InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Worst than the Twilight Zone ❯ Deadly misunderstandings ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter four: Deadly misunderstandings.

[Authoress notes: As you can see I got rid of the author note and replace it with this chapter. I finally fixed the review problem. So thanks for all the reviews everyone! Yes, I would be happy if anyone of you would want to a beta reader for me.]

After what seem like forever Kagome finally made it towards her room. If there was one thing that Kikyo was queen of it was talking. `Yeah talking about herself to herself,' thought Kagome as she snuggled down in bed thinking about the hanyou. Was it love at first sight or was it just plain lust. If lust was the case then her feeling for Inuyasha; then she was no better than the queen. Maybe it was the ears? She didn't know what it was about that drew her near him. All she knew was that, she wanted the abused hanyou for herself.

In the morning she would go home and the next time she came back Kikyo would have been gotten rid of Inuyasha. She told her that she would trade Naraku or Sesshomaru for Kouga. Kagome wasn't interested in either one of them her mind was set on Inuyasha not his brother or whatever Naraku was. Besides who wants, a guy whose name means hell for a sex servant? Kagome sighed deeply, closed her eyes, and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Inuyasha lay in between the queen and his older brother. The bed wasn't big enough for all three of them but he wouldn't dare try knocking the queen off the bed and when he tried to push Sesshomaru off the bed, he got punch in the nose. Thus, he wouldn't be getting any sleep this night. Even if he did, he would probably have nightmares. Kagura nearly scrubbed his skin off when she was bathing him and Sesshomaru. Not that he minded he didn't want their scents on him anyhow.

It didn't matter now anyway he had new scars as well as his brother. Did Kikyo really think they would ever agree to have sex with each other openly in front of her or anyone else? They were brothers (well half-brothers) and the whole idea of having sex with each other was too sick to think about. Just the thought itself gave him the extra boost to try to run away not like it ever mattered Kikyo always caught him, beat him and then force him to do things against his will.

He wonder what it would be like if Kikyo really had made the trade. Would Kagome actually set him free? Or was she just trying to lure in a false sense of security? Though something about her big chocolate eyes, told him that he could trust him. She was kind hearted, smart and pretty. Just thinking about her stroking his ears got him excited.

Hopefully Kikyo would get sick of him soon and sell him off to Kagome or throw him out into the streets. He had heard most of the last parts of the conversation and glad that Kikyo actually wanted to give away Sesshomaru and Naraku. He had wished Kagome would have taken one of them it would make his life a little easier. Though he would be much happier if he was with Kagome

(The next day)

After a short breakfast, Kagome and Sango were ready to leave. Kikyo was still trying to get Kagome to trade Kouga for either Naraku or Sesshomaru. Though she decline greatly she didn't want some deadly look demon or one with a big ugly spider tattoo on his back. Secretly Kagome was very afraid of spiders they were one of the worst creatures on the planet they were on the top of her list well till Kikyo came alone. When she asked about Inuyasha Kikyo sharply replied that he wasn't feeling well.

"Oh really, what is wrong with him," Kagome asked. "I think Kagura had the water a little too cold. He be fine in a few days I think," Kikyo said. Kagome simply nodded she knew the real reason why. Kikyo was hiding her from him so she wouldn't continue to try buy him. Sango was shamelessly flirting around with Sesshomaru as early as it was she was already drunk. "Well perhaps Sango would be willingly to trade one of her guys for Sesshomaru," Kagome said shaking her head at the drunken solider.

{In Kikyo bathing room}

Kagura was bathing Inuyasha once again. The demoness had affection for him though he didn't return it. He didn't hate her just didn't want to be bother besides Kikyo would kill him if he even tried to love some other woman but her. "Inuyasha what are you thinking about," Kagura said rubbing the knots out his back. "Nothing," said the hanyou sharply then added, "I told you I don't like to be bathe like this." Actually, it was the fact that the queen was keeping him away from Kagome that was making him depressed. What if she forgot about him and just left? He would be trapped with Kikyo forever. Well until she grew tired of him that is.

