InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Worst Nightmare ❯ Strike Two ( Chapter 17 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own the Inuyasha characters. I do own this plot line and the OCS.

Strike Two:

They arrived in a parking lot outside of the security building and he cut the engine.

Bankotsu got out and slammed the door rolling his eyes when Kagome’s door also slammed shut.

Jakotsu jumped out of his car with a huge grin on his face.

All too aware that an inevitable fight was about to occur, Kagome muttered, “Let’s just get this over with.”

Bankotsu rolled his eyes and followed her.

She walked up to the building and took a deep breath. ‘I just hope they don’t break anything this time.’ She pushed the door open and went straight to the elevator.

Jakotsu followed them and felt butterflies brushing the inside of his tummy. ‘I hope he still has those yummy adorable dog ears.’

He closed his eyes and imagined rubbing his fingers on the soft triangular ears. He could feel the soft fur almost like downy moving under his nimble fingers. A smile filtered across his face and his fingertips tingled in anticipation.

Unaware of her best friend’s daydream, Kagome pushed the button for the top floor and sighed.

The cart jerked into motion and the wheels squealed as it started up the shaft.

Bankotsu tapped his foot and huffed. “Can’t they at least oil the damned wheels?”

Kagome rolled her shoulders trying to loosen some of the tension. “You could just let me talk to him.”

Bankotsu snorted. “You’d be all like,” His voice went up a few octaves. “I know you wouldn’t betray me, but - “

She elbowed him in the ribs.

“Oof!” Bankotsu glared at her. “What was that for?”

Kagome snorted. “That was a horrible impersonation of me.”

He rolled his eyes and snorted. “Well you would.” His hand rubbed his ribs. “You have a pointy elbow you know.”

Drawn from his fantasies Jakotsu rolled his eyes. “Don’t they ever stop arguing?’ He pulled out his compact mirror and dabbed some blush on his cheeks. ‘Oh, I hope he remembers me.’ Butterflies fluttered in his stomach as he diligently fixed his lipstick. ‘Red always was his favorite color.’

Kagome sighed as the elevator dinged and the door slid open. She took a deep breath and stepped into the hall way. ‘Here goes nothing.’ She squared her shoulders and lifted her foot.

Bankotsu rolled his eyes. “Kags, hurry it up already.”

She blinked. It had been a long time since she had last seen Inuyasha face to face and she mustering up the courage to see her first childhood crush.

Bankotsu shoved past her and stormed over to the office door, kicking it open. “Yo dog shit, I know you’re in here.”

Inuyasha jumped up from his desk. “Oi asshole, what do you think you’re doing?”

His wife walked around the desk and placed her hand on his shoulder. “Relax Inu, I told you they were coming over today.”

Inuyasha snorted. “Still doesn’t have to be so rude.” He glared at Bankotsu. His eyes softened as he spotted Kagome behind the brute.

He smiled. “Hey Kags.”

Kagome grinned. “Hey Yash.”

The brunette with a protruding belly walked forward and enveloped her best friend in a strong hug.

Kagome grinned. “You look good San.”

Sango smiled and placed a hand on her tummy. “Thanks. Inu is making sure that we eat right and get plenty of rest.”

Kagome grinned. “That’s good.”

Bankotsu snorted and rolled his eyes. “Enough with the pleasantries.”

Kagome sighed heavily and stared at her female best friend. “Sango, I’ve got a big problem.”

Sango blinked as she noticed the absence of Kagome’s adorable twins. Something told her this was a bad sign. “What is it?”

Kagome faced her and sighed heavily. “Someone leaked info on the Tomankai case and now Renkotsu has the kids.”

Sango’s jaw dropped and she felt her stomach begin to churn. ‘Oh no, poor Kags.’

Inuyasha barked, “How the hell did that bastard get his hands on them?” Amber eyes narrowed accusingly at his rival. “What the hell are you even doing near Kagome?”

Kagome sniffled and leaned into Sango’s opened arms. “He took them from mama’s while I was at work.”

Sango’s arms closed around her friend. “Shh Kags, its okay. We will get them back.”

Bankotsu huffed and glared back at the mutt. “She came to me for help.”

Inuyasha snorted derisively. “Why the hell would she go to you instead of coming here?”

Bankotsu snapped. “Because she did.”

