InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Worst than the Twilight Zone ❯ Chapter six nothingness (part 1&2) ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter six: Nothingness part 1.
D/c: [See the last five chapters. Then insert disclaimer]
Kagura whole body hurt as she sunk lower into the warm water. The heat still hadn't let up any though hopefully it wouldn't be a hot summer night. Lady Kagome had insisted that Kagura learn to fight better. As they began to train together till dinner was serve. Kagura didn't know why she so easily trusts the raven-haired woman or vice versa. Perhaps this was all a trick and as soon as she fully let her guard down. Kagome could turn on her, throw her in a dungeon, and behead her. She could just be waiting for her to let Kikyo name slip from her mouth then killed her.
Kagome was also a miko in training. How could she a demon trust a miko that could use her power for evil?
Kagura reenter her bedroom and put on the clothes laid out. A simple red and white lacy dress was soon hugging her body.
`Why was she being so nice,' Kagura asked herself again.
It didn't make any sense to her; humans didn't trust demons so openly nowadays it was most uncommon. Kagura paced about the room hands folded behind her back as she opened the windows that led to the balcony as she looked at the setting sun.
`I should leave before I am set up. I must save Inuyasha at all cost. He's the only thing I hold dear,' Kagura thought as the fire of revolution rekindle in her soul.
Kikyo was an evil witch and even if she would die in the process she wanted to see that demented queen dead. Though her only wish that if she died, she would love to die in the once strong arms of Inuyasha.
Kagura made up her mind right then and there, that she would escape that night. Kagome wasn't someone to trust for her inner demon was telling her as much. In this, world humans and demon could not co-exist together in peace. There would also be war and mistrust between the two.
It was worst for hanyou who were forced to choose either to live with the humans or live with demons. Inuyasha was more demon then most people thought Kagura knew this by his fiery spirit. His offsprings deserved to be only one quart human.
Nothingness part two
Kikyo had opted letting him out his fiery cell. Since it had become nearly 112 degrees even though while in she had ordered them to throw him ice water on him every half hours which had only made him sick with chills. Though his body was mildly grateful however, his mind was not. For he found out that Kikyo still lusted madly for him and she was about to make him her pet once more.
Hopefully after he regain, all the weight he lost, was given a decent bath, and was well groomed. Which was what he was getting now however this time Naraku was scrubbing him down much to his disgust. Kikyo had forbade any female near him alone much to his enjoyment.
Actually, he didn't care anymore what Kikyo did or didn't do to him. Kikyo had broken him down to the fullest. He was officially a nobody, a slave, and a sub-thing. He was just the queen's property. Kikyo could just have her way with him it matter no longer to him. Kagome wasn't coming back for him even if she did, Kikyo would never trade him off. It was all over for him he would die next to Kikyo.
At least, that what his madness told him in his head.
"God how dirty can you get. Your toenails and fingernails are black! What the hell were you doing clawing the walls," Naraku asked.
Inuyasha eyed him as he let out a feh. Naraku simply growled weakly at the hanyou he really hated Inuyasha and this was something he didn't enjoy at all. He didn't know why Kikyo wanted the stupid dog back the whole idea had irked him.
She had him and the hanyou's brother after all the threesomes they shared on a monthly basis should have been enough to keep her satisfied? Though he knew it would be off with his head if he mention it.
He poured a decent amount of hair oil in the dog hanyou's hair. He really hated the scent of a wet dog. He hated how even it though Inuyasha's hair hadn't been treated in months it still had a nicer texture and softness his hair never could. Those stupid ears and hair of Inuyasha kept him from being with Kikyo. If only Inuyasha would have died in that cold dreary cell or at least was greatly ill so he could die.
Moreover, if he had died as the filthy whelp he would always be in the streets as a child. Naraku cured the day the wimpy puppy came prying into the castle. He wish somehow he could kill Inuyasha, make him suffer, or at least get rid of him. Perhaps if he said the hanyou had an ill case of lice and gave him an equally ill hair treatment. That thought amused Naraku to an extent.
"Perhaps we should cut some of this hair of yours I think you have an ill case of lice," Naraku said.
"You shall not his hair is fine," Kikyo sneered from behind Naraku pulling him backwards.
She smirked at Inuyasha's nude and wet body.
