InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Worst than the Twilight Zone ❯ Trouble ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter one: Trouble.
"Inuyasha! Where are you hiding? Damnit he ran away again" yelled Queen Kikyo.
Her deep brown eyes flickering with nothing but hatred in them, she was going to kill that rebellious dog if and when she'd found him. The other servants all stood still as Kikyo snap her whip around. Storming down the once grand hallways. Since Kikyo taken power, the castle was a very grim place indeed.
Everything had a dark and melancholy theme to it. Black, midnight blue, and royal purple were constantly used in a variety of patterns around the castle. Kikyo had order a search party to go looking for her lost servant. Though no one saw what the big deal was, Kikyo had many "personal" servants however Inuyasha seemed to be her favorite one, rebellious as he was.
"Naraku, have you found him yet," asked the irked queen.
"No, my queen I have not, nor has Sesshomaru," stated Naraku with a low bow.
"Then don't just stand there go find him," yelled Kikyo.
"At once," Naraku said as he began to leave.
"Wait go bring Sesshomaru too me," Kikyo order.
"Yes my queen," as Naraku sped off. A light evil smirk crept its way to the queen's face as she curled her whip to her side and stomped back to her bedroom.
Four years ago, Kikyo learnt that Inuyasha had an older half brother named Sesshomaru. True having Inuyasha was enough to keep anyone on their toes but greediness played a role in Kikyo's personality.
It had been hard but they finally capture the arrogant dog-demon and harder still was to teach him to obey her. He couldn't believe that his own adopted daughter sold him out to the queen for male slaves of her own, a bigger house, and a nice shiny white stallion. If he ever escape there would be hell to pay.
The queen and her kingdom had become so corrupted. Everyone was out for his or her own greedy needs and personal gains. After months of death threats, running away, and fighting, Sesshomaru finally gave in physically to Kikyo but just like his younger brother, he hated her guts mentally.
"You called," came the monotone of Sesshomaru behind the queen's door.
"Come in Sesshomaru and lock the doors behind you," Kikyo called.
Sesshomaru knew at once, what she wanted from him and he mentally sighed. He hated his life as Kikyo usher him towards the bed. Sesshomaru knelt down on his knees. He had done this many times before he knew what he had to do.
"Undress me Sesshomaru" Kikyo ordered him coolly.
Sesshomaru nodded trying to look like he was interested in the task. While he began praising over her nude body once she was free of ever stitch of clothing, not really meaning any of the Bull shit but whatever kept him in good health worked for him. Using his claws to tease her breasts while licking her naval and working upwards towards her breasts. Kikyo letting out soft moans and groans from all of Sesshomaru's actions.
"Good boy Sesshomaru serve you queen," Kikyo hissed out.
Sesshomaru not wanting to hear anymore demands from her started to suck one of her erect nipples. Kikyo let out a low groan feeling his warm mouth over her breast. It seems there was some pleasure for Sesshomaru in all this he could shut Kikyo up.
Kikyo arched up in Sesshomaru's hold as Sesshomaru laid the queen on her bed. Switching to her other nipple as Kikyo hiss out more praises to him while reaching down for his barely erect member.
`What's the matter with him now? He should be rock hard by now,' thought Kikyo.
Sesshomaru was slightly panting now as Kikyo never too her eyes off him.
`He must be faking it again. I'll show him.'
Sesshomaru prepared himself for tasting Kikyo's wetness. Her arousal was making him sick to his stomach but it was either this or getting dragged back to "the hole." He kissed his way down to her naval as Kikyo pushed her hip up successful getting Sesshomaru to taste her.
"Go on Sesshomaru you know what to do."
Sesshomaru licked his lips and started licking her wetness as Kikyo groan out. Tugging on his long silver hair holding him where she wanted him. Sesshomaru knew he wouldn't be able to come up for air for a while as he continued licking and nipping on Kikyo's jewel.
Just then a knocked came on the door stopping all actions. Kikyo let out a frustrated growl. As Sesshomaru started to celebrate in his head, he was free from his task for now as least.
"Who is it," snapped Kikyo.
"It's me your highness Yura," said the scared to death servant. She too was a demon and she could smell what was going on behind the room.
She felt sorry for Sesshomaru who she had a deep crush on every since she had first seen him. There was something about his fine silky strands that just turned her on.
"What do you want Yura," demanded the queen.
"They have found Inuyasha your highness and they have taken him to your throne room," Yura said in a rush.
"Inuyasha is back, I see. Well done Yura go tell them I will be there in a minute," Kikyo stated.
"Yes your highness," Yura stated as she left the hall in a rush.
