InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Worst Nightmare ❯ Strike Three ( Chapter 18 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own the Inuyasha characters. I do own this plot line and the OCS.

Strike Three:

His eyes tinted red as a growl ripped past his lips.

“Now you listen to me dog shit, if Kagome asked for your help the least you can do is get of your fucking high horse and help her!”

Inuyasha snorted. “That bastard nearly destroyed my office! Not to mention he upset my pregnant wife.”

“I don’t give a flying fuck what he did. She asked for your help, so get off your ass and help her!”

“Like hell I will!”

He sighed heavily. “She chose him to handle it, so fucking let him do it. She better not come crying to me when he just lets her down again either.”

The phone being slammed down followed by a loud dial tone rang clear in the air.

He yanked the cell phone away from his ear and snarled. His hand tightened into a fist and the phone crumbled to pieces in his bare hand.

He punched the wall behind him. “Damnit,” Imagining it was the hanyou’s face he punched the wall a few more times and then felt a tiny fraction better.

“Useless hanyou… Should have known he’d never lift a finger to help her. What was she thinking even asking him?”

He slammed his back against the wall and struck a match. After a few puffs of his cigarette he sighed heavily and his eyes returned to their deep blue color.

He pulled the cigarette away from his mouth and blew circles. ‘One thing is for sure… if she went to dog shit for help then she must be getting desperate.’

He sighed heavily and inhaled again. After a deep drag off his ciggy he sighed and stared at the shattered phone by his feet. ‘Ah fuck, now I got to get another one. What a drag.’

He inhaled again.

Ginta walked around the corner and stared at the remnants of Kouga’s phone. “Again?”

Kouga shrugged and inhaled again.

Ginta shook his head. “Well that explains why we couldn’t get a hold of you.”

Kouga stood erect. “Find something?”

Ginta nodded. “Yup, it seems a former comrade of Bankotsu’s got his hands on Kagome’s kids.”

Kouga’s eyes widened and then narrowed. His nostrils flared and his claws flexed.

“What did you say?”

Ginta swallowed nervously. “It seems he’s demanding a ransom for the kids.”

Kouga snarled and his eyes rimmed red around the blue.

His voice was inhuman. “Who is?”

Ginta backed a few steps away and sweat formed on his forehead. “R… Renkotsu.”

Kouga snarled and his fangs elongated. “That pyromaniac dares threaten Kagome’s kids?”

Ginta whimpered. “All we could find out about it is the exchange is supposed to happen sometime tonight.”

Kouga’s lips pulled back and anger shook through his body. ‘That bastard Renkotsu and his gang die tonight!’ He punched the wall and left bricks crumbled on the pavement. The look in his eyes was murder.

“Call a meeting, now!”

Ginta’s tail tucked between his legs and he backed away with wide eyes. “Y… yes sir,” He ran off into the hideout and started calling each of the boys.

Kouga’s body shook from the force of his anger as he seethed. ‘No one threatens Kagome or her kids and lives.’


Bankotsu glared at the phone tucked into the dashboard. “You’re telling me you still can’t find him?”

Jakotsu sighed. “Remember Bank, he has Mukotsu and the rest working for him.”

Bankotsu snorted.

“Which means Mukotsu is likely jamming any tracking methods.”

Bankotsu gripped the wheel so tight he almost snapped it. “Fuck!” He punched the steering column.

It shattered as his fist fell through. Kagome’s eyes narrowed at him and she slapped him upside the head. “Hey! I’m still paying for this car.”

Bankotsu rolled his eyes. “Quit whining, I’ll get you a new one.”

He turned his attention back to the road and yanked the wheel hard to the right. The tires squealed. Kagome’s eyes widened and she grabbed the handle in the roof.

“Bankotsu slow down a little, before you get us killed.”

He snorted and stared at the phone. “Keep trying Jakotsu, and get ready for later tonight.” He punched the phone off and yanked the wheel to the left, slamming his foot down on the gas.

Kagome’s eyes widened more.

“Are you crazy?”

Bankotsu slammed the brakes on, coming to stop in the parking lot.

Kagome flung her door open and got out kissing the ground.