"Naraku begone now," Kikyo said simply.
"Yes milady," Naraku said with a quick bow.
Kikyo shut the door tightly so no one could disturbed her. She still was obsess over the inu hanyou she cursed herself for letting him get so scrawny and dirty. Though the weaker, he was in body the weaker he was in mind at least that was her theory.
"Stand up dog," Kikyo barked.
Inuyasha eyed the evil queen with caution as he begin to stand with unsteadily legs. He slipped and crashed into the nearest wall letting loose a yelp of pain.
`Damn already I have an injury,' he thought.
"Oh you poor beast," Kikyo, said full of sorrow.
She stroked Inuyasha's wet mane then petting those trademark ears of his till he couldn't help but purr out.
"I missed you my Inu," Kikyo cooed in between his pants.
`Aw damn,' Inuyasha thought. She was already making no forcing him to get painfully hard. He let out another long purr if only Kikyo would take the "collar" off him!
He felt her finger travel from his neck to his entrapped member.
"I bet you want me to take this off don't you Inuyasha," Kikyo said in the utmost evilest voice ever know to his ears.
"Kikyo please it hurts," Inuyasha said his eyes pleading into Kikyo's lustfully heart.
Kikyo was taken aback by this change in Inuyasha usually the hanyou didn't give in so easily. Was it possible that she finally tamed him down? Was his spirit actually broken? Though looking him over there wasn't much of him to fight over. She could easily bend him to her will. Maybe she should keep him like this?
"No I won't take it off yet. You still don't know how to mind yet," Kikyo said pressing herself against her favorite hanyou.
Licking his sexy ears from the tips to their bases. Inuyasha whine out his pleasure Kikyo smiled finally she could have her dog wet and heavy all for her. Not being able to harden any longer the "collar" started feeling like a heated band around him as his eyes begun welling up with tears.
"K…K…Kikyo please it's starting to burn," he cried out.
The feeling of sexual torment was just too much for him his eyes droopy now from the heat he hated the sicken feeling welling in his gut.
"Inuyasha look at me," Kikyo demanded.
Inuyasha slowly obeyed her. She was starting to get undress he trained his eyes on her body. Never blinking as piece-by-piece of her clothing dropped on the pale marble floor. Till she was completely naked before him. His hardness tried to stirred but the harsh pain it brought cause it to quickly subside as Inuyasha was brought down on his hands and knees with a cold sweat.
"What ales you now Inuyasha," Kikyo mocked.
Inuyasha rolled over on his back in an attempt to his hardening breath.
Kikyo pulled his head in her lap stroking his head in an loving way.
"Inuyasha," Kikyo whispered into his ears.
"Yes my queen and mistress," Inuyasha replied in a breathy voice.
"Kagura is dead. I tried to reason with her but she escaped the castle. She was found and killed in less than a day. Beheaded in front of millions. That's what happens when one tries to deceive me. I trust you have learnt to obey," Kikyo said adding a painful pressure on his right ear.
Inuyasha shivered Kagura was dead. No it wasn't true was it? He couldn't smell if Kikyo was lying to him or not. She was probably telling the truth however no way Kagura could have got away with saying what she did and live.
He had to give it to his now dead friend she really did have a lot of gull to stand up to Kikyo in such a way. At least now, she was in the land of the dead and hopefully as free as the wind. As for himself, he was Kikyo's pet for now on. It was better to just accept fate and obey his queen.
" I won't deceive you again my queen and mistress," Inuyasha responded in a small voice.
"Oh," Kikyo questioned.
"I'll obey your every command," he answer.
These had been the very words Kikyo longed to hear in the very voice she wanted him to say it in. He was broken! However for some reason she didn't feel as grand by the pitiful creature submission to her. Was it the fact that the battle was over between them? Or the mere fact that he was still a half demon and could still be deceitful. She smirked she would test his words by the end of this night.
"Inuyasha go lay on your pallet and rest down. I have business to attend to now," Kikyo said rising she notice the light blush on his whole body as he cast his seemly innocent glares on her else where.
She quickly dressed, saw Inuyasha retreat to his little bedding, and left the room.
Soon enough Inuyasha let all the tears he had fought off for months fall till they lured him to a heavy sleep. His pride and power gone fate had dealt him a cruel card and he would have to suffer for the rest of his days.