InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Worst than the Twilight Zone ❯ Tears. ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter three: Tears, Inuyasha's hopes for freedom.

It had only been a few hours and Kagome arose from her bed. She had taken a quick bath and nap. That hanyou trouble her in many ways, first off why all those scars? Didn't most hanyous heal very fast? She sighed mentally she could hear the queen and the abused hanyou yells of pain and pleasure through her walls. She let out a groan. That poor boy! Surely he wasn't in to it fucking Kikyo was like fucking a dead corpse! It had to be and no man so have to go through that kind of horror. The queen was insane, cold, wicked, and spoiled. She would simply throw him out on the streets or trade him for a necklace once she was through using him in every way possible.

She so badly wanted to free that poor boy from his daily torment. That stupid girl of a queen, Kagome sat near the window replaying the words shared between her and the Kikyo. When did the great and lovely Kikyo plan on helping the people out? When there was hardly anyone to paint her palace and grow her flowers probably no doubt! She heard the last of the queen's screams of ecstasy and then a loud crash. Kagome raised her head from her folded hands. As she keened in through the walls and gasped, now wishing more and more she could save that poor boy.

~Inside Kikyo's chamber~

"I have had enough of you breaking things Inuyasha," Kikyo screaming inside his ears and gave him another hard slap to the face. Inuyasha yelped out in pain and tried to fight Kikyo's hold on him. She had weaken him greatly, as always, so he couldn't fight back. Otherwise he would have been broken her evil little neck and fled. She forced him back onto the bed face down and tied him roughly to each post so he couldn't move his arms or legs. Knowing something very unpleasant was about to happened to him Inuyasha did the only thing he could, beg. " Please my queen don't," Inuyasha pleaded. As beating, now could actually kill him though his main worry was that she was going to call that baboon Naraku in and engross more torture on him.

"You don't even know what I am going to do to you, my clumsy pet," Kikyo stated coldly. "Please," Inuyasha begged whimpering into the sheets. Kikyo straddled on the whimpering hanyou back rubbing his tense shoulders. "My poor pet how can I punish you if you keep begging like this. Oh I know," Kikyo said licking the back of one of Inuyasha's ears and taking it in her mouth. Inuyasha let out a soft purr, damn the queen had a skill with oral pleasure he'll give he that much. He was beginning to get tense and stiff in other areas as well. He growled out when she stopped and yelped out when she snapped a small whip against his lower back. "Hush, we can't always get what we want now can we. Well you can't," Kikyo said lustfully.

Kikyo stuck the base of her whip in Inuyasha's tight hole. Inuyasha yelled out in pain, that area was still sore from last night and he didn't at all enjoy anything being push in there. Kikyo just laughed coldly at him as she skillfully pumped the whip in and out of him. Inuyasha tried to gag himself with the covers to keep from screaming out but Kikyo kept his head lifted enjoying each and every yell from him. She continued till he collapsed breathing heavily on the covers. His eyes a dull amber, body covered in sweat, and butt sorer and redder from its latest abuse. She stroke his long silver hair and left him still chained to the bed. After a few hours, she would entertain herself with him some more. Right now, she wanted to walk around her lovely gardens.

~Kagome chamber~

She was rocking back and froth as she finally let out the last of her sobs. Whatever had been happening in there it had finally stopped. That poor hanyou, it must have been pure torment in there. Kagome never heard a male of any kind scream out like THAT! What in the seven hells, was Kikyo doing to him? He was yelling like a wounded animal that was still getting beaten. She heard light footsteps come across her door. Kagome quickly dried her face and surprise the queen when she so suddenly opened the door. Putting on her most tired yet worried face ever. "What was that my queen," Kagome asked with shock.

Kikyo heart beat slowed down and smiled coolly at Kagome. "Oh I am most sorry my friend. I didn't mean to wake you. That unruly little pup of mine rolled over to fast and broke a lamp of mine is all," said the demented queen. "Oh well (yawn) I think I shall rest till supper my queen," Kagome said with a quick bow. "Very well, I was just going to ask you to walk with me through the gardens but I can see you need to rest. I shall go ask Sango. I'll have a servant awake you an hour before supper so you can refresh yourself," Kikyo said as she pushed Kagome towards her bed. Kagome flopped down on it as Kikyo lightly and shook her head. "I think you read too much my friend," as she turned her heels and walked out the room.

