled in Kagome's hair and his other hand clenched into a fist as the old anger welled up inside him.

He forced a deep breath into his lungs and counted to ten before exhaling. 'It felt like Kagome had betrayed me, since she knew how much I despise cops and still chose to become one.'

His eyes moistened as he remembered how many rough times Kagome had been there for him through thick and thin. Like the times she stood up for him when everyone teased him about his long hair. How she held him when he felt too shattered by the brutal murders of his parents, to even move. How her love and arms wrapped around him, reaching out to him whenever he was angry with the world.

His anger turned to something else as he watched her breath evenly with a peaceful expression on her face. 'Kagome is not the type to betray the ones she loves. Why couldn't I see it before?'

His jaw clenched. 'That bitch Meredith betrayed me! She lured me away from Kags, pointing out how she was becoming the very thing I hated most – a cop. Meredith kidnapped Ja making me worry for days on end about whether or not he was live and if I'd ever get to see him again.'

His body tensed as white hot rage filled him.

Kagome mumbled incoherently and snuggled against his chest, placing a hand over his waist as if trying to comfort him even in her sleep.

He blinked and stared down at her. 'Heh, even unconscious she's thinking of me and trying to soothe me.' He heartbeat returned to normal and he felt a serene calm settle over him, deep into his soul. Just knowing she was in his arms right now made the world feel right. 'That is so like my sweet Kagome, thinking of others instead of herself.'

His spine stiffened and his breath hitched. He stared at the beautiful, strong woman in his arms as realization fully sank in. His hand dragged down his face. 'Damnit I'm been such a fool. How could I ever think that she would betray me? What an idiot I've been!'

His finger lightly traced her jaw and rubbed her cheek. 'No wonder she threw me out of her life.' Disgust at his actions filled him and a deep sadness filled his soul. Slowly the cold began to seep in, chasing away the warmth inside him.

As if sensing his duress, Kagome nuzzled her face against his heart ad sighed contently. Warmth began to spread through him again melting away the coldness. A small smile spread across his face. 'I've got to find a way to make this up to her. But first I need to get the money and get our kids back.'

He stared at his sleeping angel and sighed reluctantly, before carefully shifting to move off the makeshift bed, trying to hide the bereft feeling that followed.

She felt the loss of his warmth and opened her eyes.

"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you."

She yawned. "It's okay; we need to get up anyways."

He sighed. "Kagome, I never intended for any of this to happen. I –"

Her chin tilted. "Don't you dare apologize for what we just did! Besides, I'm the one who started it."

He chuckled, "If I did apologize, I'd be lying." He stared into her eyes and spoke firmly. "I'm not one bit sorry about what we did tonight." His hand cupped her cheek, with his thumb stroking the soft skin. "You needed comfort and I gave it to you the only way I knew how."

She smiled and placed her hand over his, nuzzling her cheek into his warm palm. "Thank you." He nodded.

She pulled his hand away and straightened her shoulders. "Now, about the files…"

He blinked. "What about them?"

She frowned. "Something about the files demand is nagging at me." Kagome stood up and slipped into his large shirt. Bankotsu blinked and slipped into his boxers and jeans. He followed her.

She walked into her office and over to her desk. She stared at the book in a drawer under the back of her desk. She snatched the book up and began shuffling through the pages.

"What's that?" He pointed to the book.

"It's a log of my contacts. Times, dates, and information we talked about. Stuff like that."

Jakotsu heard them up and moving around, so he walked back into the room and blinked. 'Well it sure didn't take them long to get naked this time.' He cocked his head to the side. "What are you looking for?"

She continued flipping through the pages. "T…" Tanuki, Temporala, Aha! There it is Tomanaki!"

She flipped to another page and her eyes narrowed. "Sonuva bitch!"

Bankotsu blinked and frowned. "What is it?"

Kagome shoved the book in his face pointing. "Look! The Tomanaki case is one of my most guarded cases and I've only spoken to three people about it."

She looked at him and Jakotsu correcting, "Well make that five now." She opened her pen, adding Bankotsu and Jakotsu's names to the very short list.

Bankotsu frowned scanning the names and then passed her back the book. "So, what has this got to do with getting our kids back?"

She rolled her eyes. "Don't you get it?"

He sent her a sheepish look. "Not really," he rubbed the back of his neck.

