InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Your Pleasure, My Pain ❯ Consequence: A New Home in an Old Era ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 9: Consequence: A New Home In an Old Era
The next thing Kagome knew, she was lying on the bed in her room. Inuyasha, her mom, her grandpa, and Sota were standing at her bed side and her mom was putting a wet, cold towel on her forehead. “What happened to me?” Kagome asked.
“You fainted,” her mother answered.
“Mom, there's something I have to tell you. I'm pregnant with Inuyasha's baby; we're mates,” Kagome informed.
“I know. Inuyasha told me,” she said.
“What…. I thought we were going to tell her together,” Kagome sounded angry.
“Yeah, but your mother was so worried when you fainted that I couldn't keep it from her,” Inuyasha justified.
“Inuyasha did the right thing, unlike you who didn't tell me Inuyasha proposed to you. I would have like to know that before you decided to have a baby,” her mom's face was so red with angry that it frightened Kagome to look at her.
“Everything happened so fast,” Kagome pleaded.
“No Kagome….Inuyasha told me that he asked you twice if you were ready before getting you pregnant.”
“Please don't be mad at Kagome, this is my fault,” Inuyasha said.
“No, Inuyasha, you're wrong. Kagome knew better than to do something like that behind my back, but she did anyways. If you can control this so called Youkai side of yours then Kagome can control a clear mind. Kagome, you're not a stupid girl, but you sure did act like it,” she said.
“I can't take you to the doctor. They'll expect you to come back for more visits and when the baby is born. They'll need the father's information too, and they can't know about this or trouble will happen. You'll just have to give birth to this baby the hard way in the feudal era,” her mom said.
“What is she going to do about school?” Sota asked his mom.
“She can go until she really starts to show. After then, well, she can't. She'll just have to redo the grade,” their mom replied. Kagome's grandpa and was the only happy one at the moment.
“Well, they've been traveling together for over a year now. So, at least this is love and not lust; not a mistake,” her grandpa said. “I know you are angry with Kagome, but you can't be angry with her all this time. She is going to need your help. Besides, how can you be too angry about a new life entering the family,” he said smiling.
At least he is on my side, Kagome thought. Damn, I really should have asked first, but I didn't think about it being this way, Inuyasha thought.
“Mom, are you really that mad?” Kagome asked.
“Yes, Kagome; you knew better. And to think, just a few minutes ago I was saying how you would never do that while you're in school. All the things I've said to you. I just don't understand it. You know you won't be able to see your friends for months. If this were to happen with some one in this time I'd send you some where,” she said.
“What!? You'd send me away because of this!? That's bull shit!” Kagome exclaimed.
“Do not swear! Sending you away is used as ultimate punishment, and this is an ultimate crime in our house!”
“It's an ultimate crime because I don't do things the same way as you!?”
“Kagome, you're fifteen! You live here, you go by my rules! I didn't have your older brother until I was twenty three! I wouldn't be making such a deal out of this if you would have told me that Inuyasha proposed before you did anything.”
“Well, you're rules bite ass. It doesn't make a difference. I would still have to repeat the grade again and I couldn't talk to my friends for a while! So why in hell are you being like this!?” Kagome hollered.
“It's the principle! It's the fact that you knew better and you didn't think!”
“I love Inuyasha! So it doesn't matter!” When Kagome said this Inuyasha smiled.
“I didn't say that you didn't love him! I don't care how much you love him; you should have run this by me first!”
“I'm tired of your stupid rules! Rules, rules, rules! Get off my back!” By this time Sota and Grandpa had gone down stairs.
“As long as you live in this house then you will go by my rules. I always worry about you; I already had one child die on me! I thought this was one thing I wouldn't have to worry about!”
“Well then drop it and leave me alone and you won't have to worry about it! Dad would never act this way!”
“Your father would be just as angry! He may not yell but that's because yelling isn't in his personality, but it doesn't mean he'd be happy about this!”
“If I'm gonna have to go by your stupid rules, then I'll only come back to get food and go to school, other wise I won't come to visit anymore. Consider me living in the feudal era for now on!” Kagome said.
“I'll let you try that. I don't think it'll last, but we'll see,” her mom agreed. Kagome and Inuyasha went back to the others and told them what had happened.
“Kagome, I never knew you had an older brother that died,” Inuyasha said.
“Yeah, well, he we only think he's dead because he ran away from home with his girlfriend when he was fourteen. Police and everyone we knew and people we didn't know looked all over the place for him. All over America and they put up signs that showed him in the airport so he couldn't go to any other country. He got in a lot of trouble with people and we think one of them might have killed him. While they were looking for him and his girlfriend they did find her. But, she was dead in an alley with a dead two year old, my brother's son, and she was pregnant. But they never did find my brother,” Kagome informed.
“That's so sad Kagome,” Sango said.
“Yes, solemn indeed,” Miroku agreed.
“Hey Kagome, can I talk to you alone?” Inuyasha asked. Kagome nodded and she and Inuyasha walked away from the group.
“Kagome, I don't think you should stop visiting your home. You're mom has already lost one of her children, and it would pain her to lose another,” Inuyasha said.
“I'm not dieing,” Kagome said.
“Yeah, but it'll be like you're not alive.”
“She doesn't care. You saw how she just let me go.”
“Kagome….. Think about it. Of course she cares. She let you go because she thought you'd come back.”
“Yeah, right,” she said sarcastically.
“When you were unconscious you're mother was pacing back and forth and crying because she was so worried and because you couldn't get you to wake up. I had to tell her about all this; I knew why you fainted, and I couldn't just let your mother worry like that. You already lost your father. Do you really want your mother out of your life? Yeah, your father and older brother died, but you still have your mother, Sota, and your Grandfather. I have a mother that died when I was young, a father that died when I was even younger, and a brother who I hate and hates me. Trust me; you don't want to be alone. You, Sango, Miroku, and Shippo are the only people I have. If I hadn't met you all then I'd be alone for the rest of my life.”
Kagome was silently crying and Inuyasha embraced her when he realized this. “Inuyasha, you're right. I shouldn't push my mother out of my life,” she said sobbing.
“Don't cry Kagome. You can go back tomorrow and go take those tests and stuff. When you're back apologize to your mother,” he said.
After that Kagome and Inuyasha had another one of their mating sessions before they returned to the others.
“So….. How was your talk?” Miroku asked, sensing that they had done more than talked. I only took Inuyasha cold, wicked stare to stop Miroku in his tracks with his questioning.
“While you two were in Kagome's time we checked out the place and there isn't any demon activity. I'm sure it's because of mating season or Naraku,” Sango said.
“More than likely both,” said Miroku. Suddenly, Kagome got up and walked over to some bushes far from the group and vomited. This sickness must be worse because I'm pregnant with a half demon instead of a regular child, Kagome thought.
When she was done she sat on a hill. I can't believe I just got up and left. Everyone's sure to ask what was wrong, she thought. She had a weird feeling that someone was coming and she looked behind her; it was Inuyasha. “Hey, what's wrong? You just left,” Inuyasha said with worry.
“Nothing's wrong. I'm fine,” she lied.
“Kagome…… I can tell when you lie. Would you just tell me!? We're mates. We're supposed to be able to tell each other things,” he said. Kagome was about to say `well, not everything', but her stomach gave a sudden jump and she vomited in the bush again. Inuyasha held her hair out of the way.
This is horrible! She thought. And I can't believe that I'm throwing up in front of Inuyasha! I hate this. When Kagome had stopped vomiting Inuyasha sat down behind her and put his arms around her waist. “I love you,” he whispered into her ear. “I love you too,” she responded making his ear twitch.