InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Your Pleasure, My Pain ❯ The Second Day ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 4: The Second Day
Breakfast was oddly quiet, which of course was not normal for them. Normally there is always a rumpus going on. Inuyasha and Kagome were still angry at each other, and they were both too stubborn to say that their sorry and admit that they are both wrong.
This silence and going to drive me to the brink of hell, and I'm a holy man, Miroku's mind said to him. I have to break the silence. Let's see…. What are my options; stroke Sango's butt, comment on Kagome beauty, which I think would lead to a very unfortunate outcome considering she's mad at the whole world right now.
Well, that leaves me with stroking Sango's butt. A sudden grin flashed on Miroku's face and even before he could move his hand Sango hardly, but silently slapped him across the face. She must have read my mind, he thought while rubbing his red cheek.
Inuyasha got up and walked off to sit in a tree. “Kagome, aren't you going to apologize to Inuyasha? You know he won't say sorry,” Shippo said.
“Nope; this whole thing is his fault, so he should be the one to say sorry,” Kagome answered.
“Why is it his fault?” Shippo asked sweetly.
Before Kagome could say anything Miroku answered, “It's Inuyasha's fault because he is a man. See Shippo, it's always the man's fault, no matter what.” Both Kagome and Sango slapped Miroku at the same time on the opposite check. “See, what did I tell you? It's always the man's fault,” he said rubbing his cheeks.
“Don't listen to him Shippo, he's wrong,” Kagome said. Miroku lipped to Shippo, `no! Listen to me; it's always the man's fault'.
“Huh? I can't understand that silent speech say it out loud,” Shippo said.
“Yeah…. Miroku, say it out loud,” Sango said glaring at him.
“Never mind; it was nothing important. Sango and Kagome are right,” he said. Miroku then got up and went to Inuyasha who was sitting in a tree.
“You have to say sorry, Inuyasha. Look at my face; they hit me at the same time,” Miroku begged.
Inuyasha huffed. “I ain't saying sorry. It's Kagome who should say sorry.”
“Inuyasha, can't you see it yet!? Kagome acts like that when you defend Kikyo or when you're with Kikyo because she likes you, as in more than a friend,” he burst out.
Inuyasha lifted one of his eye brows.
“Yeah right, she likes that scrawny wolf boy.”
“You're wrong. She only likes him as a friend. She blushes when he charms her because she gets embarrassed. Sango blushes when I stroke her butt, but that doesn't means she likes it.”
Inuyasha hopped down from the tree. “So, you really think she like me?”
“Yes, I could see it all along.” Miroku turned to leave but stopped when he heard, “hey, Miroku.” Miroku turned around.
“Do you think it would be wrong if I asked Kagome to be my mate?” Inuyasha asked.
“I think I'd be a great idea. That way you don't have to hide. But, you have to be patient with her. When it comes to intimacy humans are different about it,” Miroku informed.
“Yeah, I know.” Inuyasha really did know. He knew from Kikyo.
***********************Flash Back********************
I glanced into her hazel eyes, but the glance caught me by my heart and caged me in her glossy auras of golden brown. Looking into her eyes was so tranquil. It washed away my every thought. My whole body felt numb and I seemed to become detached from my body and the earth.
My soul was being lifted from my inner and drawn into the heavenly aura of her soul. I could not feel my self breathing, nor could I feel my heart beating. I was stone except for the feeling of lying in the shallow water of the ocean and surrendering my control of myself to the waves, letting them take me where ever they wish.
I was being washed further and further out into the open blue Mediterranean sea, the shore becoming smaller and smaller. I had never had such heavenly thoughts as I had now.
“Inuyasha…… Inuyasha,” he heard a soft voice say. I broke out of my enchantment.
“What is it Kikyo?” Inuyasha asked. Kikyo smiled at Inuyasha and his heart took a violent leap.
“You were staring at me,” she said.
“Sorry…. I didn't mean to. You're just so…. So…. Beautiful.” She smiled again and he put his hand over his chest and his eyes widened; he thought his heart would surely burst out of his chest.
“What's the matter?” Kikyo asked withy worry. Inuyasha had been injured in a battle with a demon earlier and she was worried about his recovery. He looked at Kikyo and saw that her eyes were filled with tears.
“I'm sorry Kikyo. Don't cry. I'm fine, I just never felt anything like that before,” he said.
“What happened?”
“My heart, it was beating really hard.”
Kikyo took a deep breath of relief. Good, he's okay, she thought. He really loves me. This demon, this supposedly beastly being loves me.
“That rough beating in your heart….” She began, putting her hand on Inuyasha's chest. Shivers sparked through his body.
She continued, “that means you care deeply for the person you're with.”
“Kikyo…. I love you,” he said.
“I love you too.” He slowly leaned to her and she leaned to him. Ever so gingerly, he touched Kikyo's lips with his. She lightly stroked his lips, as if to give him permission to enter.
He opened his mouth and she opened hers. I can't believe I'm kissing Kikyo; Kikyo, my love, my true love. Beads of warm, salty sweat drizzled down the back of Inuyasha's neck and his back, and a hard ball of tension formed in his stomach. He had never kissed any one like this before and his mind was swarming with tension and nervousness. But through his nervous mind he had a rising desire for her, a desire to go further than kissing. He did not know how to deal with this feeling, but some how a different part of him did.
Inuyasha moved closer to Kikyo's body. He suddenly smelt a smell that he did not quite recognize at first, but then he figured out what it was. He smelled her arousal. A side of him that he had never been in contact with took over. He stroked Kikyo's back as if it were a monk touching Buddha. Then, he slowly moved his hand down to her lower back, and then to her bottom. She let out a slight sound that told him she wanted more. But, when he went to go undo her kimono, she broke away from their kiss and embraced and slightly pushed him back.
“What's the matter? I thought you said you loved me?” Inuyasha asked a glossy glaze of passion in his amber eyes.
“I do. But see, it is in the human custom to get married before they make love.
“I see,” he said feeling a little hurt and embarrassed.