InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ You Can't Change Who I Am ❯ Chapter 2

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
AY: Hellos! Thankies for the reviews!
you say thank now ...
Shut up! Oh, this is Kazuko. She'll be in one of my fics... Not sure which...
I thought you said this one! *pout*
Well, maybe, maybe not!
<sticks out tongue >
Yeah, yeah. Whatever. On with the story!

Chapter Two
finished the mixture and turned to her patient. He was staring at her intently. She smiled gently at him. "Do you think you can eat?" Kagome asked lightly.
he replied after a moment of silence.
Kagome said. "Mama's coming with the food right now."
two looked over to the doorway when she came through. She held two bowls of miso soup with spoons in each. "Good afternoon, you two," she said with a cheery smile. "Are you feeling better?" she asked the man.
he replied, though his voice held no emotion.
that's good." The smile never faultered. "Are you willing to tell us your name yet?" He glared. Both women sighed this time. 'How are we going to find out who he is?' Kagome thought as she took the bowls of miso soup. "Fine then," the mother said, her voice exasperated. She motioned for her daugther to come outside with her. Kagome set down the bowls on a low table that had been broughten in, and followed her mother outside.
Mama?" Kagome asked once outside.
must find out who he is, Kagome," her mother said sternly. "We need to know. He could be a rouge samurai for all we know! We must know his name!"
Mama," Kagome said. "I will find out." Kagome smiled at her mother. "Don't worry. I do not believe he is bad. His aura his strong and powerful, but it also has a hidden kindness."
you, Kagome," Asako said with a small smile. "Take care." With that, Kagome went inside the hut.
looked down at the soup, and then to her patient. Kagome walked over to the table, and carefully moved it towards the futon. She sat down beside him when she was down. She took a large pillow and settled it gently behind him. She then picked up his bowl and dipped the spoon in. She brought it up to his lips.
Kagome blinked. "I will not allow someone to feed me." Kagome laughed.
you rather try on your own, then?" she asked. He looked at her without blinking.
Kagome smiled as she looked at him.
she replied, handing him the bowl. "Suit yourself." He grabbed the bowl and started slowly eating his soup. Kagome's smile widened. She took her bowl and started to eat as well.

<<Few hours later.>>
watched her patient's eyes droop low. He was tired, she could tell. Yet, he did not want to sleep. "Would you answer me a question?" she asked, still looking at him. Tired molten eyes met hers. "Please?" Slowly, he nodded. "What is your name?" His eyes snapped open quickly.
will not tell you."
Kagome asked curiously. "Why will you not tell us? Do you have something to hide?" He stared at her. Kagome was about to give up when he replied.
I do." Kagome binked at him.
you at least tell me your name? We can tell my mother another name, if you so wish to hide your own."
he said slowly. "But is you insist on knowing a name," he continued, "call me... Nanashi."
Kagome said with a small smile. "I will call you Nanshi."

now I know that was short compared to others... I mean, dang. I have written much longer chappys. All well... I need to get off...
Get off already then.
Shut up! Gyah! And your a pleasant child...
But I am!
Yeah, yeah. But the way, Nanashi means "without name."