InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Worst than the Twilight Zone ❯ Guests ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter two: Guests.


Inuyasha woke up on his sleeping mat that was below Kikyo's bed. He tried to turn his head but it still hurt. Besides Kikyo reattached the leash and collar around his neck. He sighed in sheer defeated that was probably how she got Sesshomaru to obey her. He was sore all over especially the ears and his whole lower region. Just like Kikyo said, his scars didn't heal well.


The scars from last night would never leave his body. His back itched but it was nothing he could do about it. He was still tired and in pain, last night was the worst night of his life. His stupid body may had giving in to her, due to her evil miko skills but mentally he never let Kikyo have her way. He had put up a good fight but Kikyo was just too strong.


He forced his way up in a sitting position so he could look at the slumbering queen. Naraku still by her side, Inuyasha shudder he could never erased all the stuff he was forced to suffer last night. If only he could get Kikyo to let go of the leashed around his neck.


He was cold and wanted some clothes on. He began tugging gently on the chain. Kikyo groan and rolled over choking Inuyasha to her side. Inuyasha struggled against the Kikyo tighter hold rocking against the bed.


"Stay still puppy," Kikyo gritted through her teeth. She was drained of all energy and today Kagome her trusted advisor was coming along with Sango who was the head of her entire royal army. "But mistress Kikyo you're chocking me. Please let me breath," Inuyasha cried out weakly. Kikyo rolled over with still with a strong hold on Inuyasha's leash smiling down at him.


"Give your queen and mistress a kiss my puppy," Kikyo order. Inuyasha obeyed as Kikyo began scratching his ears. "Mmm that's a good boy. Naraku wake up! It time for my morning bath," Kikyo stated smiling at Inuyasha still petting him. "You're going to help me my little pet. Naraku I said get up and get out," Kikyo said as he pushed the other hanyou off the bed. "Huh," asked the dazed hanyou.


"Get out," Kikyo order coldly. "What did I do? Whatever I did, I make it up to you my queen. Please give me another chance. I'll do everything you want. Just like last night with Inuyasha. I did everything you told me to do to him," Naraku said with a painful expression on his face.


Inuyasha's stomach turn until last night, he had never had that kind of sexual experience. Being beaten, raped, and forced to have pleasure twice in a row all in the same night had taken a toll in his pride and ego. He would never forgive either Kikyo or Naraku for what they done to him last night.


Out of all her sexual servants, Naraku was the only one who actually love her; however for some reason Kikyo detested the poor raven-haired hanyou. He was too passive for her taste she like guys who gave her a fight like Inuyasha and his brother Sesshomaru. "Don't make me say it again Naraku," Kikyo spat out. "Forgive me my queen," Naraku gather his clothing and left the room.


"Now on to the bath chamber come along my pet," Kikyo said too cheerfully. Inuyasha crawled on all fours his shackles while clanking along beside her towards the bathroom. "Start the water boy," was the next order. Inuyasha started to get up off his knees but Kikyo yanked his chain making him grasp out and hit the floor.


"Remember what I said last night you will have to earn you way back to where and what you were. You shall remind naked, chained and on your hands and knees at all times. Like the disobedient dog you are," Kikyo said while giving him a light yank. "Forgive me queen Kikyo," Inuyasha said with big round puppy dog eyes. Kikyo gave him a light kick towards the pool shaped bathtub.


It took some time since he was on his knees to reach up and turn the water on first get burnt by the hot water than attacked by the cold water. Kikyo laughed at the distressed hanyou and finally helped him out. Today was too important to miss. There could be a war about to start or worst a rebellion. Her spies had told her that a lot of people weren't happy with the new tax laws, but she had a grand kingdom to run and their cries were all futile to her.


Kikyo got into the deep wide tub with Inuyasha her eyes full of lust. `No not again! I did it with you so many time last night, then with Naraku, and both! No that was all forced with Naraku and you. You bitch! You had me raped by that baboon after what you did to me! Will you ever leave my ears alone? You know their are sore. Gods I hate you! Keep smiling Inuyasha don't fight her it will just get worst. Yeah I know. Look what she did to us last night,' Inuyasha thought trying to remain calm.


"Bath me my sexy lit' pup." Kikyo said trying to sound sexy herself. Inuyasha slid over the bath oils, soap, and washcloth towards him with his mouth. He knew he couldn't use his hands or he would face punishment. Everything he had to do was with his mouth. `This could be more entertaining than fucking his brains out,' thought Kikyo with a smile.


She finally won Inuyasha over physically at least she gotten his body and wild nature under her control. Taking him mentally would be a whole different task but she would have him just as sweet and tender as Naraku but not as passive. He would be her perfect doggie pet.


Inuyasha growled at a bottle of body oils he didn't want to bit into it just take the damn cap off. He finally pulled the cap of though the bottle dropped into the water. Inuyasha let out a series of swears making Kikyo laugh.