Bankotsu rolled his eyes. “Stop acting like a damned drama queen.” He grabbed her by the arm and hauled her to her feet.

She tore her arm from his grasp and slapped him.

“You could have gotten us both killed!”

Bankotsu rolled his eyes. “No I wouldn’t have. Now let’s get this shit over with.” He led her towards the door.

She snorted. ‘My thoughts exactly,’ She opened the door and walked up to the desk.

“Hey Nico.”

“Oh, hello Kagome. What can I do for you?”

She smiled. “Is Hojo in?”

The clerk raised his brow. “You’re looking for the boss man?”

She smiled. “Yup. I was wondering if he was free for lunch today.”

Bankotsu glared at her.

Kagome ignored the eyes burning into her back.

Nico sighed in disappointment. “And for once I thought you came to see me.”

Kagome blinked. “Sorry Nico, maybe some other time?”

Bankotsu cleared his throat loudly. “Excuse me?”

She elbowed his ribs. “So is he in?”

Nico sighed heavily. “Sorry, boss man stepped out about an hour ago, saying he had a big date tonight that he couldn’t miss.” He shrugged.

Kagome frowned. “But it’s Wednesday... I though Hojo only went out on weekends?”

Nic shrugged. “Since you two busted up, he’s been dating a lot.”

“What?” Bankotsu snagged her arm and spun her to face him. His eyes narrowed at her. “When were you planning to tell me you used to date this Hobo?”

She broke his hold and hissed. “It isn’t any of your business! Remember?”

She stomped off out the door after muttering, “Thanks anyways Nico.”

Bankotsu stormed after her and snagged her by the arm, pulling her back to him.

“It sure as hell is my business. In case you’ve forgotten those are my kids in danger.”

She slapped him. “They are my kids too and Hojo would never do anything to hurt them. He isn’t like that!”

Bankotsu growled and led her to the car, not letting go of her this time.

“Someone sure as shit would and has! Get in the car so we can get the money and go.”

He slammed her door as soon as she was belted in. He walked around the car and slammed his door.

“You better pray your precious Hojo didn’t endanger the ids, or I will destroy him.”

He revved the engine and tore out of the lot heading towards Sesshomaru’s.

Kagome snapped. “He isn’t my precious Hojo.” She turned in her seat and glared at the man beside her.

“Besides that was over a year ago.” She gripped the roof bar again. “Slow the fuck down before someone gets killed.”

He snorted. “The only ones dying tonight are Renkotsu and whoever the fuck he’s in cahoots with.”

Jakotsu blinked as the tires screeched and his brother came to a halt.

Kagome jumped out of the car. “You’re insane, you know that? You drive like a fucking lunatic.” She snatched her keys. “I drive tonight and that’s final. If you don’t like that, ride with your brother.”

She flipped her hair over her shoulder and stomped up the walkway.

Sesshomaru opened the door. “Right on time I see.”

She huffed. “Is the money ready?”

He nodded and led her to his office. He opened the safe and pulled out the bag. After recounting the money he nodded and passed it to her.

She sighed. “Thanks again Sesshomaru. I don’t know how I’m ever going to repay you for this.”

Sesshomaru patted her hand. “Just worry about getting your kids back for now. We will handle the rest later.”

She bowed to him. She hugged him and whispered, “Thank you.”

He nodded and led her to the door.

Bankotsu was passed the money and he led her to the car.

She got in the driver’s seat and snapped her belt in place. She stared at Bankotsu. “Are you riding with me or him?”

Bankotsu sighed and got into the passenger’s seat. He placed the money at his feet and sighed. Pulling out Banryu he checked that it was loaded and nodded.

She started the engine and pulled onto the road.


Sesshomaru walked into his office and picked up the phone. He sighed heavily and dialed a number.

“So it’s really going down, eh?”

“They just left. You had better make sure she and the kids are unharmed.” The threat rang clear in his voice.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m going.”

Sesshomaru sighed and hung up the phone. His hand went to rub the bridge of his nose. ‘Imbecile.’


A/N: Wow, it’s hard to believe there are only four more chapters {including the epilogue} left. Okay all that’s chapter eighteen. Please read and review, thanks XD