Kagome waited another ten or so minutes until she was sure all was quite. She knew as everyone did that the queen had spies through the castle and kingdom. However, most of the castle spies weren't very loyal and could easily be bribe if you were the right kind of person. For the most part Kagome didn't have a problem with them and so in turn, they just kept hidden in the shadows letting her wander wherever she wanted. With that in mind Kagome, wander down the halls towards the queen's chambers. When she got there she nearly frozen when she opened the door and slipped in.

The poor hanyou was whimpering and still naked on the queen bed. She softy with over to his side and gently touched his ears as they began to twitch in her hands. "No, please, stop Kikyo. I can't anymore. Please I beg you. I hurt so much," mumbled the sleeping hanyou. Kagome notice how his body seem to twitch and him trying to toss and turn. She felt so sorry for him as she ran a finger down his beaten face. He looked so young and cute? Though Kagome knew that since he was a half demon he had to be over a hundred years older than her. Kagome hummed softly and stroked his hair. Inuyasha seem to relax a bit.


`Damn even in my sleep, she won't let me be. Stupid witch,' I think to myself. Wait, its not her it the other girl that looks like her. Well not really but almost. Mmmmm she smell like honey and wildflowers. How she get in here? Kagome her name isn't it? I should thank her for feeding me. I'm still so hungry and sore. Damn that witch miko skills she can control nearly everyone movement in my body. I allow myself to purr contently as I feel Lady Kagome rub my ears very gently. Why is she being so kind to me? No one has every shown me such kindness before. Well aside from the old queen and how old Kikyo used to be. I start feel warm even without the lack of clothing.

I slowly opened my eyes and groan at the sunlight hitting them directly. I hear Kagome gasp out slightly and smell her fear spike up a bit. I purr out some more. She clams down and starts stroking my hair again. `Is the queen sharing me out already?' I think as her hands go back to my ears. `Damn, but I could get used to this if I have to be shared with Kagome' I think to myself as I close my eyes again.

"What's your name," she asked me. "Inuyasha," I reply back quickly growing tense again. "What is she doing to you," she asked me sadly. I open my eyes to get a glimpse of her sad face. Tears? Is she crying for me? I feel my heart beat faster in my chest. I don't want her to waste her tears on me. After all, I will forever be Kikyo pet no matter what. I feel more of her tears fall near me. I smell the salt in her eyes. "Please don't cry. I hate it when women cry," I beg her. For some reason I feel the urge to want to warp my now weak arms and hold her as hard as I can. I want to comfort this kind woman but I'm tied down. "Damnit," I mentally cry out.

"I'm feel so sorry for you, Inuyasha. I see all your scars and beaten body and I just want to cry," she says. I nod in respond. "I can't help it. I'm Kikyo's pet. I'll always be Kikyo's plaything," I tell her. "No! You are a man well half man anyway. You need to be treated better. I going to buy you from the queen and set you free," she stated boldly. I sigh heavily. So, Kikyo wasn't sharing me yet. All I ever wanted was to be free, be my own being, and do whatever I wanted. What I wanted the most was to rid myself of Kikyo after I dismember her of course I thought with a smug smirk. "That's kind of you but I think you should get going or whatever, I can smell the queen coming back," I said dryly. I didn't want her to leave me I felt so at ease and peaceful with her. Like nothing else matters in the world. "Goodbye" she whispers in my ear and kiss one of my many scars. I hear and smell her leave and my heart aches even more to be free.

Normal POV

Kagome slowly crept back into her room she undress down to her under clothing and wept herself to sleep. Her dreams on setting Inuyasha free and them rutting around in bed together. What seem like minutes later a servant awoken Kagome telling her that dinner was being served. Kagome simply nodded and arose. She took another quick bath and forcefully made herself put on the ugly green and white dress laid out for her by the queen. She soon join Sango and the queen at the grand dinning room. Crystal and gold seem to shimmer everywhere. One would think the kingdom wasn't in such a depression by the sparkle of the queen's dinning room.

"Why, lady Kagome I see you did make it. I was about to send other servant to go drag you up," Kikyo said with a smile. Sango smiled and took a sip of wine she shared similar feelings towards the queen as Kagome did; however, she didn't think Kagome was to be trusted. They were friends and all but Kagome always had a lot of emotions locked up in that rebellious soul of hers. Kagome spotted Inuyasha sitting on the floor along with his brother, each on different sides of the queen. They both had a wreath of roses around their neck though it look like Kikyo put Inuyasha's one on too tight as a small amount of blood was leaking down his chest. The poor guy look sickly and pale to Kagome though Sesshomaru had a blank expression on his face as if he was just an ice statue. One could only guess some of the things Kikyo had possibly made them do, as Kagome fought the small shiver that wanted so badly to race down her spine.