Inuyasha snorted and answered his own question. “Temporary lack in judgment I guess.” His eyes hardened. “After all you’re the one who used her and then cast her aside like trash.”

Bankotsu’s spine stiffened. “Why you-“

In the blink of an eye his fist balled tight and connected with Inuyasha’s jaw.

Inuyasha’s head snapped back as he stumbled back a step from the force of the blow. After straightening up, he growled and tackled the offender to the ground.

‘There they go again.’ Sango rolled her eyes. “Come on Kags, you look like you need some coffee.” She led her guest to the coffee pot and let the men just duke it out.

Kagome sniffed and nodded. She sent her friend a small, watery smile. “Thanks San.”

Sango clucked. “It’s no trouble at all, Kags.”

Jakotsu finally finished his primping. He walked into the living room and huffed. “Not again. Can’t you two ever give it a rest?” He glared at his brother and Inuyasha who were currently rolling on the floor exchanging punches.

Jakotsu winced at the sound of flesh striking flesh and pouted. “Oi, do you two even realize that I’m here?”

Sango shook her head and called from the kitchen. “Leave them Jakotsu, you know how they get!”

Jakotsu huffed and crossed his arms over his flat chest. ‘So much for my kiss,’ He rolled his eyes and stepped past the fighting males to walk into the kitchen.

Sango sighed and poured the three of them some coffee. “Normally I’d break them up, but, given my condition…”

Kagome snorted. “Lie Sango, not while you’re carrying twins.” Envisioning her own sweet darlings’ faces, she sipped her coffee and sighed. “What am I going to do?”

Sango smiled. “Don’t worry. You know you will get them back, Kags.”

Jakotsu sighed and kicked the back of his foot. “Why do those two always have to duke it out?” he lips pursed and he frowned.

Kagome shrugged. “You know them Ja.”

Sango nodded. “They’ve always done this.” She waved offhandedly. “Just let them get it out of their system.”

Kagome snorted and then stared into her coffee cup swirling it around. “I can’t believe that someone actually betrayed me.” Her voice was tinged with deep sadness.

Sango sighed. “Me either Kags. Who would do such a thing and why?”

Jakotsu huffed. “Well the only other person that you’ve mentioned is that Hobo guy.”

Kagome corrected sternly. “His name is Hojo, not Hobo, and he is the chief of police. He’d never divulge such crucial information – especially while the case is still pending.”

Sango nodded her agreement. “That’s true.” She blinked. ‘Especially considering him and Kagome were dating a couple years ago. At least it was an amicable break up.’ She stared at her cup. “So then, who could it be?”

Kagome shook her head and her shoulders slumped. “I don’t know San.” Her eyes watched the liquid swirl around inside the cup and she sighed. ‘Hojo would never betray me. He even asked me to marry him before we broke up.’

She sighed heavily and watched the tanned liquid in her cup swish around. ‘He was a nice guy, and great to the kids despite knowing who their father was, but I just couldn’t marry him.’

The fact was Hojo just couldn’t send her body up in flames the way she craved. Only one man had ever been able to... and it was becoming painfully obvious that only one man ever would.

‘Too bad he’s so unreliable.’ She sighed heavily and sipped her coffee.

Jakotsu laid one hand over Kagome’s, which was on the table. “Look Kags, I know it’s hard to believe that anyone you trust would be so cruel to you, but the fact is that someone has betrayed you.”

She bit her lip.

His eyes locked to hers. “Whoever that person is, they leaked vital information to a very dangerous man who now holds your children and is demanding a ransom for them.”

Her heart squeezed painfully tight in her chest. Her eyes welled with unshed tears and her head ducked to her chest.

Jakotsu lightly squeezed her hand. “We have to find out who did it and why, but, our top priority must be to bring your babies home safe and sound.”

She’d been trying so hard to focus on the moment at hand, but now the fear for her children’s’ safeties crowded in full force. A heartbroken sob escaped her.

Jakotsu pulled her into his arms. “I promise we will find this person and make them pay dearly! We will also make sure that your precious darlings are brought back to you unharmed.”

She felt his arms wrap tighter around her and Sango’s firm hand squeeze her shoulder.

“He’s right Kags. No matter how much of a bastard Bankotsu was to you in the past, he won’t rest until you have your kids safe in your arms.”

She squeezed her eyes tightly and tried to force back the tears threatening to spill.