"Hurry up Inuyasha I really don't have all day to play with you," Kikyo said when she was done laughing. "Yes my queen," Inuyasha said as he came back up with the bottle a float. He pour what was left of the oil on the washcloth dog paddled his way back over to Kikyo. He started scrubbing her back using only his head and mouth.


Though some of it was going into his mouth making him gag out. He should have stuck with the soap but he really didn't want to deal with it. The chains around him making to hard to move in the bathtub not that Kikyo cared.


Kikyo's breasts bouncing up and down in front of him as he began to scrub them Kikyo letting out soft moans as she began stroking his sore member. Inuyasha started to groan out by her unwanted but so sudden touching. He began rubbing his head on her breast to make her stop touching him.


Kikyo retaliated by swimming over to the shallow side taking Inuyasha with her. Sitting with her legs spread out giving him a sexy and seductive smile. "Inuyasha I think you miss a spot. Come here and clean it good," Kikyo said in a lustful voice. Inuyasha went to go get the cloth but was pulled back.


"Clean it with your tongue," Kikyo stated. Inuyasha gave a quick nod and got down to business. As soon as his tongues came in contract within her folds, Kikyo let out a loud hiss. Her moans and yells of pleasure could be heard through both the bathroom door, her bedroom door, and into the halls. As Inuyasha steadily lapped up within her.


Kagome stood in her green and white business suit along with Sango who wore a white and pink trimmed tuxedo. They grew tired of waiting for the queen and went into the meeting room. Sango let out a blush when they all heard the moans of the queen. Kagome let out a huff, mumbling something, and sighing. "What is it Kagome," asked Sango.


"Oh nothing, Sango don't worry about it. I just think we will be sitting around for another hour or two," Kagome stated dryly. "Well can't say the queen doesn't use her personal servants well," Sango said with a blush. "Yes but there's a time for that and a time for business and I think the queen needs to know that we are here," Kagome said with another huff.


A few more minutes passes before Queen Kikyo appeared before them in a simple purple dress her hair done up with her crown fixed in the middle. Kagome let a faint smile grace her lips. She really didn't like queen. Everyone tried to flatter her by saying how she looked like Kikyo and every time Kagome would cringe on the inside. Kikyo was a clueless selfish bitch would couldn't rightly rule this kingdom if her life depended upon it.


The people of the kingdom were unhappy and violent plague the streets day in and day out. The few demons and hanyou left in the world didn't get along with the humans. As all three group were always fighting over land. The whole kingdom was like a zoo more than anything else. Chaos reign supreme and Kikyo just didn't care. Which is why rebellious groups were forming and wars were starting break out. Kagome sighed as the queen sat at the head of the table. She motion Sango to start the greetings.


"Good morning Queen Kikyo I trust you have kept in good health," Sango said in a productive voice. "I have," Kikyo said with a smirk. "My queen I hate to be so blunt, but the reason we are hear is our concern about the southern and eastern parts of your kingdom," Kagome said in a booming voice. She wanted to hurry up and go back to her palace being with Kikyo too long seem to suck the soul out of a person.


"Oh, and what about them," asked Kikyo with a bored tone. "Your majesty they at war again it seems over water supply and crops. Your kingdom really are in need these resources to help pay other resources and upgrades. If they villagers and hanyous keep destroying these resources than we afraid that we might fall into debt," Kagome said.


"Well send my armies to crush them both," Kikyo stated leaning back in her chair. "I have already sent some of my people down there however most of them were born in those regions and have betrayed you," Sango said. Kikyo eyebrow quirked at this, it was one thing for the people to be unhappy but when you didn't have an army that would obey you, then your pretty much in trouble. "I want them back Sango and hung up in the each and every town square," Kikyo declared.


"I'm afraid it isn't that easy my queen my troops are well train in nearly every tacit of war and are loyal to their comrades. They won't turn against one other," Sango said proudly. She had to admit even though she might also lose her head for this kind of talk and just as well be blame for this high act of treason against the queen she was proud of her troops.


"Then have some servants go and post awards poster about. For every head give the person two sacks of bread, three gallons of water, and five sacks of gold," Kikyo said monotone and added dryly, "You were the ones would said that a lot of my subjects are on hard times and need food and money. This is as much as I can help them." Kagome suppress her urge to bang her fist into the table.


Was the queen insane or just a spoiled fool? If it was that easy to tap into the extra supplies than the queen should just give the people want they wanted. After all there was a hefty, surplus of goods and food. Kagome had mentioned this before but the queen hadn't listen.

"My queen wouldn't it be best to just give the people these things now? You may as well tap into the royal surplus of food. No good is coming from all these rebellions and wars," Kagome said in an almost pleading voice.


"No, my economy would go down if I gave them food they wouldn't work for it thus the job markets would go down and no one would pay taxes. Then how would be able to pay back my debt to the other kingdoms," Kikyo stated as she threw her hands up and settle back down in her chair.


