InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Worst than the Twilight Zone ❯ welcome to hell ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter seven: Welcome to hell.

Disclaimer: I don't own it.

`Two months,' Inuyasha thought as he rolled over, `that's how long it's really been.' Kikyo never returned to the bedroom he wonder why but it was never good to press one's luck. Still every bone in his body was sore and every muscle ached. His eyes were so sore he could barely blink properly. It must was very early in the morning there was hardly a sound throughout the castle.

It took a while but he finally got himself in a sitting position. It had to be midsummer since it was hot like hell in the room. The sunshine was just coming into the room making it all that much hotter. `Or maybe it's me,' Inuyasha thought.

Being in that hellhole under the castle could mess with a person's body temperature even after they had been released. He stomach growled in that howl like way again. It had been growling all last night. He hadn't gotten any food since the night before and in that was scraps of leftovers from someone's meal.

Right now he could use some water. Though unsure what to do if he left the room he would probably run into Kikyo and she might think he was trying to run off. Then again if he die of starvation and thirst what would be the point? He rather be beaten again if only he got to some water and a little food.

He found it very difficult to even stand much less walk he almost gave up but it was no way he was going to be seen roaming through the castle on all fours like some sick animal. Then he collapse yet again and this time it actually hurt him. All fours weren't sounding so bad now. However he didn't want to wander about naked either. He quickly tried his small and thin bed sheet around his more private parts.

It took awhile to turn the big brass doorknobs but he push them open as quietly as possible. He slip swiftly in out each hallway even though his legs were still wobbly. He was on his way to the kitchen till saw out the corner of his eye a figure fall to the ground outside. `What the hell,' was all he could think of. It wasn't his business anyway. Most likely another slave had jumped to their death.

That was one way to escape the harsh living conditions around here one could always just commit suicide. Inuyasha had thought about before but could never build up enough gall to actually do it. Perhaps it was because fate wouldn't allow him to carry it out. He heard footsteps coming his way scared he ducked in between two pillars and hope whoever it was would pass by soon. No use in getting caught now that he was so close he could taste the muffins in the near room. It seem like forever finally past when one of the bumbling guards past right by him and sneezed.

"If we don't find that fox boy soon the queen will have our heads," said the guard.

"Relax the queen is probably with that half-breed dog slave of her," chuckled the other.

" Haven't you hear? The fox child caused some strange illness upon her. She's been ill all night," said the fat one with another sneeze.

"Still I would hate to be in any of her slaves shoes," the other one as they both turn the corner.

As soon as they had gone he entered the kitchen at a near neck break speed. After all, he was at least a half demon. He ducked under the one of the tables the head cook was still at work and just above him were some nice golden brown muffins blueberry ones at that. His mouth was already watering all he had to do was stay completely still. The head cook finally stormed out the kitchen. "Damn farm girl didn't see bring the eggs yet," Inuyasha hear him said when he slammed the door behind him.

Inuyasha let out a sigh and quick took handful of muffins before gleeful devouring them whole. He had only intended to eat a couple but before he knew it the whole bowl was gone and he had cottonmouth. Though it didn't take him long to find some bottled water, which he nearly finish off. Then he took his quick leave after discovering the head cook was nowhere near. Enjoying this small dangerous but fun piece of freedom. Kikyo was sick was she? With any luck she could die.

Inuyasha smirked evilly. He had dreamed of a time when she would take ill and then died. The kingdom would be left open, only the fittest would survive, and the best part he would be totally free! No doubt the other nobles would be overthrown. With this new folly in his head Inuyasha made his way to towards the courtyard. `No use going back in that air tight room,' he thought.

Then he stopped in his track something or someone was following him. Was it one of Kikyo spies? `Feh, like any of them or loyal like that,' he thought. Then again it could be Naraku. That stupid hanyou would do or say anything to get him into trouble. `Naraku could do whatever the hell he wanted but he should mind his own damn business,' Inuyasha thought. As he jumped and attack the hanyou pinned him to the floor.

"What the hell get off me you stupid dog," growled out a much smaller Un-Naraku thing.

Inuyasha slowly released his hold on what smelled demon. A pair of small angry green eyes stared at him. It was just a pup a fox pup at that.

"Who the hell are you," Inuyasha whispered. True he didn't know everyone in the castle but this little guy had to be new he didn't have that vile Kikyo scent on him too much.

"Gee I would answer your question but your crushing my lungs," the little demon squeaked out. Inuyasha finally got off him but held him by end of his collar. "You one of the garden boys or something," he asked.

"No, so can you please let me go I have things to do," fox said curtly.

It was plain that the little fox didn't want to talk the under dressed hanyou. Though Inuyasha was pretty sure this little guy was Kikyo new slave that the guards had been talking about. So Inuyasha place him down on his little fox-like feet.

"Alright but if your planning to escape I wouldn't go that way if I were you," Inuyasha said quietly.

"How do you know," the little fox asked.

"I tried it before. It just leads to a dead end and no you can't fly or jump over the wall. There some shield around it," Inuyasha said.

"Damn," the little fox said.

"So what's your name," Inuyasha.

"Shippo, I'm a fox demon. My father died in battle recently I had planned on finding his killers. I found them in the market place I almost defeated one of them but before I knew I was blast into a wall here. That's when some servant girl spotted me and….

"She start screaming how cute you were tried to hide you for herself but the queen got wind of it. Had the girl beaten in front of you, took you for her own, and now want to make a servant out of you," Inuyasha finished it off of the young demon.

"Yeah how did you know," Shippo asked.

"Same here only at least I got to be with the old queen before being with Kikyo," Inuyasha said.

"You been here all this time," Shippo said with wide eyes.

"Yes and all I can say you in for a life time of pain and suffering kid," Inuyasha said

"That's why I want to escape. I can't stay here any more," Shippo exclaimed.

"Shh, keep your damn voice down. Forget it kid your struck in this hellhole till you old and gray," Inuyasha said.

"Listen um whatever you name is," Shippo spat out.

"It's Inuyasha," the hanyou said dryly.

"Well look here Inuyasha just because your have given up doesn't mean I am. I'm Shippo the great fox demon and if you excuse me I'll be making my escape. Bye dog boy," Shippo said throwing one of his smoke bombs in front of Inuyasha.

For some reason Inuyasha already felt close to the little unruly runt and the sad realization hit him. This little fox would be beaten black and blue once he was caught. He had to stop the little brat before he got himself killed.

"INUYASHA," he heard the one person he didn't want to see screaming his name.

"Naraku," Inuyasha snarled under his breath.

"Stay where you are," Naraku said pinning him down on floor.

"What the hell are you doing," Inuyasha snarled fighting Naraku hold on him.

"Where do you think you're going dog? Don't you know you will be beaten for this? Our lovely queen never said you could leave you room did she? I can't wait to tell what a bad little puppy you have been Inuyasha. Tsk. Tsk trying to run away again" Naraku smirked deadly.

"I'm not running away okay," Inuyasha grunted.

"Where have I heard this before hmm," Naraku said with deadly look in his eye.

"Look there a little fox boy about to escape the castle I…."

"Ah, so that where that little bastard went. Well then I'll go get him. He's been a bad boy too you know," Naraku said before slamming Inuyasha into the nearest wall.

`Damnit,' Inuyasha thought before passing out.


{A.N: Hmm looks like Naraku trying to gain favor with Kikyo again.}