InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Your Pleasure, My Pain ❯ The Third Day ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 5: The Third Day
**********************flash back is over************************
The next morning was another silent breakfast. I wonder if Kagome is still mad at me. How am I supposed to ask her to be my mate if she's mad at me!? Inuyasha's mind started to panic. To his surprise he felt sweat drip down his skin. I haven't got so worked up over a girl since I was in love with Kikyo, he thought.
After they ate they set off on their way. “I don't know if we're ever going to find a place to keep Inuyasha,” Sango said sounding frustrated.
“Don't stress about it,” Inuyasha said.
“Yeah, don't stress about it Sango. There's always Kikyo,” Kagome said before walking a head of everyone.
“I don't feel that way about Kikyo,” Inuyasha said getting a little irritated.
“Inuyasha….. Be nice,” Miroku whispered. He doesn't feel that way about Kikyo anymore? Yeah, right. He's so in love with that dirt and clay mound he can hardly stand it, Kagome thought.
“I smell rat,” Inuyasha announced. All of the sudden a huge rat demon appeared from a bunch of trees. “You have sacred jewel shards. Give them to me!” The rat ordered looking at Kagome.
“You're not gettin em,” Inuyasha said. As Inuyasha went after the demon a feeling with in him spurred through out his body and flowed with his blood. It took him a few seconds to recognize the feeling; it was the same feeling he had years ago when he tried to make Kikyo his mate.
This rat demon's a female, Inuyasha's mind told him. This what Sango was talking about when she said that my inner Youkai would cloud my mind? His mind was too busy processing this feeling that he was not paying attention and the demon smacked the Tetsusaiga out of his hands before he could use the wind scar.
Disgusting! I would never do anything with this vile rodent! Inuyasha's head screamed. He killed off the demon with his claws. He grabbed Tetsusaiga and put it back into the sheath.
“What were you thinking about, Inuyasha? You looked deep in thought and you lost focus, that's not normal for you to lose concentration when you're fighting,” Sango said.
“Um….. Ah…. Um, I was….. Thinking about Naraku,” Inuyasha lied. Sango gave him a look that said she did not believe what he said.
“Were you attracted to that rat demon? Mating season begins tomorrow, you know,” Miroku taunted.
“I don't care of rodents too much,” Inuyasha replied annoyed.
“Well, I don't know….. She was pretty attractive.”
Miroku did not get to go further with his teasing because Inuyasha hit him over the head, as usual, and following his hit was an Inuyasha classic, “Shut up….”
As they continued their journey Inuyasha found himself staring at Sango or Kagome most of the time. Oh no! I'm becoming a demon form of Miroku! Inuyasha thought as he tried to get his eyes off of Kagome butt, but he failed.
“Inuyasha....” Kagome said.
“Yes,” he replied snapping into attention.
“I'm sorry about what I said earlier when we were fighting,” she said softly.
I love her innocent voice….. I wonder if she's a virgin, Inuyasha's mind wondered off. Ah! Why can't I stop thinking those things!?
“Um, what were you saying, Kagome?” Inuyasha questioned.
“I said I was sorry about what I said to you when we were fighting,” she repeated.
“Oh, um…. That's okay. I'm sorry too,” he said talking fast.
“Are you okay? You sound nervous,” Shippo said.
“I'm not nervous about anything,” Inuyasha said switching back to his normal voice. Miroku walked next to Inuyasha.
“So when are you going to ask Kagome?” Miroku whispered to Inuyasha.
“I don't know. I think at night,” he whispered back.
“I wonder what those two are whispering about,” Sango whispered to Kagome.
“Yeah, I know,” Kagome said.
“Miroku's looks like he's got his perverted expression on again,” Sango said.
The group had before walking for hours and the sun was going down, and they still hadn't found a place to put Inuyasha. They stopped at a hut in stead of sleeping outside.
“This hut doesn't have a door that can lock but it's going to have to do,” Sango said. Inuyasha could feel his Youkai become stronger with in him. I love Kagome so much. I can't wait have her body, he thought. This time Inuyasha did not try to stop these thoughts because he couldn't; his inner Youkai had now completely clouded his mind and all he could think about was getting Kagome and how much he loved her.
I can't wait until it's completely dark out side; that's when I'll ask Kagome to be mine.