"Yes my queen I understand which is why I told you that remodeling this palace was a bad idea," Kagome stated. Kikyo quirked her eyebrow again. "What an awful thing to say," Kikyo exclaimed, and continued on, "Did you want me to go mad? Do you know what it is like living in a house that reminds you of all the love ones you lost? Surely you remember what I told you before of my need to remodel this frightful place!"


"Yes I remember and understand my queen only that I had wish you had waited a bit longer before," Kagome said holding back the frustrated sigh she so badly wanted to make.

Kikyo shook head and sadly stated, "No dear Kagome I couldn't have waited this old palace was quite gloomy you must understand. I wouldn't be able to rule with it staying the way it used to be. I would have gone quiet insane. Who then would have rule over my kingdom? Some inadequate man? Never! I am the only one, at this time, that is fit to rule this kingdom." Kikyo said with gruffness.


"I beg your pardon my queen for my boldness however, what do you hope to gain with such an unruly kingdom," Kagome asked with her eyebrow now quirked up. Before Kikyo could answer loud unsteady clanking could be heard outside the doors. Kikyo made a quick smirk before motioning the servants to open the door. Inuyasha then crawled fore pushing the teacart with his head.


Kagome and Sango stared uneasily at the naked hanyou as he made his way towards the queen. He let out a low yelp as the queen pulled his dog-like ears roughly. Another servant came and poured the tea and passed out huge slices of sweet bread to everyone. Then promptly left the room while the queen sipped at her tea and stroked Inuyasha's long hair.


Kagome looked at the poor hanyou and felt sorry for him. He was nothing but a plaything to the queen just like everyone else. She saw the number of scars he must have received from whips and burns. His body was in poor shaped and it looked as if he hadn't eaten in a while.


Judging by the way his eyes begged for some of the sweet cake to fall on the ground. Sango finally broke the short silence while looking at Inuyasha, "so my queen would you mind telling us what kind of hanyou you have here," Sango asked. Kikyo let out a smirk and bragged proudly, "He is a inu-hanyou also the younger brother of my other servant Sesshomaru."


"But why is he not dressed? It is most unbecoming looking at a naked hanyou while trying to eat," Kagome asked taking her eyes away from Inuyasha but letting some of her cake to fall to the floor. "It may be, but to answer your question before just like my kingdom this hanyou was also quite unruly," Kikyo started then pausing to take a sip of wine.


"He ran away many times from me forgetting that he was given to me by my mother. Though with tough love and strict discipline he follows my every command," Kikyo said as she roughly pulled on Inuyasha's ears again causing him to whimper out.


"I see however everyone in your kingdom as you are quite well aware aren't hanyous there either demons or humans," Kagome stated back letting more cake fall to the floor. Motioning Inuyasha to come to her so she can pet his poorly treated ears.


"Ah yes but they both need to know I rule over them and if they learn to behave I will make their poor little lives easier," Kikyo said allowing Inuyasha to crawl over to Kagome not noticing the crumbs of cake on the floor. "I see but what do they gain by you not feeding or in this hanyou's case not clothing them either. More and more lives are being lost due to these methods," Kagome said secretly feeding the famished hanyou.


"I love that boldness in you lady Kagome, therefore I'll answer your question, which is strength. They will all have strength after I am gone as well as pure faithfulness once I lend out my hand to help them," Kikyo stated, as that was the most common thing in the world to answer.


Kagome simply sighed it didn't matter how many times she tried to make Kikyo see the illogic in her "grand" plan. The idiot was just going to do what she wanted after all she was just a spoiled child underneath it all. She looked down at Inuyasha's sleeping form underneath her and smirked.


`What horrors did he face on a day-to-day basic with the queen,' she wondered? Perhaps the next time she came she could try to buy him off the queen or at least trade him. The poor hanyou didn't deserver the harsh treatment he was getting. True Kagome never even used her servants for any sexual purposes however; she felt herself drawn to the beaten half dog.


Sango let out a soft yawn, "My queen I'm afraid that me and lady Kagome should take our leave. We have most important tasks we need to do before the year is finish," Sango stated before rising and bowing to the queen. Kagome took her cue and did the same as the queen hugged and kissed the side of her face.


"Oh, I do wish you would stay lady Kagome you are like a younger sister to me," Kikyo pouted. Kagome tried not to gag but simply asked, "How much would want for this hanyou of yours my queen? I am interested in having him for my own." Kikyo looked at her nearly well trained dog slave and thought upon it.


"If you stay the night I will gladly think more on it," Kikyo said firmly. "That would be most kind of you my queen," Sango stated. "Come then I will let you pick out which guest room you wish to stay in," Kikyo said. She roughly pulled Inuyasha up by the hair as he unsteadily followed beside the queen.


Sango couldn't help but enjoy the view of Inuyasha's well-firmed butt. She was thinking of buying him off the queen as well. Though Kagome kept her eyes away from the hanyou butt and put her energy at burning a hole through the queen's head with her looks. `Your foolishness will be your downfall my unworthy queen,' Kagome thought as they were led down another hall.