Kagura laughed in amusement. She had a minor crush on the hanyou but she knew it would only be just that a crush. He belonged to the queen and it would be high treason if she even attempted to steal his affection from the queen. Though Naraku flirted with her on a daily basis but that was in vain. Sesshomaru acted with nothing but coldness towards. Although at the moment the queen wasn't around now was she? "Inuyasha," Kagura cooed into his ears. "What is now Kagura," Inuyasha asked. "I was thinking what could I do to make things better for you," Kagura whisper so only he could hear. "Feh like you'll help me get the hell out this castle of torment," Inuyasha said murkiness.

"You know what will happen to you if you tried to run away again," Kagura. "Yeah I know what will happen. The same thing that always happens. My life is always the same," Inuyasha stated gloomily. "I can make it better for you Inuyasha all you have to do is ask," Kagura said all to seductively. Inuyasha read in between the lines and shook his wet mane out splashing Kagura with it. "Thanks but no thanks I like my ears the way they are. If Kikyo found out we both would be killed," Inuyasha said with a deep sigh.

Kagura defeated and turned around as Inuyasha began to get dry off using a towel. If rather get shake himself off but Kikyo would beat him for getting the floor wet again.

"I just get so lonesome Inuyasha," Kagura said with a frown on her face. Inuyasha turned around with the towel covering his lower region looking at the wind sorceress. "Why don't you just run away and be free like the wind," Inuyasha asked. Kagura gave a light snort and replied, "what and end up beaten and be degraded like you. I rather die." Inuyasha shot her a cold look almost colder than Sesshomaru's. "Why don't you just drop dead then," Inuyasha said coldly as he laid down on his little cot. This brought small tears to fall down Kagura face.

Inuyasha could be so cold-hearted sometimes but it was to be expected. The poor hanyou had gone through so much pain in his life it was easy for him to lash out at a drop of a dime. Though hurting Kagura wasn't going to solve any of his problems. Besides he hated seeing females cry even Kikyo. "I'm sorry Kagura was wrong to say that," Inuyasha said with a deep sigh. They had both been through a lot of pain though one had to admit it could be worst. Going against all better judgment, Kagura sat by Inuyasha embracing him tightly. Inuyasha allowed the close encounter it wasn't like he had a lot of friends so he had better appreciate the few he had. His towel getting a little lower by each second.

{At the front gate}

"I'm looking forward to your next visit," Kikyo said as her two friends while about to ride off on their horses. "Maybe next time I'll trade with you your highness," Sango said with giggle. "Let me know if grow tired of Inuyasha I will always be willing to buy or trade him off your hands," Kagome said stroking her horse Buoy's mane. "I'm sure too my loyal friend," Kikyo said with a smirk. "Fare thee well your highness," the two women said in union as they rode off. Kikyo sighed as she was finally glad that the two had left. Now she could get back to things that are more important. Like playing with her favorite pet, Inuyasha. `I wonder what's my little dog up too now,' Kikyo thought as she walked back to her castle.

[Kikyo's bedchamber]

When Kikyo stepped into her room, she did not like what she saw. Inuyasha and Kagura were asleep in a very questionable way on his cot. Kagura has her arms around her hanyou for starters. Not to mention the fact that he was uncovered now. The little dress that Kagura was wearing was hiked up to only an inch kept her undergarment covered. Worst yet Inuyasha had contentment written all over his face. Kikyo blood was boiling as she strolled over towards the sleeping couple. `They will be killed for this. I'll see to it,' Kikyo thought with nothing but vengeance seeping in her mind.

Picking up one of her treasure crystal vases, she crashed it on the wall nearest to the two friends. Kagura instantly was at her feet as Inuyasha was having trouble breathing calmly. They both looked into the cold deadly eyes of queen Kikyo and back away into the glass. Neither spoke in fear of Kikyo lashing out of them before the other. Inuyasha very steadily reaching for his long forgotten towel to cover himself. Till Kikyo stamped it with her foot in pure rage.