She sighed. "Oi Bank, try and keep up with me okay?"

He lowered his hand to his side and nodded.

She took a deep breath. "The Tomanaki case is one of the more… complicated cases I've had. In fact, " she stared at him as if debating going further was really a good idea.

His eyes narrowed at her. Impatience bit through clear in his gruff voice. "Well?"

She sighed and finished. "In fact, the Tomanaki case led to something very… unexpected." She turned the book to a new page and pointed to the entry that would confirm what she was about to explain. "As you can see here," she pointed to a specific paragraph. "The Tomanaki case traces back to Kagura, whose maiden name as you now will find out, is Onigumo."

Bankotsu's eyes widened and then narrowed dangerously. "As in Naraku Onigumo - the stupid, good for nothing, cowardly, bastard who had my parents brutally slaughtered? That Onigumo?" His nostrils flared.

She nodded. "The very same." Staring into his eyes she took the book before he managed to rip it and finished. "After some heavy researching, I discovered that Kagura Tomanaki is in fact Naraku's daughter."

Bankotsu's eyes became stormy and darkened. 'Oh she is eh?'

Kagome closed the book. "What's worse is that I have my suspicions about Meredith's true identity. But, I haven't been able to find out much about her besides what she's told you, so I can't find anything conclusive either way yet." She shrugged.

Bankotsu's jaw clenched and angry flames licked his eyes. "What about her? What does that back stabbing cunt have to do with any of this?" He crossed his arms over his chest, glowering at her.

She sighed heavily. "I suspect she is also somehow involved with Naraku. What little I've confirmed points towards it, but I just can't prove anything yet." She ran a hand through her hair.

Bankotsu's face reddened with anger. "What the hell are you talking about?"

She threw her hands in the air. "Every time I start to get somewhere on it, something always happens to draw me off the trail. By the time I can pick up again, it's another dead end."

She stared at the book with her hand trembling. "And worst yet, one of the three people I confided this information to must have leaked the info to Renkotsu, because he specified the Tomanaki files as part of the exchange."

She stared at him with a haunted look and said in a flat voice, "I've only told them about it, until now. And I trusted those three with it. I trust them with my life."

She began to tremble as the realization that one of her three closest confidants had betrayed her and endangered her kids in the process. People she had completely and blindly trusted might get her kids killed.

Her body shook hard enough the other occupants of the room noticed. She began slowly sinking to the floor.

Bankotsu strode over catching her before she fell to the floor and held her against his chest. She buried her head on his chest and began crying as her mind spun from the dizzying truth.

Jakotsu picked up the book and looked at the names gasping. "Not my Inu koi!" He stared at them. "He wouldn't, he couldn't - "

Kagome cried, "Lie Ja, not Inuyasha. He married Sango, who is like a sister to me. They would never betray me and they would never endanger the kids."

Jakotsu sighed relieved.

Bankotsu snorted derisively.

Kagome stared at him. "Just because you two were rivals in school, doesn't make him guilty Bank." She shook her head and tears ran down her cheeks again. "Hojo, he's the Chief of the police. He'd never do anything like this."

"Well someone sure as hell did."

"Kouga wouldn't. He's still head over heels for me."

Bankotsu grit his teeth and stamped down his jealousy. "That filthy flea ridden wolf is still running Los Lobos, right?"

She nodded. "But he'd never – "

Bankotsu snorted. "One of them did and I intend to find out which one and why!"

She broke down sobbing and hugged her waist, refusing to face the fact that he was right.

Bankotsu's heart squeezed painfully at the sight of her tears. Taking pity on her, he pulled her into his arms and held her rocking back and forth while she cried.

"Look Kagome, I'm going to find all three of these guys and talk to them. I know they're your friends, but if what you said is true and one of them did betray your trust. That bastard has also endangered our kids."

She sobbed against his chest and nodded. "I can't believe it though. Why? Why would they do this?"

Bankotsu's jaw and free fist clenched. "I don't know babe, but you can bet your cute little ass I'm going to find out!" Absolute determination filled his eyes as he stared at the wall and comforted her.


A/N: Wow, it looks like Bankotsu is finally getting serious now, huh? But how are they going to come up with so much money in less than twenty four hours? You'll have to read the next one to find out! XD