"Am I no longer needed my queen," ask Sesshomaru trying to sound sorry about the whole deal.
"No, you will help me in the shower Sesshomaru. I cannot go out there like this. Come," demanded Kikyo.
"Yes my queen," Sesshomaru stated. `Lucky me' dryly thought Sesshomaru.
Sesshomaru closed the bathroom door behind him, started the water, and undress to begin his task.
An hour later Kikyo appeared at her throne room in a deep purple grown her crown fixed on top of her hair. Inuyasha let out a small whimper the look on Kikyo's face was not a happy one. He was going to get it this time.
"Bring him down to the punishment chamber. I'll deal with him there" Kikyo stated never taking her eyes of the still struggling hanyou.
The ten servants dragged the kicking, swearing, and screaming Inuyasha along. Kikyo let out an evil smirk now she would have her way with Inuyasha. Sesshomaru was always so dull and wasn't any fun at all like he used to.
That half hour in the shower with him, seem to drag on and on. However, she got him to climax twice before it was over. She sat on her throne thinking of all the wonderful things she could do to teach Inuyasha what happen when her pets run away.
"I'm so screwed," Inuyasha said out loud to himself.
Kikyo was keeping him waiting, which was a very bad thing. She was probably going to make another slave collar on him or worst another rosary. He knew he was going to get beaten for this he just wanted to be done with it already. His eyes still couldn't adjust to the dim-lighted room. He being hung from his wrist while his ankles were tied together.
He had managed to get the gag from out his mouth but he couldn't flex out his claws or bite away at the chains that held him. Besides the sutras, burn him every time he tired to wiggling his way out.
Finally, his ears picked up soft but firm footsteps headed his way. The huge doors were opened and then slammed shut. Inuyasha allowed a light shiver to enter him; it was Kikyo. She had on one her best evil smirks as she carried a huge box she set it down on a table near by.
"So my little puppy trying to escape me again are you," Kikyo jeered out. Inuyasha met her eyes with burning desire to rip hers out.
"Not happy to be back I see. Well I'll fix that. I can't believe you were dumb enough to steal yourself in a crate only for that crate to be sent here." Kikyo said and let out a laugh.
"You really are a silly puppy. However you going to learn how to obey me your queen." Kikyo said with a smile while pulling two handfuls of Inuyasha's hair so she could have eye-to-eye contract with him.
Inuyasha struggled against her hold he couldn't smell his brother's scent still on her. He really didn't want to smell her disgusting scent.
Kikyo gave him a slap across the face as she pulled on one of his ear with such forced it made him give out a yelp.
"You will obey me Inuyasha even if I have to beat you black and blue. You will mine me like all of my pets. You understand," Kikyo said roughly in his now sore ear.
"I'll never be your sex slave Kikyo. I detest you, you sick demented witch," Inuyasha yelled.
"How dare you. You low life whore," Kikyo said as she kneed him hard in the crotch Inuyasha let up a yelp of pain.
"You will give yourself to me Inuyasha I'll make you mine by any means necessary," sneered Kikyo.
Kikyo went to a locked cupboard and took out a knife. Now Inuyasha was trembling he knew what was coming now. He wouldn't be able to sit straight or walk right for days. Kikyo saw the slight fear in his eyes and smirked. He was scared, now she had him now right where she wanted him.
Kikyo slice opened Inuyasha's shirt reliving all his tight muscles. Inuyasha eyes went wide with pain as she made a small cut across his chest. `What the hell is she doing to me? She just cut me! Damn please don't let her cut something important.
Wait she wouldn't cut THAT off would she!?! No, that's what she wants. Damn she could cut my hair like last time,' thought Inuyasha.
Kikyo when she dragged the knife across his back. Inuyasha let out a sharp hiss of pain as Kikyo laughed darkly and put down the bloody knife. Yet, not before giving him a quick prick in the ass with it cause him to swing out in pain. No to mention the pain he was additionally given in his wrist and ankles due to the sutras.
“Don't worry my little pet. I'm not go to cut you anymore. Those are by some of the many scars that I'll make sure won't heal right," Kikyo jeered from behind his ear.
Kikyo went over to the rack to take out a thick long whip. She snap it a few time near him.
`Fuck. Here it come,' thought Inuyasha.
"This is all your fault Inuyasha. We wouldn't be in here if it wasn't for you. All you had to do was give me what I wanted and what I want is you," Kikyo said too sweetly while stroking the side of his face with one hand.
He knew better however…
"I hate hurting you Inuyasha just so you know," stated Kikyo with a frown.
`I bet you do, you psycho bitch,' thought Inuyasha.
Kikyo picked up the knife again shredding his pants, his member getting slightly hard due to the cool air contacting it.