"There no need to cover yourself my deceitful hanyou. I believe I seen enough of you," Kikyo said with coldness. Kikyo took a step forward as the two servants scooted over till their backs hit the wall. "What are you talking about your highness," Kagura asked in a trembling voice. Kikyo gritted her teeth at the wind sorceress. `How dare they further take me for a fool I'll will make them pay,' thought Kikyo as she grabbed Kagura by the neck choking her tighter by the second as Inuyasha looked on in horror.

"How dare you touch what is mine and mine's alone. You filthy worthless whore" Kikyo screeched while giving Kagura a hard smack across the face. "But my queen you misunderstand I… we didn't do," Kagura tried to explain before getting cut up by the enraged queen. "Shut up you little tramp I shall have you killed and hung before the end of the day," Kikyo declared. "As for you, Inuyasha I will make it so you'll never feel any pleasure again," Kikyo spat out toward the hanyou. Inuyasha wanted run but his legs weren't working with him at the time. `Kikyo thinks we had sex but why,' was all the poor hanyou could think before he join Kagura on the other side of the room, because of a hard blow from Kikyo.

"Kikyo I swear nothing happen. I would never disrespect you. We just fell asleep together you have this all wrong," said Inuyasha. Kikyo was quivering in rage as she let out a fearsome laugh. "No I was wrong to think I could tame a wild beast like you," Kikyo spat with nothing but hatred towards the frighten hanyou. "You are the tramp around her KIKYO," Kagura scream out as she rose to her feet. Kikyo's face went into pure shock for a fraction of a second.

"I don't see why your so shock everyone know you the Queen of whores from sea to sea," Kagura stated with pure cockiness. "What did you say? How dare you insult me in such a manner! I ought to purify you here and now. No, I want to see you suffer slowly and painfully," Kikyo jeered out. Pulling out a rather long knife aiming towards Kagura's heart. "Tell me how many males have YOU, oh lowest queen of ours have you bedded with! At least I still have my innocence you low life bitch," Kagura spat out. Kikyo lunged at Kagura with the knife cutting the wind sorceress in the arm in the process. "I will chop you to piece you low class demon," Kikyo yelled as she slashed Kagura on the side of her face.

Kagura was able to throw her off. As Inuyasha tried to figure, what his next move should be. ` Should I run or should I help? But help who the queen or Kagura,' he thought to himself. Any choice he made would have serious consequences afterwards. If he ran Kikyo would have him killed, if he helped Kikyo Kagura would make it hell for him, if he helped out Kagura then they would have to live their lives as fugitives. Though the common person would called them heroes.

"You can't kill me if I kill you first," Kagura yelled out using some of demon to cause major winds to blow Kikyo into the bathing room. Kagura wanted to kill Kikyo right then and there. However, the Kikyo screamed for her royal guards, spies, and secret castle soldiers into the room. Outnumber and no match for the countless horde of humans, hanyous, and demons. The two were beaten to near death and throw into their own pool of bodily fluids.

"My queen what should we do to these two traitors," asked Naraku. Kikyo hyperventilating like a nearly drown person said in a low eerier voice, "take them to the hole. I'll deal with them later." Naraku and the others quickly gather the two prisoners up and out of the room. "Kanna! Jaken! Get in here and clean this mess up right now," Kikyo screeched as she stormed out of the room and down the halls towards one of her many dens. The ghostly pale demon and green toad youkai went straight to work at the queen request. The whole castle was shaking in fear at the wrath of queen Kikyo.

~~ Authoress notes: Okay that's all I can churn up for the moment. Though I really enjoyed this chapter. I'm sorry it took so long to get this chapter out. I know I said I would have this up what like two Saturdays ago. However, I'm trying to study for upcoming tests and doing lots of homework, which is taking up most of my time. Forgive me. Hopefully I will have the next chapter up shortly. On another note, I don't have AIM. However, you can always e-mail if you really want to be a beta reader for me. It would give you major brownie points as well as make me happy. :) Thanks, everyone for reading rather you leave a review or not. Though I do so like all my reviews so far.