InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Your Pleasure, My Pain ❯ What will I say!? ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 8: What Will I Say!?
The next morning Kagome was still in shock. Gee, I was so caught up in the lust of our relation; Inuyasha's athletic body and his rough and his dark passion. It was like those sex scenes in vampire movies, Kagome thought. I completely forgot about getting pregnant. I mean, I don't mind it even though it will be hard with school, but I just can't come home and tell Mom that I was now Inuyasha's mate and that I'm pregnant; she'd have a heart attack.
“Kagome, you look awful down today. Is something wrong?” Sango asked.
“Um, no, everything's fine,” Kagome replied with fake cheer. Maybe Kagome feels sick, Inuyasha wondered. He had once heard that human women get sick when they are pregnant when Kikyo was serving as a midwife for a pregnant noble.
“Kagome…..Do you feel sick?” Inuyasha asked a slight hint of concern peering through his voice.
“Um, no..... Why would you think I was sick?”
“Because you're pregnant, that's why,” he answered looking at her strange. Kagome blushed; she was not ready for everyone to know right then.
There was a sudden break out of congratulations, hugs, bouncing around, and Miroku grinning at Inuyasha.
“Children are a wonderful aspect to any one's life,” Miroku said while smiling at Sango.
“Miroku….. Don't go getting any ideas,” Sango warned.
“Oh Sango, you know how much I love children,” he said.
“No, I know how much you love flirting with women,” she said.
I still can't believe that I'm going to be a father! What the hell am I going to do when Kagome gets further along and the pup's born? How am I supposed to defeat Naraku? All I know is that I'm going to have to kill Naraku soon; I'm not going to have him coming after us or my pup, Inuyasha thought.
I've fed my cousin's baby before, but that was it! I don't know the first thing about babies! I'm so screwed, Kagome thought in sheer terror. Later that day when Inuyasha, Miroku, and Shippo weren't around Kagome was talking to Sango about the baby.
“Well, I think you'll be a fine mother,” Sango said. “Besides, your motherly instincts will be sure to take over.”
“Yeah, but things are different in my time. Girls aren't supposed to have babies at my age,” Kagome informed.
“Really? That's odd.”
“A lot of them don't get married until they're twenty three or twenty five, sometimes thirty.”
“Well, you shouldn't worry about what everyone thinks.”
“Yeah, thanks Sango.” Sango was right; I shouldn't worry about what they think. Most of the time I could care less of what people think about me.
“So…. Inuyasha, are you nervous?” Miroku asked.
“Nervous about what?” Inuyasha asked in a tone that told Miroku he could never be nervous about anything.
“Are you nervous about being a father?”
“No,” Inuyasha said quickly. The truth was he was extremely nervous. When Miroku looked at Inuyasha he came clean.
“Yeah, I'm scared,” Inuyasha said.
Inuyasha had been in a lot of rough battles in his life. But he knew the battle of father hood would be his roughest.
“I don't want Naraku alive when the pup is born, because then he'll come after the pup too. And like, what if I can't get it to stop crying and everyone thinks I'm a bad father, especially Kagome, or what if there comes a time when I can't protect it, or what if I lose it?”
“Well, I doubt you'll lose it. But as far as Naraku goes, we'll just have to hurry and kill him. You're strong Inuyasha; you mustn't need to worry about not protecting it.” Inuyasha smiled. Miroku did make him feel a little better.
The group took a break. “Kagome we need to go back to your time right now and tell your mother. I can't keep going on knowing that she doesn't even know about this,” Inuyasha said.
“I can't tell her now,” Kagome disagreed.
“Why can't you? She's your mother.”
“Yeah, I know, but I just don't know what to say or how to bring it up.”
“We'll just come out and say it. There's no need to beat around the bush.”
Inuyasha and Kagome left the others behind and went to the well. The stone of tension was in both Inuyasha's and Kagome's stomach. This isn't going to be as easy as I thought, Inuyasha thought. I wonder what her mother will do to me. When they got into the house Kagome's mom was sitting in the living room watching TV. “Hello, Kagome and Inuyasha. It's nice to see you. I was worried Kagome; you hadn't bee here in a while,” her mom said.
“Sorry mom just got a little wrapped up in some battles,” said Kagome.
“That's alright dear. So how's it going with that Naraku being?” She asked.
“He's still alive,” Inuyasha answered.
“Well, I'm sure you'll kill him.”
Inuyasha glanced at the TV and raised an eyebrow. “Why are those girls crying about being pregnant?” Inuyasha asked. Children are a good thing.
“Well, see today it is not a good thing to be pregnant in your teen years. It affects school and careers and the lives of others. Most of all, people will think a lot less of you,” Kagome's mom answered.
“See, these girls weren't married and they hide their pregnancy from their parents. I'm very glad to know that Kagome wouldn't do anything like that when she was still in school,” Kagome's mom added.
Suddenly, Kagome felt sick to her stomach and very light headed.