"Well at least some parts of you body know how to act in front of your queen," Kikyo said.
"IT doesn't have a choice bitch," Inuyasha stated through gritted teeth.
"So rude! Have it your way my little stubborn puppy," Kikyo stated though fierce eyes.
She swung the whip and struck him across the back Inuyasha cried out in pain. This pattern kept up for a good ten minutes as Kikyo switched hands and continued on. She was barking stuff at him but he couldn't make it out.
`Please just become unconscious,' he told himself.
His back and hair now a bloody mess and he was about to pass out from the pain. She would give up soon hopefully but Kikyo was one that could endure such psychically activity. Again, she stopped to see Inuyasha's tear- stricken face, Inuyasha was panting.
"You going to give me what I want now Inuyasha? You going to be a good puppy now and obey me? You not going to run away anymore from your queen," Kikyo ask wiping his tears away with her hand.
"Please," was Inuyasha's weak beg.
"This wouldn't happen if you were a good pet," said Kikyo flatly.
Inuyasha let out a growl this was degrading the old queen wouldn't have treated him as such. This bitch had to die but he knew he couldn't kill her. Kikyo had so many spies on her side; she was hard to kill because of that plus she had studied the way of the miko.
"Tell me Inuyasha and I'll stop beating you. Tell me you'll give yourself fully to me and I'll stop. I don't like seeing you like this. I don't want to abuse my little pet anymore," Kikyo said with a sigh, kissing his jaw, stroking his ears, trying to seduce Inuyasha.
"Tell me Inuyasha, tell your queen what she wants to really hear and I'll make the pain go away," Kikyo cooed at him.
`I'll never lower myself to this bitch. She can do her worst. I'll never be the boy toy she wants me to be' Inuyasha thought releasing an animalist growl.
"I'll never let you have your way with me Kikyo! I don't care how many time you beat me! I'll never give in to your demented sexually fantasies! Let Naraku or that asshole Sesshomaru be your sex servants," Inuyasha growled out.
Kikyo eyes flared with pure malice for a second at the hanyou, even though no matter how much Inuyasha made her mad it always turn her on. She knew he wasn't an easy one to seduce there was no way she would ever have him fully.
That's what she liked about the hanyou; he never gave up. She smirked evilly; no matter she loved seeing him crying out in pain. For the sweetest pleasure was pain. It would be better if it was in pleasure but this was the next best thing.
"So you won't obey me Inuyasha," Kikyo said with fury.
"Well I guess I well have to beat you black and blue. (Smugly) Since you don't care how many times I beat you," said Kikyo curling the whip again but now she was in front of him.
Crack! The whip snapped against his bare chest making his nearly healed cut from the knife open back up only this time making it deeper.
The blows went on, as Inuyasha face was screw up in pain. Kikyo went up and down his body now. Inuyasha was screaming out in pain now however he wasn't going to beg her to stop. Not even when the whip made contract with both his ears did he scream out in pain.
He knew that's what Kikyo wanted to hear; she loved it when he begged her to stop. This time it was different he wasn't going to begging and plead for her to stop. He wasn't weak anymore this had gone on long enough he wasn't going to yield to Kikyo anymore. He wanted to be free. Free from all the pain. Finally, Kikyo yield the whip.
Inuyasha could smell frustration in her aura and smirk licking some of the blood from his around his mouth. Sweat and blood pour from off his naked body, which pooled beneath him on the floor as he panted heavily with a smug look on his face.
Kikyo let out a growl smacking him hard across the face earning a yelp for him. She unlock her the box she brought and then closed it back up. She unchained Inuyasha as his sore, bloody, and scarred body hit the floor with loud thump and splash.
She replaced the chain around his ankles for shackles that had embedded rosary around them. Inuyasha was too weak to do anything but breathe at this point as he laid in the pool of blood.
"It seems Inuyasha that I will have to take very drastic measures to teach you a lesson. After tonight, you won't ever run away again. I will have you," Kikyo stated with determination.
Kikyo went back to the box and took out one of the objects. When Inuyasha caught sight of it, he wiggle away from Kikyo in fear.
"Like there anywhere you can go Inuyasha," Kikyo said with a smile.
Now he broke in fear sheer fear. The beatings was one thing but this! Each and every ounce of courage, pride, and rebelling nerve in his system shutdown at that moment. Now he had to beg.
"No, your highness please, I'll do whatever you want. Please don't." Inuyasha said sounding like a small child.
His voice cracking, tears well up in his eyes, his whole body shaking in fear. There was nothing more degrading than this for a male. Tonight Kikyo would have her way with him.