InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Worst Nightmare ❯ Showdown Pt I ( Chapter 19 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own the Inuyasha characters. I do own this plot line and the OCS.

Showdown Pt I:

Bankotsu sighed. "Remember Ja, stay in your car and hang back until I give the signal."

Kagome added seriously, "Once the kids are safe, I don't care what you two do to Renkotsu and his goons. At this point all I care about is getting my babies back."

Jakotsu agreed, "Understood. You two be careful." The dial tone rang in their ears.

Bankotsu hung up the car phone and raised a brow. He turned to face Kagome. "What? You don't care about my safety?"

She sighed. "Of course I care, but I know that you can defend yourself… they can't." She squeezed the wheel tight and bit her lower lip.

Bankotsu covered her hand with his and lightly squeezed it. "We will get the kids back Kags, I promise."

She nodded and forced a few deep breaths. "Thanks." She turned around the corner and headed toward the final stretch. "We will be at the docks in about fifteen minutes."

Bankotsu rechecked Banryu and nodded. He slipped the gun back into his pants at the small of his back. "Let's do this, babe."

She placed a slightly trembling hand on her stomach and nodded. 'Hang on babies; we're coming to get you.' She took a deep breath and forced her nervous feelings under tight lock and key.

A few minutes later she parked the car by the bridge and cut the engine. She checked her gun to make sure it was ready and then took a deep breath. She looked at Bankotsu.

"You ready?"

She nodded and opened her door.

He picked up the money bag and handed it to her.

They stepped out of the car.

"That's far enough. Raise your hands, slowly."

Bankotsu glared t the man. "I see you're still his lackey, eh Gin?"

Ginkotsu shrugged. "What can I say, except the pay is good." He grinned.

"Kyokotsu, go search him."

Kyokotsu nodded and did so.

Kyokotsu pulled out a hunting knife. "That's it, he's clean."

Ginkotsu snorted. "Gave up on Banryu, eh?"

Bankotsu shrugged. "Knives seem to be messier." He smirked.

Kyokotsu stepped over and searched Kagome pulling out one gun and one spare clip.

Bankotsu growled. "Yo hentai, I think you've defiled her body enough, don't you?"

Kyokotsu grinned giving her breasts a good squeeze and shrugged. He turned to Ginkotsu. "They're clean now."

Kagome snorted. "Same old pervert."

Kyokotsu sent her a lecherous grin. "You know it."

Bankotsu shoved him away from Kagome. "I'm warning you bastards; keep your hands off her!"

Ginkotsu chuckled. "This way," He pointed towards the buildings with his gun.

Bankotsu pulled Kagome into his arms and led her in the direction they were told to go.

Her arms tightened around the bag. "I want to see my babies, now!"

Ginkotsu chuckled. "You will soon enough." Using the gun he ushered them inside.

They walked into the building and Kagome stomped her foot. "I'm not doing anything else until I know and see for myself that my babies are unharmed!"

Renkotsu chuckled and stepped out of the shadows. "That figures." He turned behind him. "Bring them out."

A minute later the twins were ushered into the open by a man in black slacks and a white button up shirt. "HelloKagome."


Kagome's eyes went wide as saucers and she began to tremble. "How could you?" Her brown eyes filled with shock. Her bottom lip trembled. "I trusted you." Her eyes watered but no tears fell.

The man scoffed and shoved the kids forward. "Move it, brats."

Arashi's brown eyes narrowed up at the big bully and lit with defiance. He kicked the man's shin. "You meanie-head, stop shoving my sister!"

Akari whimpered and hugged her brother. "Don't hurt us." The plea in her voice tugged at Kagome's heart.

Kagome's eyes narrowed at the man who had betrayed her. She growled. "Take your hands off my kids, Hojo!"

He chuckled evilly. "And here I thought you might be… grateful for me keeping them unharmed."

Her entire body shook with the force of her anger. "If you touch them again, I'm going to - " She growled and took a menacing step towards him.

Bankotsu placed a hand on her arm. "Stay back."

She snorted but stayed by his side glaring at her ex boyfriend.

Bankotsu glared at his former in command. "Let the kids go."

Renkotsu chuckled. He pushed the kids. "Go on brats, run to your mommy."

Arashi grit his teeth but grabbed his sister's hand and they ran over to their mommy.

Kagome fell to her knees opening her arms wide.

Akari threw herself into her mother's arms with tears running down her face. "Mommy, we missed you so much!"

Kagome held her twins to her and kissed the tops of their heads. She whispered. "Shh it's okay. You're safe now." Her arms tightened reassuringly around her precious children.

Bankotsu watched mother and children reunite and felt a pang of jealousy in his chest.

He knew they were far from safe yet. He placed a firm hand on Kagome's shoulder.

She nodded and stood up, each twin holding a hand as they stood beside her. Akari grabbed her mommy's leg with her free arm and shook.

Bankotsu kicked the bag of money by his foot. "Here is what you want Renkotsu, let Kagome and her kids go."

Renkotsu snorted. "Don't pretend you don't know they are your kids." He sneered. "It's plain as day now that I see you beside them."

Bankotsu clenched his fist. "Here's your blood money. Now, let them go. This is between you and me."

Renkotsu cackled. "Actually it's not." He nodded.

The kids were ripped away from Kagome and dragged back to Renkotsu's side. Arashi was shoved towards Hojo by Mukotsu. A knife was placed at Akari's little throat.

"Here take the brat."

Hojo grabbed the boy by the arms and grinned.

Her eyes went wide and she cried. "Mommy, help me." Tears spilled down her cheeks and her body trembled with fear.