Bankotsu flew into the wall and managed to lift his knee aiming below the belt.

Inuyasha jumped out of the way just in the nick of time. “I wouldn’t doubt you’re a part of all of this. You probably even set it all up for some twisted form of revenge.”

Bankotsu’s eyes narrowed with angry flames licking around his retinas. He watched as Inuyasha swung towards him. Bankotsu blocked Inuyasha’s punch and held the arm with an iron grip. At the same time when he caught the punch, he planted his fist directly into Inuyasha’s stomach. “You bastard, why the hell would I endanger my kids?”

Inuyasha’s breath left in a rush and his eyes widened. “She told you?” He blinked a few times.

Bankotsu snorted and punched him full force in the jaw, which sent the hanyou flying across the floor.

“Duh of course she told me.” He shook his fist and frowned at the skinned knuckles. He sighed heavily and rubbed his jaw. “I got to say mutt, you did manage to get one decent hit in.”

Inuyasha spat a trickle of blood on the floor and rubbed his jaw, wincing at the pain in it. “You’ve been pressing weights again.” He accused with hard eyes.

Bankotsu smirked. “Maybe,” He flexed and un-flexed his hand.

Before either male could say anything else Sango came into the room.

“If you two Neanderthals are finally done tearing up my office, we have more pressing matters to attend.”

Inuyasha and Bankotsu both grunted.

Sango’s eyes narrowed and she growled. “What was that?”

‘Oh shit,’ Inuyasha’s eyes widened. “Uh, nothing love,” He walked over and kissed her cheek.

She snorted and then turned back to the kitchen.

Inuyasha sighed in relief. He looked at Bankotsu and shuttered. “Never piss off a pregnant woman.”

Sango bellowed from the kitchen. “I heard that!”

Inuyasha startled and then sighed and then walked into the kitchen.

Bankotsu snorted and spat on the ground. He glared at Inuyasha. “Coward.”

Inuyasha growled low in warning and flexed his claws.

“Inuyasha,” Sango’s voice carried its own threat.

Her husband ceased his growling and grunted, before walking into the kitchen. “Yes my sweet?”

Kagome shook her head and sighed. She stood up. “Look San, I just wanted to update you on what was going on. I’m sorry for the trouble this knucklehead caused.”

Bankotsu huffed, “Oi, watch what you - ”

She elbowed him again.


She turned back to Sango and bowed. “We will leave.”

Sango blinked. “It’s really no big – “

Kagome huffed. “None the less we’re going and I am sorry.”

Inuyasha grunted. “Good riddance.” He glared at Bankotsu. “I wouldn’t help that ass for nothing.”

Sango huffed and glared at her husband, ashamed of his rude behavior. “Be that as it may, Kagome is our friend and – “

Inuyasha grunted. “She chose him to turn to for this, so let him handle it.” With that he hopped out the window to sit on the roof and cool off.

Bankotsu smirked. “At least I won’t fail, you worthless dog shit.”

Knowing how bull headed her husband could get, Sango sighed and sent her friend an apologetic look.

Kagome sent her a friendly smile. “It’s okay Sango, really.” She grabbed the long braid and led Bankotsu over to the elevator.

Jakotsu sighed heavily and pouted, but followed after his brother and his long ago best friend. He stepped into the elevator and glared at the wall.

“Ow, ow, ow, damnit woman, let go!” Bankotsu slapped her hand off his hair and glared at her. His hand rubbed his now tender scalp that had been getting tugged. “What the hell is your problem?”

Kagome huffed and shut the elevator. She rounded on him and poked her finger into his well muscled chest. “What the hell was the point of that little show in there?”

Bankotsu smacked her finger away and glared at her with their noses touching. “That stupid mutt started it. I just finished it. “

She stepped back and rubbed her temples. “That was their home you jerk.” You don’t barge into a person’s home and start tearing shit up.” She turned her back to him.

He scoffed. “Well he didn’t have to be such a jackass.” He turned his back to her and they stood in stony silence.

‘At least it’s quiet for once.’ Jakotsu sighed and stared at the ceiling.

The remainder of the elevator ride was quiet. When the elevator dinged the three exited the cart and walked over to their cars.


A/N: So, that’s chapter Seventeen. As you can see Ban/Kag still have some issues to work through. Anyways enjoy everyone.