InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ You Can't Change Who I Am ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Well, I hope you all liked the prolouge! At the current time, I have no reviews. Poohy. I'm talking to myself... Not unusual.

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha

Chapter 1
walked back into the hut with her head down. She had just gone to get some more herbs and water, so her hands were full with a bucket and basket. She placed them down in a corner and looked over at her patient. She 'eeped' and jumped back. He was looking at her with molten gold eyes, unusual for a human to have. The two stared at each other for a long moment, until he tried to sit up.
Kagome said in a calm that betrayed her inner fright. "You need to lay down." Her voice was firm as she spoke, and she felt her confidence and calm come back. She walked over to him and pressed him lightly back down into a laying position. He didn't protest.
am I?" he asked in a hoarse whisper after a few minutes.
are at a farming village," Kagome replied, moving to get the herbs to start seperating them.
how long?" he asked. His voice was very rough from lack of use and water.
weeks," she replied as she got the water bucket and a small cup. She knelt back beside him. When she looked down at him, about to help him into a sitting position, he was staring at her incrediously.
Kagome answered with a light laugh. She carefully pulled him up into a sitting position, him helping just a little. She dipped the cup in the water and brought it to his dry lips. She tilted the cup ever so slightly, letting water dribble little by little into his mouth and down his throat.
two cups of water, Kagome laid him back down. He laid down thankfully and closed his eyes. Kagome thought he had went back to sleep, so she queitly left the small hut in search of her mother.

waited as the young woman left. He had pretended to be asleep, and, as he predicted, she left. He slowly lifted the upper part of his body, using his elbows for support. He glanced down at his body, wincing slightly at the sight of bandages when he removed the blanket. He looked around at the small hut that he had been placed in. He noticed all the herbs and herbal medicines about the room. He also noticed that in another corner, there was another futon that looked as though someone had slept on it previously.
ws interrupted from the rest of his thoughts when two women stepped into the hut. One was the young woman from before, and the other looked older.
back down," the other woman said in a stern but gentle voice. He complied after a slight scowl. "What is your name?" she asked after a moment of silence.
is of none of your concern," he answered in a rough voice.
what would be our concern?" she asked mockingly. "How would you know?" He kept silent. The older woman sighed and turned to the younger woman. "Just carry on in his treatments. I'll be back with some food for both of you at supper."
Mama," the younger woman replied. Once the mother was gone, the young woman sighed and smiled at him gently. "My name is Kagome," she said.
are you taking care of me?" he asked, voice void of emotion.
that's what I do," she replied simply. "It's my job to help others. Also, I can't leave anyone to just die." He watched her as she started mixing herbs in another bucket, and poured water into it every now and then.
is my treatment?" he asked, unable to hold in his curiousity. She smiled at him before answering.
change your bandages two times a day. And now that you should be awake more often, give you an herbal mixture once a day," she answered, not looking away from her work again.
herbal mixture?"
something to help you heal. Most of the poison is gone now, so there is no need to have a mixture for that as well."
He was confused. He didn't remember anything that had to do with poison.
poison. A few of the wolf youkai had it on their claws." He just stayed quiet, no more questions really came to mind.

Well, done with that. Yay! ^-^ Please review!