Kagome was held back by Ginkotsu despite her kicking and thrashing around.

"Let me go bastard. Don't you dare hurt them! They're just innocent children!"

Bankotsu was being restrained by Kyokotsu.

Arashi grit his tiny jaw and slammed the back of his head into Hojo.

Hojo's eyes widened and he doubled over grabbing his family jewels. "You stupid brat."

"Let my sister go!" Arashi dove at Suikotsu's leg, sinking his teeth to the bone.

Suikotsu kicked his leg trying to shake the kid loose to no avail. "Fuck that hurts! Get off!"

Akari's neck bled a little as the blade nicked her, but she managed to wiggle free and dove over to her brother crying.


She pleaded with the bad man. "Don't hurt him."

Bankotsu elbowed and then punched Kyokotsu in the stomach and tackled him to the floor, slipping Banryu out. He blew a hole in Kyokotsu's stomach and turned to fire at Suikotsu.

Suikotsu was poised to punch the kid off his leg. He stumbled back holding his chest and gasped. Blood poured from the hole in his chest and he fell back with a loud thud.

Before the large man fell, Arashi ripped his mouth free and held his sister's hand, running for cover.

Kagome broke Ginkotsu's nose head butting him and stomped his foot, freeing herself. She pulled out her gun and fired at Hojo who was already chasing her kids.

"Get back here you coward!" She tore off after him.

Bankotsu picked up his hunting knife and rolled to avoid Renkotsu's bullets. He stopped behind a steel crate and went up on his knees. He fired till Banryu was empty, taking out targets as fast as they appeared.

When Banryu was empty he ejected the clip and slammed a new one in. He shot the bag and bluish gray smoke filled the room. A bright yellow flare shot into the air.

Coughing Renkotsu dove for the money bag. "Blow the building up as soon as I am clear."

Bankotsu tore off after Renkotsu. 'No you don't fucker.'


Seeing his brother's signal Jakotsu cursed and stomped on the gas, flying towards the docks. His heart slammed against his chest. He yanked the steering wheel to the left and the tires screeched as he went around the corner.

'Hang on guys, I'm on my way.'

He yanked the wheel to the right rounding another corner. He stomped the gas. 'Please let me get there in time.'


Akari panted. "Arashi, I'm scared." Her legs burned like fire and she was covered in sweat. "Why is Mr. Hojo chasing us and why is he being so mean." She tightened her grip on her brother's hand as the tears flew from her eyes. 'I want my mommy.'

Arashi kicked another door open and dragged his sister by the arm. "Come on. We need to run faster Akari." His legs burned, but he was more worried about the man chasing them. He'd never really liked the guy anyways, but the man seemed to make his mommy happy so he had tolerated him.

Arashi dove behind a big metal box and covered his sister's mouth. "We got to be quiet," he whispered.

She stared at him with wide innocent eyes and nodded. They huddled together trying to make their bodies as small as possible and shook with their hearts thumping wildly in their chests.

Arashi held his sister. 'I won't let him hurt her.'

Ashen faced Akari clung to her brother feeling a little safer but still confused. 'Mommy I hope you find us soon.'


"Fucking brats, get back here!" Hojo ran after the kids and cursed how fast they were. 'When I get a hold of that little bastard, I'm going to beat him senseless.'

He kicked the door open and grunted. 'Little prick is smarter than I expected. Where did they get to?' He stopped running and began walking as he surveyed the grounds.

"Come on out kids, I'm not going to hurt you." He snorted. 'Much.'


Kagome followed Hojo through two doors and to the outside. "Get back here and face me, you bastard!" She fired a warning shot into the air and continued chasing him.

Her face was red with anger and her adrenaline was coursing through her veins like a rocket into space.

"Hojo, don't you dare harm one hair on their heads!"


Bankotsu tackled Renkotsu and punched him in the face. "You're fucking dead!" He slammed Renkotsu's gun hand on the ground, breaking Renkotsu's wrist and forcing him to let the gun go.

He smacked the gun away and grabbed Renkotsu by the collar. He threw him against one the metal boxes and moved in for a punch.

Renkotsu winced and ducked the punch, throwing one of his own.

"No, you are," He whipped out a out the front switchblade and swiped towards his former leader. Grey eyes filled with pure hatred. "Die!"

Bankotsu jumped back and swept his leg, barely missing Renkotsu's legs. Bankotsu smirked and started throwing rapid punches, which quickly had Renkotsu back-peddling.

Bankotsu cracked his fists as he advanced. His tone was icy and unforgiving. "You're going to pay dearly for ever dragging my kids into this."

He waited for Renkotsu to try to cut him again. Bankotsu slapped the hand holding the knife. He ripped the knife out of Renkotsu's hand and stabbed it into his ribs.

Renkotsu's eyes widened and he screamed in pain.

Bankotsu ripped the knife out and kicked it under the container.

Renkotsu screamed and lunged for the handle of Bankotsu's hunting knife which was sticking out of the front of his jeans.

Teeth gleamed white. He pulled the knife loose and moved to thrust it forward. "Now die!"

Bankotsu grinned. "Wrong move," Bankotsu stopped his hand and wrenched his wrist forcing him to drop the knife.

Bankotsu kicked that one under the container too.

Renkotsu cried out and cradled his wrist, eyes filled with defiance. "This isn't over yet."

"Now it's just you and me." He cracked his fist. "Come on, baldy. Take your best shot, because it's the only one you will get." A sinister smirk crossed his lips and his blue eyes filled with determination.


A/N: That's if for nineteen. Whew, looks like the climax has finally begun, huh? *grins* Tune in next time to find out what happens next. As always reviews are appreciated. XD