"I see you brought both your dogs with you," Kagome said taking a swig of her wine. She couldn't get too drunk she wanted to buy Inuyasha. "Yes, well as you can see I just love these two. I can get them to do anything I want," Kikyo stated while patting both of them on the head. "That must get boring," Kagome said taking a bite of her dinner. "What do you mean," Kikyo said with a hint of confusion in her voice. "I mean having two dogs that just a obey your ever command. Wouldn't you like something that was a bit more challenging," Kagome asked slyly. "Like what," Kikyo getting interested.

"Well it looks like you pretty much got them both whipped and look at the younger one it seem that it didn't take much to tame him down," Kagome said with sheer boldness. "True, very true. However, it did take a lot of work I even had to use some of my miko skills to train them both. Inu-youkias half or full are very wild," Kikyo said proudly. "Wilder than a wolf-youkia," Kagome ask taking in more food. "Well I never had a wolf youkia before. I here they can be real big in the lower region," Kikyo said wistfully. "Well I have one half way tame down. I be willing to take the pup out your hands for something that can last you all day and into the night," Kagome stated seductively. Kikyo thought for a moment half of her was telling her to go for it, while the other half was telling her to dismiss any idea of giving away either dog.

"Why Kagome I didn't you even like dogs," Sango said gleefully. It seem the woman was already under the influence of the wine. Kagome held back a growl the drunken solider could ruin her plan. She calmed down enough to reply, "Actually I love dogs, and I always wanted to test one out." Kikyo smirked yeah dogs were one of the best pets to have her mother couldn't have left her a greater gift. Inuyasha was casting a hopeful glares at Kagome. She was really going to tell to buy him off so she can set him free? He couldn't believe it; this could turn out to be the best day of his life. Not counting all the horrors, he had to endured during the day.

"So which one would do you want," Kikyo asked. Kagome gave a quick smirk towards Inuyasha and quickly replied, "Why the younger brother of course the older one doesn't look to wild. I told myself if I ever got a dog I want a nice young and wild one." Kikyo quirked an eyebrow, she was afraid of this; she was hoping that Kagome would take Sesshomaur off her hands. She didn't really want to give up Inuyasha too soon. She hadn't really tamed him down much he was still very much wild. "Well I would hate to give up Inuyasha for he has being with me for years and I really don't think he could handle being away form me. We really have grown very much attached and he's my favorite little pet. Is that right my little Inu," Kikyo said while pulling on his ears and added, " Besides I love these ears. Oh, I think you may of hurt Sesshomaru's feelings." Kikyo cracked her head back and laughed with her hand covering her mouth.

Inuyasha stared in horror and sighed; well it was to be expected none of his dreams came true. Sesshomaru just kept his unemotional mask on as if he cared if the wench didn't want him. Sango was snoozing on her plate already a little too drunk for either Kagome or Kikyo taste. Finally, Kikyo summon a servant to carry her back to her room. Kagome still not giving up on buying of Inuyasha off the queen continue on with some more pled bargaining for the abused hanyou. "Aren't you a little tried of the hanyou? I mean isn't his older brother a lot bigger down there and better than him in bed? After all he is just a half breed."

Kikyo held back her laughter at the hanyou's expression one could tell he was irked. He hated being compared to Sesshomaru liked that! Who did this woman think she was? He couldn't be mad at her much though she was trying to save his life. Kikyo sighed no she would never give up the hanyou to anyone even though Kagome was one of her respected advisory. The wolf-youkia did seem like a good trade but it would have better if Kagome wanted Sesshomaru.

"Kagome lets go to the gardens. Kagura! I think it time to bathe my little dogs and put them to rest. Come my friend," Kikyo ordered. Kagome got up and followed the queen. Casting one more sad glace at the hanyou and whisper low enough for only the demons and hanyous servants in the room to hear, "I will save you Inuyasha if it's the last thing I do."

\Authoress notes: I just want to give a quick shout out to all of you that have review for me so far. It really means a lot to me so thanks. Currently I looking for a beta reader and trying to earn money to upgrade my retarded computer so it can do a better job of checking my spelling and grammar mistakes. Also, this is my first attempt at writing a dark fic and it really is a challenge fic for me. Basically, like most of us, I HATE KIKYO!

To everyone else: Please review and trust me this fic will get better. /

[End January 22, 2004 @ 8:22pm damn I'm sleepy.]